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Bloods Of The Fallen Night

New Project/Fallen night of blood

This is a new project of mine. It’s a story about a girl and her living out her daily life. But, her peaceful days will change. This project will be a weekly release novel created by my own boredom. I hope you’ll like it. I’ll see you guys every week. It will be released on a Monday, but if you guys have any suggestions on release dates, I’m happy to listen. New chapter will be released once per three days.

From the author: Kosa

Chapter 1-First day in the morning

One day, on a foggy and cold morning. The wind is blowing left and right, waving against the big and small trees nearby. The sound of an alarm clock ringing in her ear. She has woken up from her sleep. It was a peaceful and pleasant rest from whatever she had done last night. “Ugh… what time is it?” She glanced over to the alarm clock. “It’s… 6:30… almost time for school”. She got up and stretched her arms and legs. She walked through the hallway of her apartment. The floor is messy, full of stuff everywhere. It’s such a mess and she doesn’t even care enough to clean it. Cans, boxes, random house equipment, plates and water bottles are everywhere as she kicks it around while walking through the place and heads to the kitchen. “Hmm… so sleepy… why do I have to go to school again?” She groaned as she felt annoyed by the thought of going back to school after her long summer break. Her eyes are heavy, still tired from her sleep. Her vision is still blurry as she makes her way to the fridge and grabs a can of coffee out. Somehow, the can look… strange, but she can’t quite put her finger on it. “Why does this feel so… strange?”. She shrugs it off and continues her everyday routine. Brushing her teeth, combing her long hair, getting dressed and preparing herself for school. She finally got out of her apartment as a gushing wind blew through her hair. It’s cold but somehow… refreshing? “It’s cold, maybe it’s best if I take my jacket with me”. She goes back inside and and grabs her jacket. As she is about to grab it, she felt a strange sensation, a sharp shock? Is she being shocked by something or it’s just her. She felt something strange, something she never felt before. It’s so new. “Strange… I never felt this type of shock before. Am I… hallucinating? What was that…” She thought to herself. She sighed and grabs her coat and wears it. She got out, locked the door and walks down her apartment complex. Her footsteps are odd. Its louder than normal, louder than she’ve ever walked. Her surrounding are mostly occupied with birds chirping, wind blowing, children playing and people just having fun chatting or doing something in their room or outside the complex, but today, it’s odd. It’s quite, maybe a little wind blowing passed but that’s it. “What’s wrong with today? So strange… I feel… lonely… so quiet.” She mumbled as she made her way to the streets. Everything seems okay so far. Cars passing by, people and students walking around, chatting and out having a great time. Even though everything seems normal so far, she can’t help but think about what had happened this morning, or at least to her. As she continues to make her way to school, the fog started building up, to the point she can’t see much now due to the thick fog. Foot clanking against the ground, the sound of her own breathing, is now starting to make her feel overwhelmed inside. Is she overreacting? Or is something fishy is going on right now. She feel a little bit… scared? Is it fear? She can’t explains it. Her face filled with dred as she continues walking. As it felt like forever, she made it. She walked inside like everyone else. Now with more people around, she finally stops feeling nervous anymore. Everything seems fine so far. A teacher comes up to her and asks with a smile on her face “Hey, Luzia, had fun in the summer break?” Something about that teacher makes Luzia had chills down her spine. Maybe it’s the vibe she’s giving. She then quickly replies in a friendly manner “It’s really amazing, teacher. How about you? You seems happy today…” The teacher looks back with a smirk, a mischievous one at that. “It’s school days again, this means I get to enjoy teaching again! That’s why I’m happy” Luzia looks back with a skeptical look. Then she realizes she doesn’t know her new class yet and now she can asked the teacher about it “Sure thing, teach. Though, do you know where my class is? It’s a new year in school, right? Can you tell me where it is?” The teacher replies back “Your new classroom is class 11C at the end of the hall over there” Luzia nods and head her way to the classroom. As she’s walking, her vision started to get blurry. It’s like her own eyes is playing tricks with her. She feels exhausted, even though she hadn’t done anything major or do a tiring task yet. The strange feeling starts flooding back into her mind. But throughout that struggle, she manages to get into class and sits down in the corner of the room. It’s near the window so it’s perfect for her since she likes looking out the window and becomes lost in thought, making nothing able to make her move or speak. Class starts and the bell rings loudly. The bells rings louder than before, louder than she ever heard it rings. It’s like her senses are doubling. Hearing, touch, smells, taste and sight or drastically changing. It’s like she’s transforming. Is it just her? Maybe her hallucinations are getting worse. She ducks her head down against her table and closes her eyes, thinking that maybe a quick rest will help her solve the hallucinations problem. She closes her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. Lights getting more dimmed as time passes. The noise around her starts to die down, leaving her alone in her own thoughts.

Nothing else matters. Just her and her thoughts. *Her perspective* A bright light appears, no sound can be heard. Just a bright light, slowly becoming brighter and brighter, soon to consume her whole, leaving her in a blank white void of pure nothing. It’s just an empty void, no sound, voice, anything or anyone in sight. It’s just her and her alone, drifting through emptiness of the void. “Where… am I…? Am I dreaming…? But it can’t be.” She pinched herself “Ow! It hurts… I don’t think this is a dream… but, where am I?” She mumbles, her voice starts to shake, don’t know what to do in this situation. No sound, she can even hear herself breathing and even her heart beating starts going up, pumping faster and faster! Its like it’s about to explode! She breathes frantically, trying to slow down her heart rate. “I-I can’t… breathe!! H-Help! *cough* P-Please, anyone!” She shouts and shouts, but after all of that, nothing was heard. No response. An hour passed by, she found herself drifting away, like a lifeless corpse. No movement, sound or anything. She’s dead. She must be… she can’t be alive, right…? But, a sound was heard, and it’s from her. She’s coughing, gasping for air, suffering out of her mind. She did everything she can but it’s like she’s not supposed to live. No… she’s not supposed to. Then suddenly, reality starts warping again, crumbling beneath her, braking pieces by pieces, trembling down to nothing. The darkness consumes her whole and she can’t do anything about it. Her eyes dilated, high out of her mind. She’s falling, but where? She doesn’t know what is reality anymore. She’s going insane, laughing hard, like a maniac, nothing anyone has ever heard of “AHHAHAHHAAH!!” She’s insane, crazy, a lunatic. She’s everything but sane. Before she knew it, she woke up with a loud gasp. She look around, finding herself inside the classroom where she supposedly fell asleep in. “W-What…? So that… was a dream? What is going on… WHAT IS GOING ON?!!” She screams out her lungs, as hard as she can. She look around again and sees no one around. Just her. Did someone forget to wake her up? Must be. She got her bag and left the classroom. “Where is everyone? Did they all went home?” She sighed and decided to go to the bathroom to calm herself down. She wash her face with cold water of the taps. The sound of water dripping, breezing air… that’s all she can hear. No one is in the school anymore. They all left. But it’s strange… how can she sleep for that long? Did that really happened? She questioned everything. Is anything even real anymore? Is she even real? “What is happening… I feel sick. Strange, so strange…” she glances at the mirror in front of her. Then her eyes widened. A creature, so vile. It’s tall, leaning and creeping down to her. It’s hands are on both of her shoulders. It’s long, dark, reeks of death. Smile of the devil. So vile, nothing will ever compare to it. It’s teeth are sharp, like a knife. It’s so slender, like it hasn’t eaten anything yet, and she is it’s next pray. “Do YoU wAnT To PlaY wITh Me?” It’s voice. So dark, so morbid. “No!!” Luzia shouts, closing her eyes, ready for its next move. The creature, it screams. Loud and ear deafening. It screeches at her. Can’t accept it, the thing tries to attack her. She turns her back and try to look at it. She opens her eyes “…” it’s gone. Nothing is there. She is shook, her eyes are wide, slowly falling down to her knees, crying… she broke. She can’t handle this anymore. “P-Please… end this. I don’t want this. No more…” she sat there for a while… don’t know what to do.

End of Chapter 1: First day in the morning.

Author: Kosa Satoru

Chapter 2-Unknown World

She lays on the tiled floor. The floor is cold, water is dripping down from a faucet into the caramic bowl of the sink, as a continuous sound which is slowly driven Luzia insane. She looks at her now shaking hands, don’t know what else to believe anymore. Her mind is filled with random thoughts of her questioning her own existence and reality. “W-What is this place… I don’t want to be here… is this room even real?” She ponders to herself. The door of the bathroom creeks as it then slams shut with a loud bang. It’s locked and she’s inside. “W-What?!” She rushed towards the door, trying to getting it open so she can get out of here. She rammed aggressively against the door, kicking and punching it but to no avail. She tried one last time and kicked the doorknob and it finally opened. The knob fell to the floor in a loud clanking noise. She looks at the wall that is displaying in front of her in a shock. It’s blood… “B-Blood?! BLOOD?!!” She panicked and started looking around the building. It feels like the place has been left deserted but was acompanied by a somewhat fresh splash and trails of blood along the floor and the walls. It reeks of death. “What in the world has happened…?” She wonders, trying to look for someone. Every footstep she takes, is loud enough to be heard from far away. As she walks around the seemingly abandoned school building, there’s a room which has light inside. As she walks closer, she saw a silhouette of a person inside the room, before I disappeared in deeper into the room. As she got even closer, she found out that it’s another bathroom. Her breathing slowly quickens as she approaches the bathroom. She decides to call out for the person “Hello? Anyone there? Please answer me… I come in peace. I mean no harm… please come out…” She calls, but no answers. No noise or voice, Just pure silence. She managed to gather the courage and took a peek. She sees no one. Everything is normal so far. Just a bathroom with some high stalls and many sinks. Somehow it made her feel strange. It felt like she has been here before. “Hello…? Where are you? You can come out now.” She calls out again but still no response. She slowly walks up to one of the stalls. She stood in front of it, ready to open. But before she can open, a loud slash happens inside the stall, splattered the walls with blood, as I drips down to the floor, spilling underneath her in a pool of fresh, warm blood… it’s so gruesome, so disgusting, so vile… she can’t even wrap her head around it. The pouring pool of blood stains her shoes, coloring it in red. Her eyes are wide in fear and disbelief. “W-What… the fuck…?” Her hands are shaking, scared to open the door. She finally opens it and face with a gruesome scene. It’s a body, a dead corpse that has been sliced and ripped, organs spilling out, eye balls are dangling out of its socket, bunch of broken ribs, bones, and ripped out intestinal organs. His intestines, his liver are out to the open. “T-The fuck…?! W-What is… this…?” She muttered in a soft whisper… scared out of her mind. She never seen anything like this before. So vile… so disgusting… she can’t hold it anymore and vomit all over the floor, all over the dead corpse. It’s too much… too much. A while has passed and she is still inside the bathroom. She washes her face, calming herself from what she had just seen. “What is this place… this is not the school I know.” She turn around to face the dead corpse again. Seeing the man's torn up, disfigured corpse, Luzia feels her heart beating a tad quicker. She tries to calm down, but there's just no getting past the sheer brutality she's seen here. A deep sense of unease floods her body. She can't help but think, “What the hell kind of monster would do such a thing?” As if trying to distract herself for a moment, she decides to look around for some stuff inside his pocket for things that could help her. Strap to his waist was a gun. A pistol with full mag and a box of ammunition in his right pocket of his trousers. She pulls it out and puts it into her bag. Now she’s armed with a gun, and will shoot anyone that’s a threat, at least to her. “Ugh… so disgusting.” She mutters, then head out of the bathroom and explores more of the building, in search of resources and weapons. Medical supplies from the nurses office in the building, modified weapons made from scratch from the things in the storage room. “Hahh… it’s so tiring… well I still have a problem. Food… ugh… I’m so hungry.” She started scouting the building, all the rooms, then managed to stole a glance at some canned food in the cabinet in the cafeteria of the school building. “Huh, there’s food? How are there food here…? This place look so… deserted though. Welp, food is food… I’m not complaining\~” She’s giggling to herself for able to found food. “Hehehehehe… food\~” She’s a foodie. She loves food. I can relate… after her bag is full, she notices there’s more. Even some bottled water. “Hmm… this looks like it could last me almost a month. I also need some shelter. Maybe I’ll build mine here in the cafeteria. Oh! That’s a great idea!” Her body jolts in excitement as she sets her bag down and starts looking for some available supplies for she newfound soon to be shelter where she will be stationed at. She goes back and forth around the school building, soon has built a suitable shelter for herself. She smirks as she’s now proud of herself for being able to make. She’s proud of herself that all that survival movies influence finally pays off for her to able to use some of the information from those movies. “I’m so amazing\~!” She said proudly. Suddenly, gunshots were heard from afar. “Hm? Gunshots? There’re someone here too after all.” Then the sound of glass breaking from the front entrance of the school. “Fuck! They’re here!” She ducks down and hide, waiting for their next move. (From outside) A group of mens approached the building, wearing full tactical gear and armor, all carrying a long rifle ranging from Huntsman to AR and then a sniper at the back. One man that seems to be the captain spoke “Move quicker. We don’t have time to waste. Ugh… we really need the use of some more food right now.” He muttered in a straight and demanding tone. “Roger that, Captain Anako.” Two men said, then moves forward towards the door and kicks it down. A loud BANG! was heard from the door slamming against the wall. Those men moves forward and continue on the search, scouting every single room, in need of food and medical supplies. Three men heads north of the building, three headingn south, two headed west and now left the captain. Anako Kinada, a demon hunter, ranked 3rd of the deadliest academic school of demon hunters. He is the top elite assassin and a hardworking warrior, a soldier of the frontline. He roams some of the room, the soon to be in the cafeteria. Then his eyes dawned on the structure inside the cafeteria. “A fort huh? *smirks* good for you, whoever it is. Well enough chitchat, come out and puts your hands up. If not, you will leave me no-…” before he could finish his sentence, Luzia jumps out and put him on a gun point. “Don’t fucking move or I’ll shoot your brains out” she said, with a voice dripping in menace. Anako smirks again and the talk in a flirtatious voice “Oh my\~ what does a beautiful girl like you doing here in this deserted building\~? Say, I never seen anyone as beautiful as you before, can I catch your name? Your beauty really caught my eye in a lock right now\~” He said as he slowly walk towards her. She look back with disgust in her face “The fuck did you just say?!” She’s starting to look mad, and she is mad “You got a death wish or something?” Her eyes narrowed. He walk even closer, grab the gun barrel and points it against his chest “Shoot then. I’ll love to be killed by a beautiful woman like you\~” He slowly leans in for a kiss. His lips are pulled towards her, in a slow and steady pace… *Plap* he got bitch slapped by Luzia. “You really got some serious nerves to do that. You’re disgusting, you know that? I hate men like you…” her eyes narrowed, piercing into his soul. He took a step back from her “Okay okay, I get it… *sigh* Sorry for that. But I’m serious though, what’s your name?” He asked softly, trying to not get slap again. She replied, “It’s Luzia, why would you ask?”. He reached his hand in for a handshake “Luzia? What a beautiful name. Anako, Captain of the Kaizen team”. She look confused, “Captain? Kaizen team?”. He smiled and replied “Are you new here? Welcome to Taiko. A replica of Japan. You had been… um…”. Luzia lowered her gun, looking at him still in confusion, “What? Then… where am I? This place is… I never heard about this place before…”. Anako smiles again and still offers her his hand. “I know you’re confused. Why don’t I take you back to the base and I can explain this further for you to understand this whole situation better. Whatcha say?”. Luzia look skeptical about this whole situation, don’t know if she should trust him yet, “I… how would I know you won’t just trick me and use me, huh?”. He was taken aback by her assumption, “No, no, no, I’m not like that, you can trust me. I’m a good guy trying to live, that’s all… please, just trust me”. She sighed and look away, not knowing if she should trust him or not, “**I don’t know… are you sure? I… just wanna live… in peace…**”. She said in a sad but sincere tone. She’s just a normal person like everyone else. She just wants to live her life, but she’s now stuck in this so called Taiko which is a replica of Japan, of where her home is at.


End of Chapter 2-Unknown World


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