NovelToon NovelToon

Starting As A Child Actor In This Life

Chapter 1

“This can’t be real. It must be a dream.”

Feeling frustrated, Suhyeon kept glancing back and forth between his small hands, the very definition of cute, and his reflection in the full-length mirror.

He hated the soft character blanket he felt in his hands and his high-pitched voice that now sounded like a little girl’s.

He hated everything that had changed.

“Eugh! How could this happen! It’s too much! Waaah!”

Unable to control his emotions, he cried out loud.

Even the fact that his single bed now felt like a king-size was heartbreaking.

I just realized my talent! 

Suhyeon was a member of a not-so-popular idol group.

Their name was END, but like their name, the group had completely fallen apart.

Four years of just spinning around!

Because of the CEO’s lingering attachment, END had made it to their fourth-year mark, but Suhyeon’s dancing, singing, and talking skills were all mediocre.

As a last attempt, the CEO pushed Suhyeon, the epitome of “an average yet awkward card,” into acting.

It had been hard enough for him to achieve a supporting male lead role.

But I made it! I made it!

With such a casual public certification, his popularity became on par with the male lead.

Naturally, interest in END grew, and they finally created a fan café after four years.

It was no secret that the members cried and hugged each other tightly.

“Ugh! I was doing so well, but how can I die now! Waaah!”

Remembering his sweet days, Suhyeon’s grief doubled as he buried his face in the bed.

Those busy yet enjoyable days didn’t even last half a year.

I’ll destroy all those tow trucks!!

On his way back from a late-night filming, he crashed into a tow truck driving on the wrong side of the road with its headlights on.

And he died.

Fortunately, the other members weren’t in the car, but his death was so unfair…

“Wait, I’m not dead?”

Suhyeon, who had been thinking up to that point, suddenly lifted his head and looked at the mirror across from him.

Staring back at him was a small child around four or five years old with reddened eyes from crying.

It was the appearance of his childhood that he had seen in photos.

…So cute.

His slightly curly yet glossy black hair.

His well-proportioned nose with a smooth curve and not-too-large nostrils.

Even the large and clear eyes were still beautiful despite having just cried.

In the photos, he had merely looked a little cuter than other children, but now he looked like an angel that descended from heaven.

I wasn’t human when I was young.

As Suhyeon approached the mirror and examined his features, he couldn’t help but curse at the garbage camera that had been unable to capture such beauty.

It felt like a scam that this appearance would eventually grow into mere “handsomeness.”

“Suhyeon! What’s wrong!?”

As he lost himself in his own appearance, a woman burst into the room, opening the door loudly.

A faint smell of beer wafted from her worried gaze.

“Why did our prince cry so much? Are you hurt somewhere? Huh? Should we go to the hospital? You seem to have a fever, too. Suhyeon’s dad! Call… no, call an ambulance! We need to take our child to the hospital!”


“Suhyeon, you must have been in much pain, right? Mom didn’t even know… I’m sorry.”

“I, I just called. It’s coming soon. Suhyeon, are you okay? We called the car, so… oh, what to do. Oh! Should I bring a wet towel? Does it hurt a lot?”


“Our Suhyeon must be really sick! He called me ‘Dad’!”

Suhyeon stared blankly at the fussing couple.

Though they had become quite young, they were undoubtedly his parents.

And they showed him unconditional concern and affection, just like in his memories.

Is this a dream…?

While he was standing blankly and not understanding the situation, an ambulance siren rang out, and his body was lifted amidst the hustle and bustle of people passing by.

By the time he regained his senses, he was on a white bed.

“There’s nothing seriously wrong. It seems the child was just very startled, but did anything happen?”

“There’s nothing wrong? The child cried enough to pass out! Please check again!”

“That’s right! Usually, he sleeps without any sleep tantrums, but tonight he cried so much! Even if he can’t speak, something must be wrong somewhere…!”

Suhyeon felt a little embarrassed watching his parents holding onto the doctor in the emergency room and casting a “resolute” spell.

He knew they were worried about him, but they were making such a fuss over him crying a little… it actually made him a little happy.

“Mom, Dad… I’m fine.”


“I had a scary dream, so I reacted like that. Doctor, I’m sorry.”

“Cute… Ah, no, never mind. I’m glad you aren’t in pain. If you need a nurse, just call her, okay? If anything happens, press the nurse call button. Then, I’ll be on my way.”

The doctor smiled at Suhyeon’s adorable apology and then disappeared.

His steps seemed to be heavy with reluctance as if he was deeply smitten.

Wow, he completely melted.

Even though he was mistaken for a girl, Suhyeon didn’t mind.

Even he thought his young appearance was pretty and adorable enough to make other girls jealous.

In fact, he found the doctor’s attitude quite pleasant.

It’s been a while since I’ve been praised for my face.

His adult appearance wasn’t bad, either.

However, he was in the entertainment industry, a place where handsome and beautiful people gathered, and within it, he was undoubtedly just an “average.”

He was handsome but average, where people would say, “He’s a male idol,” and then move on.

Even after gaining fame for his acting skills, he was often confused with other idols—an exact representation of average.

Living like that and now obtaining unrivaled beauty felt amazing.

I need to maintain this beauty until adulthood.

Being a man and getting by wouldn’t cut it in this harsh world.

He couldn’t become rapidly popular with just mediocre good looks as an adult.

Wait, do I really need to wait until I’m grown up?

While thinking that far, Suhyeon recalled his appearance in the mirror.

At an age when other boys would be playing outside, getting sunburnt skin and many scars, he belonged to the quiet type with pale, cream-like skin.

He looked undeniably cuter and more lovable than any child actor he had met while going back and forth to the broadcasting station.

…Right. They say to dream big, so I’ll aim for the top star.

There was no need to struggle as a talentless idol.

If he focused on acting from the beginning, by the time he reached his original age of twenty-five, he could grow into an actor with an impressive career that couldn’t be ignored.

Some roles could only be done by children. Wouldn’t it be quite fun? The appearance fee might be a bit troublesome, but it’s not bad if I think of it as building connections and raising my public awareness.

Thinking of the child appearance fee that was 1/10 of an adult’s, Suhyeon soon let go of his greed.

After all, a minor’s money wasn’t really their own.

If he had good parents, the money would be saved in a separate bank account, but it usually became the parents’ discretionary funds.

My money will be like that as well.

While appreciating his parents’ love, Suhyeon, who didn’t trust them, coldly evaluated the situation.

Considering that he had watched his divorced parents for nearly 10 years, his faith in them had hit rock bottom.

“Is our Suhyeon really okay?”

“I’m fine, Mom.”

“…Our Suhyeon, you’re so pretty, cute, and adorable! If someone tries to give you candy, smack their hand away and say, ‘You can have it.’!”

“Don’t teach the kid stuff like that.”

Watching his mother making a fuss and his father firmly scolding her while gently wrapping his arm around her shoulder, Suhyeon became lost in a strange sentiment.

Even though he didn’t trust them, seeing them like that made him want to believe they wouldn’t abandon him.

These were the people who only considered their own situation and vehemently argued that they didn’t want to raise him once he became a high school student.

…Maybe they can change.

He entertained a slightly hopeful imagination.

When he thought about it, their family relationship hadn’t been bad for 5 or 6 years, even after being scammed.

It became a mess after issues exploded on his mother’s side of the family, and their marital fights increased.

Before that, though, they had been a poor but busy and relatively harmonious family.

Right, since I came back to the past, I should accomplish one or two meaningful things.

They divorced because of financial reasons, so they might fight again because of the money he would make.

Despite this uncertainty, Suhyeon still wanted to place his hope in them again as he remembered how they had apologized to their adult son.

If there’s no change even after getting rid of that scammer, I can always cut ties when I become an adult.

Having set his path, Suhyeon smiled brightly.

Now that he could receive infinite affection, he decided to enjoy it first.

“Mom, I love you!”

What he felt most deeply in the entertainment industry was the need to express gratitude to those who loved him.

Emotions were like ping pong; if you didn’t return them, they disappeared eventually.

Even if he had barely scraped by for four years, four years was still four years.

Showing this much aegyo was easy for him.

“Hehe! I love you too, my prince!”

“What about Dad? Dad!”

“I love your Dad too!”

Suhyeon’s mother, Jang Jiyeon, clutched her chest, her heart aching too much.

Why did an angel come to her when other kids looked like chubby steamed buns?

Even when he cries, he’s so lovely! Totally adorable!!

If it were other babies, their tender flesh would have swelled up more, looking like chubby steamed buns.

Though it might be a cute look, her son, Suhyeon, was on a different level.

Suhyeon was as pure and pitiful as the heroine of a tragic story!

I have to save this!

She opened her phone, feeling a strange sense of duty.

Her son sparkled in the image taken with a mere cell phone camera, not a professional one.


Suhyeon was surprised to see a strange window in front of him.

As Jiyeon aimed her lens, a small window the size of an adult’s hand appeared, and his face floated inside.

“Suhyeon, look here. Oh, you’re doing great.”

As he moved, the figure in the small window moved too.

And when he looked straight at the lens, the Suhyeon in the window looked straight ahead.

“Wow, it came out great! Let’s take one more, our Suhyeon!”

She made a fuss, forgetting her surroundings as she looked at the photo captured on the screen.

Even when Suhyeon’s father, Kim Hochan, apologized to those around them and poked her, she only saw her adorable son.

I think I get it.

When she held the phone closer, another small window appeared.

With his experience, Suhyeon realized that the figure in the small window was his reflection in the camera.

Once he understood the situation, the rest was easy.

As he knew how he appeared in the photos, all he had to do was make a cute expression that would be captured.

I’m not sure why this suddenly appeared, but… at least there won’t be any humiliating photos or hidden camera shots.

He’d have to check further, but what the camera saw would be reflected on this window.

Being free from hidden cameras and humiliating photos as a celebrity… It was a dream come true.

“…Our son. How can every photo be like a photoshoot? Did I really give birth to an angel?”

“Suhyeon’s mom, we’re in a hospital, so please be quiet… Oh, but it’s true. Did I become the father of an angel?”

While Jiyeon and Hochan exchanged foolish conversation, Suhyeon was lost in thought, trying to recall works featuring child actors from this era.

To be honest, it was too long ago, and there was no reason to be interested in child actors, so he could only remember one or two works.

Besides, the child roles weren’t even significant in those works.

As he continued to worry, the couple’s fuss grew worse.

When the noise spread, the people nearby expressed their irritation with coughing sounds.

“Mom, Dad, this is a hospital. Good adults should be quiet in the hospital.”

There was no shame for a 4-year idol.

Suhyeon pressed his small finger against his lips and made a hushing sound.

The way he peeked up with his round eyes was almost murderous.


Hochan and Jiyeon covered their mouths with an expression as if they were going to fall over.

Their gazes were filled with love, and Suhyeon happily laughed at their endless affection.

“Let’s sleep here tonight and leave tomorrow. If Suhyeon gets sick again, it will be a big problem.”

“Alright, then I’ll hurry home and grab our clothes and stuff.”

“It’s okay, but this is uncomfortable.”

When it was decided they would spend one night in the hospital, Suhyeon made a sulky face while shaking the pulse oximeter sensor attached to his finger.

It was better to think about work in his own room at home.

It wasn’t difficult to act spoiled for a purpose.

“Our prince shouldn’t struggle… Noona, shall I call the doctor?”

“Don’t call me noona. Suhyeon, are you really okay? Does it hurt?”

“Yes… It doesn’t hurt. I want to sleep with Puffy[1], though.”

He mentioned his “stuffed toy-like thing” and acted cute.

He named everything he liked since childhood, from toys, dogs, and even printed characters on clothes, Puffy. So, something he liked the most should still have the name of Puffy.

“Mom said you’ll get hurt if you sleep with the fire truck. Our Suhyeon doesn’t listen well.”


Jiyeon tried to scold him softly, but she couldn’t win against her son’s cuteness and soon hugged him tightly.

“Argh! You’re forgiven because you’re cute.”

It wasn’t a good attitude for disciplining a child, but Suhyeon, who had been distant from familial love, didn’t reject the approaching affection and instead subtly leaned in.

“Mr. and Mrs.”

A nurse entered with a stiff smile behind the curtain at the height of their merriment.

[1] Actual name was 뿌요.

Chapter 2

Suhyeon’s parents got scolded by the nurse for being too noisy, but after receiving the doctor’s confirmation that there was nothing wrong, they went home.

Suhyeon managed to separate himself from his parents, who wanted to sleep together, and went into his room.

Family affection was nice, but sorting out his complicated thoughts was his top priority at the moment.

What I need now is…

He looked around the familiar yet unfamiliar room and carefully took out the item hidden in his clothes.

It was his dad’s cell phone, which he took while he was flustered.

Fortunately, Dad is careless.

There was no computer in Suhyeon’s room.

It couldn’t be helped since it was a room for a four or five-year-old child.

I don’t know if it’s possible to access the internet with such an antique. But if there’s no other way, I’ll have to make do with this.

He was confident before but now was suspiciously looking at the palm-sized feature phone.

A feature phone with buttons seemed like a walkie-talkie for someone used to smartphones.

Even after using it for over two years, the phone was still sturdy; it was practically a zombie.

But the security is a mess.

Suhyeon tried to think of the positive.

Unlike smartphones that recognize fingerprints, voice, and even irises, unlocking a feature phone only required a four-digit combination.

To exaggerate a bit, it was almost non-existent, making it easier to access the internet than with a smartphone.

Password. Isn’t the child’s birthday usually the password if they have a child?

Looking at the screen showing only time, Suhyeon confidently entered his own birthday, 1224.

And it was wrong.

“This… isn’t right.”

He couldn’t believe reality and entered his birthday again.

He tried his birth year, out of stubbornness, his mom’s, and of course, his dad’s birthdays.

However, none of the numbers were the password.

How can this be…?

Worried that his parents would barge in if he was too noisy, Suhyeon struggled and buried his face in the blanket.

His father, lacking in affection, was cruel.

Of course, I also set a completely unrelated number as my PIN! But Dad shouldn’t do that!

While it was okay for him, he pushed the double standard that his father shouldn’t do it and stared at the calendar displayed on the screen.

At least he knew his age, and that was a relief.

I’m five years old. And it’s July now.

Since the accident happened when he was twenty-five, he has traveled back in time about 20 years.

The future he had to rewrite felt both exciting and dauntingly blank.

I never lived an extraordinary life. I’ll do as much as I can, and then…

Suddenly, sleepiness washed over him, and he couldn’t help but lazily nod.

Despite his fierce resistance, his eyelids felt endlessly heavy.

…I should check my abilities a little more before sleeping…

At some point, Suhyeon’s thoughts stopped, and he collapsed onto the bed.

* * *



“Acting cute won’t work. Eat it all.”

“I’m not pretending. I really am cute.”

“You are really cute, but you still have to.”

Jiyeon tried to maintain a stern expression as she scolded Suhyeon while praising herself for being a loving mother who knew how to scold.

Why did he take the phone with him? Is he already at an age where he’s interested in things like that?

Unaware of the morning’s chaos, Suhyeon didn’t wake until nearly 10 o’clock.

Hochan belatedly realized his cell phone was missing as he was about to leave for work,

As an employee, he couldn’t go without it, so he searched the entire house and was frustrated by the unknown whereabouts of the phone.

Jiyeon was helping him prepare for work and also couldn’t help but feel irritated by the missing phone.

Their search for the lost phone led them to their son’s room, where they found the lovely but cunning culprit asleep, clutching the phone tightly in one hand.

“You shouldn’t take Dad’s things like that. As punishment, you have to eat ten anchovies and five pieces of doraji salad[1].”


“You have to chew it well, okay? It’s good for your body.”

Jiyeon urged Suhyeon, but he only looked at the doraji salad on his rice, thinking he didn’t want to eat it.

Contrary to her own belief of being strict, she looked very lenient.

…This is normal, right?

Staring blankly at the side dishes, Suhyeon slowly brought the spoon to his mouth.

The slightly bitter taste of bellflower root spread in his mouth.

It’s been too long, so it feels a bit surreal.

If they were close, especially between parents and children, one could nag about putting side dishes on top of rice or eating a balanced meal.

It wasn’t a big deal.

Although he knew that in his head, Suhyeon’s heart was churning.

Come to think of it, we were like this until elementary school, so it’s nothing special.

He had received such affection before, but the fights leading up to the divorce were so long and hard that he had forgotten about it.

He looked again at the bellflower roots that had risen on top of the rice.

It was a side dish he didn’t like much, even after becoming an adult, but it tasted good for some reason.

…It feels good.

It was surprisingly enjoyable to have someone thinking about him and worrying about his meal.

Suhyeon received the side dishes from Jiyeon while having these thoughts and ate them obediently.

It was a very quiet and peaceful scene.

* * *

After the meal, Jiyeon handed Suhyeon an ice cream.

It was a snack she used to give him in small amounts as a reward for doing something well, saying that eating too much would upset his stomach.

No matter how cute a child is… isn’t this too soft?

Whenever his mom showed this side of her, Suhyeon wondered if he had fallen into a parallel world instead of the past.

For this, he hated much more the scammer that would eventually cause the breakdown of his family.

“Ah, who is it when I’m busy? Hello?”

Jiyeon had been watching her son but frowned when there was a sudden phone call.

She was irritated by the disturbances during the valuable time she had specifically set aside to spend with her son, away from her work.

However, when she heard the voice on the other end, the corner of her mouth rose.

“Oh. Isn’t this Team Leader Oh Hanna? Me? I’m doing well. Didn’t I send you a picture yesterday?”

Oh Hanna was one of the few former colleagues who kept in touch with Jiyeon after she switched to working from home.

It was a relationship where they could have private conversations and help each other when things were tough.

After resigning, Jiyeon once said, “The only thing I’ll miss is not being able to have lunch with you.”

This made it more fitting to call Jiyeon and Oh Hanna’s relationship as friends rather than colleagues.

– “Sunbae! Please help me!”

“Don’t joke around! You’re now a capable team leader, Oh Hanna.”

– “Stop joking around! You’re the only person I can think of to ask for help!”

“I can’t if it’s urgent. I have to take a picture of my son eating ice cream now. Do you know how important this is?”

– “Suhyeon! Suhyeon’s there too? Sunbaeeee!”

“Ah, you’re too loud.”

– “Just listen to me for a moment! Our child model bailed on us…!”

As Jiyeon showed a cold-hearted expression, Hanna clung to her desperately like a dumped ex-boyfriend.

She not only explained her pitiful situation but also continued to plead, promising to give Jiyeon more freelance work and to pay her well.

“Did you miss my child that much? You really…”

– “Sunbae, please?”

“Fine. Let me think about it.”

– “Sun—”

Jiyeon coldly cut off Hanna as the latter was about to say more.

It was a professional-like attitude, skillfully driving away the nuisance.

“…Sigh. There are so many places Suhyeon wants to go, so I’m worried.”

Jiyeon stroked Suhyeon’s head while spitting out worried words.

Unlike the attitude she just showed to Hanna, her face was filled with concern as she looked at her son.


“Suhyeon, your Aunt Hanna wants to use you as a model because you’re so pretty.”

Jiyeon relayed what she had heard to Suhyeon.

Though her words contained a considerable amount of embellishment and distortion, like a mother hedgehog, she believed she was passing the message correctly.

“…So, it seems they wanted Suhyeon all along.”

Before he knew it, the original story about the child model was completely left out, and it was as if they had wanted Suhyeon from the beginning.

He might have believed that Hanna had abused her power just to see Suhyeon if he hadn’t heard the conversation between them.

…I don’t think that’s what she was talking about.

Of course, Suhyeon heard the entire conversation because of Hanna’s loud voice and, as such, didn’t believe his mother’s words.

Suhyeon stared intently at Jiyeon.

Her mother had an unexpected talent for making up stories.

…I was at a loss for how to start, but this isn’t too bad.

While curious about Jiyeon’s thought process, Suhyeon focused more on the offer.

Many child actors debuted thanks to connections.

Having the right connection at the right time was a stroke of luck.

“I want to go see Aunt Hanna.”

“She’s really something. No matter how much she wants to see you, she shouldn’t handle things like this without making room first. Suhyeon, do you really want to help your aunt?”

“I want to help Aunt Hanna.”

“How can you be so kind and adorable? Isn’t our son really an angel?”

Jiyeon hugged Suhyeon tightly.

She found her son’s efforts to act mature despite his mother’s worries endearing.

Even though Suhyeon’s actions were distorted significantly by the doting mother filter, the morning of the second day of regression was relatively ordinary and peaceful.

* * *

“You’re Suhyeon! You’re so cute! I can understand why the older ones have a soft spot for you!”

“Th-thank you.”

“Oh my, oh my. Where did you learn to be so flirty? Want some candy?”

“Where did you learn to covet my child?”

“Aigoo, others too? But Suhyeon is really cute. Is he really your child? Did he get that from his father’s side?”

Hanna handed a handful of candy to Suhyeon and loosened her stiff expression while joking.

As soon as Jiyeon’s approval came, she sent the location where they had to come via text.

She even went through the trouble of sending nearby photos via SMS in case they got lost.

“Do you know what that ajumma said? She said her kid should at least get 50,000 won more. When I asked her to come and talk, she quit saying, ‘Aren’t we going to shoot first and then talk?'”

“How much did you give her?”

“150,000 won. To be honest, I raised it that much because she said her kid appeared in two movie appearances, but I got duped. It wasn’t even a supporting role, just an extra. Ah, just thinking about that ajumma….”

Hanna, who had been grumbling up to that point, suddenly hugged Suhyeon tightly.

“But since I met Suhyeon, it feels like a happy ending.”

“Get away from my child. Don’t spread your germs.”

“Wow, am I a germ?”

“Worse than a germ. Scram, shoo.”

“What a cute kid!”

Suhyeon half-ignored the two playfully bickering and dashed toward the studio.

The familiar scenery from his idol days unfolded before his eyes, with the studio appearing even grander.

…But it feels strangely shabby.

Despite the high-end equipment, he couldn’t help but think of the studio he visited during his pre-debut days.

Feeling a slight unease, Suhyeon politely greeted the adults in the studio.

Perhaps Hanna had informed them of his name beforehand as some staff members greeted him with a warm “You’re Suhyeon, right?”

Just as everyone was trying to maintain the friendly atmosphere, a person who appeared to be the photographer impatiently interjected,

“Let’s quickly finish taking the photos.”

The photographer, adorned in luxury brands, openly expressed his annoyance at the delayed schedule.

He dismissed the gathered staff and gave a subtle hint to the child model…

Naturally, the once gentle atmosphere became awkwardly tense.

“Suhyeon, just follow that noona over there and change your clothes.”


As the model change caused a delay, everyone hurriedly prepared.

As Suhyeon received his outfit and put on a coat that matched the autumn atmosphere, a hair designer on standby fixed his hair with spray.

Light makeup was a bonus.

“It’s just a little bit of powder… What on earth do you eat to be this cute? You’re like an angel.”

The staff member who helped with his clothes and hair gently pinched Suhyeon’s soft cheeks a few times, letting out words of envy.

As she said, Suhyeon looked adorable and lovely.

His neatly arranged hair with hair spray resembled clouds, the knit sleeves slightly covering his hands made him even cuter, and the childlike liveliness was evident in his rosy cheeks.

Even I think I look cute.

Although the hair spray made his once soft hair stiff and poke his forehead, Suhyeon paid them no mind.

Compared to the numerous times he had bleached his hair, having his hair set with a hair spray was nothing.

The fit is pretty, albeit a bit uncomfortable.

The design was more appealing to adults than children, but ultimately, it was the parents who would be the buyers.

His job was to accentuate the clothes as much as possible and increase the desire to purchase.

I’ve done some modeling, but children’s clothing… Well, I just need to follow the photographer’s instructions.

Knowing how the photos were taken and raising the appeal of the clothes was a slightly different story.

Therefore, Suhyeon decided to leave that part to the professional.

…That was the plan until about 10 minutes ago.

Did they really approve of that?

Smiling at the request, Suhyeon looked at the photographer.

Even he, a novice in children’s clothing, could tell that the photo they just took was ambiguous.

There was no room for doubt as he checked how the photos were taken.

I haven’t done children’s modeling, but I’ve done advertisements before.

It was harder for a non-successful idol to survive for four years than a successful one.

They had to accept regional events and even jobs that made them wonder, “Do idols do this too?” with a smile.

Advertisement photos were no exception.

He had participated in several ads for small and medium-sized enterprises, though he hadn’t done chicken or game ads.

No matter how I look at it, that guy just takes the photos half-heartedly.

When living a thin and ambiguous life, one tends to develop a sense of intuition.

Being able to quickly grasp the atmosphere and the mood of the “boss” on-site, as they were more likely to be scolded if they were not careful.

Suhyeon’s honed senses alerted him to the photographer’s insincerity.

Ah, it’s a bother, isn’t it?

He guessed the photographer’s thoughts.

Child models, especially those under 10, could not fully understand and follow the adult instructions.

The photographer had to fill in the gaps and put in more effort.

But the results were meager compared to the effort.

It was considered a somewhat ambiguous experience for a portfolio, and the fees were not much either.

So, they think children just have to smile at the camera, and that’s it.

The fact that Suhyeon was a rookie also played a part in the deduction.

It was common for a “pretty-faced” child to casually become a model.

I understand the feeling, but…

Suhyeon smiled at the camera.

Between his slightly opened eyes, a hint of anger flickered.

But that’s no reason to ruin my first job, right?

He wanted to take the best path, even if it wasn’t perfect.

It was just yesterday that he made that vow, and he couldn’t let his will be trampled on by someone else just one day later.

He didn’t want to be trampled on.

I’ll carry my own photos.

Suddenly, Suhyeon’s expression hardened as if wearing the mask of an innocent child.

If the photographer wanted to be a mere button-pusher, he would make it so.

[1] Spicy Bellflower Root Salad

Chapter 3

“Sunbae, are you doing some kind of special training with your son?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, like concentration enhancement training or model training. Sunbae, tell me the truth. Is it because he’s too pretty that you’re going overboard…?”

“Watch your words. You might get in trouble for that.”

Jiyeon scolded Hanna as she frowned at her words.

Jiyeon’s hoobae was competent enough to become a team leader at a young age, but she often spoke thoughtlessly to close friends.

She didn’t seem to change despite being pointed out several times that it could be perceived as rude.

How can she say that about my amazing kid?

Jiyeon looked at her son, Suhyeon, who was in the middle of a photoshoot.

While most kids would get cranky after just 10 minutes, Suhyeon had been changing into three sets of clothes for over 40 minutes without throwing a tantrum.

Although he took breaks in between because of his lack of stamina, he performed more like an adult model.

On top of that, he’s absolutely adorable. It’s different when he has the clothes to support him.

Suhyeon naturally pulled off various styles of outfits.

From a mischievous smile to a haughty and arrogant expression, he created an atmosphere that suited the clothes on his own.

…He really did it “on his own.”

“Why does the photographer seem so useless?”

“It’s because my son is doing everything on his own.”

“Really, what kind of kid is Sunbae’s son? Is he really five years old?”

Hanna looked at Suhyeon with disbelief.

Even to an untrained person, it was clear that the little five-year-old solved everything and led the situation.

I knew the CEO’s nephew was incompetent, but is he seriously losing to a kid who hasn’t even started kindergarten yet? What the heck is happening?

Hanna knew the photographer’s past works well.

The photos were not bad in terms of composition, but they were only bland because of the lack of additional work on them.

Thinking about the overtime she had put in to salvage those photos was enough to make her cry.

If Sunbae didn’t teach him…, is it talent?

Hanna looked at Suhyeon as if he were a rare creature.

To her, talent was someone else’s story.

It might exist somewhere like a rich, handsome, and affectionate boyfriend, but it was a distant story from her own life.

However, Suhyeon’s ability to subtly lower his gaze to match the timing of the photoshoot could only be explained as “talent.”

I thought anyone who was just cutely dressed would look similar.

Unlike adult models, child models couldn’t rely on their proportions or figures.

Except for their youthful and lively appearance, they were no different from mannequins as subjects.

…Or so she thought, but Suhyeon performed his role as a “model” exceptionally well.

Should I ask for his help next time I have to shoot children’s clothes? Ah, Sunbae’s personality might make it challenging to help twice. Should I raise the pay? To lure Suhyeon?

She stared at Suhyeon with the corrupted gaze of a hobbit eyeing a ring.

Hanna herself didn’t realize it, but she had a talent for putting people in the right place at the right time.


Am I getting… a cold?

While taking pictures, Suhyeon suddenly felt a chill and quietly wrapped his arms around himself.

It was as if he was intentionally posing naturally.

Since my facial muscles don’t move as finely, I need to move my body more.

A child’s facial expressions were not as complex as an adult’s.

Children could not express complex emotions or depth, and their muscles were not developed enough for delicate movements.

So Suhyeon would hold his mouth with his hands or make big gestures to create the desired atmosphere.

It’s doable since I can check my status on the screen.

He posed to ensure the prints on his clothes were visible with every shutter click.

Living his daily life, he hadn’t felt much discomfort, but his young body lacked the precision needed for this project.

If he hadn’t been able to see his reflection in the lens, he would have been embarrassed, like a child pretending to be an adult.

It’s partly because the photographer isn’t that enthusiastic.

After deciding to proceed alone, Suhyeon focused on scrutinizing the screen.

He checked what expressions he was making and whether the clothes were getting wrinkled or not…

As he closely examined the screen, he realized the surrounding area faintly lit up whenever the shutter clicked.

It was such a faint light that he wondered if it was just an illusion.

Red, white… no, it’s yellow and blue… no, green?

Suhyeon calmly examined the semi-transparent screen.

After recognizing it, the slightly clearer border shone in various colors.

The most basic color was a faint yellow, but after Suhyeon intentionally snapped a shot, blue became the dominant color, and red appeared when the breathing was off.

Maybe red is bad, yellow is average, and green is good…?

Not knowing the evaluation criteria was a drawback, but it wasn’t bad to be able to differentiate the quality.

Moreover, while focusing on the screen, Suhyeon could feel a strange sensation just before the shutter clicked.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion caused by some mechanical action or if he was really sensing something, but it could be considered another ability if it wasn’t an illusion.

Of course, I don’t know how the images will turn out…

Engrossed in various thoughts while shooting, Suhyeon unconsciously turned his head when he saw another small screen appear next to the main one.

It was one of the staff members who had been watching, and when their eyes met, the staff member looked surprised and lowered their phone.

“Tsk. Can’t even concentrate. As expected from kids.”

The photographer caught Suhyeon’s scattered attention like a ghost and took the opportunity to scold him.

Seeing his narrow-mindedness, Suhyeon smiled brightly instead.

He had already experienced too many prideful idiots.

“I’m sorry. I thought it was over since I didn’t hear the camera clicking.”


When Suhyeon feigned innocence and teased the photographer for being negligent, someone let out a small laugh.

The situation seemed amusing even if they didn’t think it was intentional.

And since it was true that the photographer had an easier time pressing the shutter after Suhyeon started concentrating, his face turned red, and he bit his lip.

“It’s over, Suhyeon. Good job!”

Before the photographer could flare up, Hanna skillfully seized the moment of silence.

She mentioned the CEO while appeasing the photographer, thus signaling the end of the photoshoot.

As everyone was familiar with the situation, they tactfully began to tidy up the equipment.

“You did really well. It was amazing, right?”

“My son, you looked like such an angel that even mom wanted to take pictures… You suited it so well.”

As the staff cleaned up, Hanna and Jiyeon approached Suhyeon.

Jiyeon hugged Suhyeon, her expression as if she had witnessed an incredible performance.

If there were a bouquet of flowers, one might mistake it for a curtain call scene.

“Look at the sweat. It must have been hard… Come on, let’s have some water, my son.”

“Suhyeon, are you not interested in this? Should your noona help you?”

“Hanna? Are you trying to push my son into the pit of labor? Should I push you first?”

“Hey, sunbae. It’s his first time, and he’s already a prodigy! Of course, we have to nurture him and raise him big! Who knows if a superstar will come from our hands?”

“You just wanted to see my son and dragged him here out of pity. Are you going to overwork him with 200 jobs a month?”

“Uh, um. It wasn’t really because I wanted to see sunbae’s son that I called him… Ah, of course, Suhyeon! Noona was happy to see you!”

Realizing she had misspoken, Hanna made an “oops” expression and took a few candies from her pocket to hand to Suhyeon.

Suhyeon, who was low on sugar due to concentrating, didn’t refuse the candies.


“…You didn’t hear the ajumma swearing, did you?”

“I thought you were a… I really thought you were worth 150,000 won.”

With his cheeks full of candy, Suhyeon left the two engrossed in conversation and began to walk away.

He had probably replenished his sugar, and he wanted to remove the makeup that was bad for his delicate skin.

Besides, the photographer’s glaring at me isn’t good either.

Earlier, Hanna had interrupted before the photographer had a chance to get angry, so he was now glaring at Suhyeon with an unpleasant expression.

It was a narrow-minded behavior sufficient to scare a five-year-old child.

However, Suhyeon, who was twenty-five inside, did not get scared.

Instead, he found it amusing that someone without professional etiquette tried to take care of their pride in such a way.

I heard earlier that he got the job through some sort of connection. He must be living an easy life.

Suhyeon didn’t like connections formed through blood relations.

Honestly, he was jealous because he thought it was something he couldn’t have.

Neither of them wanted to raise me, after all.

After his parents’ divorce, Suhyeon lost his support system.

Jiyeon faced many hardships after he was essentially forced to take care of himself. It didn’t help that his other relatives treated him like a burden, always making him feel unwelcome.

Because of this, he entered the military early and afterward chose the path of an idol.

The promise of “earning good money and being loved,” which the CEO had emphasized, was appealing, but the main reason was the free accommodation and food.

It wasn’t a scam. Except for the boastfulness and excessive self-praise, the CEO wasn’t bad.

Surprisingly, the CEO of Suhyeon’s agency provided various lessons to END even though they lacked popularity.

Of course, every time lessons were given, the CEO would brag about his generosity, but he never ripped them off under the pretext of lesson fees, and the settlements were always accurate.

Although the settlement amount was hardly anything and they had to cut down on sleep while touring the countryside.

Aside from not being successful, it wasn’t too bad.

Suhyeon reminisced about his idealized memories as he headed to the waiting room.

The waiting staff, eagerly waiting for him, carefully wiped the makeup off his face as they gave him countless praises.

The past is the past. Now I need to focus on the future.

As the staff applied lotion to his cleaned face, Suhyeon thought about how he could get cast in a role and act.

The easiest way was the internet.

Searching online, he could probably find a few decent auditions, albeit small ones.

But I’m only five years old.

However, that easy method was hindered by his age.

No matter how much a PC room would allow it, they surely wouldn’t accept a five-year-old.

Whenever he experienced such an obstacle to his plans, he felt both grateful and regretful for returning to the past.

I have to go back to the military again… But it’ll be worth it since I’ll need to shed my child actor image.

The mere thought of enlisting made his brows furrow.

Although his military life had been relatively tolerable because of the terrible environment around him, the word “re-enlistment” had a spine-chilling power.

“Uh? Suhyeon, are you feeling unwell?”

“No! Thank you, pretty noona, for today.”

“Aigo. I’m happy to touch a chubby cheek after so long. I’d be set if I had a younger sibling like you.”

The staff, who had helped with his styling and makeup, rummaged through her pockets and handed Suhyeon a few chocolates.

It was a slightly expensive brand to be handed out casually, but she didn’t mind after receiving compliments from the cute child for being pretty.

“Thank you.”

He gratefully accepted the favor and unwrapped a piece of chocolate, putting it in his mouth.

He had been craving sugar because he had been thinking too much.

I feel alive.

The bittersweet taste was a bit too bitter for a child’s taste, but Suhyeon only felt the sweetness.

“Suhyeon, did you… Aigo! Why is my son so adorable!”

While chatting away, Jiyeon entered the waiting room and marveled at Suhyeon eating chocolate.

No matter how coldly she tried to see it, her son was so lovable that it was heart-wrenching.

She was a fantastic son-obsessed mother.

“Suhyeon, did you have fun today?”

“Yes! Trying on clothes was fun, taking pictures was fun, and also…”

He twinkled his eyes and smacked his lips.

Anyone could see that he was interested in this line of work.

And then, Hanna took the bait.

“Then Suhyeon, do you want to try acting in a drama?”

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