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Diary Of A Home Wrecker

Chapter One It Started on the Train

I saw him that afternoon on the train. The first time I heard his voice. "Excuse me." A low growling voice said to me. That's all he said. I looked up from my book and instantly locked eyes with his. Deep, brown eyes. The kind of eyes that had soul and life in them. The kind of eyes that are warm and inviting. He smiled at me, "Excuse me, you dropped your glove." I was surprised and looked down on the train floor to see my blush colored glove had fallen and was stepped on. I picked my glove up and brushed the dust and shoe print off.

"Thank you, sir." I said sheepishly, giving him a little nod and smile. He smiled back, just then the train had stopped, causing him to stumble before grabbing onto the handrail. He managed to keep himself balanced even after stumbling. Not only that, but acted unbothered as if he was used to this everyday.

Wow, I thought to myself, he's so handsome for such an older man. I felt instantly hooked. A drug I needed to have. Just one interaction with this man was all it took. I felt myself falling in love. Such a respectful gentleman. Most guys I encounter are total creeps.

I packed my gloves and book into my purse and stood up mere inches away from this man. "This is my stop," I said with a grin, holding my hand out to shake his. Gingerly, he took my hand and shook mine properly. "Until next time, miss," he said as I was walking off the train.

My heart was racing as I got off the train. It's not everyday you come across someone so handsome.

I started up the street to my destination. It was a brisk afternoon in the small port town. My skirt flowing in the wind, hearing my heels clack against the pavement. Such a quiet day today, I thought.

I open the door to a tiny café, hearing the bells ring above my head. "Hi, welcome to the Mermaid Tail. What can I get started for you today?" a strong Jersey accent spoke out. I looked up and saw a tall blonde woman standing in front of me. She had on a black pencil skirt and a baby blue blouse on. Her name tag read Charlene.

"I'm actually here for my first day, I'm Aileen," I said.

Clapping her hands together she said, "Oh good! Follow me, we'll go find Dan." Charlene turned on her foot and started down a narrow hallway. The aroma of fresh baked bread and strong coffee filled my nose. Walking down the hallway I looked at the photos hung on the wall. Many photos of a young man standing with what appeared to be a father figure holding up fish. I stopped to look at a particular one. The boy seems to have aged but, those eyes seemed familiar. Standing next to the boy was two older gentlemen. They both appeared happy holding up their prized catch of the day. "That's Dan, his father and his grandfather. His grandfather is who started this Café. And it's just been passed down ever since," Charlene explained. Reaching the end of the hallway to a closed door. Charlene reached her hand out and knocked three times on the door, "Mr. Warner your new hire is here." The door opened, and an older woman walked out of the office. She was shorter than Charlene and me. She had her brown hair in a tight bun and was wearing red framed glasses. For being a heavier set woman the red pants suit was complimentary to her figure. She was a rounder woman but nonetheless still beautiful. Her bright green eyes looking up at me through her glasses, she gave me a cold stare. The air I could feel growing thicker with every second of her icy gaze.

Charlene broke the silence, "Mrs. Warner, I'm so sorry to disturb you, this is Aileen. She's the new hire. Is Mr. Warner in today?"

"No he's not, he had to run the deposit to the bank. He took the train this afternoon." the woman said. "I was unaware today was your first day. My husband likes to do things without telling me around here," she said turning to me.

Charlene gave me an award smile, "It's fun working here. You'll love it I promise." She waved to me and mouthed good luck as she walked back down the hallway.

"Alright, come in," she sighed, ushering me into the small office.

Scooting around the desk she pointed to a chair directly across from hers. "Aileen, right?" Picking through a pile a of papers before pulling out a beige colored folder.

"Yes," I gulped. She seemed so intimidating, angry almost. I slowly sat down. She looked up at me, "I'm Amy Warner, assistant manager. I'm usually in charge of hiring, but I believe my husband is the one who replied to your email?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not actually sure. The email I received said my application was reviewed and approved and to come in today."

She set the folder in front of me, "Please fill these out. I'll get your blouse and name tag." Mrs. Warner stood up and scooted around the desk out towards the hallway. She returned with the same baby blue blouse Charlene was wearing and a small name tag.

I finished reading and signing the paperwork before handing over the folder. She took the folder out of my hands and opened it, skimming through the paper. She took a pen and checked some boxes left for the employer to fill out. Finishing up her routine, "Everything looks good to go." Sounding chipper this time around, less annoyed and exhausted, handing me my blouse and printed a sticker with my name on for my name tag. I took the items in my hand.

"Welcome to the team," she said, giving a toothy grin.

Chapter Two Mermaid Tail Cafe

I walked back down the hallway looking for a bathroom. I saw Charlene standing at the hosts' menu podium and I made my way towards her. "Um, I'm looking for a bathroom," holding up my blouse. "In the back follow me! I don't understand why they have to put these stalls in the way back of the Café."

As we were walking to the back, I heard the bells of the front door jingle. I quickly turned my head to see a young female approaching a table close to a window. Swiftly Charlene said," Go through the kitchen door to your left, the employee bathroom is right there." She turned towards the main floor to the customer who had just walked in. I slowly inched towards the kitchen as I heard those same Charlene said to me, "Welcome to the Mermaid Tail, what can I get started for you today"

I knocked on a metal door labeled Restroom. It was empty, so I quickly slipped inside and locked the door behind me. This is only one bathroom, why did Charlene say stalls? Is this what we will have to use during our shifts? Are we not allowed to use customer bathroom? I thought to myself as I took my shirt off. I put my blouse on and fastened my name tag to the left side of my blouse. Looking up at the mirror in the dimly lit bathroom, I tucked my auburn hair behind my ear. "I can do this," I whispered to myself. Exiting the bathroom while stuffing my shirt into my bag, I bumped into a woman. "I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," looking up I saw I bumped into a short woman wearing a white apron. "Its alright, that bathroom catches everyone off guard their first day. It's terrible placement. I heard you're the new girl? I'm Zoey." "I'm Aileen," I said as I was adjusting myself. "Are you one of the bakers here?" I asked her. "I'm head Baker," she said with a smirk. I take it she is full of herself? Judging her instantly. "Well I better be going to the front. Charlene is training me." Hurrying towards the front, I waved back at Zoey.

Charlene was pouring coffee for an older gentleman reading the newspaper. He smelled of stale coffee and cigarettes. Taking place next to Charlene, I smiled at the customer. Masking my face of its putrid look. He smelled awful. "Good afternoon, lovely lady," he said creepily. "Charlene, baby where have you been hiding this cute thing?"

Ugh another creep. I swallowed my pride to not tell this old man off. Why can't you be like that man on the train. I let out a light giggle while covering my mouth. I'm sure creeps like this think I'm flirty. " Good afternoon, sir. It's my first day."

"Max, you need to stop hitting on these poor girls. She won't last a week if you scare her away. I really need the help around here," Charlene laughed, patting me on the shoulder. She turned to me and said, "Come, I will show you how to do stocking for now before dealing with customers."

I followed her like a shadow to the stockroom, "Are all guys like him?" Pointing over my shoulder. Charlene looked at Max and shrugged, "Not really, you get used to Max he's, an old fart that has no filter. Our last girl quit because he was being creepy to her too. She couldn't handle him. That's why he's my regular. I handle him because I don't take crap from anyone." Charlene pointed to the filters above me,"Grab two boxes," she said. I reached above my head and retrieved the boxes of filters. It was quite a reach.


Charlene walked me through how to stock the filters, straws, and napkins. I filled water reservoirs and prepared coffee beans for grinding. I was told to wipe down tables and bring used dishes to the dishwasher. I learned a lot during those few hours of walking behind her. I realized Charlene was a fantastic worker, worked well with others and was great to the customers.

Hours have passed, and the clock had now read 4:42pm. "We have to get ready to start closing up," Charlene said looking down at her watch. I was shocked that time had flown by that fast. "Already! That was a quick day," I said. "Days do go by fast when you are in training here. Tell me did your first day go okay," she asked. "I can't really complain. The pace is different from where I'm from. It's not a bad thing I like quite and slow. I'm from California, so it's always fast and loud." She looked at me with wide eyes, "California! I've always wanted to visit." Charlene turned, making her way to lock the door, "What brings you to Vermont?" I looked down and hesitated my answer, "I'm taking care of and helping my grandmother with her animals. She's getting older and frail and keep up with her goats is getting harder for her." Quickly spinning around, "Your grandma has goats! That's so cute," Charlene said with glee, clapping her hands to her cheeks. I nodded at her.

"I'll show you where the cleaning supplies are. We are in charge of cleaning bathrooms and the front area. All hostesses have that duty," she said as we walked to the stockroom. Charlene handed a yellow bottle of cleaning solution to me and a few tattered rags."Take this and start wiping down tables, I'll go and collect garbage bins." I did as I was told, starting from the back tables, working my way towards the front door. Charlene piling clear trash bags full of napkins and straws and what appeared to be bathroom trash as well. She put a cigarette to her lips and put the bags over her shoulders heading towards the kitchen. "I'm taking these out and having a smoke break. You can handle the rest, yeah?" I quickly nodded at her, smiling with assurance.

As I was wiping down a table, my back turned to the front door, I heard that familiar door bell jingle. That's odd, Charlene locked that door. I turned to face who had walked through the door preparing my thoughts to say Sorry we are closed, only to be met with those same eyes and toothy grin.

Chapter Three Mr. Warner

 I turned to face the man I had saw on the train. Locking eyes with him, I straightened myself up, bumping my knee on the corner of the chair. "OW," I cried out, stumbling backwards eventually falling to the ground. My skirt falling around my thighs, I quickly covered myself up, shy of revealing my underwear. Oh, I've made a fool of myself. How'd he get in? My heart... It's racing. Owie, my knee, it's throbbing. I found myself stunned, I couldn't move. My eyes darted around the room before spotting Charlene running from the back, "Oh my goodness, Aileen, sweetie, are you okay," she yelled. Still on the ground, I managed to position myself into a squatting stance, hoisting myself up into the chair. Charlene approached me swiftly. "Mr. Warner, I didn't notice you come in, this is Aileen, the new hire," she said.

"I believe we have already met, Aileen, is it? Daniel Warner," he said, reaching his hand out towards me before giving me a wink.

An angry voice called down the hallway, "Dan! Where have you been? Did you get those deposits in?" The man stood there for a moment, tensing his jaw before putting a smile on his face. Turning around, in exasperation, he said, "Yes, dear!"

I could tell he was annoyed by his reaction and the tone of voice. I stared in awe at the way he pivoted on his heels so smoothly. His left hand tucking into the pocket of his jacket. Wearing a grey jacket and dark blue jeans, he had on brown loafer shoes. Formal in a way, he had slicked back hair, silver streaks running through the sides. A well groomed man, he was with light grey and black stubble spread svross his strong jaw line. He shifted his body weight from one leg to the other while those muffled voices came into coherence.

"I had other errands to run, Amy. You forget I have more responsibilities than you do here," Mr. Warner scolded at his wife. "I was needing to know if you got the deposit in, so I can complete my job for the night," Mrs. Warner snobbishly said.

I felt awkward sitting in the middle of what appeared to be a fight. They must fight like this often. I assumed they have a lot of marital problems.

"Aileen, are you okay?" Charlene was standing in front of me. I must have been in a daze because I didn't know how much time had passed. I look up at the wooden clock hanging above the coffee bar. It had now read 6:34pm. Crap, I have to get home to feed the goats. I hope I hadn't missed the train. I looked up at Charlene, "What time does the train leave at night?" She glanced at her wristwatch and sighed. Looking at me with a worried expression, "The train already left for the night, I'm so sorry. It leaves at 6:30pm." Charlene rustled through her purse to pull out a set of silver keys that dangled from a purple, fuzzy ball, "I can give you a ride if you want, I'll show you how to clock out then we can go out the back." I quickly nodded jumping to my feet, forgetting the sharp sting on my knee. That is going to bruise I am sure of it.

I retrieved my bag from under the counter and continued to the back with Charlene. We walked out a huge steel push door, while she put a cigarette to her lips, lighting it with an inhale. A big cloud of smoke blew out of her mouth with her exhale as she spoke, "So when Amy and Dan start arguing like that, that's usually our cue to go home. I heard from Paul, our dishwasher that he saw Dan at a strip club just last weekend! I mean I can't blame him. Amy is always nagging and negative."

We walked to a station wagon that was parked by the dumpster. I climbed into the passenger seat, looking around. It smelled of stale cigarettes and cheap perfume. I watched Charlene as she took a long drag of her cigarette, blowing smoke out of the window. The seats were dressed in cheetah print covers, her steering wheel was a fuzzy cheetah print pattern as well. Her vehicle was relatively clean other than the smells that lingered in the fabric.

The sounds of the keys clinking into the ignition drew my attention to her watch. I hope I can get home in time. I don't need grandma worrying. "I live outside of town," I said anxiously tapping my foot. "Not a worry," Charlene said with a smile. "I don't mind driving, honestly." "Thank you, Charlene, I really appreciate it," I said. "Please, call me Char," putting the car in reverse, she turned her head and drove out of the parking lot onto the busy main street. It seemed particularly busy right now as everyone seemed to be getting off work. This small town closes down early or every establishment closes at five.

"Is there anything that stays open past five," I curiously asked. Nodding, Charlene looked at me, "Of course, the gas station is opened until midnight," letting out a light giggle. "The town is small and there isn't really a need for many places to be opened past that. This is a great family town, and it's been this way since I moved here." I looked at her for a minute before nodding. "When did you move here," I asked. "I moved here when I was in highschool. So quite a while ago. My family and I came from New Jersey," she said while flicking her ash out of the window. I smiled back at her, turning my eyes to the gravel road in front of us. The sun was low in the sky and casting a pink, orange and blue hue to the clouds. The grassy fields on both sides of the road were home to many cattle.

As we approached the end of road to a sign pointing left and right, "My grandmas farm should be this next turn," I said pointing left.

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