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The Yandere Idol Boyfriend J.Jk Ff

First meeting

"IT'S so fucking hot " your friend complain as they tried to fan themselves. you and a group of friends were out shopping for clothes. all you got tickets to see BLACKPINK so you all got outfits for the

concert. "it's 100 degrees. i think we should head home. if we stay out in the sun, we're going to have heat exhaustion" you said.

"aw, our future doctor is worry about us. okay, well go head" another friend pinches your cheeks. you pout and remove their hands off of you. "im

serious! go home" you said and they allaugh. "alrighty~ bye my sweet angel! text you later!'

your friends waves goodbye as they walk the

other direction. you pulled out your phone and airpods to listen to music. a huge smile

appeared on your face when you heard a familiar voice. it was playing your favorite song,

mikrokosomos by BTS. listening to the song,

brought memories of going to their concert and seeing them perform it live. it was the best day of your life. you had so much fun and you

even lost your voice. you haven't gotten the chance to see them again since that day.

you're a second year college student, majoring in health science. the classes are hard and you barely have any time for your family or friends. but now it's summer so you have plenty of time for them.

you were heading to your favorite restaurant until you saw a man wearing all black walking weirdly."oh no" you ran towards him when you saw him wobbling."i got you" you said, helping him stand up. you examine his face to see him sweating a lot and he looked very pale.

your mother instincts came in and you made him sit on a bench. "sir, are you feeling okay? should i call the ambulance?"you asked yet he

didn't answer. "m-me okay" you finally heard him say. "you don't look okay to me. you're sweating heavily and you look like you're about to

pass out. here, drink this"you pull out a cold water bottle from your bag.

"it's not open"you hand it to him. he nods and takes it. "t-thank you" he replied. you looked away when he pulled down his mask to drink the cold water. "you should take off that sweater off. you're

going to get more dizzy if you have that on"you said yet it seems like he didn't understand. "where are you from?" you asked. "korea" he

answers. you smiled and pulled out your phone. you started typing away and then showed him the phone. you translated what you said, hoping he will do what you said. "oh okay"

he said as he removes his sweater. your eyes landed on his tattoos on his arm. "wow! it's very

beautiful"you point at his tattoos. he felt his cheeks warm up through the mask.

"thank you" he replied. "i have a tattoo too. a small one though on my collarbone. my birth flower" you smiled. "nice"he said. "well sir, i should be heading out now. it's better if you head home now. you're

experiencing heat exhaustion because of the weather and your clothing. remember to drink cold water and probably take a cold shower too"

you said as you waved goodbye to him. you start walking back to your destination. when you stopped at a intersection, you felt a tap on your shoulder. you turn around to see the stranger there

"um do you...k-know where food is?" he asked.

" im heading towards a restaurant which sells very good food. do you perhaps want to come

along with me?"you asked. he tilts his head, confused on what you said.

"oh right, my bad" you pull out your phone and typed. when he reads it, he nods. "great! follow me'" you smile as the two of you crossed the street.

you led him to your favorite restaurant and luckily there was no customers in sight and the ac was on the two of you took a seat at an empty table. "you can order whatever you like. i will pay for it" you

smiled at the man. "thank you" he said as he opens the menu.

you placed your phone down onto the table with the screen facing down his eyes landed on your phone-case. "you know BTS?" he points at your

phone. your eyes land on the photo-card you have of j-hope. "o-oh, yeah. im a fan of theirs. ilike their music" you said, feeling a little embarrassed. he noticed it and chuckles. "favorite member?" the man ask.

"i don't have one. they are all amazing in their on way"you said. "do you like jungkook" he asked. "i do. i love his personality. he is the youngest out of all of them so sometimes i feel bad that he felt like he need to grow up fast" you replied and just in case, you typed it into the translator.

"but his voice is very peaceful. it sometimes puts me to sleep"the man smiles behind his mask from the comment. a waitress appears out of

the kitchen. "what can i get you two?"she asked. you ordered your food along with a drink and looked over to the man.

he tried his best to order the food and drink yet luckily the waitress understood. "' will be right back with your drinks" she said as she walks back inside. the man looks back over at your phone-case. "you went to concert?"

he asked. "once. back in 2019. i haven't gotten the chance anymore since i was focusing more on school work. im hoping they come here again

so i could go but who knows" you said and once again typed it into the translator. the man reads it and nods. "maybe this year"he said.

you nodded and the two of you started to have a small conversation you would have to use your phone a lot though but you didn't mind

he seems like a cool guy. after a while, the waitress came back with your drinks and food. you thanked her before diving into the food.

he removes his mask and places it down. you look up at him and that's when you realize who you were eating with. he smiles brightly, seeing your surprise expression. you swallowed your food and cleared your throat as if you didn't see his face. it took a lot of strength to not freak out that you're eating with the only and only jeon jungkook.

after eating, you paid for both of your meals. the two of you stepped out of the restaurant and you looked back at jungkook who has his mask back

on."you look better now. you're not sweating and you don't look pale anymore"you said and he nods.

"i think it's time for us to go our separate ways now.

it was nice to talk to you. be more careful with the weather. it gets hotter later on in the week. bye!"you said as you tried to walk away yet he grabs your hand "me..lost and phone died" jungkook said. "oh. here, you can use my phone to call your manager"you hand him your phone. "i don't know number" he said.

"do you know the name of the hotel you are staying?" you asked and he nodded." the blue hour hotel" he said. "oh, i can take you there. i know how to get there. come along"

you offered and he follows behind you. the two of you headed over to his hotel. it took a while but you two eventually made it. you stood in front of the doors of the hotel and look at the idol. "now

i think this is goodbye. i had fun today and i hope you take my advice about the heat. stay safe"

you translated it on your phone. "thank you for the food and your help" he said. "no problem. take care and bye" you once tried to walk away yet jungkook grab your hand.

..."Can I have your number"...

First date

YOU'RE still surprised that you're having a date with the one and only JEON JUNGKOOK. ever since he asked for your number, he has been texting you nonstop. you would try to talk to him in korean while he tries to in english.

he really tried his best and you could see that. one day he texted you out of the blue and asked if you could go out with

him. you asked him if he just wanted to hang out as friends but he then corrected you, saying this is a date. your heart started racing fast when

he said that. one of the most famous kpop boy group is asking you out on a date. to be honest, you were going to say no. it's not because you don't like him. you like him as your idol, nothing more. seeing him as a

partner, isn't something you plan on

however, you feel bad if you said no so you said yes. plus, this is probably a one time thing. like a fling but no sexual activities involved. the date is at your place since you knew he can't be seen out in public with a girl.

but you didn't mind since you feel more comfortable in your house. your parents were out at a small party while your little sister was at a sleepover with a friend. so you had the whole house to yourself. if

your mom or sister was here, they would have embarrassed you since

you have posters of his group on your wall which is why you locked your room. you woke up early to make sure everything was cleaned and ready for tonight. you're just hoping he won't cancel last minute and in

he does, you can always call your friends to come over and have a girl night out. your thought went away when you heard the doorbell ring. you opened the door to see jungkook standing there with a small bouquet of roses

"this is for you" he said in his cute accent. you smile and took the roses from him. "thank you" you said, giving him a small peck on his cheek. the idol's cheeks turn bright red. "come inside"you open the door, widely for him. he walks inside and looks around to see many pictures

of you and your family. "you as baby?" he points at a baby picture. "yes '

you smiled. "you...-look cute"'he smiles at you, making your cheeks warm up. he giggles seeing how adorable you are. "I was thinking we watch a movie. i have everything ready"you grab his hand and grab him out to your backyard. his doe eyes widened when he saw a huge

projector with fairy-lights around it.

"b-beautiful"jungkook mumbles as he looks around the backyard "what movie do you want to watch?" you ask him. he tilt his head, confused on what you just said. you pulled out your phone and

translated it into korean. he reads the translation and chuckles, feeling


"iron man?" he asked. "sure. im a marvel fan" you said, heading towards your laptop. the idol takes a seat on the mattress and looks up at the screen. he felt kinda bad he couldn't take you out on a proper date yet you seem to be happy about being with just him. you click play and made the screen big.

the idol smiles seeing the opening you take a seat next to him yet keep a distance. you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. plus this is your first date with him.

"are you hungry? i have some snacks" you said. he turns his head and nods. "i will be right back" you got up and headed back inside your house. he turns over to see you from the window. his famous bunny

smiles appears, seeing you. the idol was surprised you said yes to his date. well, he wasn't that surprised since you're an army but he was

surprised that you prepared all this just for him. the idol thought you were going to cling onto him and freak out, but you're treating him like a normal person which is why he caught feelings for you. the moment when you saved his life from that heat. you paid for his meal andbwalked him back to his hotel.

you replying to his late night texts and

making him laugh with the memes you sent. you made him feel like a normal man again. and jungkook didn't mind the language barrier.

love will find a way for you two to communicate to each other. you came back with a tray of different snacks. you placed it down on the small table which is next to the cooler. "if you're thirsty, there's

cool drinks in the cooler"you pointed and he nods.

you take a seat while jungkook reaches out for the snacks. his eyes widened when he heard korean. he looks over at you who was just watching the movie. he looks back up to see english subtitles. he felt like he was going to melt because of your cute action. you put the audio in korean just

for him. you didn't mind reading the subtitles since you usually use subtitles. jungkook notice the distance you kept from him. were you uncomfortable with him? did you not like him? he was wondering so

much. during the movie, the idol would often glance over to you. he would smile when he saw your cheeks full with snacks

after the movie, you had no plans. you thought he was going to leave right after but he stayed. you were going to suggest another movie but your phone starts to ring. it was your mother. "excuse me" you

said getting up to answer the call.

jungkook looks over to you and hears you speaking another language. he didn't know you could speak two languages. he smiles, knowing there's more to learn about you.

you walk over to him and smiled. "my mother asked if you want to a small barbecue at my aunt's house? you don't have to come if you're business "you said. you stare into his doe eyes for a couple of seconds until you realize he probably didn't get what you just said. you were

about to type it into the translator yet he places his hand on top of

yours. you look up at jungkook who just smiled. "i-..want to...go"he said.

"oh okay. let me just clean up" you grabbing your laptop and projector,

"me help you" he said, making you smile. "thank you. can you grab the

snacks? you can leave the mattress there"

you said before walking back

inside the house. he helps you bring the snacks inside and closes the back door. "Let's go"you grab your keys. the two of you got into your car and you started driving off. jungkook turns on the radio and your

cheeks warmed up when my time started playing. he laughs, seeing how embarrassed you got. as much as you want to run out of the car and hide, you had to act like nothing happened. he puts the volume down and starts to sing along to his song.

he smiles when he hears you humming along soon you arrived at your aunt's place. you can hear their music from

the streets. you parked your car and the two of you got out of the car.

jungkook was about to put his mask on yet you stopped them. "they have no idea who you are. they think you're a friend of mine" you said and he nods, putting his mask away. you led him towards the backyard

where you saw your cousins running around while the adults are at the back with the fire-pit. "by the way, you have to greet everyone even if you don't know them" you whisper into his ear. you walk over to your

family and greeted each one of them. the idol sees you greet them and follows your lead. you introduce him as a friend to all of them. if you told them, he's your date, your uncles were going beat your ass

everyone was cool with it and gave him some food.

you smiled when you saw his face when he took a bite. he seem feel comfortable with your family. you thought jungkook would feel very uncomfortable since they don't really speak english. same goes with

your family. they seem to like him too. even your uncles started to like


you stand close to him in order to be his translator just in case any if them tried to talk to him. you were about to start a conversatior with him yet your cousin dragged you out to dance. you sighed and

lanced with him. the idol smiles, seeing you dance.

he couldn't help but stare. you look so beautiful with that smile of yours. he wants to be the reason you smile. jungkook watches as your family all start to dance. you notice he was left out so you walk over to him and offered him your hand. he looks at your hand and then up at you.

a huge smile appears on his face as he takes your hand and drags you into the dance floor.

...he knew he had to make you his....

late night call

A big yawn escaped from your mouth as you stretched your arms. you just had a long day at work and now you can finally go home and get sleep. it's been two weeks since you last texted jungkook. on your date, he told you that all of the members have a month break and that he

has a week left here. he told you that he wants to spend the rest of the

week with you.

you got shock when he told you that but you agreed to make his week fun and memorable. you took him around the city and made fun memories. you didn't take any pictures on your photo due to

the fact he's an idol yet you didn't know he took pictures of you. you only took pictures on your small little camera, knowing no one will ever

look at them. but now, jungkook is back in korea with his hyungs and hasn't texted you back since yet you didn't mind. you knew it was going to happen at some point.

he's an idol. he has a busy schedule. you were just a fling. not too long ago, you deleted his number from your phone so no one else could ever have it. you want to keep his personal life safe from those toxic fans. as you were walking into your car, your phone started to ringing.

you picked up the callto see it was one of your friends.

"(y/n) where are you?" she asked. "getting into my car so i can go home? why?"

you asked. "get home and change. we're heading out for a party. it's haden's party"she said. "im tired" you explained

. "come on! i bet he will be so happy to see you there. everyone knows he has a crush on you" she said. "he does not but i will go"you replied, making her squeal. "see

you soon" you hung up and started your car.

after arriving home, you took a quick shower and changed into a simple dress and flats. you told your parents that you were going out and they let you go. you were driving to the place when a BTS song

played. it was serendipity. jungkook sang that song during one of the car rides. a smile appeared on your face when you remember those fun days.

thirty minutes later, you arrived at the party. you parked your car and headed inside. when you walked inside, you saw a few of your old classmates. you walk over to your friends who were with haden. he's a year older than you and he's in your class. he and you became friends.

the two of you would study together. your friends ship you two guys because of how close you two are. haden is a very good guy. "hey! you made it!" he turns around and he blushes when he sees you. "hi" you


"h-hey (y/n)" he waves back. "nice party" you said. "thanks. i wanted to throw it before we start classes again" he explained. "im so glad you did. i wanted to have some fun before we head into the books again" you smiled. "why don't you two dance?" one of your friend ask with a

smirk."d-do you want to dance?" he asked you. "sure why not?" you

smiled as you grab his hand and drag him into the dance floor. all of your friends cheered for you two. they knew how much haden really likes you yet he never has the courage to tell you. he didn't want to ruin

his want to friendship lose you. with while you. you you were became dancing very with special to haden, him your and he friend doesn't grab

your phone and: start tor record you two and upload it onto your social media accounts without you knowing after a few hours, you decided to head back home since it was getting late. your friends are a bit tipsy so you gave them all a ride back to their homes. haden offered to help you yet you told him it was alright

and that you can do it by yourself. once dropping them off, you stop to get some food since you were a bit hungry, you remember you and jungkook stopping late at night to grab some food before dropping him off at his hotel. you slap your cheeks and shake your head. "come

on, (y/n). you need to forget about ever meeting him. it's was just all a dream"

you told yourself as you drive back home you got back home, safely and headed to your bedroom. you jump onto your bed and pulled out your phone to see a message from a unknown number.

Sunday 12:55 AM

(ox) >ox-xxxx:

im so sorry for not responding

(x) xxx-xxxx:

i got so busy

(x0x) xx-xox:

are you free right now?


who is this again?

(ox) >x-xxoxx:

its me, jungkook

(oxx) xxx-xxxx:

don't tell me you already forgot about



oh no! i haven't


i thought you deleted my number so i deleted yours


i thought you deleted my number so i deleted yours


you know, to prevent anyone from getting your personal information




you're too sweet but you don't have to worry about it


save my number again and don't delete it this time


i won't


i promise!


but to answer your question, yeah im free


i just got back home


do you perhaps wanna FaceTime?


sure! give me a few minutes

you threw your phone onto your bed and head to your bathroom to do your night routine. you then changed out of your dress and into your pajamas. you grab your airpods so you won't wake up your family.

you waited for jungkook to call you. you were quite surprised to find out that he still kept your number. you thought he would forget about you. soon your phone rings& and you saw jungkook's name pop out. you have no idea why your heart started to race fast. you get into a good

position and answer the call.

"hi!"he smiles brightly. "hi. how are you?" you asked. "im good. busy and tired with practice" jungkook said. "you should really rest then. it's not good for your body" you said, making him smile.

"i will. just for you"he replied. "how are you?"he asked."im doing alright. busy with

work, but i can managed"you smiled. "um...i-i talk to members about tour. they say maybe" he said, making you smile brightly again.

"oh really? i hope ican get tickets. it would be nice to see you perform live"

you said. "i maybe get tickets for you" jungkook replied. "aw, you don't need to do that. i can get tickets " you said. "no. i get you vip tickets"

he said. "you don't need too"you said. the idol pouts and shakes his head. "nope! i get you vip tickets "he said and you sigh with a smile "what time there?" he asked. "1 am"you said which made his eyes

widened. "you sleepy?"jungkook asked. "a bit but i want to talk to you"

you said, making him blush. "you need sleep. let me sing song for you to sleep"he said. "you don't need to"you shake your head. "let me"

he said."fine. only because it's you"you replied, making him smile. he watches you turn off the lights and get comfortable on your bed. you closed your eyes as he starts to sing you a song which happens to be magic shop. it didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

the idol giggles when he hears your snores. "good night (y/n)" he smiles before ending the call. he then looks up at ceiling and sighs.

"i hope you fall for me and not that haden guy"

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