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Love And Revenge


Female lead

Name - Kim Hye - jin

age - 25 year's old

birth - 2 November,1999

Gender- female

occupation - boss of Rebel Mafia group, CEO of Kim enterprises

Personality- heartless, cold , sweet with close people .

bestfriend - Kang jennie , work with rebel group

relationship - nobody.

male lead

Name - Jeon eun -wo

age - 27

birth - 5 September ,1997

Gender - male

occupation- boss of Vincenzo group, CEO of Jeon cooperation

personality- heartless, cold shoulder,

bestfriend - Wang Felix

Second female lead

Name - kang Jennie

age- 25

birth - 10 June, 1999

Gender - female

occupation - work in rebel group, CEO of kang company

personality: sweet , caring , bad girl , Mafia

bestfriend: Kim Hye - jin

Second male lead

Name- Wang Felix

Gender- male

age - 28

Birth - 8 March , 1996

occupation - work in Vincenzo group , CEO of Wang cooperation

personality - Mafia , bad boy, possesive

bestfriend - Jeon eun-wo

starting of the story ...............

Dad , dad ? Listen to me once

"Darling , let your dad drive the car ". She said , annoyingly.

"But mom why he isn't answering me ". I said angrily.

"heyy! Can't you just sit quite. I am watching kdrama" . my sister said.

"you just watch kdrama and do nothing ." I said

"dad ? Dad listen to me once ." I said

"What ? What do you want ? You now na I am driving". He said turning back.

Dad I just want to say , dadddddddddddddd dddd !

And boom 💥


Suddenly waking from dream ....

"Aghhh! again that dream . Why can't this dream can't be stop. I am tired of this . This dream always haunt me whenever I try to sleep." I said

anyways.... I am Kim hye - jin . I am 25 year's old . I am orphan.

 It was 7 in the morning.I was doing my morning routine because I have to go to office and today I have important meeting to attend. And if boss Will be late so what will be my impression on other people anyways , I don't care about my impression on other .

I was done with my morning routine. I wear my office cloth and ready for stepping out of my room but I forgot to bring my gun. Aggghhh ! I am such a careless. I take my gun and was walking downstairs as I was stepping out of my mansion my maid stopped me .

" umm ma'am breakfast is ready , shall I surve food ". The maid said

" no I'm getting late . Today I have a urgent meeting to attend and don't make dinner for me I will eat outside with my client". I said with cold expression.

"o..ok ma'am". She said .

I step inside my car , And my driver started the car.

I reached my office . My bodyguards was all around me . when I step in my office building all employees and worker bow me and I also bow my head . I step inside my cabin . My assistant come towards me and he also bow .

"Mam today's schedule is not that much" . He said.

"Today you have to attend meeting with shin cooperation at 8 o'clock and lastly dinner with cha company".

"hmmm ..ok " I said.

          At afternoon.........

aghh !!! The meeting was very hectic.

The deal is done. The client was happy that he get opportunity to work with me .

It was lunch time my assistant bring coffee for me . I was sipping my coffee then my phone started ring .

              BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!

"hell !! Now who is this." I said .

I took out my phone and saw my one of bodyguard call me . I answer the call.

"Say ... What happened!". I said cold expression.

on other side of call : " someone stole our guns" ... He said

my side of call : " WHAT ! " I said with shocked and anger impression.......

                                            To be continue.......

The day I met him

Recap :

On other side of call : " someone stole our guns" ... He said

my side of call : " WHAT ! " I said with

 shocked and anger impression


"What ?how can this happen.what you all were doing". I said angrily.

" , I am sorry it suddenly happened...... We heard like something fell inside the armory. When we step inside we saw weapons are not in their place ." he said

"Then what the heck you are doing . Find them ". I said screaming.

"ye...yes mam we are finding but they are very clever they broke their cellphones and gadgets" . He said .

"I think they are........" he said

Black cat group..... I said coldly with mad expression.

Author's pov

black cat group is one of the Mafia group but not very powerful that's why they don't like Kim hye - jin because she is no. buisness+ mafia women . The leader of black cat group is shin so - mun . he is enemy of Rebel group. he is not much powerful but know internet technology very much . That's why he escape from Kim hye- jin's bodyguard.

Back to present

" I will not let him leave". I said

She call her bestfriend kang Jennie......

hye- jin: hello!

Jennie: yeah I know everything I'm on my way.

hye-jin : okay !

I step out from my office building and sat inside my car and reached armory.

I got out of the car and saw all bodyguard and Jennie

"you reached". Jennie said .

"Hmm " i replyed.

 "did you trace them". I said coldly.

"yes mam". bodyguard said.

"wait , where is mark". I said

Mark is hye - jin trustworthy and personal bodyguard . Who managed things like , appoint bodyguard and etc.

"Mam he is on leave , he told you that his mother is not well , so he will come tomorrow." bodyguard said .

"Ohh ! Yeah! I forgot ". I said

"Mam we found them ". my Hecker who is in our group can heck mobile phone, and trace location, etc he can find anything.

"They are in xxx building which is abandon, we should get there quickly". He said

  "Let's go quickly before they leave" I said

 (we all get in our cars and drove with full speed).

After reaching there:

( we hide behind the building wall).

"Listen you all , i and Jennie will go inside . you all bodyguards will handle black cat group bodyguards, ok !" I said in low voice .

"ok mam". they said .

( we all loaded our guns).

"Let's go". I said.

(We move from there and sneakily get inside the building ,we can heard loud sound of gunshots).

we hide behind the room wall where shin so - mun and his personal bodyguards are sitting.

They have our weapons.

i and Jennie "noded" our head( as a signal of let's get inside).

(We step inside and point our guns towards them and they also point their guns toward us .

 He stopped his men from shooting)

"Hey ! Look look who came ". shin so- mun said.

"How dare you to stole my weapons". I said clenching my jaw .

"Why? don't you like that I stole your weapons behind you back". He said chuckling .

"tsk! Tsk! Tsk! that's so bad ". he said with sad emotions.

"Who? Me? why wouldn't i like it even I enjoyed . I think you don't like that I am on no. 1 List of business person .And I have more power than you. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! That so bad". I scoff.

"Umm .... Did you cry that night" ? I said

"What ? Which night ?" he said in confusion.

"when your father kicked you out of the company and house because you steal their company papers and gave it to his enemy." I said while laughing .

"You are such a cry baby". I said chuckling

"yah! how dare you to say that". He said ,

( He was going to shoot me but before he shoot I shoot him on his hand).

{ then fighting started I was fighting with so - min and Jennie was fighting with his personal bodyguards. Then my bodyguard also came inside and start fighting }.

(We killed his personal bodyguards, and tie him with rope ).

I take hunting rope and start beating him.

"you have this much guts that you stole my weapons. huh!" i said continuously beating him .

(his body was all covered with blood).

I stopped beating him . I point my gun on his head .

"Do you have any last word to say or any kind of last wish ?"

"Yeah! I want to say that give me work in your group I will work for you." he said slowly because he don't have any energy.

"Your wish can't be granted , What will you work with me who has betrayed his father? In future you will also betray me . So it's better to die." i said coldly.

" don't kill me please". He said crying too loud.

"yaah ! shut up " I shouted.

I was going to press trigger but suddenly we heard a man speaking from our behind with husky and deep voice .

?? : hey ! You can't kill him , he is my prey.

Episode : 3


I was going to press trigger but suddenly we heard a man speaking from our behind with husky and deep voice .

?? : hey ! You can't kill him , he is my prey.


Hye - jin pov :

{who is he ?}

A man standing at the door with gun in his hand , all black suit , with cold expression.

"Who are you?" I said

(His bodyguards came inside )

my bodyguard point their guns towards them . and his bodyguards also .

I gave a signal to my bodyguards for not shooting.

he slowly came towards me .

"Who is me? I think I should ask you who are you ?" he said coldly.

"what do you want ? " i said.

"i want him ." he said pointing his finger towards so - mun.

"And why ? " i said.

"Ple..pleas...please Don't hand me to him . I beg you". So - mun said.

"Hahahahaha ! Are you scared . You didn't think twice before stealing my weapons. " he said laughing but in scary voice.

"What ? .. He also stole your weapons?" I said confusing .

"Yeah ! ... it means he also stole your weapons" he replied.

"Umm … Kim I think we should go now it's too late". Jennie said.

"Hmm". I said with no expression.

"Take all our weapons". I said to my bodyguards.

"Yes boss". They said.

"This mistake should not be repeated". I said in anger to my bodyguards.

?? Pov:

{oooohhhh .... this much anger...Interesting.}

"let's go". I said

(We were about to go out he said from behind.)

?? : hey! You didn't tell me your name.

Hye - jin : you Guess..... What could be my name? ...Ok I will give to hint .the meaning of my name is, graceful treasure, precious.

after saying that I stepped out of the building.

?? : treasure , precious. I want every details about her.

"Yes Boss". he said to his personal bodyguard.

?? : but before I have to take care of him.

"please.. Please don't kill me I am sorry ? "so - mun said badly crying.

 ?? : hahaha ! You know I don't like people saying sorry after doing mistakes.

he was punching so - mun very hard. He was half dead.

?? : it's time for you to see hell . He said .

With that he shoot so -mun on his head.

?? : clean this place . and do whatever you want with his body. erase every evidence.

"yes boss ". His bodyguards said.

 ?? : let's go.

  Time skip at hye - jin's mansion......

I came to mansion for changing my office suit . it was all dirty because of fighting.i change it to good one.

At 8pm....

I reached xxx restaurant to have dinner with a client.

I step inside restaurant with my personal assistant and some bodyguards.

"Mam , please come this way." a worker came toward us and show us the way where my client was sitting.

"Here ." worker said.

client : hello , Miss Kim.

Hye - jin: hello , Mr. Chan.

(We both hand shaked. We sat down on our seat.)

client : it's great pleasure for me to working with you. He said smiling.

hye - jin : Thankyou Mr. Chan.

Client: can we talk about work.

Hye - jin : yeah ! Sure.

(We talked about some work things. And ate dinner.)

after eating dinner :

Hye - jin : it will be fun to work with you.( i said smiling).

Client : ( Mr . Chan smile) I have arranged a party tomorrow. Would you like to come?

Hye - jin : of course Mr chan . I think i should go now .

Client : yes Miss Kim. This way.

(We step out of the restaurant.)

I handshake with Mr. Chan and said goodbye.

I sat inside the car. And reached mansion.

(All servants welcomed me and I go to my room. )

" Ahhh ! It's 11 o'clock. I am tired." I said with tired voice.

I freshen up and laid down on bed.

Hye - jin POV :

(who's that guy whose weapons so - mun

Stole ? Anyway I don't care).

On the other side :

?? : hye - jin ? So her name is hye - jin . he said while smiling.

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