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Master Mo, Your Wife’S Multiple Identities Are Online Again

Chapter 1

A Tragic Death in Prison

City A women’s prison, prison hospital, intensive care unit.

Su Yuan was lying on the bed all alone, barely breathing. She was connected to various tubes and devices that monitored her vital signs, and she looked like she could die at any moment.

At this moment, the door of the ward opened. it seemed that someone had arrived.

Su Yuan was too weak to even turn her head, so she could only look at the door from the corner of her eye.

A familiar yet hateful face appeared in her line of sight. It was her half-sister, Bai Yurou.

Bai Yurou and the prison guard entered the ward together. The two of them said something to each other, and the prison guard left the ward after that, turning off the surveillance cameras.

After the prison guard left, Bai Yurou walked beside the hospital bed and looked down at Su Yuan. she chuckled, “The prison guard informed me that you’re about to die. I’m here to see you for the last time, my sister.”

Su Yuan had already reached the end of her life, but when she heard her words, she slowly clenched her hands into fists. Due to her agitation, the monitor started to beep.

Bai Yurou’s face was full of mockery when she saw Su Yuan’s expression. She lifted the blanket and pulled out all the cables connecting Su Yuan’s monitor to the medical device.

Then, she leaned over and whispered into Su Yuan’s ear, “Sister, don’t get too excited. I have good news for you. Next week, your fiancé and I will have our wedding. Unfortunately, you probably won’t live to see that day.”

When Su Yuan heard this, a tear of regret flowed down from the corner of her eye.


Bai Yurou seemed to be satisfied with her reaction. she continued, “Just accept your fate, sister. Even though you love him deeply, he only treated you as an obedient dog from the beginning. He just wanted to use you. Why don’t you use your brain and think, how can you be worthy of him with your status? This is what you get for trying to get something you’re not worthy of. You deserve everything that has happened to you.

“Oh, right, sister, you still don’t know why you’re in prison, right? Let me tell you a secret. it was your most beloved Pei Xifan who colluded with his brother to pin the crime of murder on you. Because of this, his brother was promoted. This is all thanks to you!”

Su Yuan’s eyes were wide open, and she was writhing in pain, whimpering.

Bai Yurou pretended to be concerned and asked, “Haha, sister, you look so uncomfortable. Do you need me to call a doctor for you?”

She paused and continued, “But, sister, what’s the point of living in this state? The person who sold me the poison told me that this poison would slowly cause your organs to fail. Even if it only acts up now, you’ll be beyond saving.

“You shouldn’t have known, but your food has constantly been poisoned. You’re really stupid, sister.

“So, sister, in order to reduce your pain, let me help you.” With that, Bai Yurou placed her hand on Su Yuan’s oxygen mask and pulled hard.

“Be good. In your next life, you’d better stay away from me. Otherwise, I won’t show you any mercy. goodbye…”

Su Yuan suddenly felt suffocated. her body started to convulse, and her consciousness started to blur…

Suddenly, Su Yuan stood up and took in deep breaths of air. The air was filled with the smell of grass.

After a long while, she finally recovered from the suffocating feeling. She looked around and found herself on a spacious lawn.

There were tables, chairs, and couches on the lawn. flowers, food, and wine were everywhere. Many young people in formal dresses were drinking and chatting. They seemed to be having a party.

On the other hand, Su Yuan was wearing a light yellow, feathered long dress. She stood in front of a sofa like a ridiculous chick. Many people around her heard the commotion and looked at her with disdain.

Su Yuan rubbed her eyes, not understanding the situation, and still felt a little dizzy.

“Sister, you’re still not used to this kind of occasion, are you?” Bai Yurou asked, concerned.

Su Yuan looked toward the source of the voice. The murderer who had just killed her was now holding a glass of wine and handing it to her with a smile.

Su Yuan’s eyes flashed with anger and fear, and her face turned ashen.

Bai Yurou did not notice Su Yuan’s strange behavior. she smiled and consoled her, “It’s okay, sister. You just moved here from the countryside, so you still need some time to adapt. But as the eldest daughter of the Bai family, your 18th birthday party must be perfect. Bear with it for a while longer, it’ll be over soon.”

chapter 2

Two Hostages

It’s her 18th birthday party!

Su Yuan’s eyes widened. In her previous life, not long after she had moved into the Bai family, the Bai family had thrown her a grand birthday party.

This party was the beginning of her tragic fate in her previous life…because she was kidnapped at this party!


A loud gunshot reverberated through the entire party.

“Run, there’s a criminal!” With a shout, the crowd at the scene began to flee in all directions.

Although Su Yuan had a deep impression of the kidnapping incident, she had no idea how she was kidnapped.

She only remembered that when she was running away with the others, someone stepped on her long skirt, and thus fell on her head, and she blacked out.

This time, she would not let the tragedy repeat itself. Looking at the criminal that was closing in on her, Su Yuan quickly hitched her dress up, took off her high heels, and prepared to escape.

Bai Yurou suddenly grabbed her arm and said, “Sister, I’m scared.”

By the time she came back to her senses, the criminal was already in front of the two of them. before Su Yuan could react, Bai Yurou, who was beside her, screamed, pushed Su Yuan, turned around, and ran.


Su Yuan lost her balance and fell in the direction of the criminal. then, she saw Pei Xifan run over in a panic and hug Bai Yurou.

After that, her vision turned dark and she could not see anything.

Su Yuan’s biggest weakness was her fear of the dark. It was not the kind of fear that ordinary people had toward the dark, but a kind of psychological barrier called darkness phobia.

The disease was very strange, and she did not know why she had it. Ever since she could remember, she had been particularly afraid of dark places. Even when she slept, she had to turn on a small light, or her body would start sweating in panic.

Her head was now covered by something, and she could not see anything at all. Her body began to stiffen uncontrollably, and tremble, and she started breathing rapidly. She had completely lost her ability to move due to her fear.

In the next moment, her body was lifted into the air by someone. That person was running in a direction at full speed.

The party was still chaotic, and screams could be heard everywhere.

“Oh no!” Someone suddenly shouted, “The young lady of the Bai family has been kidnapped by robbers! ”

The crowd searched around the arena and finally locked their eyes on the girl hiding in the man’s arms.

Bai Yurou’s eyes were red and swollen, and her lips were pale. Her voice was trembling as she said, “The one who was captured was my sister, not me.”

With that, large teardrops fell from the girl’s eyes. She hugged the man beside her tightly and looked up as she cried, “Brother Xifan, the bad guys have taken my sister away. What should we do?”

Only then did Pei Xifan realize the seriousness of the matter. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and was about to call the police.

“Xifan, you can’t call the police.” Bai Yurou said. she grabbed Pei Xifan’s wrist and cried even harder.

She sobbed and said, ” They…they will kill their hostage if they find out we called the police, I can’t lose my sister!”

Looking at Bai Yurou, who was crying like her life depended on it, Pei Xifan did not call the police. He hugged the girl in his arms tightly and consoled her in a low voice.

On Su Yuan’s side, not long after the criminal carried her and ran, he noticed her abnormality and quickly said, “Big brother, this girl seems to be ill.”

“Get in the car first.” One of the criminals said in a panic.

The three criminals quickly got into a van that had been prepared by the side of the road. The criminal who was carrying Su Yuan tied her up with a rope and gave her a karate chop to the neck, knocking her out, then threw her to the back of the car.

The car started and sped away from the scene.

The car had been driving for a long time, and seeing that no other car was chasing after them, the driver heaved a sigh of relief and quickly took off the hood. Under the hood was a fierce face, and a terrible scar ran through his entire left eye. He asked, “Second brother, what did you say before you got in the car? Third brother, light me a cigarette please.”

After that, the criminal in the back seat also took off his hood, revealing his bright red hair. He quickly took out a cigarette, lit it, and stuffed it into his boss’s mouth.

The criminal in the front passenger seat turned to look at Su Yuan. She was breathing rapidly earlier as if she was going to faint at any moment, but it seemed like she was fine now.

“Boss, she looks fine now,” he turned his head and said.

“F*ck! These young ladies are so delicate, you two should keep an eye on them, the wealth of us three brothers will depend on these two hostages.” The scar-faced man said.

Two hostages? There was someone else at the back of the car beside her? Su Yuan raised her eyebrows in shock.

chapter 3


It turned out that Su Yuan had not fainted at all. These criminals had obviously watched too many movies. With the way they tried to knock her out, it was very difficult to knock someone unconscious with one hit without strict training. It was impossible to do it with a deviation in position or insufficient strength.

So, other than the slight pain in her neck, Su Yuan did not faint.

She did not know how it happened, but there was a small gap in the hood. She slowly calmed down after seeing some light.

The car’s engine was roaring loudly. As long as it was not too loud, the three criminals would not know that she was awake.

At the thought of this, she secretly stretched her legs out to explore the surroundings.

Suddenly, she seemed to have touched something. She touched it with a little force and it was soft!

Su Yuan had already thrown away her high heels when she was trying to run away. Now that she was barefooted, she moved her body again and touched that thing with her foot. She could confirm that it was warm, and it was definitely a person!

After she was sure, she quickly retracted her foot.

Su Yuan started to recall the kidnapping incident from her previous life. According to her memory, after she hit her head against a rock and fainted, she was unconscious for a long while. When she woke up again, she was lying on the dirt road of a remote mountain village. There was no one around, the criminal was nowhere in sight.

She wandered on the road for a long time before she met a kind person who took her home. When she arrived home, she realized that her family did not call the police at all. When they saw her return, they wanted to call the police, but her father, Bai Weiguang, locked her up and said that such a scandal must not be spread.

In the following month, Su Yuan’s life was completely ruined.


Firstly, the results of her college entrance examination came out. She, who had always been the first in her grade, dropped to the bottom 50 of the school. There were almost no schools to choose from.

A few days later, a rumor about her suddenly spread in City A.

It was said that after she was kidnapped, she seduced the kidnappers and was only released home after she took turns sleeping with the three kidnappers.

These two incidents completely ruined Su Yuan’s life. No matter how she tried to explain herself, no one would believe her.

Not only did outsiders not believe her, but even her family members also criticized her.

Her father, Bai Weiguang, even said that she was a disgrace to the family and that she was not worthy of the Bai family name. He changed her family name back to her mother’s maiden name and expelled her from the family.

When she was at her lowest and most helpless, it was Pei Xifan who appeared to save her. Not only did he give her a place to stay, but he also gave her love.

The handsome and warm Pei Xifan had touched her heart, which was why she had been so loyal to him. But who would have thought that he was just using her and lying to her?

Thinking about this, Su Yuan’s emotions were a little out of control. She quickly took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Now, she could not count on anyone and could only rely on herself. No matter what, she must escape in this life!

Su Yuan, who had calmed down, started to analyze the situation. The criminal’s destination should not be far from the mountain village.

The distance between the mountain village and the Bai family villa was about an hour and a half by car. According to the speed of the journey and the time, it was estimated that they would arrive at the destination in less than 20 minutes.

She had to successfully escape within 20 minutes!

At that moment, the car suddenly started to shake. Using this as a distraction, Su Yuan slowly moved toward the other hostage.

Suddenly, the car seemed to have run over something, and the car tilted. Using the momentum, Su Yuan pounced in the direction of the other hostage and grabbed onto something.



The sound of him hitting the wall and his muffled groan rang out at the same time. Su Yuan’s heart raced. She could tell that the other hostage was a man.

The three criminals were shocked when they heard the sound. The scar-faced man quickly ordered, “Third brother, quickly take a look at the hostage.”

The red-haired thug quickly turned around to check. Frowning, he reached out to pull Su Yuan back, trying to pull her back from the man.

However, Su Yuan had already secretly grabbed the man’s belt, and the back of the car was already narrow, so it was not easy for the thug to pull them apart. The red-haired thug pulled a few times and gave up. He turned his head and said, “Don’t worry, boss. nothing happened. It’s just that the daughter was too light, so she was thrown around and hit something.”

The scar-faced man smacked the steering wheel and cursed, “F*ck! Women are really troublesome!”

“Boss, why don’t we drug this woman with aphrodisiac too?” Second brother asked with a smirk.

The scar-faced man laughed eerily and said, “No, let’s feed him it. We’ll shoot those rape scenes. I like the sound of that. It’s exciting!”

After that, the three criminals laughed lecherously at the same time.

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