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Mon Ancienne Blessure ~[Taekook]

~ Bløød Typés ~

Tae's POV:
If crying represents the baby's first impression of the world, then the name is the first gift they get when they come to this world. Some openings are good wishes, some are mischievous surprises, and some... are a piece of sh!t.
I'm not saying my name is sh!t. Taehyung, Yeon Tae, Taejung, and tulips all have good meanings, although I don't have to think about it when naming me, Mrs. Lee must be "unhappy and unwilling".
It was said that the name was still on the day of the account registration, and she had no choice but to take two seconds to get it. I'm glad she didn't give me names like "Lee Tae Bo" and "Lee Trash", otherwise it might be more difficult for me to walk in society.
The reason why she hates me so much starts from a hundred years ago.
~ This World ~
One day a hundred years ago, the world was suddenly invaded by a new deadly VIRUS*.
Darwin* would never have imagined that it took humans millions of years to evolve from apes to Homo sapiens, and it took only a hundred years for them to be disrupted by a virus called "c20". Because of the orderly evolution of human beings, c20 suddenly avoided the clear road and embarked on an unknown and rugged dangerous road.
C20 virus is good at latent and has excellent drug resistance. It has swept the world in just a few months, and even the most advanced vaccine research laboratories in developed countries have nothing to do with it. After the rapid outbreak period, it kills humans with a strange law - during the infection by c20, blood types ‹a› and ‹o› have complete immunity, blood type ‹b› has certain immunity, and other blood types are completely immune to failure.
‹Ab› blood type and special blood type d!ed in large numbers, and now this world ravaged by c20 only has ‹abo› blood type. And the virus is accompanied by mutation, and a series of atavistic beastization phenomena such as canine teeth, gonáds, vag!nas, and estrús have appeared in humans of each corresponding blood type.
So far, in addition to using chromosomes and **** organs to distinguish gender, under the evolution of c20, humans have produced a set of ‹ABO› gender systems.
In order to distinguish it from the traditional blood type, the ‘abo’ gender system corresponds to the only three blood types remaining, which are named "Ålpha", "Beta" and "Õmega".
to conclude that, I am a Beta male(the rare species).
This can stimulate Mrs. Lee a lot. Blood type not only determines my social status, but also hers.
[Important note: The mutation enables beta both males and females to have the ability to conceive life, but this ability is very limited. After the fertility sàc is used once, it is like a burst balloon, and it is difficult to persist until the next use, so Usually Beta's as mothers only have one child in their lifetime.]
My father is said to be a rich alpha, according to the laws of inheritance, I have a certain chance of being any of the four blood types. At that time, Mrs. Lee reached an agreement with the other party to let her in when she gave birth to ‹a› or ‹o›. Mrs. Lee bet on her only chance to have children, the possibility of her future comeback, and she longed to have a precious son.
But she lost the bet, cause I'm that jérk who was born for her misery.
There is a 25% chance that she will d!e if she gives birth to an ‹ab›, and I am the child she least expects to be born.
To say that everything has its own contempt chain, ‹B› men should be the lowest level of discrimination against ‹Abo› blood type - as mediocre, useless, and lackluster.
Jeon Jungkook (Å)
Jeon Jungkook (Å)
this story is taekook version of ‘The Wound In My Heart’ manga ~
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Hope, you're liking it 😌✨

Marriage Proposal*.•·°

Tae's POV:
She has reasons to hate me.
But I always thought she wouldn't hate me.
I was naive. Really, Too Naive To Think Like That..
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
You say it again, I... I didn't understand.
I looked up in shock, and the silver spoon fell into the coffee mug, making a harsh thud. Lee Shin-rin looked at me calmly, and repeated what I had just said as I asked.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Marry Jeon Jungkook.
I stared at her blankly and didn't respond for a long time.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
$Ten million..
She didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
The price can be negotiated.
I opened my mouth and was a little speechless. After many years of no contact, she suddenly offered to meet me today, I thought this time would be different, I thought we would meet as a simple mother and a son, I thought she just wanted to catch up with me. In the end, what I thought did not happen, she asked me to marry as soon as she opened her mouth, and the object was Jeon Jungkook...
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
It's not about the price. Go find someone else, I'm not interested.
I was about to get up and leave, she added again without haste:
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Do you remember that child? You marry, and I will tell you where the child is.
I stopped because of her words. No matter how we fall out, I know my son Lee Ryujin, she really knows how to take my weakness and know how to poke people at pain points. For the past seven years, I have blurred all memories of the past, and I dare not even look at my body when I take a shower. With just one word from her, all my efforts were in vain. I looked at her, and she looked at me, and we were deadlocked for a while, and I finally sat back.
I dragged the chair and asked her in a low voice,
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta) make it clear, which child?
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Which child is there?
Lee Shin-rin faintly revealed a smile on the corner of her lips, as if she was winning,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
That wild seed you conceived seven years ago.
A lingering excruciating pain occurred.
I stared into her eyes, trying to see the lies. Mrs. Lee's acting skills are superb, and she has always been a good player in manipulating people's hearts. I can't easily see through it.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
That's impossible...
I unconsciously stroked my lower abdomen, and through the fabric, the scar burned my skin, as if it was about to burst open again, bleeding. I did conceive a child seven years ago, but the child was only five months old when it left my body. According to the current medical level, a five-month-old child is not incapable of survival, but he did not leave my body because of premature birth. Mrs Lee and I are very clear about this.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Nothing is impossible,
Mrs Lee said with the corners of her lips hooked,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
I kept him back then, it was as simple as that. If you want to see him, just do as I say, if you don't want to see him, just be I didn't say it, we can talk about the conditions separately.
The subtext of this remark is that she will try to get me to nod even if I don't feel comfortable with my child. She threatened me like this and said something that I don't know if it was true or not. If I was cruel, I should get up and leave immediately. But she really knew me very well, and knew that it was more than enough to deal with me if she only grasped this point.
[A/Ñ: Do you like it??]

Threatened by her*.•,·°.¡

Tae's POV: How can her scheming and shrewdness be right for her son, she treats me as an enemy.
I took a deep breath, my voice trembling:
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Madam, I'm your son, I haven't seen each other for seven years, is this all you have to say to me when you meet?
She stared at me silently for a moment, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile evoked:
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
If you don't like this opening, then let's start over. How have you been recently?(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
I don't like this opening either.
I forced a smile.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
It's good!(・‿・)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
She showed a playful expression,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
But I heard that your baker's license was revoked two years ago, is that 'good'? To understand your definition of 'good'.
Today, she was very dazzling, with her long hair up and a necklace of broken diamonds adorned with huge drop-shaped diamonds on her slender, white neck. She stroked the necklace habitually, so that others could notice her neck, and if they noticed her neck, they could find the hideous bite marks on the back of her neck. She always spends her energy on this useless thing, obsessed with pretending to be an Omega. But in the upper circles she cared about, those ‹a› and ‹o› with a keen sense of smell would not be deceived by her at all, they would only pretend to talk to her, turn around and laugh at her and imitate her. But she did learn Omega's lofty tone very well.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
You investigate on me.
The tense atmosphere of the conversation made both of us laugh at the same time.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
You plagiarized Omega's work and were disqualified from the International Cake Competition, and then your baker's qualification certificate was revoked for beating up the contestants. I still need to investigate such a big thing? On the day you came back from France like a bereaved dog, Jimin came to 'care' me with your personal leave. It's gone!
I curled my fingers:
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
I didn't plagiarize, I...
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
So what?
She interrupted me with a sneer,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
No one cares about the process, adults only look at the results. Taehyung, I have worked hard to raise you since I was a child, and I ask myself that I have never done anything wrong to you. Matter. Even if you are a beta, I still raise you carefully, send you to a famous school, hire a famous teacher for you, and wipe your **** when you are pregnant with a wild seed. What are you dissatisfied with?
The last sentence can be described as deafening. Fragments of memory flashed through my mind. She dressed up every day, went out in various alpha cars, and then came home drunk; she cried and burned me with cigarette butts, and asked me why I was beta; she pushed me in front of Park Jimin and asked me to call him brother; she's Throwing a stack of money in my face, saying I lost all her face, and telling me to get away as far as possible... Now she asks me what I am not satisfied with.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
No, I have nothing against me.
I dig my fingernails on my palm,
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
I'm very grateful that you raised me.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Since there is no dissatisfaction, don't always show me your face.
Mrs Lee frowned slightly, she leaned back on the back of the chair, and returned to today's theme,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
I raised you so big, spent so much energy, now it's time for you to repay me. You marry Jeon Jungkook, I will give you 20 million as a dowry, and tell you where the child is. How is it?
In a trance, I felt like I was back when I was a child. At that time, Mrs Lee always told me to call her "Mrs." when others were around, so that she would buy me candy afterward. Even if I don't want to, I will still do it stupidly for the sweetness. Mrs Lee has mastered the candy, and she has mastered me. I once thought that Mrs Lee had lost her candy cane, and I would not rub it with her again. But times have changed, and nothing has changed.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
About the child, there is no evidence, how do you want me to believe you?
Saying that, I was silent for a while.
She sneered and pulled out her phone, fiddling with it, and turned the screen towards me. When I saw a photo of a seven- or eight-year-old boy on it, I leaned over excitedly to grab her phone, but she took it back first. She put the phone back in her bag:
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
It only takes half a year, and I will bring him to see you in half a year. You are a beta, and marrying an alpha means nothing to you. A game Jeon's harmless wedding, after that, you can get money and fame that no one else can match, and even reunite with your children. Taehyung, if I were you, I would have agreed half an hour ago.
I bit my lip and my palms were sweaty, the figure of the child was in my mind. He was about the same age, and although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, he seemed to be a beautiful boy. Could it be that... Mrs Lee really didn't deal with the child back then? I took a sip of the cold coffee in front of me, and it took me a long time to calm down:
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Why me? Isn't Park Jimin a better choice?
Ten years ago, I followed Mrs Lee to Park's house. When I first met Park Jimin, I thought I had seen a fairy, he was the most beautiful omega I had ever seen. The serious son of the Park family is also an Omega, why did they choose me? Could it be that Jeon Jungkook still remembered the grudges in his student days and vowed not to marry Jimin? Then he should look down on me even more, after all, I have a bigger holiday with him.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Park Jimin?...
Mrs Lee's face suddenly turned ugly, it was hard to imagine that her elegant red lips could spit out such mean words,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
“After finalizing the marriage with the Cha family, that little **** Going to a bar for a party, but the estrus came early, and I was flagged by other alphas when I was confused in the toilet. I usually pretend to be decent, but in the end, I'm just a b!tch...!”
It seems that the war between the two of them is still fierce during the years when I was away from the Park family. It's hard for me to imagine that the beautiful and smart Park Jimin could make such a low-level mistake.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
But I'm not even Park.
Mrs Lee disagreed:
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Jeon Jungkook is also not surnames Cha.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
He's the stepson of the Cha family, if I'm not wrong with this information.
Mrs. Lee has a beautiful appearance and a good conversation, and is very popular among the upper class. In the end, it took a lot of effort for her to find Park Byung-soo's home. It's a pity that Mr Park, like many alphas, gives everything, just doesn't give credit. Therefore, she is still famous and untitled, just Park Byung-soo's lover.
Mrs Lee stroked her necklace naturally and smiled brightly:
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
If you promise, Byung-soo will marry me.
I understand, I am her passport to marry into a wealthy family. She has worked hard for more than ten years, and she will never give up this hard-won opportunity. She will do anything to get me to agree to this marriage, threats and inducements are just her appetizers.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
If... I don't agree, what will you do?
I asked her tentatively.
Mrs Lee raised her eyebrows, obviously smiling, but her eyes were cold:
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Taehyung, since you asked, I won't go around in circles with you. Because of you, I have already missed an opportunity. , if you screw up again this time and make it difficult for me in the Park family, don't blame me for being ruthless. You don't want to know what I'm going to do to you and your child.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Don't, don't touch him!
In just ten minutes, I completely believed her words about the child. I was terrified. I am afraid that Mrs Lee has not treated me properly in the past seven years, and I am even more afraid that he(that child) will become the second me in the future.
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Of course, you are good, none of this will happen.
Mrs Lee saw my face was wrong, and quickly softened her tone,
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
About Groom? What's wrong with Jeon Jungkook? He doesn't mind. You are a beta, you can marry him, it is something that no omega can ask for, you should feel lucky and know how to be content.
I clenched my hands, and the violent beating of my heart almost burst through my chest.
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
Lee Taehyung (Rare Beta)
He won't marry me.
Mrs Lee said;
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
Lee Shin-rin (Beta)
But he agreed.
My eyes widened in astonishment, stunned.
[A/Ñ: Hope, it's your likable ~]

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