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She shook her leg up and down frantically, when she was waiting for her name to be called. By now she has chewed all of her nails on both hands. This wait is killing her, how could she be this stupid. She should act like more adult than be this careless, she wonders what her aunt would say about this.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Stop it Mia
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I can't, I'm getting more anxious.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
i can see that, you have already eaten all of your nails. i suppose you aren't planning on feeding your kid nails from now.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Please don't make fun of me Lois, I'm very much afraid.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
are you sure there were two pink lines?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
yes , yes , i have checked with three kits and all of them were pink.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
okay let's wait for our turn, soon the doctor will call us and we will get the correct results.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Aunt would kill me.....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
mom would do no such things....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
How could you be sure? i must have disappointed her.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia, listens to me. mom loves you okay. she searched for you in every orphanage and she adopted me too on your request.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I don't know how to break this news to her, I don't know how to break this news to Aaron
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Hey, it's going to be have me. and if nothing worked out we will run away, okay.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I don't want to run, Mr Lance has finally accepted me as his disciple. i don't want to miss this opportunity.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Let's deal......
Before Lois could finish Mia's name was called, both the girls went into the doctor's office. Lois held Mia's hands tightly, establishing her love again, telling her that she was there for her.
The doctor made Mia sit and ran some tests for her, he asked some preliminary questions about her health. While waiting for her result Mia's mind was freaking out.
Did she always want a child of her own? Yes... Did she want a family? Yes.. Is she ready for the child? No freaking NO......
Right after listening to her result, all the colors from her face faded away. She was indeed pregnant. She doesn't know how to tell this to her boyfriend?, although Aaron is a gentle and kind man. A type of man that every girl dreams of, but even gentlemen freak out when their girlfriend is kn*cked up.
Especially not to mentioned how much different their family and Class is. Mia started biting her nails again, a habit that she can't leave no matter what. Her mind was running like a bullet train, causing fuses here and there.
She looked at Lois when she pulled her hand out of her mouth, she was saying something, but Mia was unable to speak or listen, she saw Lois taking her hand and bringing her out of the cabin, while thanking doctor again and again
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
11 weeks pregnant.... Mia.....11 weeks....what the hell were you thinking?why didn't you notice?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
it happened so fast, he was drunk and i got carried away.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
will he take the responsibility?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I believe he would, he loves me, and he said he loves kids, and someday he wants to have a family with me.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Well I think his someday has arrived...
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
and what about his wicked mother? would she accept the baby? i remember the look she gave you that day.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois you are scaring me.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
I'm sorry you are right.....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Let me tell Aaron first, then we see what we have to do.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Yes okay, ask him to meet you.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Mia brought out her Phone, and called Aaron and like the first week of their relationship he picked up her phone immediately. She asked him if he could meet her today and he replied he wanted to talk to her too, so they will be meeting up right after his party.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
what did he say?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
he said he wanted to talk to me too about something so he agreed to meet me tonight.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Well that's good, i hope he agrees with this baby.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois, Aaron loves me okay, you need to stop looking at everyone with James Bond eyes.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
look i know he has never shown any signs of suspicions but i don't trust him.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Can you trust me?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
You know I do... maybe this is why i feel protective over you.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
maybe...let's go.
Mia took Lois's hand and moved towards the bus stand, Lois is a business major in the final year of her University while Mia is a craftsman she carves onto woods
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
What if he asked for abortion?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois.... please don't say this.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
i don't want that either Mia but we gotta think about it at some point.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
then i guess I'm having a break up in the near future.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
we might have to run away know the baby is going to be an heir of the knight's family.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
okay then, book a ticket for a faraway land.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
that's like my girl.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
But let's hope he accepted the baby and the mother.
From the whole evening till the night she waited for Aaron to call her, but he didn't. This anxiety is killing her, she didn't want to pressurize Aaron as she knows how busy he is and how hard things are for him given his family condition and pressure.
However she would want Aaron to be the part of baby's life, even if it's a little. She would give up her idea of marriage if it gets too much for Aaron but all she wants is for him to be a little supportive.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois called Mia for dinner but she didn't respond, the baby's news has taken her into a whole new different world.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
i have been calling you for sometime, what happened?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Nothing? it's written all over your face....stop thinking this much...this anxiety will harm the baby.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Aaron hasn't called till now....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
he might be busy, if he didn't call you this whole night i would smash his office window tomorrow, what say?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
(chuckled) okay.... do we have ice cream?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
No...we finished it the day before yesterday remember?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
i feel like eating ice cream.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
shall i go buy?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
would you.?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
okay, which flavour.?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
mint chocolate.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
yuck i don't why you like this flavour.?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
thank you......
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
wait for me ..okay ... don't start eating food without me.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Yes Miss Abbott.
Lois took money and went out to buy an ice-cream for Mia. She smiled as these food cravings had started,, and after a half week or so, the baby's heart would be formed. She hopes that Aaron didn't bail on Mia and she would get the happy ending she has always dreamt of.
Here Mia placed the food on the dining table, in this 3bhk apartment this table is the centre of attraction as this was the first piece that Mia has created. the design on the table is to die for, and she has engraved her and Lois initials on it.
While waiting for Lois she decided to watch television, she picked up her glass of water and switched it on. the television showed the business channel immediately, Lois must be watching it. However the next news blew her mind away.
The glass of water fell from her hand and shattered on the floor, the water was splashed everywhere. Her eyes glistened with tears as she read.
The news reporter went on and on about the new business engagement but Mia couldn't hear anything, she ran into her room and picked her phone and dialled immediately. she didn't care what news channels were talking, she wanted to hear it from his own mouth.
After so many long rings, Aaron's phone finally turned the switch off. no matter how hard she tried she couldn't reach him, so the last thing she could do is to meet him directly. She opened her front door and ran down the stairs, she didn't care if her apartment was locked or not, or if her running was going to harm her baby or not. she doesn't care about anything.
Lois was standing in the line waiting for turn to pay, her eyes fell on the television above her head. She threw the ice cream and ran towards Her apartment. her eyes were glistening with tears, she just wanted to hold her best friend and cry with her.
when she reached the apartment it was open, the table was set and the television was on, she looked at Mia's room which was open too.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia .......
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia...... F*ckin...... Roosevelt......where are you??
She searched the whole house and re entered Mia's room, she banged on her bathroom door again and again only to meet with silence...
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia......are you in the washroom?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia ... please say are scaring me.....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia.....did you see the news i swear to god i will take revenge on that bast*rd, please talk to me....
She brought out her Phone and dialed her number, but it was switched off. When she moved to get out of her room, she stepped onto something, it was a smashed phone. And now she knows Mia isn't home she's lurking somewhere outside, and she runs immediately after her.
Here Mia was walking endlessly, she doesn't know how long it will take her to reach the venue, but all she knows is she's going to go and confront Aaron for what he has done.
Mia looked down at her shoeless feet, her slippers were already broken while running and now her legs were bleeding. Busy in her thoughts she didn't notice the fast car coming towards her. Listening to the screeching sound of the car she turned her head.
A man was trying to control the car with his every bit, but he failed. The car hit Mia, and she fell on The windshield, smashing it into many pieces. the high impact flew her feet away from the car hitting her head on the footpath.
The car got dis-balanced after sliding up on footpath and turned upside down, the ceiling of the car sparked as it screeches the pathway and finally stops, The driver was thrown out the car and was lying in the pool of his own blood.
It's been more than three hours, and Lois was searching for Mia everywhere she has also called Philip to search for Mia. Soon her ringing phone made her halt her legs, she looked at her phone which has an unknown number, thinking Mia might be in danger she picked it up, it was hospital telling her about Mia's accident.
Mia and Philip ran towards the reception of the hospital as soon as they reached. Lois was in so much shock that it was hard for her to utter a single word, in the back of her mind she was praying for Mia to be okay,for her baby to be okay. Looking at Lois Philp asked about Mia, the nurse led them to the hospital room.
Although Mia has lived but she was pretty much banged. her face was bruised and there was a cast in her hand, indicating a broken bone.philip hugged Lois as she cried on his shoulder. She can't believe this has happened to Mia, her sister,her best friend, her everything.
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Hey it's going to be okay..... she's okay.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Look at her philp, i have never seen her like this....she looks so broke.
hello, are you her family?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Yes yes..... I'm her... I'm her.....
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Sister.....and I'm her friend.
doctor of you must go and complete the procedure with the hospital and with the police
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
It's an accident madam, it must be registered.
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Okay .... I'll go....Lois would you be okay?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Yes go please....
okay there is some good news and there is some bad.


Hey guys I'm your author.... moonlight.....and I'm here in front of you again with an amazing story and i hope you like it just as much as you have liked my previous one.
i would also request you to check my previous work name. "MY SISTER'S HUSBAND"
Now let's begin our journey with character introduction because we have to know are male lead and female lead before we read the story.
🍁 Mia Roosevelt 🍁 A woodcrafter 🍁 she works in a craft studio currently ran by her senior, but she's expecting a promotion . 🍁 An orphan 🍁 Has charming and loving personality and wanted to have her own family. 🍁 Has a best friend Lois, since her childhood both used to be in orphanage together. 🍁 loves children and wants to have her kids.
🍁 Lois Abbott 🍁 Has a adoptive mother 🍁 she was adopted by Mia's aunt, who gave her a new name, Lois. 🍁 she didn't take her adopted mother's surname but took the surname of her favorite character of her favourite book 🍁 she's a business major. 🍁Wants to open a craft studio with Mia and turn it into a business. 🍁 She loves Mia like her own sister, and is protective of her. 🍁 likes Philip but too scare to say.
🍁 Philip Lance 🍁 A woodcrafter. 🍁 Work in same studio as Mia. 🍁 has a lifelong crush on Lois but never told her 🍁 belong to a middle class family 🍁 have two loving parents 🍁 cousin to Maddy Turner 🍁 best friend with Lois and Mia.
🍁 Aaron Knight 🍁 The second son of the knight family, through second marriage of Jeremy's father 🍁 Has a step-brother and step-sister 🍁 Loves his siblings but can't express because of his mother. 🍁 used to be Mia's boyfriend but now married to Maddy Turner 🍁 works in hospitality business, owns a chain of hotels
🍁 Maddy Turner 🍁 the only daughter of Turner family and cousin with Philip 🍁 wife of Aaron Knight 🍁 Hate Aaron's step-sister 🍁 A trophy wife 🍁 Got married to Aaron in an arrangement business marriage.
🍁 Martha Knight 🍁 A professional photographer for the world but runs a security business alongside her brother 🍁 Stepsister to Aaron 🍁 has been raising her brother since their mother died 🍁 Loves traveling.
🍁 Jeremy Knight 🍁 Have heterochromic eyes 🍁 The owner of the knight business 🍁 Stepbrother with Aaron 🍁 A Weapon engineer, Runs a security and artillery business. 🍁 Has been on revenge for her mother's death. 🍁 Hates his own family apart from Martha 🍁 Has been in business competition with Aaron.
🍁 Kevin Fitts 🍁 Secretary to Jeremy knight and a loyal friend 🍁 Take care of Jeremy's business in his absence 🍁 Has known his Jeremy's secrets in an out 🍁 His father was Jeremy's grandfather's driver.
🍁 Mackenzie Roosevelt 🍁 Mia's aunt, sister to Mia's mother 🍁 Lois's adoptive mother 🍁 Searched for Mia when she got to knew about her. 🍁 loves Mia very much 🍁 Has Loved Mia's father very much.
Okay , so not to get confused about the knight family's dynamic, i will provide you with its family tree.
Now let's get into the story


Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Mr driver can you turn off the radio please?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Turning off the radio, wouldn't make him go away
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
And listening to his news would?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
No, look......
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
No, Lois i told you multiple times that i don't want to talk about him
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia, not addressing the issue doesn't mean it's not there....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
It means to me...
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
you need to talk about your feelings at some point to someone.....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
You haven't said a single word about what happened ever since you got discharged from the hospital
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I took the therapy...
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Yeah but that was for your focus on your career
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
You denied talking about your feelings towards your ex
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
I know you are hurting....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
And by talking about him, you are hurting me more....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois you know it's a big night for me....can we just focus on that?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Yeah, absolutely....and I'm sorry I didn't mean to spoil your mood ...
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
I'm just ....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
I'm just worried about you Mia.....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I know...and I'm sorry too for snapping at you .....
It's been three years since Mia has survived that horrible accident. One dreadful day and her life changed drastically.
On that unfortunate day she lost her lover, her baby and right her leg went limb. The person who caused the accident has never been found, but someone did pay her hospital bill anonymously.
Do these two facts have anything in common? Maybe but both Mia, and Lois have done their best to find out and they found nothing.
No matter what she says to her best friend but deep down, sometimes she thinks about him too. She thinks about his betrayal, she thinks about her baby and her lost happiness.
Why is he back anyway? Why now?. Aaron, Mia's boyfriend... sorry Ex-boyfriend has left the city right after his engagement. He got married after a year of their engagement, and now he's happy. At least that's what the tabloid says.
She sighed at her feelings and looked outside the window. Is she stupid to hold on the feelings of happily ever after? Why is it her that never deserves love.
Her mother left her at the doorstep of the orphanage, It took 8 years for her aunt to find her and took her into her custody and then when she finally got to fall in love, her boyfriend cheated on her.
Luckily her aunt is the best person in the world, she not only took her in, but she also adopted Lois because Mia didn't wish to be apart from her.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
We are here.....
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Are you Ready?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Born ready....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
I'm with you at every step Mia, don't ever forget that.....and Philip is going to be inside too.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Has he already reached?
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Mia picked her cane and clutched it hard, she still felt uneasy about not being able to walk. That night left her weak on the right knee, not to mention she can never run or lift heavy weight.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
You know, although this cane is beautiful, i still hate it.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
(chuckled) You know what it means to me.....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Yeah, I'm glad you took that therapy and went to the designing again.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Let's go.....
This cane is the first design she has created after a year of physiotherapy and psychiatrists session, but she's happy. Carving design in the woods brings happiness to her. Luckily her mentor accepted her even after a year gap.
Today's exhibition is the last exhibition of his design, he has decided to retire and enjoy the rest of his life, which seems like a nice plan to Mia.
Multiple flashes flashed on Mia and Lois faces as they entered at the party hall. Mr Lance, her mentor is a big celebrity and a businessman. He took wood crafting to a different level. Mia felt proud to be his student and his right hand.
Both of them moved ahead and entered the hall, it was huge and articles were on display, people were gathered around and discussing it. The hall wasn't very crowded but not empty either, the pleasant music was running in the background.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
How many articles are yours in this exhibition?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
about 12
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
That many?
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Well I got lucky...Mr Lance liked my every piece
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
I'm so proud of you.....
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Hello ladies......
Both of them turned around and saw Philip smiling at them. Mia saw Philip scanning Lois up and down. Learning every detail of her, like he's afraid he would forget it if he didn't learn.
Mia shook her head at her oblivious best friend, and stupid junior. It's obvious that Philip has a huge crush on Lois and it's visible for everyone but Lois.
Or even if she knows, she doesn't acknowledge it. Lois never wanted a family of her own and she never wanted to fall in love. She decided it right after she met her birth parents, something she never talks about
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Hey are you doing?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
I'm. Doing great you look beautiful.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Thank you aren't bad yourself.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
How many are yours?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Five?...i thought Lance agreed for seven.
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Well he cancelled it last moment, he said they will be for the next one.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Oh, then that's okay...
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Yeah ...btw congratulations your three articles have already been sold.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Oh my god..... Mia.... congratulations that's good.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Wow.....i never thought it would happen.
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Why are the Ace after wonder he keeps you next to him all the time.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
That's my girl.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Who bought it?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Don't know know they don't tell...
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
(nodded) But at least I can know which article, right?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Yeah. The waterfall, the Egyptian goddess and the mountain has already been sold
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
And the ecstasy has been put on bidding.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
No way......
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
You are kidding right.?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Nope, apparently four people were dying to buy it and one of them was anonymous.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
What the hell is it with you and you have a Romeo that I don't know about.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
You know everything about me
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Well one of the people who bid is your ex Romeo.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Is he here?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
I'm afraid he is know every aristocrat is here, Mr Lance is not just some random craftsman.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Do you want to leave?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Hey i didn't mean to cause trouble or something.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Why didn't you told us before?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Well i just found out myself..... Mia I'm so sorry...
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
It's okay..... I'm okay
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
We can know
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
The f*ck we will....i haven't done anything wrong...this is my night. I want to see the bidding.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I worked hard for all of this ....and I'm not going back.
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Yeah, this is your night Mia enjoy it.....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
That's my girl....
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Moreover, there has been a talk among the shareholders and other board members that you will be the CEO of the designing department.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
yeah, but some people are against it...since you know you don't have shares to be on the board of directors.
Mia Roosevelt
Mia Roosevelt
I don't want to be long as I get to sell my articles and my head isn't a jacka** I'm good to go.
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
How do you know every gossip?
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Hey I'm just looking out for our girl.....
Lois Abbott
Lois Abbott
Oh, yeah....
Philip Solano
Philip Solano
Yes ..
Three of them laughed and Philip called the server for the champagne, it's indeed a celebration for Mia, she not only sold her three articles but one of them went for bidding.
They clinked their glass and took a sip, Mia has never felt so proud of herself, finally everything in her life is setting down. She was lost in her peace so much that she forgot to see the hurricane that was coming for her

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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