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His Face Stops Me From Leaving Him

A little introduction

Hi, myself, Mei Saki, I'm half Japanese and half American. I'm in College 2nd year, I study arts, I'm the best artist even if you combine all the classes, I'm great in subjective knowledge too! I have supportive parents though I don't live with them, I do a part-time job as a news reporter, just because of my dad, I barely have any trauma from my childhood. Furthermore, I'm rich, taken, you read it right! Not only that, but I have a boyfriend, Nao Ayumi, unbelievable right? He also studies art, he's just a level below me in art, I love him very much, he's a part-time chef. Many girls have a crush on him yet, he chose me! Life is easy for me, in your eyes that is, everything was perfect in my life, except for one thing. My boyfriend, Nao Ayumi, had been acting a little cold towards me for, a few years. Our relationship started in 10th grade, when I whined about my love for him, this, is a story of a girl's power. He didn't like it when I asked about what had gotten into him, he would treat me badly, he would yell at me and shout at me for the teeny-tiny things I do which are, practically out of my hand! For example, he complained about me biting random things like a pencil, he once screamed at me for cracking my knuckles all day, okay. Maybe they are in my control, but it's common sense, if you make me nervous or anxious, it's going to take over me. He noticed what I do, but now why I do whatever I do, those are symptoms of anxiety or stress, I stopped doing things eventually though. If not those actions, I used clench my jaw and just avoid eye contact which was again, irritating to him somehow, I never complained about anything that he does! He hums random things and shakes his legs whenever he's stressed, I've seen him scratch himself and run his hand through his perfectly made hair whenever he's anxious, unique, huh? Now, I absolutely hate the guts he had back then, to piss me off, he would hang out with b×tchy b×mbos, make a mess in our apartment, lock the door before I got home. I confronted him one day, he rolled his eyes, now, I rule the house. So, just a little moral I am talking about, if a man treats you like crap, give him even bigger shit. But if you love him too much, try your f÷cking hardest to turn him into a good man and treat you like the queen you are, you're welcome. Now, where were we, right, I came home late one night, "Nao-kun, I'm home." I ruminated. His eyes flickered to me for a moment before he looked back to the games he had been playing for a pretty long time.

You're gonna be fine

Like this, he liked to assert his dominance over me, "Nao, it's pretty late, go to bed." I phonated while rubbing my eyes, "I'm not tired." he says in a complex tone, I guess he was winning the game he was playing because he had a slight smirk on his lips, "You go to bed if you want to" he babbled not taking his eyes off the TV screen, "Baby, you know I can't sleep without you..!" I confessed trying to get him to quit his game and cuddle with me. Was that too much to ask for? He gazed at me with complications and confusions clearly visible in his eyes, "You always want to cuddle when it's time to sleep, I think you just want to hold on to me and make me stay up all night. Besides, I'm not the one who needs cuddling..." he rumbled in seething voice, yet somehow, a minuscule part of his 'soon to be worked-up' tone seemed dispirited to me, I looked down and shook my head and went to the kitchen for some food while yawning, that was a mistake, I tripped on a sticky substance which smelled like juice, and it was juice. Sounds bad, that's not it, when I tripped, there just happened to be big a¢s shards of glass. I crashed down which created a crack and a slam noise, I guess Nao finally took his eyes off the game, "Oh Mei~" he concurred, dripping with fake sweetness. "Let me help you up" "Ugh, no. I'm fine" I whimpered, I then saw Nao smirk, my guess is that he enjoyed the mess I made for myself, I stand up and looked in the mirror near the main door. Thankfully, I had no scars, only scratches, that they themselves weren't as deep as the knife Nao stabbed me in the back with called 'Fake Love'. I stumble over to the sink and wash my face and right as I step to leave the kitchen and go to the bathroom, he opened his outrageous mouth and roared : "You should be more careful! You're creating a mess for me, yourself and the house!" "Correction, I create troubles for you, and just so you don't confuse me, I'm speaking from your point of view." I fumed, Nao's smirk faltered for a second before re-appearing rather lousy, from what present day Nao told me, he then decided to play along. "How so?" "I wasn't home all day, Nao, how did this mess suddenly appear?" I fretted, Nao's electrifying smirk turned into a mocking grin, "You had your friends over, and since neither you nor your friends have even a skeletal piece of respect for me, you all made a cute little mess for me to clean up when I get home!" I concluded. Nao giggled softly at my hefty attempt to alarm him and get him to speak up why he was being so cold to me.

A world where everything goes devastatingly wrong

Appalled, I fold my arms and look at him with a frown, "No. You're not right, Mei-chan" he ordered, "How" I conceded, Nao walks teasingly close, "Are you trying to challenge me, Mei?" he warned, "So what if I am?" I revealed. That was stupid, why did I say that, I should've known that he was a sarcastic little douchebag, he scoffed and offered to me : "It's alright, I can take it~"

"Okay then, I'll make a mess equivalent to this and you have to act all of what happened just now."

Nao laughs stepping back, "You've got some guts, Mei-chan" he foretold, I rolled my eyes, "Do you or do you not agree with my condition" Nao's eyes glint with amusement and challenge. He nodded, "Alright, since you're so eager for this little condition of yours, I'll do it! But remember, actions have consequences, even for me." he warbled, I closed my eyes in irritation and went to the cupboard where I kept some glass cups and plates, I took them and kept them on the table. I opened the refrigerator and took a banana, I threw it on the floor with the cups and plates, Nao closed his eyes at the loud noises, that was a mistake as I then pushed him into the mess. He was off guard, so he fell right into my trap, literally, he fell badly creating a loud thud sound. I was stunned to see that he only fell and the glass didn't hurt his face or hands, it hurt his arms, he quickly got up and pulled my hands before I could move backward, he took my hands and pinned me against the wall. His mesmerizing eyes overflowing with anger, "Is this what you wanted!?" "Yes." "You little b×tch!" complained before slapping me pretty hard, damn, talk about strength. The force of the blow sent me stumbling back, "You, Nao Ayumi, have ruined my life." I faltered, Nao's chest was heaving with rage and disbelief, "How dare you say that to me?! I'm here because of your 'charming' little game!" he returned. They say never mess with a woman who's on her period, whoever said that, was right, Nao found out the hard way, unfortunately. I burst into a manic laughter making the 'Man Of The House' flinch, "What's so funny?" he observed, "Oh Nao, poor Nao, this is all your fault, if you would have never made this mess or maybe cleaned it up then none of this would have been happening!" "And if I don't apologize for this? What then?" he objected, "You were the one who thought I was harmless, wrong guess, darling!" I wailed. "You're unbelievable, your really are something else, fine! You want me to say sorry?" he retorted, "Break up with me." I extolled taking a cigarette out of the cigarette pack and lighting it with tears in my eyes, "What? You want me to break up with-"

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