NovelToon NovelToon

The Trashy PD Has To Survive As An Idol

Chapter 1

[🚨Disclaimer: this is not my story and please do support author-nim Munjin original works🚨]

“Are you still considered a human being?”

I was surprised to see an idol crying in front of me.

“Why are you asking?”

“If PD had a conscience, he would never have edited me that way!”

I looked at him as he shouted in anger. I had gathered trainees who had trained for years but couldn’t debut as idols and created a competition program. The idol before me ranked 4th, which was not a bad result.

Above all, it was a result that I had created.

To be exact, through editing.

“The genius of editing,” “the devil’s talent,” “a young and genius 33-year-old PD” — those were the adjectives that followed me, Seo Hoyun.

I quite liked that.

Because it brought in money.

“But you ranked 4th.”

“So what? Everything important has already disappeared. The public is cursing me like crazy. Even my friends, who I have been practicing with for ten years, have stopped contacting me. They say I’ll get hit with eggs if I go out on the street.”

“Well, at least you’ll live longer.”

“What do you mean?!”

“If you get cursed at, you’ll live longer.”

I lit a cigarette with a snap of my lighter and took a deep drag, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke. The idol looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

“You know you can’t sing, right?”

“What are you talking about?”

“At the beginning, you said you wanted to be famous no matter what. You were passionate, so I edited your videos and put them up. You were talentless, but with a genius dancer concept, you became an annoying yet eye-catching celebrity. You were even called my nephew on TV, despite looking nothing like me.”

I repeated what I had read online, and the idol’s face turned red and blue in embarrassment.

“I helped you because you said you wanted to be successful.”

It was an obvious statement. If it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t have placed 4th. I told him objectively, but he trembled in anger.

“Did I ask for that?”

“At first, didn’t you say that was all you needed?”


“If you’re having a hard time, just look at your bank account balance. That should make you happy.”

Sometimes, when the director gets drunk and talks nonsense in my head, and the world seems meaningless, I look at my bank account balance. Then, I pat my chest and say, “Well, what else is there in this world? Money is everything.”

He gritted his teeth and shook his head. I glanced at my phone. It was time to leave.

“If that’s all you want to say, then I must go. I have a busy schedule.”

“… PD.”

Just as I turned to leave, he called out to me. Then, like a ghost, he rolled his eyes and cursed at me.

“I hope you fail miserably, PD. You’ll regret it one day. The day when the tables are turned, you’ll understand my frustration. But it’ll be too late even if you beg and plead.”

“Wow, how scary.”

I chuckled, amused by this situation on an already difficult day.

I quickened my pace, leaving him behind as he cursed me. I had to go back to the production office and edit again.

And so, I decided to view it as a comical incident.

That was until the system window appeared.





[Infamy points +100]

[Infamy points +350]

[Infamy points +500]

[You have accumulated enough infamy points to start the game.]


“Oh, what the hell.”

The loud ringing noise was bothering me. Can’t I even get a peaceful sleep? I slept only four hours the last three days, chugging energy drinks while editing. It was probably my alarm.

The system window appeared as I tried to open my eyes in frustration.

[Congratulations, Seo Hoyun! You have been chosen as a player for the game, Unknown Idol Tycoon. Congratulations on your 10 years of rejuvenation!

Seo Hoyun: Unknown idol from a small company.

Age: 23.

Characteristics: Completed military service, has zero talent in dancing.

He was a genius PD, but no one seemed to remember him.

(※Except for certain individuals)

You will be permanently logged out if you fail to clear the game.]

I felt as though a brick had hit me while I was asleep. As I sat up and glanced at my phone, the system window remained on the screen. I let out a bitter laugh, turning my head away.


I placed my phone down and returned under the covers to sleep. Perhaps I had overworked myself with editing the previous day. However, the system window continued to float above the ceiling, casting a dim blue light in the dark room, which created an eerie atmosphere.




“… What a dream.”

The system window kept ringing, preventing me from going back to sleep. I got up groggily, and the system window came into clearer view.

[Quest Alert: “Reality Check!”

Let’s accept reality. You are no longer a genius PD but a player of the Unknown Idol Tycoon game. You have become an idol who is not well known.

Accept reality 0/1

Success: Receive the title “Failing Idol”

Failure: Permanent logout.]

Permanent logout? I jumped out of bed in a panic, terrified of the ominous title. What kind of dream was this?

I rubbed my face and stood up, realizing this dream might last a while. I headed to the bathroom, hoping to wake myself by washing my face. After splashing cold water on my face, I looked in the mirror.

“…What the heck?”

The dark circles under my eyes from late work nights and my slightly bloated face had vanished – everything had changed.

My face was smooth. No, that wasn’t the only difference. My face…

It was Seo Hoyun’s face from ten years ago.

This was pure horror.

Trembling, I touched my face and stepped back. It shouldn’t be this vivid, even if it was just a dream.

How many people would be thrilled to say, “Yay, it’s the ten-year rejuvenation!” I ran back to my room from the bathroom.

“What’s wrong, hyung?”

“S-Seo Hojin.”

“Wow, did you finally go crazy?”

My younger brother, Seo Hojin, who was drinking water, nonchalantly responded until he saw my face and spewed water from his mouth.

“Phew! Cough, cough… Hyung, did you have plastic surgery?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why does your face look like that? Did you really get plastic surgery in just a day? Has medical technology in Korea advanced that much? Are you trying to resemble Seo Hoyun from ten years ago?”

Seo Hojin approached me and grabbed my face, turning it this way and that.

He was still Seo Hojin. Normally, I would have protested him touching his older brother’s face, who was like the sky, but I couldn’t do so now.

[Seo Hojin: Seo Hoyun’s younger brother. College student.

※ This person remembers you.]

I looked at the system message that popped up next to Seo Hojin.

“Move over.”

I quickly grabbed my wallet, and then I noticed the resident registration card that was next to it. The first digit had changed.

“What is this?”

[We congratulate you once again! Seo Hoyun has become a player in the game Unknown Idol Tycoon.]


Seo Hojin was also stunned, murmuring like he was in a dream. His hand trembled as he picked up his phone to search for my name. A page came up.

[Hoowoo / Real name Seo Hoyun, idol under Daepasung Entertainment. Debuted in 20XX.]

It was definitely my face. Even though I was supposed to be listed as a broadcasting PD from QBS!

There were no articles that simultaneously praised and criticized me, such as “Is it right to keep airing programs edited by the devilish editor Seo Hoyun?” and “Petition for broadcast sanctions against Seo Hoyun.”

All that was left were articles related to the failed idol profile.

[Hoowoo! I’m the new idol under Daepaseong Entertainment. Please take care of me!]

“This is crazy…”


My head was pounding, and I clasped it with both hands, feeling like I was on the brink of a breakdown.

Seo Hoyun, the brilliant PD, the prodigious talent, and the editing virtuoso, transformed into an obscure idol?


“I’m sorry, hyung.”

Seo Hojin’s face turned pale, and he apologized to me.

This wasn’t a dream. (I asked Seo Hojin to hit me to wake up from the dream, but it just hurt.)

I was transported into the game that Seo Hojin has been playing lately. It’s a mobile game called Unknown Idol Tycoon, where you raise idols.

Although I turned 23, everyone else was still the same age. (Seo Hojin was still 23.)

And… the most important thing, the last thing.

“My brother is now an idol… the type of idol who gets ridiculed for not knowing basic common-sense quizzes and has their MR removed? The kind who must smile brightly whether it’s raining or snowing?”

“Seo Hojin… stop annoying people with unnecessary details and be quiet…”

“I’ll shut up now.”

I became an idol, but not just any idol – one of the most obscure idols out there. Only one page appeared when I searched for myself on a search engine.

What was happening? My head throbbed, so I rubbed my forehead. The system window still hovered next to me.

[Quest complete: “Reality Check!”

Let’s accept reality. You are no longer a genius PD. You have become an idol.

Accept reality 1/1

Success: “Failing Idol” title acquired!]

Seeing the “Failing Idol” title spinning above my head made me feel like I would vomit.

Why? Why did it have to be me? Where the heck am I?

“What about the file I was working on until yesterday?”

“It’s gone!”

I had hit Ctrl+S and backed it up, but it’s still gone?

“This is insane… Insane… INSANE!!”

I grabbed my head and muttered like a lunatic, causing Seo Hojin to roll his eyes.

“Isn’t that the least important thing right now?”

“Shut up.”

I recalled the system window I had seen before.

Infamy points. People cursed me more and more as the program became controversial. The idol who had last cursed me.

– “I hope you fail miserably, PD.”

Ah, I failed…

– “You’ll regret it one day. The day when the tables are turned, you’ll understand my frustration.”

I understand now. Can I ask for forgiveness again?

– “But it’ll be too late even if you beg and plead.”

Ah, it’s too late…

“Hyung, snap out of it!”

“My save file…”

I pounded my head and muttered. The conclusion had been reached.

It looked like I had become an idol.


Please like, comment and share....and help support author-nim Munjin and original work as well..byeee

Chapter 2

To sum up my life, I would say that I was like a dragon born in a time of peace.

My family was moderately happy, but we weren’t wealthy. Once I became an adult, my parents died in a car accident. After a difficult recovery, I had to raise my ten-year-old brother, Seo Hojin.

“Seo Hoyun, why do you live so harshly?”

“I want to live well and eat well.”

To survive in this harsh world and not be separated from Seo Hojin, I had to be ruthless and not back down from anyone.

When I passed the broadcasting station’s open recruitment as a PD, I felt like I had the world at my feet. I studied diligently, spoke fluently in front of interviewers, and worked on various news and entertainment programs. I earned the nickname “the most ruthless one” despite being a rookie and not a career PD.

Was that all? At 33, I made a small competition program called Pick the One, which surprisingly became a huge success.

– “Wow, isn’t the trailer insane?”

– “Won’t they face editing sanctions for this?”

The program captured the hearts of Koreans living in a competitive environment with trendy editing, appropriate MSG, tear-jerking stories, and a never-ending competitive format. As a result, I received numerous requests to transfer to various broadcasting stations and got to negotiate higher salaries.

That genius PD was me, Seo Hoyun.

“Hey, did you really become an idol, hyung?”

But then my career took a nosedive.

I became an idol.

It was unexpected.

“… Please repay my hard work.”

“But hey, hyung, you’ve really aged.”

“Be careful, you punk.”

I stood up and shook Seo Hojin’s shoulders, realizing that I had been overly protective of him, seeing that he was trying to stand up to me.

“Has anything changed about you?”

“No, why do you ask?”

Seo Hojin frowned and searched through his phone. He explained that his homework and the news were still the same. After searching for another five minutes, he came to a conclusion.

“Nothing has changed except for you.”

“Is this some kind of prank show?”

“Do you think I would do something like that and risk getting killed by you, hyung?”

I took Seo Hojin’s phone and searched for the Unknown Idol Tycoon game he had installed, but it was nowhere to be found.

“What is this…”


A system window appeared on top of Seo Hojin, but he seemed unable to see it.

[Quest: You are now trapped in Unknown Idol Tycoon!

We have provided a guide for those unfamiliar with the game.]

“…A guide?”

As I said it, the system window began to scroll through, and I urgently read the explanation that appeared.

[As PD Seo Hoyun, you ruined other people’s lives, so you have been trapped in Unknown Idol Tycoon. Apart from your family, Seo Hojin, and a few others, no one remembers you as a PD. Simply put, it’s better to consider it a parallel world.]

A parallel world?

[To return to your original world and become a PD again, you must clear Unknown Idol Tycoon. If you fail, you will be permanently logged.]

“What if I study and become a PD again?”

[If you significantly deviate from the main scenario, you will be heavily penalized.]


I was speechless. My previous world, where I worked so hard to achieve fame, disappeared in a single day. To regain it, I had to clear this game.

“What do I have to do to clear it?”

[Follow the main scenario.]

“What is the main scenario?”

[You need to become a first-tier idol recognized by everyone!]

My fist trembled. This reality was beyond belief.

I slumped onto the sofa and searched for a cigarette. As I tried to light it, the system window urgently popped up.

[Idols don’t smoke!]


I glared at the screen with a look that could kill. Shortly after, another window popped up.

[In Unknown Idol Tycoon, we respect the player’s freedom.]

The system window quickly changed its tone. I wasn’t sure if I should be thankful or angry for interrupting my smoking. Once I finished dealing with the bothersome system window, the situation was as follows:

[Begin the Main Scenario?

Yes / No]

As a broadcasting PD, I was used to calculating the entertainment industry. In essence, I had to become an idol – the kind everyone recognizes, the type that can dominate Asia, if not quite at the level of Billboard.


I took a deep drag on my cigarette and made my decision.

“Start the main scenario.”

[Starting the Main Scenario.

Quest Received.]

“What? Are you serious, hyung?”

The challenge was not about whether or not I could become an idol, but rather, how to make a living.


“What? Are you obsessed with food?”

I gave Seo Hojin a smack on the head. If we wanted to eat and survive, we had to take action. The outcome was already set in stone, but the means to achieve it was in our hands.

I ran my life like a maniac and earned the moniker “Devil PD.” It didn’t matter if the methods were clean or dirty as long as I could attain the status of a first-class idol.



“Have you ever witnessed me fail at anything?”

Seo Hojin stuttered, sensing the ominous atmosphere.

[New user reward.

You can check your stats.]


“Show me.”

[Seo Hoyun, D-list Idol.

People won’t recognize you even if you dance on subway line 1. They might assume you’re a subway maniac.]


[Vocals: B

Dance: D-

Talent: B+

???: ???

??: ???

Charm: B+]

“Are these my stats?”

It felt a bit awkward looking at it; my stats were incredibly pathetic. Even the song I sang while sticking a spoon in a soju bottle was praised by my boss. But hold on, wasn’t a D- in dancing excessively harsh?

[The stats have been objectively evaluated.]

I contemplated it as if I were judging an audition participant, then raised my head. In any case, the stats marked with a question mark would be disclosed later.

“Hey, why is my Talent only a B+? It should be an S.”

[Editing and making people laugh are two distinct things!]

“…That’s correct.”

I accepted it, but the system window sent me a quest message as if deliberately disregarding my words.

[Quest Alert: “Visit the agency!”

We are proud of you for accepting reality. Visit the declining group, The Dawn, and listen to their explanation.

Listen to The Dawn’s explanation 0/1

Success: Start the next scenario, Charm +5.

Fail: Charm -30.]

“What’s this Charm about?”

I muttered curse words and stepped outside. Like my younger brother, nothing had changed; it was still 202X Seoul. Despite going back 10 years, it didn’t feel like I had traveled through time. It was truly a parallel universe.

Since nothing had changed, there was no need to adjust. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

“Wait, hold on! Take me back.”



“I need to go buy a lottery ticket.”


I ought to purchase a lottery ticket or invest in stocks or cryptocurrency, so I don’t have to listen to this absurd system window.

Muttering to myself with a sense of hopelessness, “My lottery ticket, my real estate, my coins….”

I clutched the feeling of emptiness in my chest and stumbled toward the entertainment agency, but I worried someone might recognize me. It didn’t matter in the end since no one even paid attention to me walking around without a hat.


[Can you hear me?]

Cease that irritating ringing noise.

I was more well-known as a PD since many wanted to pelt me with eggs. How can I turn this unfortunate situation into a success?

As I arrived at the address on my phone, a call came from a number saved as “Manager” at the perfect time. It appeared to be the preliminary setup for a game or quest.

“Yes, this is PD Seo Hoyun from QBS.”

– “Have you taken your medication? How did you become a PD?”

Oops, it’s my professional habit.

A man’s voice in his thirties spoke.

“This is Seo Hoyun.”

– “Seo Hoyun, have you finally made up your mind?”

“Yes, I’m standing in front of the company.”

– “Great, I’ll be there soon.”

I nodded as if I knew what he meant by making up my mind, using my intuition gained from years of experience in the broadcasting station.

“Daepaseong Entertainment.” I glanced at the lobby, but it wasn’t a location I was familiar with.

It appeared to be a combination of Unknown Idol Tycoon (a terrible name) and South Korea I used to reside in.

Looking at the lobby pictures, they appeared primarily focused on training actors. Sitting on the sofa, I scanned the room to see if I recognized anyone. The only familiar face was Min Jiheon, the “reliable actor.”

An unsuccessful agency.

“Oh, it’s our promising rookie.”

A man with the same voice as the phone call came out. He was around my age, with a slightly protruding belly and a round face.

I bowed my head and extended my hand as I would in sales.

“This is Seo Hoyun.”

“So, what’s the concept, Hoyun?”

“…Can we call it mind control?”

The 23-year-old idol version of myself was a bit different.

After I withdrew my hand, the manager led me inside with his shoulder.

“Have you recovered from your illness?”

“Yes, thanks for your concern.”

“Great, you’ve decided to come back, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re going to be an idol in The Dawn!”

The name of the group constantly reminded me of self-sacrifice.

“The company has been waiting for you. The CEO waited for you for a year – it’s a special gesture because The Dawn is so popular.”

But their MV views were low.

“It’s not too late. Your debut album was recorded a year ago, and since then, you’re the only one left… Well, odd numbers are preferable for center positions for idols, right? And there’s an open spot for you.”

“Are there no other willing candidates?”

Swallowing my words, I entered the CEO’s office, grateful for the new information.

The Dawn was a one-year-old rookie group.

It was an idol group hastily created by an actor management agency during the K-pop craze.

The group’s performances have not been successful.

It’s a mess.

Nervously, the manager opened the CEO’s office door.

“Oh my, CEO. Seo Hoyun is here.”

“Seo Hoyun?”

The CEO was in his 50s.

I greeted him with the same curt tone I used with the manager.

“It’s been a while. I’m Seo Hoyun.”

“I’ve never seen you before…”

What did he say? I was momentarily stunned and couldn’t manage my expression, but the manager whispered that he was a celebrity under his management.

“What are you talking about? It’s Seo Hoyun, one of the lead vocalists of The Dawn. The one the CEO has been praising so much.”

“Oh, The Dawn. That…”

It seemed like the CEO wasn’t interested in me, or more accurately, he didn’t seem interested in the idol group called The Dawn.

It was a planning company that was even worse than I expected.

“I’m returning after taking a year off.”

“Well, Hoyun, returning to The Dawn is a significant decision. It’s not that popular.”

He said it indifferently, sighing and looking through some papers without glancing at me.


The manager was sweating profusely.

As I listened to the criticism openly, I glanced at the manager. It seemed like the CEO was a little intimidating.

“Hoyun, as you know, we’re an actor management planning company.”


“If The Dawn doesn’t generate profits, disbandment is possible. Do you know how much money it takes to maintain an idol group?”

I did.

I already knew that the group would eventually disband.

How could I not know?

However, for some reason, I felt like I didn’t know anything since I was being scrutinized. While rolling my eyes momentarily, I looked around the CEO’s office and asked, “How much time is left until disbandment?”


I kindly asked again.

“How much money is left?”

“Seo Hoyun!”

The manager jumped. I was dumbfounded. It was easy for me to intimidate the CEO of a small planning agency that couldn’t even care for its own idol.

“Just behave yourself.”

The CEO appeared slightly taken aback and raised his eyebrows.

“…You’re bold for someone I haven’t seen in a while.”

Well, you claimed earlier that you had never seen me.

Although he could clearly see through me, I didn’t want to continue with a weak topic, so I returned to the main subject.

“Thank you for the compliment. So, how long will it take?”

“At most, six months.”

Six months. I shook my head. If it was six months, it was a period where we would end after releasing one title song and doing a few broadcast activities. What was important was how well we would perform within that period.

Can’t I debut somewhere else?

I asked the system window.

[Additional Explanation!

No, you can’t. When you draw your sword, you have to use it.

It must be The Dawn.]

It was obvious that I was just trying to stir things up.

“…I understand.”

I obediently replied, and the CEO scanned me up and down. Honestly, I wanted to make a bold move now, but I didn’t know enough yet.

“…Did you change because you were ill?”


“Yeah, you used to be a little blurry… Well, forget it. Send me the contract again. You have to reapply for employment.”

I couldn’t recall how I was when I was 23. I think I was similar, though.

Anyway, I nodded my head. I had to carefully review the contract. It was a crucial matter.

I’ll deal with negotiations later.

“Let’s work hard for now.”

In reality, he stuttered, “L-let’s w-work hard for now,” but I disregarded it lightly.


The system window appeared for a moment. I furrowed my brow and looked at it. It didn’t feel right.


I’ll do it, no problem!

Give me more money.

I will succeed even if I have to sacrifice my life!]

What was this? These burdensome options?

At first glance, it appeared as if I had to choose one of them, but I really didn’t want to.

I tightly sealed my lips. Then the timer at the bottom quickly reached zero seconds.

Suddenly, my mouth moved on its own.

“…I will succeed even if I have to sacrifice my life!”


It felt like I was in an absurd historical drama. I couldn’t believe it, and the CEO awkwardly smiled at me.

“Um… that’s a bit much. You don’t have to risk your life for this.”

“No, that’s not it…!”

“Hoyun! Let’s go! Hurry!”

Feeling wronged, I opened my mouth, but the manager suddenly covered it and pulled me away.

I’m not to blame; I’m going insane!

Hey, what’s going on with you!

[Unknown Idol Tycoon offers various mini-games ^^]

You said you value freedom, you punk.

[Do not trust what the game status window shows! >//

Chapter 3

Despite my tired back aching, my manager continued to rant about his upset stomach.

“What if they cut you? You should be afraid of the CEO.”

“Yes, yes.”

“You’re still young and naive about the world…”

“Can you show me the practice room and introduce me to the other members?”

My manager gave me an annoyed look as I interrupted him, but I didn’t let it bother me with my thick skin that had been toughened by years of working in society. I was originally tough, after all.

“Seo Hoyun is acting strange today. He’s different after getting sick…”

He constantly mumbled as if possessed by some demon.

While walking down the hallway, I glanced at pictures of people I didn’t know. However, I recognized a famous actor who had transitioned from theater to romantic dramas.

They seemed to be a relatively successful agency catering to actors, but…

It was surprising to see an agency specializing in actors also have an idol…

“How many trainees are there?”

“What nonsense are you spewing? You’re the only ones here.”


“You were the only trainees who were brought together and debuted. Sigh… I’m really worried.”


Was that the plan all along?

While I was amazed by how poor the company system was compared to other places, my manager discreetly spoke to me.



“The kids, they can be a bit… sensitive. Their grades haven’t been great lately, so don’t be surprised no matter what you say.”


“Grades…yes, to you, it may seem like grades. But don’t worry, I’ve been watching them closely, and they’re really good kids. They’re just under a lot of stress.”

When someone kept saying that the kids were good, it was usually the opposite.

As I calmly looked on, the tense manager quickly opened the door.

“Hey guys, Hoyun’s here!”

… Lord, I’ve lived a good life so far.

I wished the members I would be working with had been chosen thoughtfully.

“Seo Hoyun?”

However, I bit my tongue when I saw the members sweating and panting in the practice room.

This won’t work.

Yes, they were handsome. And, of course, idols were supposed to be good-looking. Being good-looking and pretty and singing well were all important. But in the Korean entertainment industry, where all the good-looking and pretty people flocked, simply being good-looking was not enough to stand out among the competition.

What, then, was the key to survival?

It’s all about star power.

How much you radiated and how effortlessly you exuded coolness were crucial factors.

As I observed the four members sitting together, I made my assessments.

Not quite there yet.

Being a star may not seem like a big deal, but achieving it was incredibly challenging. It’s necessary for creating fans who cheer for you at the slightest wave, yet it’s difficult to acquire. One must possess a dazzling charm or charisma.

And when you are full of yourself as I was, it’s easy to identify the weaker ones.

But these members didn’t have that. I sighed as I realized they didn’t possess the star power.

Hey… Can I see their stats?

[No >_

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