NovelToon NovelToon

Idol's Little Family

Chapter 1

It's past 11 at night. One brunette is sleeping peacefully in his cozy bedroom by hugging a cute fluffy baby who is snuggling towards his momma's chest for warmth while occasionally sucking on the pacifier.

The only sound that is heard in that entire apartment is the calm breathing voice of these two and the ticking of the clock. However, the peaceful silence of the apartment was broken by the click sound of the doorknob. A man in a long black coat, a black mask and a Bennie entered the apartment locking the door behind him. He undid his coat, mask and Bennie before keeping in its respective places. He made his way to the bedroom.

The sight in front of his eye brought a boxy smile to his face. His world, his most precious gems. Kim Taehyung, the kpop sensation, the idol of idols, the most handsome man in the world and these two hooman laying in his apartment is his life, a life off camera. Taehyung moved closer to the brunette who is in sleep slumber, he pulled out his shirt and back hugged the slim figure tightly to his upper naked body.

Hmm.. He hummed content by smooching his lips on the nape of the younger and inhaled the milky scent to his lungs. This is how heaven feels like. Jungkook, the idol's pretty husband squirmed in sleep before pulling the man's hand around his waist closer. "you came?", Jungkook asked in his sleepy voice. "mmm", taehyung hummed. "but you didn't inform me before, during the call? neither did Namjoon hyung." Jungkook turned around and hugged his husband and snuggled his face in between the board chest. "It was unexpected, a schedule got postponed", taehyung said while kissing his wifey's forehead.

Taehyung got up a little to look over Jungkook's shoulder to check whether his little hooman is sleeping or not. He touched and caressed babies pink chubby cheeks and took small baby hands and placed a few kisses on it. Jungkook watched everything with heart and eyes. "Did he trouble you a lot today?", Taehyung asked while adjusting the baby blanket. "hmm. He is becoming bratty day by day, but whom should I complain about??? He got your every single mischievous character.", Jungkook pouted and taehyung captured that pout between his lips.

"He will be, it was the result of my hardwork", taehyung replied fanning his mint breath on the other's small lips. Jungkook chased his lips and sucked the bottom lip. Taehyung turned Jungkook and pressed him to the bed before hovering him. Taehyung took his upper lips and started sucking.

While his lips found sweetness, one of his hands found its way down to his husband's slim tiny waist and he gave it a slight squeeze. Jungkook tightened his hold on taehyung's forearm and pressed him on to his upper body. "Will he wake up, If we take this to the next level?", Taehyung asked by nibbling on his jaw. "Don't think so, he slept only for a few hours in the morning, so might be sleeping for longer hours.", Jungkook said looking at the fluffy bear wrapped in a baby quilt. "Is that so? Mm. Then let's go to the other room, and let me see how much weight you have gained in this one month", by saying that Taehyung carried Jungkook in bridal style but before kicking the bedroom door open, they heard a cute giggle. Taehyung turned around to see his boba ball laying on his stomach, licking his small hands, giggling and reaching out the hands towards Taehyung to pick him up too. Taehyung smiled and made Jungkook stand on foot near the door. He made his way towards the bed by swaying his body in a cute dancing motion. The baby started giggling loudly and nodded his head up and down in excitement by throwing his hands up in the air. He picked up his bubbly boy and walked out of the room by pulling Jungkook along to the living room.

That night was long for all three of them. They played, Taehyung sang for his both babies, ate ramen, and enquired if his baby missed him in the baby's voice. They missed, this cute family hours. The hours which are so precious to them.

Taehyung loves being on stage but more than that he loves being with his tiny family. He sacrificed a lot all these years. He missed Jungkook's pregnancy stages, their baby's first word, first crawl, first vaccination, first walk. But more than anything, he is grateful to have a partner like Jungkook who is more patient with him.

It's the same for Jungkook. Even though he is married, he could only live these years as a single parent in the front of the world and as a husband in this apartment. Taeguk, their son is not easy to handle. His work, baby everything is taking a troll on him, but does he complain? No, never. Like how he loves his profession, he understands how passionate Taehyung is at his work. But sometimes, when at night, after a long tiring day, he misses his husband. He craved for his warmth, his kisses. But, he never voiced it out. Because, to hurt Taehyung is the last thing, he will do. So, whenever he gets the chance to enjoy these moments, he cherishes it utmost.


The morning came in the blink of an eye, three people were soundly asleep on the carpet of the living room. How long did they slept? Jungkook rubbed his eyes and made the way to the bedroom to freshen up and cook breakfast. He knows his husband loves to eat homemade food specially made by him and will be expecting it in the next few days.


Jungkook dried his hands and came to the living room after making some pancakes, sausages, fruit salads and milkshakes. Like his boba ball, Taehyung also has a sweet tooth, so pancakes are his ever favorite especially of strawberries.

Jungkook smiled and picked his baby up, who is sucking his dad's biceps and sat near the couch by unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt. He moved the baby's head towards his chest and as a signal was received, Gukkie caught his pink n.pple and started latching on it. Jungkook smiled looking at how eager his baby is. He gently massaged Taehyung's head with his other hand by calling him "Wakey, wakey.. Tae.. Aren't you hungry???, I made your favorites for breakfast." Taehyung turned aside and opened his eyes to the mesmerising view which he missed a lot in these months. "Good morning baby." Tae said. Jungkook smiled, "Are you tired? Want to sleep more?". "No, no, I'm up. You made pancakes???", Taehyung asked after smelling Jungkook's hands. "Yes, so fresh up fast. And are you going back today?", he asked. "No. No. For two days, I will be here. Are you going to the clinic today???" Taehyung asked while sitting up. "No, I will take off for two days. Anyways it's not like everyday we will spend time together." Jungkook said while taking his phone to send an email to his colleague. Taehyung gazed at Jungkook. "No, no dear, don't overthink baby. I am not complaining. I know you better than anyone.", Jungkook said while caressing taehyung's cheeks with his thump and pecked his lips.

"What did I do in my previous life to get such a sweetheart as my husband?, Let's plan something for these two days. Okay?" Taehyung said before pulling his husband towards him to kiss. But a certain fluffy ball squirmed and moved his head from his momma's chest leaving his pinky n.ppy with a pop sound. He glared at Taehyung with round doe eyes all wide and his tiny lips formed a thin line.

"What?, I too wanted to embrace my wifey. He was mine before you came. And look at you enjoying all the attention of him by yourself. ", Taehyung said by cutely staring at his son who started blabbering something in baby language. "yes.. yes.. Now you fight with me. You know, I made him pregnant so that I can enjoy his milky b..bies and keep my tummy filled all the time. But look at you now, not even bothered to share a single drop with me. Don't you think this is unfair???", Taehyung again fought back. Jungkook startled and said, "Tae, what are you saying to him? Aish. This pervert will spoil my innocent bean. And what's with these two Kim's obsession with my b..bies, ha???. Taehyung laughed loudly and the junior Kim also followed his dadda giggling and drooling by throwing his hands up in excitement.

Taehyung got up from the floor after pecking his husband's forehead and bent down to kiss his baby's cheeks and moved a little side and lightly sucked his hubby's partially exposed pink n.ppy. Before Jungkook would hit him, he ran out of the living room by taking his boba ball along with him. "Aish.. YOU, stop there, YOU P.RVERT, H.RNY BEAR." Jungkook shouted.

Kim Taehyung

k-pop Idol

Kim Jungkook

Husband of Kim Taehyung be continued....

Chapter 2

Since it's a dayoff for Kim couple, they decided to spent the whole day inside their warm house. To be honest, they can't roam around here and there like other couples. But were they disappointed? No, never. For Jungkook, only Taehyung's mere presence is enough to bring the brightest smile and is same for Taehyung, so place never matters for them.

Now, you might be wondering why the whole house is so silent. The thing is, Taehyung's inner Van Gogh has awaken in an extreme energetic form. So here, both the big and small Vante are engrossed in creating a new master piece. And a certain bunny is sitting in the corner while fuming in anger.

"Tae, I have cleaned the entire house and changed his dress only a few minutes ago, look at him now, all drenched in paint.", Jungkook whined for hundredth time. But who is giving attention to all those sulking and whining? Both of them are too much involved in their painting to give ears to other's complaint. "See honey, how is it?", Taehyung showed his painting in excitement. "Haa, what is this?", he gave a judging look to Taehyung. But Tae shrugged his shoulder and walk away with his painting and kept it near the dining table.

"Tae, keep that mess inside the other guestroom and both of you clean the chaos which you, yourself made. I am not going to do it.", Jungkook said and picked his son to wipe him clean. "Hello, excuse me, look, look at me", Taehyung snapped his finger infront of Jungkook's face. "You called this, a MESS? Do you know the worth of it, if I put in it auction?", Taehyung asked proudly. "I know, it will be sold out in a minute, you have your crazy fans to drool over it.", Jungkook fought back. "Are you jealous of it??? Haha.. Little Jungkookie is jealous that millions of people are head over heels on his husband.", Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows. "Haa. Think whatever that makes you sleep at night", he said while getting up from the carpet to collecting the used wipes. "But, you know. For whom your husband is whipped.", Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's waist and pressed him to the nearest wall. Jungkook squiggled to loose the hold. But tiger has other plans with his prey. He snuggled in others neck and sucked his sweet spot. Now, Jungkook has no option other than to moan. Taehyung moved back and looked straight into other's eyes with hooded eyes, he bite his own lower lip and trace the tongue leaving a string of saliva on it, while taking the paint brush in hand, which he tucked behind his ears. He slowly trailed the brush from Jungkook's side of hip to his waist. Jungkook could feel tickling and cold sensation where ever the nib trailed and suddenly he gasped, when his husband pocked his belly button with that brush. Taehyung was enjoying the blissful torture which he is giving his baby. He thrusted the paint brush inside the belly button by twirling it and awed when he saw Jungkook rolling his eyes in pleasure.

"aaah.. Mmm.. Taeaahh.." Jungkook m.aned shamelessly and he knew he would c.m anytime soon if his husband won't stop it. Taehyung trailed the paint more down inside his trousers, and barely touched his c.nt and pulled out the brush and walked away as nothing happened. He turned around and winked at his bobaball who is chewing on his bunny toy's ear.

Jungkook opened his eyes when he didn't felt the body warmth of his husband anymore. What???  Did he just teased me? "Yaa.. Kim Taehyung, come back and finish what you have started.. Yaaaaa". He could hear his husband's loud laugh from the kitchen.

Taehyung somehow managed to tame the double bunny. Gukkie was enjoying the cat and mouse play of his parents without knowing why his momma is shouting, biting and throwing things at his poor dad.

At night, Taehyung received a call from Namjoon. His personal assistant. "Hello hyung, tell me,  what happened?", Tae asked while patting his son who is sleeping soundly on his chest. "ah. Tae, how is Jungkook and son? And.. Mm.. I am sorry, actually, the company wants you to go live now", Namjoon felt bad to inform this to Taehyung during his personal time. "They are fine. Why hyung? And now? You know I am at home with Jungkook., you could have said something to avoid it.", Taehyung was really mad. "I tried my best Tae. But they were stubborn. Please Tae just for a minute or 2. Do you think I'll call you if it's not forced. They will give me another written warning. Please Tae", he pleaded. "hmm. Okay hyung, don't worry. Give me 10 minutes.", Taehyung signed. "And Tae, please make sure Gukkie is not crying or anything.", "Mmm.. I know hyung, anyways he slept", Taehyung informed and hangup the phone.

Jungkook came back after freshup to see his husband dressing up. "What happened, Tae? Are you going out?", Jungkook was confused because his husband was laying half naked before he went to bath. "No.. No baby, I will be in home studio. Namjoon hyung called to asked me to go on a live.". Taheyung adjusted his disvelled hair a bit and tied the tracks thread and went to studio after pecking his husband's lips.

Jungkook signed and went to his bedside and pulled Gukkie near to him who automatically latched on Jungkook's clothed n.pple. Jungkook wondered how could he sense his presence even in sleep. Jungkook opened a few buttons and started feeding his small tummy. He felt sorry for his husband, because it was his time to relax.

Taehyung went live for 2 minutes. He loves to spend time with his fans but he hates these kinds of forced lives. He had nothing excited to say to his fans today. He finds it difficult to act infront of them. He wants to be genuine. He loves to show his happiness and the part of his life which he cherishes alot to his fans. May be someday, he thought.

Taehyung came back to room and pulled his tees off and saw Jungkook lost in thoughts and Gukkie lazily latching on his momma's chest. Taehyung went to the other side of the bed, laird down and caressed his hubby's cheeks bringing him back to the earth. Jungkook smiled and kissed his thumb.

"Why a sudden vlive?", he asked. "Nothing,  the  company wanted me to", Taehyung replied still caressing his cheeks. "Mmm.. Tommorrow night you will go back to company house, right?". "Yes, I have a photoshoot early next morning." Taehyung was memorising his baby's every part of face under his finger tips fondly. "I missed you" Jungkook whispered holding back his tears. No, he won't cry today, he has a lot of time for that. Now he has to cherish each moments with husband closely. "more than you could ever think off", taehyung whispered the rest. "I know". Jungkook cupped his hands which was on his cheeks and pressed a soft kiss.

Taehyung patted his bobaball's head and kissed his chubby cheeks, who wiggled in sleep causing the n.pple to slide off from his pouty lips. Taehyung's gaze moved between his chest, which are now exposed and eyes. "Do you think I will get a taste of that before I go back?", he asked looking straight into his eyes. "IDK,  for the stunt you pulled in the afternoon, I shouldn't have agreed, but unfortunately I am not that baddie.", Jungkook bit his lips feeling shy under his sexy gaze and pulled the shirt to cover his b..b. "yeah!!!", Taehyung jumped out of bed eagerly and carried Gukkie to his crib which is kept on the other corner of the bedroom. "You will wake him, stop jiggling." Jungkook smiled at his husband's antics. be continued..

Chapter 3

Taehyung tucked Gukkie inside his baby blanket in the baby crib and pecked his face multiple times and kept a tiger plushie near him. Taehyung turned off the light in the room and switched on the baby night lamp. He came back to the bed to his husband who was observing his every moment with a fond smile.

Taehyung lied down and scooted himself towards Jungkook. The younger one turned to his right side and looked at his husband. Taehyung tucked a few loose strands of his husband behind his ears. "Your hair is growing longer. I love it", he said again caressing his mullet. Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms around the other naked stomach. "And your tummy is going big and round.", Jungkook teased his husband. "Yes. Yes. Don't you know how many of them admire my sexy abs daily. They are craving for a single photo of abs to be posted on ig.", Taehyung said while trailing his hand on his husband forearms. How soft is he? "Why, isn't the population so scarce???", Jungkook gasped when his husband smacked on his bums as a reply but giggled.

Taehyung's eyes roamed around his hubby's beautiful face, from doe eyes, button nose, pink thin pouty lips, chubby cheeks that adorned with a pink natural blush and his choco chip mole. Taehyung moved forward and licked his mole under his lips. Jungkook parted the lips. Jungkook is pretty, so pretty. Taehyung had admitted that he has traveled all around this world but never met someone as beautiful as him. He is the luckiest to have him. He still remembers the first day, he met Jungkook.

Doctor Park was his consultant doctor but due to some emergencies he was replaced by Jungkook on that day. He saw him walking towards him in a white coat and Jungkook looked even paler in white coat. He was very nervous. Damn!!! Visiting a dental clinic is always a scary dream for Taehyung. He clenched his hand into a tight fit when Jungkook stretched back the seat to proceed with the medication. But what caught him off guard was that little squeeze he received in his fist by Jungkook. He could feel that warmth now also in his palm. Jungkook was his love at first sight. How can he resist such beauty, right?

"Where are you lost, My hubby?", Jungkook asked by pulling him out of his memories. He smiled, "in you, now and then". Jungkook gave his signature bunny smile. Taehyung moved his hands from his forearm towards the opened yet closed shirt. Jungkook has slightly held the shirt to cover his melons. "Aren't you going to feed your hungry tiger?", Taehyung held his fist which got loosened as an answer to that question.

Taehyung slowly parted his shirt a little, only for his pink perky right n.pple to peak out. Taehyung looked into his eyes deeply and with his index fingers touched the pointed n.p. Jungkook shut his eyes tightly. Taehyung smiled at his baby's cuteness. Even after having a baby, Jungkook is still shy when it comes to intimacy. Taehyung rubbed his hardened n.pple between his thumb and forefinger. Taehyung moved down from his pillow near his chest. And opened the shirt widely.

He smooched his face on his cl.avage and inhaled his fresh strawberry scent which is mixed with his own milk scent. "Your natural smell is always a trauma for me, Koo. I can never get enough of this. This is the one I'm missing when I return back to the dorm." Taehyung's each word fanned on his b..bies which cause his perky n.pple to erect completely. Jungkook breathed out deeply when Taehyung slowly kissed his bud by smelling it again and again. Jungkook's hand found its place on his soft locks and started to caress it.

Taehyung gave a lite on it and l.cked it. Again, he s.cked it giving a little pressure which caused the white substance to ooze out. He left the bud and watched how a single drop of milk adorned his n.pple. "What are you looking at?", Jungkook asked squirming under his husband's dark gaze. Taehyung gave another hard and started latching on his husband's bud. "Tae, slow down. It will be bruised", Jungkook arched his back when his husband started chewing and s.cking hardly to squeeze the entire milk out of it. Now he is sure, he needs to prepare a formula bottle for Gukkie in the morning.

Taehyung in excitement started kneading his left b..bies, which also started milking. He left the right one with a pop sound and latch on the left. The only s.cking sound with occasional gasp was heard in the whole room. Jungkook wondered at this point Gukkie would wake up. "Tae, ahh.. Leave it. It's dry now. Please let's hurt.", his eyes were watery with the pleasure which he was receiving from the elder. He is dripping down there and his p.nty is all damp by now.

Taehyung whined when Jungkook forcefully pushed him aside and sat on the bed. He switched on the bed lamp to check his swollen n.pples. Damn it is angry red like a raspberry. Jungkook knew Taehyung is a b..b's man from the first day they got intimated. He never left his Always pinching, licking, sucking, chewing, even on the clothed one. The worst scenario happened was his husband bruised his b..bies after an intense session and Jungkook left with no other option than to roam around the apartment with soothing cream all over his abused b..bies and a thin white linen scarf to cover them.

"You never complain while feeding Gukkie. You always do it with me.", Tae started pulling him again to continue his saga. "Gukkie is so small, he never s.cks like this. And you are doing it hard." Jungkook pushed his husband again but eventually gave in to his antics. Taehyung started licking his b..bies to soothe him. Jungkook hummed feeling good.

Taehyung hovered through Jungkook and pecked his lips. He tasted his own milk in Taehyung's lips. Taehyung l.cked and s.cked his lower lips and Jungkook gave in to his dominance by parting his lips. Taehyung started devouring him like his last supper, occasionally squeezing his tiny waist. How tiny is his waist even after giving birth to his cub. His whole palm could cover his waist.

Taehyung noticed his tiny waist on their first date when he wore a crop top. On that day, Jungkook lashed out all the unholy fantasies in Taehyung. He never expected in his wildest dream that he would see Jungkook like that. He was always that cute, soft, round and innocent bean whenever he met him in clinic. But on that day, Taehyung saw a very different, bold and sexy Jungkook. He never thought he would be able to satisfy his kinky desires on Jungkook when they first met. But how wrong was Taehyung in analysing him. Jungkook was like a cream bun, which needs to be bitten to know the hidden taste inside it.

Their date was neither fancy or unusual. It was just a dine out at a luxurious restaurant. It was his last concert at Los Angeles. 4 days, he enjoyed it singing his every favorite track and receiving lots of love and praises from thousands of fans. He was exhausted as hell, dieting, dance practice, vocal training drained his last bit of energy, but the mere thought of taking Jungkook on a date, especially first date, lighten an engime in him. Every staff and manager boarded their flight back to Korea on the same day, but Taehyung insisted on staying back with an excuse of a much needed break.

Jungkook was in LA due to his research paper presentation with some senior doctors. So, it was easy for Taehyung to plan everything. Taehyung rented out one of the most expensive restaurants for a night for themselves. He picked Jungkook from his hotel and had their dinner date in a very peaceful environment without any single disturbance. They talked about everything and anything. Taehyung was lost in Jungkook for the whole evening, so he couldn't really listen to what the other was blabbering. Taehyung checked out Jungkook from head to toe every now and then which made it obvious. He tried hard to keep his hands off him other than the occasional caressing on his knuckles. To make Jungkook uncomfortable on his first date was the last thing, Taehyung could do. Oh, how wrong was he in estimating his will power.

After a luscious dinner, Jungkook was the first one to make the restroom to wash the hands followed by Taehyung. Taehyung's intentions were pure until Jungkook made eye contact with him through the mirror by nibbling his own lips and slightly biting it. Taehyung lost it, at that very moment. He slammed Jungkook on the door, hands pinned up on the wall with his single palm, Taehyung devoured him. S.cking, chewing and l.cking his pink pouty lips. He pulled only for them to take a deep breath. And again he dived into an intense make out. After 15 minutes, Taehyung pulled back only to take a good look at him. Dispelled hair, frozen eyebrows, teary eyes, pink blush cheeks, red and swollen lips which is now shinning with their saliva, hand up above his head on the wall and his crop top was rolled up a little bit showing his curvy body with a belly button that adorned with a single stone piercing., Taehyung harshly pulled his hair back and closed his eyes to come back from all the nasty thoughts. Jungkook looks like a mess, a beautiful mess. Oh, he wanted to spoil it completely, slowly and deeply.

(Jungkook and Taehyung on date) be continued..

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