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A Day For Love ((Taekook~))


Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
We are Reaching in 5 min..
Captain V say as he is driving the helicopter. There are total 4 People in Helicopter in complete silence sitting maybe making their mind before the mission. But there are them 2 People look very nervous and pale, and sweating continuously. For these two People it's their First mission with both of captain.and it's maybe very important. Both of them clutching the guns in there hand tightly…
Well every mission is a new challenge doesn't matter it's small or big main part is its its fact to being nervous. But people who went on countless mission its normal for them One is Captain V another is....
Hay guys Look here..Look at me don't be nervous we are gonna rock this.Its okay in my first mission i almost peed in my pants.. But after i completed the first mission the satisfaction of doing something for yoyour country, you can't imagine the happiness i felt.i was proud of will be too.This is not a fighting mission if we complete this mission we have one week off.think about it, returning home..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
And it's not a full fledge mission you have to go there put cameras in building and come out..
And find any illegal things and People.and we will wait in distance till the rescue team come, and we will evacuate..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
According to Intel si young gave there is illegal smuggling of people to North Korea. So Be careful
Listen to this Hyunjin Become more nervous. They discus this in the meeting before, but he is still nervous…
Jin Patted his Shoulder & said hey you are safe with me, I'm going with you guys so don't's a simple mission…at that moment a voice alert them coming to their position
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
We are landing in 40 Sec…
They landed very far away from the mission area. After the safe Landing. The atmosphere become serious. Captain V scan the house then inform them it's a Japanese style House.and they discuss the map and plan once again.. Jin with his serious voice said
Team Hwaiting… Let's go


Today on Ground Captain Jin is leading them.well they both good at their jobs it doesn't matter who lead where..
They Have been doing this for more than 4years. They are from the Air force Division. This mission came to them tomorrow night.they gave them Intel and other mission they have free authority to research for Intel and time for preparation for the mission.but this time its 11pm at night suddenly commander in chief call them give them the mission with lintels and two new soldiers as their team members are on leave…
One team member name is Si young another is Hyunjin..they both did mission before but its there first time with them.Si young good with lintels and quick thinker and first while Hyunjin good at Shooting...
It's Now 4.30 am.It's going to rain today according to forecast.. Sitting in Helicopter V thinking Something, something doesn't feel right. something is off..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Why the house/base is in Japanese style.. Something is off..
Taehyung thinking this suddenly a voice interrupt him..the voice coming from his earpiece…
I installed the camera.but something is off..
I also installed the camera and check there is nothing in here…
Si young
Si young
Copy that…
Taehyung quickly check through the installed he watching something srike in his mind.he now understood
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Shit Shit Shit.. Fucking Shitt guys its Red.i repeat Code Red.. There is no one inside the building it's a trap. They are hiding.get out from there.its Fucking Red.move out…
Smok fill inside the house suddenly as Taehyung watches through the camera..
Why Japanese design house because. Many Japanese homes include at least one traditional Japanese styled room, or washitsu.. It features tatami flooring, you can modify however u want, shoji rather than draperies covering the window, fasuma(opaque sliding vertical partitions) separating it from the other rooms, an oshiire (closet) with two levels (for storing ) and a wooden ceiling. you can modify however u want like anthor paration in flooring..might be unfurnished, and function as large people can fit in their room during the day and a bedroom at night.u can use the storage and closet as secretly modify the way you want..
What a clever Idea Taehyung thought & ready his gun to shoot any enemy coming his way with his fire blazing eyes and gun.He also has a doubt.His thoughts again gain interrupt when he hear Jin voice …
Im coming to the Chopper. Captain V can you hear me…
Whoever is listening come to the Chopper we will depart immediately…
Jin said to his teammates as he is running and came to the Chopper…
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
When V saw him said it's all's fucking all planned…
V growl in disappointment as anger visible in his eyes. When they are talking suddenly they hear firing sound from near.they become alert. From back side the forest suddenly a bullet came hit the Chopper then from front side..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Shitt.. We have to move Captain
They are still not here we have to wait…
They were talking and defending themselves from the bullets suddenly someone came there running..


It was si young who is coming running their heavyly panting like his life depends on it..
Jin search with his wide eyes for Hyunjin but he his nowhere to be seen..
Si young
Si young
Huff...huff..... Captain... Captain we gotta move they are coming this way we gotta move..
Thats when Taehyung and Jin see him closely he was injured in his left Arm.. blood coming from there..Jin hurriedly Pulled him and tied his handkerchief around his arm that was in Pocket..And gave him a water bottle which was inside the Chopper..
Drink this..i will give you painkiller and dress your wound when we are flying..
Where is Hyunjin..
Jin asked being worried.. suddenly so many bullets come in their directions..and one bullet went past Jin left arm making him injurd...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Shitt...Shittt..We gotta move now we can't wait..
Si young
Si young
But Hyunjin..We Have to wait for him
Jin groning in pain yes we have to wait for the boy...
Taehyung Pov But Taehyung know there is no time to wait..He have to think his muscles tighten brows furrowed..getting shot they can handle it but they don't knows how many people are there what they are planning and Jin and other member are shot. He had to Fly the Chopper he can't do multitasking..He feel bad for Hyunjin and wants to wait for him..but they don't knows who and what enemy is planning.and its their biggest disadvantage..All of them could die here.. He know Jin care for the boy..but he is shot he need emergency treatment..His brows furrowed..He thought carefully and made a decision he had to.And start the Chopper..Once the Chopper is little bit above the ground he said…
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
We will come back for him..but now we have to get out of here..
No no V stop it...that boy is there we can't leave him..he trusted me but i..i.....i...what I did.......
Jin Pov Jin felt he his pathetic..he felt its all his fault..that boy did nothing wrong why he suffer.. why he can't procet him.. before the Misson he was nervous he was the one who encourage him and told him he will protect him...He know Taehyung is right if they wait they will die here..But he will comeback for the boy he definitely will..
When Chopper was flying.still the guns shots are coming there way. Jin was angry and sad, but he had to treat their wounds. Jin searches through for the first-aid kit.It's a military helicopter so for emergency everything is available in the helicopter.he takes first-aid kit to treat their wounds.he opened their first-aid kitt..
Taehyung also keeping an eye on Jin as he is injured and focusing on flying and avoiding the bullets shots from enemy.. When Jin opened the first-aid kit Si young said…
Si young
Si young
Let me treat your wounds first.mine is Stop bleeding i will treat you first..
At that time suddenly rain started pouring as it was no surprise the weather was gloomy before, so they knew probably it was going to rain. Taehyung groan and said..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Yeah, This Shittt was missing....
Jin also think what a misfortune turn of events..
Si young
Si young
Let me treat your wounds Captain its bleeding..

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