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Feel Me



I never thought.


You would grace me with your presence.

My back hits the wall. With all my might I try to stand but A kick in my gut stops me. I look up and smirk at my victim while spitting blood.

Too bad that agitates my victim.

"Ya think you can get away?!"


Don't you feel pity? I am getting beaten to a plum. And here you are doing nothing. I would appreciate it if you could help.

Don't worry though. I am not asking for it.


Maybe I am.

My victim grabs my collar, pulling me close to his face, bringing me back to reality.

"Answer Me! Ya hear?! You cheating bastards! I will throw you in the dumpster where ya belong all bruised up and beaten!"

His eyes show amusement, enjoying the thought of imagining me like that.

Can you believe it? The audacity of this man.

In this dark alley way where there is no one in sight. What if I just reach my hand inside my jacket, pull out my knife and plunge it right into my victim's neck.

Would you like that?

Would you like it if I fought back?

My muscles flex as I pull out the knife forcefully. The blood spurts out in a violent gush, splattering in all directions, painting the surrounding area with a grisly red hue.

My victim drops to his knees, going limp, his head hitting the pole behind him. life getting sucked out of his eyes as My victim stares at me in horror.

That look.

I love it.

A tortured look suits him better, don't you think?

Oh. did I scare you?

No no that won't do. Sorry I will tone it down a bit. I Don't want to scare you off.

We just met but...

I inhale deeply, the scent of fresh blood sends a chill down my spine. My eyes fall on My victim's already dead, body.

What a waste. I thought he might put up a fight but he went out so easily.

I shake my head, my hand rummage through my left front Pocket of my black jeans. I pull out a wrinkled tissue paper and start cleaning the blade of my pocket knife.

...I feel you.

I look up at the stary sky, a small smile dancing on my lips. The wind picks up, swaying my purple hair away from my face.

You are watching me. I feel your presence.

My darling Reader~ I can feel you.

Aren't you curious about all this?

I hope you are


I want to keep you here.

Sorry, was that creepy?

It might be the blood getting to my head.

I brush my thumb across my cheek to wipe some of the blood off.


Walk with me.

My house is a block away. I live in a shady part of this city. The slums, they call it. No police here but crime is everywhere. A new dead body every week. It's nothing new. This place has always been like that. 

I unlock the door of my house, my hand pushes the door open, walking in. The darkness greets me. I slam it shut, not bothering to lock it in the process.

What? You want me to lock it? Ho ho~? Worried for me, are you?

I take off my shoes near the front door and walk towards my couch.

I need rest.

But I smell of blood and sweat.

I need to treat my wounds.

I want to shower.

I plop face first on the couch, my legs dangling. A low groan escapes my lips.

So tired.

If  you were here, would you have helped me relax?

Would you treat my injuries?

Would you make me feel better?

I changed my position and lay on my back, eyes glued to the rusty white ceiling of my house.

No moonlight shining through, but I know this house's layout with my eyes close.

How can I sense you? I know you are here with me, flipping or scrolling through text, present in my brain.

I feel a presence beside me as my eyes dart towards it.

You, standing near the couch and bending slightly to look at me. Your hair swaying with your movements. I lift my hand up to cup your cheek.

How would it feel to touch you? To feel your skin against mine.

I blink and you are gone.

I groan in disappointment.

You are playing with me.

I move my legs to the side and stand up. I open the door of my room and close it. I walk towards the mirror in front of me.

In The room dimly lit, My reflection stars back at me. I lean close to the mirror, my eyes glowing crimson. My  hair shades of purple. My hand runs through my hair, wild strands falling in front of my face. I tilt my chin up, my sharp jawline has a cut.

My tongue slides across my bottom lip, which is busted and split open in the middle. The taste of dried blood registers on my tongue. I swallow, my throat dry.

I wonder if you like what you see?

My looks I mean.

Don't I look Handsome?

Yes or no.

I already know it's a yes.

What can I say, My beauty knows no bounds.

A chuckle echoes in the empty room.

You know what, I am starting to like you here, being with me.

I slide my black jacket off my shoulder, also taking off my white shirt as they are both soaked in blood, they fall on the floor.

Not caring about it too much, I begin to take off my black jeans. Now only in my boxers. Before you know it, I am already on my bed under the covers.

I know, darling. I should wash up or clean my wounds but I don't have the energy to do so.

Tomorrow, maybe. I also need to report back to him.

Lay down with me.

I might need your body warmth.

My eyelids feel heavy as I succumb to slumber.

Goodnight darling~






"Again really?"

My manager scoffs.

"Stop it and get up! I don't have- ugh. Listen to me, In and out. Come on."

Another Panic attack. My Manger's emerald eyes are trained on me. Her glare makes me feel small. Her instructions are not helping at all. My breathing, becoming fast and shallow.

It's so cold oh so cold.

I pull my knees together, hugging them close to my chest. My Manager's voice drowned out.

I can't focus.

I can't focus.


Abruptly, warmth envelopes me. I feel a presence around me. Surrounding me. Hearing me. My breathing slows and I start to take in deep breaths.


It's you.

I close my eyes. Placing my hands, either side of me, on the tiled floors. Breathing in and out.

I open my eyes, looking around the room, taking in my surroundings to ground myself.

It's my dressing room. The mirrors, the tables where my makeups and other products are placed. The clothe racks in the corners of the room, the people, the staff in the room, all looking at me in concern, Except her.

You helped me. I ... It was never this easy for me to get out of a panic attack.

Especially when they resurface during Missions.

I exhale slowly. I imagine, feeling your arms wrapped around me, your warmth Encircling me.

I feel ...

I feel you.

"Asta! Finally felt like you got enough eyes on you? Stop wasting time and get up."

A dull mocking tone. An emotionless voice of my manager, brings me back to reality. My eyes stare at the people staring at me as they quickly direct their gaze back to work. The staff gets back to packing the bags of makeup and other products and suplies.

Right, my manager. She is still here. I look up to meet her gaze. She stands, looking pointedly at me with her arms crossed.

She never believed me, never did, when I had panic attacks..always thought I was faking them.

I don't like her. I don't like her at all. She is bossy and often times disregards my feelings.

If I want to fight back or better yet fire her. I can't because she has something on me.

I want her here for something as well. I will keep her for now.

you were not supposed to hear this part. But you did. So, that means you are in my head. That bothersome.


after feeling your presence, I don't feel bothered by hers anymore.

My lips curl up. A sickingly sweet smile graces my face. I stand up, straightening my posture. And that's the cue for the staff to leave the room, leaving us alone, except my manager.

"Tch. It's good that It didn't take an hour like always. I'm sick and tired of your drama for attention. Now it's time to-"

"Yeah I know, you don't need to keep reminding me. Don't forget I am your boss."

I retort back. Now that you are here I feel confident. I feel free.

Weird, no?

I look at my Manager's face as it controts into a scrowl. Challenging her to say something. She says nothing and walks out of my dressing room.

Why would she when no one is around.

Good, become angry. I want you to make a mistake.

After she leaves the room, I come down from my high.

Oh no! What did I just do? I shouldn't have done that? What if...

What if... She leaks it. Shows it to him.

I stumbled upon a chair to sit down.

You.. please hug me.

Hide me from this.

Keep me safe.



No no no I can't have a Panic attack again.

Deep breaths.



I know you are still here, dear reader.

Here to support me?

Ah, I am relieved, thank you.

A knock on the door brings me back to reality. I nod to myself. The mission.

"The car is ready, the manager suggested we should leave asap."

A muffled soft spoken voice calls out from behind the door. It's one of the staff.

I get up and open the door. Walking out of the room, straight outside. I look at the squared box I called my dressing room. It's going to be demolished soon.

Confused, my dear?

Don't be.

I am an idol.

A model.

An actress.

Yet I am none of these.

I am a distraction. you know where in spy movies, a beautiful lady is the one to distract the client while other spies get the info.

The stereotypical woman.

Think of me as that.

Isn't my job so cool!?

Oh yes, the big box which I called my dressing room. It is getting demolished because one of our enemies found my hide out. It's a long story.

I would love to tell you all about it later.

So, I want you to stay here, with me, till then, ok?

I hop into the passenger seat of the car. The staff have already left with the packages in the company cars. My manager is in the driver seat.

She twists the keys as the car's engine roars. And we drive to him. During the ride, my manager doesn't scold me, she is keeping silent and I don't like that.

"Kean will not be joining me for this mission, right?"

I purposely say the wrong information. Let's see how long she can keep quiet. A small smirk plays on my lips, my eyes watching the trees pass by as we get to the dead part of the city.

Wanna know something? If I want her to shout at me, I just need to say something stupid and bam! She is fuming. My eyes watch as her hands grip the stirring wheel tighter.

My gaze moves up to look at hers, emerald eyes focused on the road, not even sparing me a glance.

Rude, don't you think?

To annoy her more I open my side window fully. The wind sweeps in, making my hair dance around. I watch her again.


I pout.

Why isn't she reacting? Her blonde hair is a mess. But she does nothing to correct it. And she hasn't even said anything.

Oh well. This didn't go as I planned.

Have you met Kean?

that arrogant prick, I don't like him at all. He knows who I am, what mask I hide behind, that bastard figured me out pretty easily.

Don't tell me you like that guy?

You can't. You should only like me.

"We are here."

I snap out of it and look at her. Forgetting to slip into my mask. But she isn't looking at me so, I quickly flash a bright smile. She is all bark in front of people but when we are alone.. I put my left hand on her shoulder.

She flinches.


I squeezed her shoulder, not too tight, not to lose.

"Thank you!"

My voice, high pitched, sugary sweet, just the way I like. She says nothing. I like it that way. If she tries to expose my secret to him. I will just kill her before that time comes. But as always I need to act like I did in the dressing room, in front of all these people.

I am the innocent one. I am the one that is always harassed by my manager. You see that too, yes?

I step out of the car. My eyes look at the rusty house, I visibly wince. Why does Kean still live here? I will never know. I start to approach his front porch.

did I fool you?


Did you figure it out?

Yes, that was all for show. What I said, what I did in the dressing room. I feel your warmth slipping away...

Oh no you don't.

Stay with me.

Don't you dare--

I take a deep breath and bend down while picking up a small rock to bang at his door. That ought to wake him up.

I didn't mean any of that. I need you here with me, you know, I feel at ease in your presence.

That's what I meant. I hope you understand.

I bang once and the door creaks open, I drop the rock. He didn't even lock his door. This arrogant-- ugh.

Closing the door behind me, I strode through the entryway, which opens into the living room, taking in the cluttered furniture and the peeling wallpaper.

My eyes go past the living room as I walk towards the kitchen, The air was thick with neglect. The kitchen looked preserved like how it was, 20 years ago.

Just like the whole house.

Well except the couch That's clean and new.

With a painful smile I shook my head, that was 20 years ago. But he can't seem to move on. I pick up a dust filled bowl from the front cabinet and fill it up with water front the sink.

I turn to the left and stride to his bedroom door which was WIDE OPEN, might I add. This guy.

Entering the room, I pull his sheets off of him and throw water at his face.

Before I can react a hand lunges at me. I wince loudly, feeling a sharp pain in my scalp as he pulls on my hair.

"You psycho it's me!"

His eyes open as he sits up on his bed, glaring at me.

I glared back at him but He let's go, he starts to look around his room in quick motions of his neck, trying to find something?

"What were you up to last night? You look..."

I trail off, His crimson eyes bore into mine. My eyes follow the path of his muscles. The broad shoulders speak of his strength, his bare chest, a sculpted masterpiece.


do you like his looks?

But I am more interesting than him, remember that. Ok?

"Like what you see?"

His raspy morning voice catches my attention. I roll my eyes at him.

"Why would I--"

His eyes are unfocused, a sinister smile dancing on his lips. He is not looking at me but then who?

"Anyways, do you have anything nice to wear for the mission? Remember? Thee Miissioon."

"Your annoying. Shut up."

A British accent undertone is evident in his speech. He closes his eyes and rubs them.

"I don't mind going like this."

His smile remains, opening his eyes and narrowing them at me. I scoff and open his closet to take out the suit and a bag filled with makeup to cover up his injuries.

"I don't like to work with you either but duty calls now Get up so I can work my magic on you. It's a gala, a gathering of all the top notch businesses not some random party."

I scold him. He waves his hand dismissively, getting off the bed, walking up to me and snatches the suit, the makeup bag out of my hand.

"I can do it myself. Go wait outside or something."

"That, I can do."

I grin and leave the room.

Thank God I don't need to waste my time on him. I settle comfortably on the couch and wait for him.



Your presence is overpowering.

I can't ignore you.

But I also can't control you.

You are an anomaly.

I don't have a hold on you.

And I don't like that. Not one bit.

- The number you have dialed is not answering at the moment, please try later. -

I signed, feeling annoyed, I dial again.

- The number you have dialed is not answering at the moment, please try later. -

Damnit. I glare at the connect number.

My eyes widen as I look around my office.

High windows behind me, my chair in the center with my desk, papers piled on it. That's not what I am looking for.

My eyes sharp as I scan the area. There is nothing in my office to hide behind. Some potted plants here and there. Sofas placed on my left side, a coffee table. The only place to hide is, under my desk. I duck down to look.

no one.

My hand moves up to pull on my tie to tug it loose.

Why are you here?

I was searching for your physical body. Seems like, I am your eyes. You are seeing things through me.

With a sly smile, I lean back into my chair, eye closed.

Interesting, I guess my plan didn't fail after all. Those two should learn to be patient like me. Now, that you are finally here...

I open my eyes and lean forward towards the table. My teeth tug at the delicate lace of my glove.

Taking off the glove, I press my thumb on a touch pad, it scans my fingerprint.


I slide open the drawer.

If I can't control you, then I will just have to keep you here.

but before I can take the thing out of the drawer. A knock on the door permits me to lock the drawer again.

I put the glove back on my hand.

"Come in."

The door slides open. In walks my secretary with a woman.

"Just as you requested. She is here."

My secretary says sharply and nods stiffly while walking out the door, closing it shut. The blonde haired, emerald eyed woman stands near the door, glancing around the office nervously.

"You. Come here."

I motion with my fingers, for her to come to me. She lowly walks towards my desk. She is scared, I can feel it.

I wonder, if you were here, would I make you feel the same way? I want to see you shake under me~

I clear my throat and get up my chair, walking towards this woman.

What was her name? Oh, now I recall.

"Mandy, was it?"

She nods her head timidly. My desk behind me as I lean against it.

"Asta seems to be complaining alot about you."

I lean close to her face as she flinches back. My voice gets dangerously low.

"Why is that?"

"She- I am doing my best as her M-man-manager I don't know!"

She shakes her head, closing her eyes shut in fear.

"Best? If you were I wouldn't be involved now, would I?"

I scoff and lean back, standing straight, while looking down on her.


I command, a menacing aura enveloping my words, sending shivers down her spine as her knees tremble in response.

Close your eyes my precious reader~I don't think you would like what I am about to do next.

A cold smirk creeps up on my face. My fingers brush against my belt as I take out my gun. She immediately falls to her knees as her eyes widen in fear.

"NO, please I didn't do anything! She is lying!! You know she always is!! I didn't---!"

she pleads, crying out in terror. I cock the gun and point it to her head.

"WAIT! I know her secret! The one. I know! Please spare me and I will tell you!"

I lower the gun and raise my chin slightly.

"Go on."

Her eyes widen in hope as she starts to blurt out words at a fast pace.

"She was the one who called the police when your family house was caught----!!!"




I watch as her body falls on the black tiled floor. With a huff, I turn around towards my desk and call in my secretary, through the office telephone on my desk.

After a minute, she comes in with some people to clean up the mess. I stand there, leaning against my desk.

What happened? You ask. Well, this pest was starting to get very annoying. And I needed to take care of her.

I don't like it when someone thinks they have some power over me. I sigh as I dial the number again, from Mandy's phone this time.

- Hello! Mandy. We are ready. Come pick us up! -

A fake sugary sweet voice answers, old habits never go away easily, I guess.

- ready? -

I reply with a small chuckle. The line goes silent for a moment before she starts yelling.

- you! Where is Mandy?! Listen here Leon!! We are doing the mission, so back off. -

- Mission? 4 hours have passed already. The gala has started. Anyways, Why are you so worried about her? I already -

She cuts me off.

- answer my question!!! Where is Mandy?! -

- I took her out. Put the phone on speaker. -

I say calmly. As she does what she is told.

- wait?! Took her out?! You fuc -

I cut her off this time.

- listen, you two, change of plans, I will be attending the gala tonight. -

I hear a gasp from Asta and some curse words. Probably Kean, can't control his damn mouth.

- you heard me. Be prepared. -

I cut the call before they can answer.

I can't wait to cause chaos. Are you ready, my precious?

If you are scared, cling to me. I will keep you safe.

I promise~.


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