NovelToon NovelToon

No Doubt End Will Justify The Means

No Doubt End Will Justify The Means

Peace was in her smiles. She was looking the world with her eyes, but tempting it with her soul and mind. Desire to rise in the world will kept making her fall for the evil deeper and deeper.

Loila was sitting on her room, sitting on her room, watching through the window the scenery. She was watching people walking down the streets, children playing in the park, and a huge statue of Justicia, the lady of justice. And thinking and questioning again and again something in her mind, things, lines of stress, are all can be seen on her face, but there was something in her smile, and she said quietly, the end will no doubt justify the means.

So, before continuing the story, let's see who Loyla is.

So, Loyla, this story starts from 2 years earlier. Past years, she's in class 10th, aiming for money, glorifying the justice she has. She wants to be a lawyer, but confused what she should choose, whether forensic science, business, or business law. She was so confused, but she was determined to rise. She wants money, fame, and power. They were her aim, mission of her life, because she saw her mother die because of loss of money. And now she's determined to rise.

She thought if she had two lives, then in one life, she will play danger game, adventure, and the other life with the experience of first life. In her second life, she will live quietly, happily, joyous life.

But  everyone got only one life, so Loila decided she's gonna play safe at first. She chose law, because in her country, there was not much demand for forensic, and she didn't want to end up unemployed. Because wealth, glory, fame, money, these were her aims of life, and she knows that what's the best for her. So, year 2021 ended. In her 10th, she got 67%. And now, she's considering what to choose. Her father told her to go for dental study. She refused, because she knows what she wants in her life.

In the year 2021, she chose arts despite everyone hating her for choosing that subject. Everyone told her to not choose arts because in arts there's no future. They all did. But Loyla stood up on her behalf and chose an art.

Even her father was disappointed, really disappointed to the fact that he didn't even help her through. All the college admissions procedures,  She ended up doing all to herself. She was independent.

She was determined to rise. Then she thought about more and more what she chose. Then her father denied for her to go for law. She was dumbstruck. Actually her father denied when she was in 10th. But in a lot, it seems very clear to her. She was still determined. She was still thinking about playing safe.

So she thought going for a government job. She chose arts and studying, studying and studying. Despite people were blaming her for choosing such a course like arts. They wanted her to choose science or commerce. She didn't choose. She followed her will. Now 2021, completing her college procedures.

At that year, 2021, when she finished her college procedures, her brother got admission in a new school, and her father told her to go for the parent-teacher meeting period, despite the fact that she didn't want it to go.

But she still followed, thinking that it was her responsibility, with a lot of regret but a heavy heart.

On the way to her brother's school, there comes the high court, where the lady of justice lives, where the law shines brightly.

She crossed the path, she thought where she will cross that path, she will cry, her heart will be broken. On the way to the school, her heart was heavy, but when she saw the high court, she was filled with pride. But as soon as she got to the school, tears burst out of her.

At that time, she thought, why didn't I cry when I was in front of the high court, in front of my justicia, but cry when I got to my destination, to the school. With a heavy heart, cursing her family, the world, society, and everyone.

When she got school, she decided that she will not live more than 40 years or maybe 30 years of her life. She will commit suicìde. She don't want to live long. She has decided very long ago that if she will be by Justicia's side, by law, she will live more like 60 years, 70 years, 80 years, or even more. But without law and Justicia, she doesn't have the will to lìve anymore.

So she thought she will live whatever days she have with happiness, leave her family and live alone in a quiet place whatever days have left for her.

She was thinking how to dìe, where to find long buildings, use poìson or cut through knìfe or just jump out from the building and she ended up thinking she will shoot herself with the gun,  on her pain that will kill her within seconds without much pain. And with these all thoughts she goes to the school finding her brother's medium class.

When she was finding her brother's class, she got the class. When she enters that class, she found a young woman with all hair fixed, with all makeup. She's looking like a decent businesswoman. And here she thought that she's the class teacher who's going to give the report card of her brother. Before Loyla even greets that person, another lady enters. And the moment another lady enters, that business class looking woman greeted her. Like, good morning ma'am.

At that point, Loyla understands that, oh, that business class looking woman is not the class teacher. Then another woman that came, that's the class teacher. Then the class teacher's name was Boza. She told Loyla to sit down on the bench because that business class looking woman was waiting here for longer.

That's why Loyla sits on the bench near the teacher's desk. Teacher and that business class looking woman started to chat. Teacher asked about the roll number of his child and name. She told that his child's name was Rav and roll number she told. While sitting, Loyla was constantly staring at that business class looking woman. She was thinking how graceful she looks, how gracefully she talks, the way she behaves, the way she talks. All are so graceful.

That child must be lucky to have such a gorgeous mother. Exactly these lines were later in her mind. Teacher asked her what she's doing and along other stuff. That lady told the teacher to take care of his son since she's always traveling from streets to streets because of her work.

She told that she's senior HR of a very big company and that's the very reason she can't be able to take care of her child. Her husband got into an accident and can't be able to walk on his legs for a few months. She's so much busy. At first she put her child, the boy Rav on kindergarten but then admitted him to the school. Obviously my brother's school was the top school of my whole state and my whole country.

I was so mesmerized to hear that wow she's so independent woman. The way she talks, the way she walks, everything is so great about her. She was a mother of a child. I never thought about that. At looking at her, I thought that she was the teacher. All those things were going on in the mind of Laila. Loyla was speaking to herself and teacher told her that yeah your child is so great, so cute. But needs to focus on study. Since he doesn't complete homework and something like that, I didn't hear. I was totally focused on that HR. Loyla, thinks.

Later on, that business class looking woman left and now the teacher talked about my brother. Obviously, that was not quite the pleasing talk because my brother is very naughty. He's small. Whatever. After I left that school, I got out of the school. I was thinking, what HR is? I was not aware.

I have studied that in my 10th class geography book. That HR means human resource. I was so curious. I could not stop myself. I instantly opened my phone, searched HR. What is HR? And there comes the things. What HR is, what courses do HR do, and all the things. Then I searched, can our student become HR? Then there was the answer. Yes, any student from any stream can become HR.

After that, I searched, which course should I have to do? Then there comes that for HR, one must do MBA to get higher positions to work for abroad and all the things. At that point, Laila was not good in math, so I thought, maybe it's not for me. And then again, while crossing that road, again, Laila saw the high court.

And then she offs her phone and then got back to home. She forgets about HR. She told herself that no, HR is not for me. I will safely, I will go for a government job that will be safe. Yes, safe. And she offed her phone. She powered off her phone and went back to her home while crossing that high court.

While crossing back the high court, she never looked at that high court. She just passed along through public vehicle. That's it.

Now, days after days passed. Now, there comes the month. She again have to go to her brother's parent-teacher meeting. Her father told her to go on his behalf. She doesn't want to go, but again, the word responsibility that is synonym to burden for her, overwhelms her heart.

She again thought that her heart will be heavy. She will cry when she see that high coat and the lady of justice that lies there. She thought she would cry, but on her way to the school when that high court appears. Again, her heart was filled with joy, pride.

She was feeling so much proud. Then she saw some of the lawyers in black and white suit. At this time, she felt disappointed and tears came out of her. She again goes to school, meet the teacher, and goes back to home.

Now again months passed and now it's time to submit the fees of the school of her brother and again her father told her to go submit the fees of your brother's school fee.

With heavy heart she again thought that she would cry when she see that high court. Again she crossed the path with that high court but she didn't cried. The only feeling she had in her heart while seeing that high court where lady of justice realized was joy and proud.

While passing the high court she again saw lawyers in white and black. Again her eyes filled with tears. She goes to school but when she submits the fee they told that they won't accept cash so she must goes to bank and submit the cash there and get the receipt back to the school.

She was already so much upset about lawyers incident and all about her life with heavy heart. She goes out of the school searching for bank almost every street of her brother's school. She searched for a bank and could not be able to find so.

On her way to finding bank where she could submit the cash she met a lawyer. She asked her hurriedly do you know where the bank is and that lawyer was in so much hurry. Maybe he was in her 30s or 40s. He told that he's going to the high court. He's having a hearing soon in the court and he needed to go and he don't know where the bank is.

He told Loyla to ask from the locals and he was leaving. Loyla looks back at him. She saw that lawyer was all tired, too much tired. That lawyer's white and black dress suit was not properly fixed. He looks so tired, so exhausted yet he was going for that court.

Yet he was going for high court. She was looking at that lawyer whose face is wholesome filled with sweat. Then that lawyer left.

Loyla asked the locals submit the fees and while submitting fees and coming out of the skill she was thinking about lawyer's life and inevitably she compares that lawyer's life to that HR's life that she met earlier and now she again out of curiosity opened her phone and started to search about how to do LLB and MBA together. What does it mean? It means that how to do law and business means HR together.

She was searching for doing both together. Then, this time, there was something that was attracting Loyla. And it was not just the things around her, but something that is so inexplicable. This time, she goes home, search about everything related to what MBA is, what are its specializations, and about laws and everything.

She already knew about law, so she don't have to search about that. What was new to her was MBA HR. She search about many of the specializations in MBA. And the specialization that catches her eye was IB, means International Business. And then she thought, she always wanted to go abroad and settle down there. That was her always a dream.

And then she unimaginably compared the life of a lawyer and that HR. She thought, if I will become lawyer, then I could not go to abroad, since lawyer needs to work for their home countries, especially if they are not international lawyers.

And as for HR or any other profession like international business from MBA, they can work abroad, have a good some money. And then she again, Loyla thought, I could not do law because my father denied that.

But what if I go for MBA with international business? I have decided not to live long life, so why not enjoy my this short life? I wanted to live in a quiet place alone. I will go to abroad, buy a house, live there alone, spend my, whatever will be my life span will be.

I'm not going to live more than 40 years or 30 years. Since justicia is not part of my life, she thought. And after some time, after some hours, she again told herself, no, MBA, HR, that's not for me. Never for me.

I will safe play. I will go for government job. Yes, I will go for government job. And she told herself that many times.

Now, again, time passed. Now, her 11th is completely complete. 2022 and 2023 started now. This time, she thought about, why not I do BA, I mean, I am from art stream, so why not choose for DuaL specialization, that means I can get 2 degrees from single year and that will be quite good.

After all, Loyla was determined to rise. She was desperately in search of anything that could justify the means that she desired.

And the idea pop out in her mind about dual specialization, what happens if I can do 2 specializations in the same year and get 2 different degrees in 2 different areas. She thought and searched about it on the internet and whoops, she got it.

So, this time, she mustered up her courage and goes to her father and told him that I want to do dual specialization. Her father doesn't know what dual specialization is, so her father asked, what do you mean by dual specialization?

She told that dual specialization means I can get 2 degrees from a single semester, from a single year and having 2 different working experience get me a good job and I am going to do it.

Her father was shocked because he lost hope in Loyla since she didn't choose science and dental studies. Then, Loyla told that I will do BA, Bachelor of Arts and BBA, Bachelor of Business Administration with dual specialization and after sometime, I will go for MBA.

Loyla thought that she will do BBA from HR specialization and MBA from international business. In that way, she can be HR and also work in abroad, settle down there.

That will be the very wise choice that Loyla could ever make. After all, she was determined to rise. Her father was dumbstruck. He agreed. To be honest, Loyla knew that his father was not interested. His father didn't even ask her, what BBA specialization are you gonna choose? What MBA specialization are you gonna choose?

He was not even interested. He just said okay and left. But, there was something going on with Loyla's mind. The sparkling eye. She was determined to rise.

Again, she said to herself, no doubt, the end will justify the means. I will let be that happen. She closed her eyes and slept peacefully that day.

Now, months after months passed, and now it's 2023-24 mid, she decided that she's not going to choose Bachelor of Business Administration.

She's not going to do dual specialization, since that dual specialization only burdened her with more subjects, and if she doesn't got good percentage, then that could affect her career.

She decided, I am going to take an adventurous road. I am not going to play safe anymore, since I am not interested into living that much, why not trying to be adventurous a little bit. And that's how Loyola decided that she's not going to prepare for the government exams.

She's going to choose what she wants. She has decided that she will do BBA, and then MBA from international business, and settle down in abroad, and then having her own company. She wants to become a business tycoon, and rule the world, and die peacefully.

Now she decided she's not going to die early, she's going to die when she wants to. After having satisfaction from her life, she decided she's going to die when she will be 48, or maybe she will live a little more, if she will be healthy.

Also, there's something that Loyola have taken interest from after completing her 10th, starting from year 2021, she has a strange interest in thriller stories. So that was also a part of her hobby, that till today, 2024 still continues.


Note:- Other next chapter'll be updated, when the time comes... so for now its just as it is.

Others are just Vol 1, the same.

Vol 1

Peace was in her smiles. She was looking the world with her eyes, but tempting it with her soul and mind. Desire to rise in the world will kept making her fall for the evil deeper and deeper.

Loila was sitting on her room, sitting on her room, watching through the window the scenery. She was watching people walking down the streets, children playing in the park, and a huge statue of Justicia, the lady of justice. And thinking and questioning again and again something in her mind, things, lines of stress, are all can be seen on her face, but there was something in her smile, and she said quietly, the end will no doubt justify the means.

So, before continuing the story, let's see who Loyla is.

So, Loyla, this story starts from 2 years earlier. Past years, she's in class 10th, aiming for money, glorifying the justice she has. She wants to be a lawyer, but confused what she should choose, whether forensic science, business, or business law. She was so confused, but she was determined to rise. She wants money, fame, and power. They were her aim, mission of her life, because she saw her mother die because of loss of money. And now she's determined to rise.

She thought if she had two lives, then in one life, she will play danger game, adventure, and the other life with the experience of first life. In her second life, she will live quietly, happily, joyous life.

But  everyone got only one life, so Loila decided she's gonna play safe at first. She chose law, because in her country, there was not much demand for forensic, and she didn't want to end up unemployed. Because wealth, glory, fame, money, these were her aims of life, and she knows that what's the best for her. So, year 2021 ended. In her 10th, she got 67%. And now, she's considering what to choose. Her father told her to go for dental study. She refused, because she knows what she wants in her life.

In the year 2021, she chose arts despite everyone hating her for choosing that subject. Everyone told her to not choose arts because in arts there's no future. They all did. But Loyla stood up on her behalf and chose an art.

Even her father was disappointed, really disappointed to the fact that he didn't even help her through. All the college admissions procedures,  She ended up doing all to herself. She was independent.

She was determined to rise. Then she thought about more and more what she chose. Then her father denied for her to go for law. She was dumbstruck. Actually her father denied when she was in 10th. But in a lot, it seems very clear to her. She was still determined. She was still thinking about playing safe.

So she thought going for a government job. She chose arts and studying, studying and studying. Despite people were blaming her for choosing such a course like arts. They wanted her to choose science or commerce. She didn't choose. She followed her will. Now 2021, completing her college procedures.

At that year, 2021, when she finished her college procedures, her brother got admission in a new school, and her father told her to go for the parent-teacher meeting period, despite the fact that she didn't want it to go.

But she still followed, thinking that it was her responsibility, with a lot of regret but a heavy heart.

On the way to her brother's school, there comes the high court, where the lady of justice lives, where the law shines brightly.

She crossed the path, she thought where she will cross that path, she will cry, her heart will be broken. On the way to the school, her heart was heavy, but when she saw the high court, she was filled with pride. But as soon as she got to the school, tears burst out of her.

At that time, she thought, why didn't I cry when I was in front of the high court, in front of my justicia, but cry when I got to my destination, to the school. With a heavy heart, cursing her family, the world, society, and everyone.

When she got school, she decided that she will not live more than 40 years or maybe 30 years of her life. She will commit suicìde. She don't want to live long. She has decided very long ago that if she will be by Justicia's side, by law, she will live more like 60 years, 70 years, 80 years, or even more. But without law and Justicia, she doesn't have the will to lìve anymore.

So she thought she will live whatever days she have with happiness, leave her family and live alone in a quiet place whatever days have left for her.

She was thinking how to dìe, where to find long buildings, use poìson or cut through knìfe or just jump out from the building and she ended up thinking she will shoot herself with the gun,  on her pain that will kill her within seconds without much pain. And with these all thoughts she goes to the school finding her brother's medium class.

When she was finding her brother's class, she got the class. When she enters that class, she found a young woman with all hair fixed, with all makeup. She's looking like a decent businesswoman. And here she thought that she's the class teacher who's going to give the report card of her brother. Before Loyla even greets that person, another lady enters. And the moment another lady enters, that business class looking woman greeted her. Like, good morning ma'am.

At that point, Loyla understands that, oh, that business class looking woman is not the class teacher. Then another woman that came, that's the class teacher. Then the class teacher's name was Boza. She told Loyla to sit down on the bench because that business class looking woman was waiting here for longer.

That's why Loyla sits on the bench near the teacher's desk. Teacher and that business class looking woman started to chat. Teacher asked about the roll number of his child and name. She told that his child's name was Rav and roll number she told. While sitting, Loyla was constantly staring at that business class looking woman. She was thinking how graceful she looks, how gracefully she talks, the way she behaves, the way she talks. All are so graceful.

That child must be lucky to have such a gorgeous mother. Exactly these lines were later in her mind. Teacher asked her what she's doing and along other stuff. That lady told the teacher to take care of his son since she's always traveling from streets to streets because of her work.

She told that she's senior HR of a very big company and that's the very reason she can't be able to take care of her child. Her husband got into an accident and can't be able to walk on his legs for a few months. She's so much busy. At first she put her child, the boy Rav on kindergarten but then admitted him to the school. Obviously my brother's school was the top school of my whole state and my whole country.

I was so mesmerized to hear that wow she's so independent woman. The way she talks, the way she walks, everything is so great about her. She was a mother of a child. I never thought about that. At looking at her, I thought that she was the teacher. All those things were going on in the mind of Laila. Loyla was speaking to herself and teacher told her that yeah your child is so great, so cute. But needs to focus on study. Since he doesn't complete homework and something like that, I didn't hear. I was totally focused on that HR. Loyla, thinks.

Later on, that business class looking woman left and now the teacher talked about my brother. Obviously, that was not quite the pleasing talk because my brother is very naughty. He's small. Whatever. After I left that school, I got out of the school. I was thinking, what HR is? I was not aware.

I have studied that in my 10th class geography book. That HR means human resource. I was so curious. I could not stop myself. I instantly opened my phone, searched HR. What is HR? And there comes the things. What HR is, what courses do HR do, and all the things. Then I searched, can our student become HR? Then there was the answer. Yes, any student from any stream can become HR.

After that, I searched, which course should I have to do? Then there comes that for HR, one must do MBA to get higher positions to work for abroad and all the things. At that point, Laila was not good in math, so I thought, maybe it's not for me. And then again, while crossing that road, again, Laila saw the high court.

And then she offs her phone and then got back to home. She forgets about HR. She told herself that no, HR is not for me. I will safely, I will go for a government job that will be safe. Yes, safe. And she offed her phone. She powered off her phone and went back to her home while crossing that high court.

While crossing back the high court, she never looked at that high court. She just passed along through public vehicle. That's it.

Now, days after days passed. Now, there comes the month. She again have to go to her brother's parent-teacher meeting. Her father told her to go on his behalf. She doesn't want to go, but again, the word responsibility that is synonym to burden for her, overwhelms her heart.

She again thought that her heart will be heavy. She will cry when she see that high coat and the lady of justice that lies there. She thought she would cry, but on her way to the school when that high court appears. Again, her heart was filled with joy, pride.

She was feeling so much proud. Then she saw some of the lawyers in black and white suit. At this time, she felt disappointed and tears came out of her. She again goes to school, meet the teacher, and goes back to home.

Now again months passed and now it's time to submit the fees of the school of her brother and again her father told her to go submit the fees of your brother's school fee.

With heavy heart she again thought that she would cry when she see that high court. Again she crossed the path with that high court but she didn't cried. The only feeling she had in her heart while seeing that high court where lady of justice realized was joy and proud.

While passing the high court she again saw lawyers in white and black. Again her eyes filled with tears. She goes to school but when she submits the fee they told that they won't accept cash so she must goes to bank and submit the cash there and get the receipt back to the school.

She was already so much upset about lawyers incident and all about her life with heavy heart. She goes out of the school searching for bank almost every street of her brother's school. She searched for a bank and could not be able to find so.

On her way to finding bank where she could submit the cash she met a lawyer. She asked her hurriedly do you know where the bank is and that lawyer was in so much hurry. Maybe he was in her 30s or 40s. He told that he's going to the high court. He's having a hearing soon in the court and he needed to go and he don't know where the bank is.

He told Loyla to ask from the locals and he was leaving. Loyla looks back at him. She saw that lawyer was all tired, too much tired. That lawyer's white and black dress suit was not properly fixed. He looks so tired, so exhausted yet he was going for that court.

Yet he was going for high court. She was looking at that lawyer whose face is wholesome filled with sweat. Then that lawyer left.

Loyla asked the locals submit the fees and while submitting fees and coming out of the skill she was thinking about lawyer's life and inevitably she compares that lawyer's life to that HR's life that she met earlier and now she again out of curiosity opened her phone and started to search about how to do LLB and MBA together. What does it mean? It means that how to do law and business means HR together.

She was searching for doing both together. Then, this time, there was something that was attracting Loyla. And it was not just the things around her, but something that is so inexplicable. This time, she goes home, search about everything related to what MBA is, what are its specializations, and about laws and everything.

She already knew about law, so she don't have to search about that. What was new to her was MBA HR. She search about many of the specializations in MBA. And the specialization that catches her eye was IB, means International Business. And then she thought, she always wanted to go abroad and settle down there. That was her always a dream.

And then she unimaginably compared the life of a lawyer and that HR. She thought, if I will become lawyer, then I could not go to abroad, since lawyer needs to work for their home countries, especially if they are not international lawyers.

And as for HR or any other profession like international business from MBA, they can work abroad, have a good some money. And then she again, Loyla thought, I could not do law because my father denied that.

But what if I go for MBA with international business? I have decided not to live long life, so why not enjoy my this short life? I wanted to live in a quiet place alone. I will go to abroad, buy a house, live there alone, spend my, whatever will be my life span will be.

I'm not going to live more than 40 years or 30 years. Since justicia is not part of my life, she thought. And after some time, after some hours, she again told herself, no, MBA, HR, that's not for me. Never for me.

I will safe play. I will go for government job. Yes, I will go for government job. And she told herself that many times.

Now, again, time passed. Now, her 11th is completely complete. 2022 and 2023 started now. This time, she thought about, why not I do BA, I mean, I am from art stream, so why not choose for DuaL specialization, that means I can get 2 degrees from single year and that will be quite good.

After all, Loyla was determined to rise. She was desperately in search of anything that could justify the means that she desired.

And the idea pop out in her mind about dual specialization, what happens if I can do 2 specializations in the same year and get 2 different degrees in 2 different areas. She thought and searched about it on the internet and whoops, she got it.

So, this time, she mustered up her courage and goes to her father and told him that I want to do dual specialization. Her father doesn't know what dual specialization is, so her father asked, what do you mean by dual specialization?

She told that dual specialization means I can get 2 degrees from a single semester, from a single year and having 2 different working experience get me a good job and I am going to do it.

Her father was shocked because he lost hope in Loyla since she didn't choose science and dental studies. Then, Loyla told that I will do BA, Bachelor of Arts and BBA, Bachelor of Business Administration with dual specialization and after sometime, I will go for MBA.

Loyla thought that she will do BBA from HR specialization and MBA from international business. In that way, she can be HR and also work in abroad, settle down there.

That will be the very wise choice that Loyla could ever make. After all, she was determined to rise. Her father was dumbstruck. He agreed. To be honest, Loyla knew that his father was not interested. His father didn't even ask her, what BBA specialization are you gonna choose? What MBA specialization are you gonna choose?

He was not even interested. He just said okay and left. But, there was something going on with Loyla's mind. The sparkling eye. She was determined to rise.

Again, she said to herself, no doubt, the end will justify the means. I will let be that happen. She closed her eyes and slept peacefully that day.

Now, months after months passed, and now it's 2023-24 mid, she decided that she's not going to choose Bachelor of Business Administration.

She's not going to do dual specialization, since that dual specialization only burdened her with more subjects, and if she doesn't got good percentage, then that could affect her career.

She decided, I am going to take an adventurous road. I am not going to play safe anymore, since I am not interested into living that much, why not trying to be adventurous a little bit. And that's how Loyola decided that she's not going to prepare for the government exams.

She's going to choose what she wants. She has decided that she will do BBA, and then MBA from international business, and settle down in abroad, and then having her own company. She wants to become a business tycoon, and rule the world, and die peacefully.

Now she decided she's not going to die early, she's going to die when she wants to. After having satisfaction from her life, she decided she's going to die when she will be 48, or maybe she will live a little more, if she will be healthy.

Also, there's something that Loyola have taken interest from after completing her 10th, starting from year 2021, she has a strange interest in thriller stories. So that was also a part of her hobby, that till today, 2024 still continues.

Vol 1

Peace was in her smiles. She was looking the world with her eyes, but tempting it with her soul and mind. Desire to rise in the world will kept making her fall for the evil deeper and deeper.

Loila was sitting on her room, sitting on her room, watching through the window the scenery. She was watching people walking down the streets, children playing in the park, and a huge statue of Justicia, the lady of justice. And thinking and questioning again and again something in her mind, things, lines of stress, are all can be seen on her face, but there was something in her smile, and she said quietly, the end will no doubt justify the means.

So, before continuing the story, let's see who Loyla is.

So, Loyla, this story starts from 2 years earlier. Past years, she's in class 10th, aiming for money, glorifying the justice she has. She wants to be a lawyer, but confused what she should choose, whether forensic science, business, or business law. She was so confused, but she was determined to rise. She wants money, fame, and power. They were her aim, mission of her life, because she saw her mother die because of loss of money. And now she's determined to rise.

She thought if she had two lives, then in one life, she will play danger game, adventure, and the other life with the experience of first life. In her second life, she will live quietly, happily, joyous life.

But  everyone got only one life, so Loila decided she's gonna play safe at first. She chose law, because in her country, there was not much demand for forensic, and she didn't want to end up unemployed. Because wealth, glory, fame, money, these were her aims of life, and she knows that what's the best for her. So, year 2021 ended. In her 10th, she got 67%. And now, she's considering what to choose. Her father told her to go for dental study. She refused, because she knows what she wants in her life.

In the year 2021, she chose arts despite everyone hating her for choosing that subject. Everyone told her to not choose arts because in arts there's no future. They all did. But Loyla stood up on her behalf and chose an art.

Even her father was disappointed, really disappointed to the fact that he didn't even help her through. All the college admissions procedures,  She ended up doing all to herself. She was independent.

She was determined to rise. Then she thought about more and more what she chose. Then her father denied for her to go for law. She was dumbstruck. Actually her father denied when she was in 10th. But in a lot, it seems very clear to her. She was still determined. She was still thinking about playing safe.

So she thought going for a government job. She chose arts and studying, studying and studying. Despite people were blaming her for choosing such a course like arts. They wanted her to choose science or commerce. She didn't choose. She followed her will. Now 2021, completing her college procedures.

At that year, 2021, when she finished her college procedures, her brother got admission in a new school, and her father told her to go for the parent-teacher meeting period, despite the fact that she didn't want it to go.

But she still followed, thinking that it was her responsibility, with a lot of regret but a heavy heart.

On the way to her brother's school, there comes the high court, where the lady of justice lives, where the law shines brightly.

She crossed the path, she thought where she will cross that path, she will cry, her heart will be broken. On the way to the school, her heart was heavy, but when she saw the high court, she was filled with pride. But as soon as she got to the school, tears burst out of her.

At that time, she thought, why didn't I cry when I was in front of the high court, in front of my justicia, but cry when I got to my destination, to the school. With a heavy heart, cursing her family, the world, society, and everyone.

When she got school, she decided that she will not live more than 40 years or maybe 30 years of her life. She will commit suicìde. She don't want to live long. She has decided very long ago that if she will be by Justicia's side, by law, she will live more like 60 years, 70 years, 80 years, or even more. But without law and Justicia, she doesn't have the will to lìve anymore.

So she thought she will live whatever days she have with happiness, leave her family and live alone in a quiet place whatever days have left for her.

She was thinking how to dìe, where to find long buildings, use poìson or cut through knìfe or just jump out from the building and she ended up thinking she will shoot herself with the gun,  on her pain that will kill her within seconds without much pain. And with these all thoughts she goes to the school finding her brother's medium class.

When she was finding her brother's class, she got the class. When she enters that class, she found a young woman with all hair fixed, with all makeup. She's looking like a decent businesswoman. And here she thought that she's the class teacher who's going to give the report card of her brother. Before Loyla even greets that person, another lady enters. And the moment another lady enters, that business class looking woman greeted her. Like, good morning ma'am.

At that point, Loyla understands that, oh, that business class looking woman is not the class teacher. Then another woman that came, that's the class teacher. Then the class teacher's name was Boza. She told Loyla to sit down on the bench because that business class looking woman was waiting here for longer.

That's why Loyla sits on the bench near the teacher's desk. Teacher and that business class looking woman started to chat. Teacher asked about the roll number of his child and name. She told that his child's name was Rav and roll number she told. While sitting, Loyla was constantly staring at that business class looking woman. She was thinking how graceful she looks, how gracefully she talks, the way she behaves, the way she talks. All are so graceful.

That child must be lucky to have such a gorgeous mother. Exactly these lines were later in her mind. Teacher asked her what she's doing and along other stuff. That lady told the teacher to take care of his son since she's always traveling from streets to streets because of her work.

She told that she's senior HR of a very big company and that's the very reason she can't be able to take care of her child. Her husband got into an accident and can't be able to walk on his legs for a few months. She's so much busy. At first she put her child, the boy Rav on kindergarten but then admitted him to the school. Obviously my brother's school was the top school of my whole state and my whole country.

I was so mesmerized to hear that wow she's so independent woman. The way she talks, the way she walks, everything is so great about her. She was a mother of a child. I never thought about that. At looking at her, I thought that she was the teacher. All those things were going on in the mind of Laila. Loyla was speaking to herself and teacher told her that yeah your child is so great, so cute. But needs to focus on study. Since he doesn't complete homework and something like that, I didn't hear. I was totally focused on that HR. Loyla, thinks.

Later on, that business class looking woman left and now the teacher talked about my brother. Obviously, that was not quite the pleasing talk because my brother is very naughty. He's small. Whatever. After I left that school, I got out of the school. I was thinking, what HR is? I was not aware.

I have studied that in my 10th class geography book. That HR means human resource. I was so curious. I could not stop myself. I instantly opened my phone, searched HR. What is HR? And there comes the things. What HR is, what courses do HR do, and all the things. Then I searched, can our student become HR? Then there was the answer. Yes, any student from any stream can become HR.

After that, I searched, which course should I have to do? Then there comes that for HR, one must do MBA to get higher positions to work for abroad and all the things. At that point, Laila was not good in math, so I thought, maybe it's not for me. And then again, while crossing that road, again, Laila saw the high court.

And then she offs her phone and then got back to home. She forgets about HR. She told herself that no, HR is not for me. I will safely, I will go for a government job that will be safe. Yes, safe. And she offed her phone. She powered off her phone and went back to her home while crossing that high court.

While crossing back the high court, she never looked at that high court. She just passed along through public vehicle. That's it.

Now, days after days passed. Now, there comes the month. She again have to go to her brother's parent-teacher meeting. Her father told her to go on his behalf. She doesn't want to go, but again, the word responsibility that is synonym to burden for her, overwhelms her heart.

She again thought that her heart will be heavy. She will cry when she see that high coat and the lady of justice that lies there. She thought she would cry, but on her way to the school when that high court appears. Again, her heart was filled with joy, pride.

She was feeling so much proud. Then she saw some of the lawyers in black and white suit. At this time, she felt disappointed and tears came out of her. She again goes to school, meet the teacher, and goes back to home.

Now again months passed and now it's time to submit the fees of the school of her brother and again her father told her to go submit the fees of your brother's school fee.

With heavy heart she again thought that she would cry when she see that high court. Again she crossed the path with that high court but she didn't cried. The only feeling she had in her heart while seeing that high court where lady of justice realized was joy and proud.

While passing the high court she again saw lawyers in white and black. Again her eyes filled with tears. She goes to school but when she submits the fee they told that they won't accept cash so she must goes to bank and submit the cash there and get the receipt back to the school.

She was already so much upset about lawyers incident and all about her life with heavy heart. She goes out of the school searching for bank almost every street of her brother's school. She searched for a bank and could not be able to find so.

On her way to finding bank where she could submit the cash she met a lawyer. She asked her hurriedly do you know where the bank is and that lawyer was in so much hurry. Maybe he was in her 30s or 40s. He told that he's going to the high court. He's having a hearing soon in the court and he needed to go and he don't know where the bank is.

He told Loyla to ask from the locals and he was leaving. Loyla looks back at him. She saw that lawyer was all tired, too much tired. That lawyer's white and black dress suit was not properly fixed. He looks so tired, so exhausted yet he was going for that court.

Yet he was going for high court. She was looking at that lawyer whose face is wholesome filled with sweat. Then that lawyer left.

Loyla asked the locals submit the fees and while submitting fees and coming out of the skill she was thinking about lawyer's life and inevitably she compares that lawyer's life to that HR's life that she met earlier and now she again out of curiosity opened her phone and started to search about how to do LLB and MBA together. What does it mean? It means that how to do law and business means HR together.

She was searching for doing both together. Then, this time, there was something that was attracting Loyla. And it was not just the things around her, but something that is so inexplicable. This time, she goes home, search about everything related to what MBA is, what are its specializations, and about laws and everything.

She already knew about law, so she don't have to search about that. What was new to her was MBA HR. She search about many of the specializations in MBA. And the specialization that catches her eye was IB, means International Business. And then she thought, she always wanted to go abroad and settle down there. That was her always a dream.

And then she unimaginably compared the life of a lawyer and that HR. She thought, if I will become lawyer, then I could not go to abroad, since lawyer needs to work for their home countries, especially if they are not international lawyers.

And as for HR or any other profession like international business from MBA, they can work abroad, have a good some money. And then she again, Loyla thought, I could not do law because my father denied that.

But what if I go for MBA with international business? I have decided not to live long life, so why not enjoy my this short life? I wanted to live in a quiet place alone. I will go to abroad, buy a house, live there alone, spend my, whatever will be my life span will be.

I'm not going to live more than 40 years or 30 years. Since justicia is not part of my life, she thought. And after some time, after some hours, she again told herself, no, MBA, HR, that's not for me. Never for me.

I will safe play. I will go for government job. Yes, I will go for government job. And she told herself that many times.

Now, again, time passed. Now, her 11th is completely complete. 2022 and 2023 started now. This time, she thought about, why not I do BA, I mean, I am from art stream, so why not choose for DuaL specialization, that means I can get 2 degrees from single year and that will be quite good.

After all, Loyla was determined to rise. She was desperately in search of anything that could justify the means that she desired.

And the idea pop out in her mind about dual specialization, what happens if I can do 2 specializations in the same year and get 2 different degrees in 2 different areas. She thought and searched about it on the internet and whoops, she got it.

So, this time, she mustered up her courage and goes to her father and told him that I want to do dual specialization. Her father doesn't know what dual specialization is, so her father asked, what do you mean by dual specialization?

She told that dual specialization means I can get 2 degrees from a single semester, from a single year and having 2 different working experience get me a good job and I am going to do it.

Her father was shocked because he lost hope in Loyla since she didn't choose science and dental studies. Then, Loyla told that I will do BA, Bachelor of Arts and BBA, Bachelor of Business Administration with dual specialization and after sometime, I will go for MBA.

Loyla thought that she will do BBA from HR specialization and MBA from international business. In that way, she can be HR and also work in abroad, settle down there.

That will be the very wise choice that Loyla could ever make. After all, she was determined to rise. Her father was dumbstruck. He agreed. To be honest, Loyla knew that his father was not interested. His father didn't even ask her, what BBA specialization are you gonna choose? What MBA specialization are you gonna choose?

He was not even interested. He just said okay and left. But, there was something going on with Loyla's mind. The sparkling eye. She was determined to rise.

Again, she said to herself, no doubt, the end will justify the means. I will let be that happen. She closed her eyes and slept peacefully that day.

Now, months after months passed, and now it's 2023-24 mid, she decided that she's not going to choose Bachelor of Business Administration.

She's not going to do dual specialization, since that dual specialization only burdened her with more subjects, and if she doesn't got good percentage, then that could affect her career.

She decided, I am going to take an adventurous road. I am not going to play safe anymore, since I am not interested into living that much, why not trying to be adventurous a little bit. And that's how Loyola decided that she's not going to prepare for the government exams.

She's going to choose what she wants. She has decided that she will do BBA, and then MBA from international business, and settle down in abroad, and then having her own company. She wants to become a business tycoon, and rule the world, and die peacefully.

Now she decided she's not going to die early, she's going to die when she wants to. After having satisfaction from her life, she decided she's going to die when she will be 48, or maybe she will live a little more, if she will be healthy.

Also, there's something that Loyola have taken interest from after completing her 10th, starting from year 2021, she has a strange interest in thriller stories. So that was also a part of her hobby, that till today, 2024 still continues.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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