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Lily, The Abounded Fenix

Chapter 1

That was one hell of a way to die. Can you believe it!? l died at the age of 22! l died. A car run over me while I was escaping from some crazy men with guns. They shot me, and l fell into the street. It hurt like hell.

Oh! l forgot to introduce myself. The name's Lilly and I'm an orphan from birth. l worked as a dancer in a nightclub and a dealer in the club's casino, which leaded to my death.

l died because I saw those men kill someone after leaving my work place. At that time l through l could finally rest.l was sick and tired of living anyway, but no, God had other plans for me.

l reincarnated or transmigrated, who knows? The thing is, l got to live again in someone else's body.

When l open my eyes again after the car accident l was lying on bed, my head was throbbing and my vision was kinda blurry.

l through was in a hospital or something but once my vision cleared l found out how wrong l was.

That was no hospital. It was a old dark room ready to fall down in any moment, same ancient chines decorations here and there.

Then crying desperately beside my bed was a young girl,no more than 18. l didn't know who she was or where I was.

Truthfully I had something on my mind, but didn't want to admit it. You know those novels where the female lead get transmigrated into another world, that's exactly what I was thinking. But then again there's no way something like that could possibly happen to me, right?

Apparently the girl didn't notice me waking up as she continued to cry. I moved a little forward to reach her shoulders. She flinched at my touch, almost falling on the ground.

Then she looked up at me, her eyes full of joy as if she had witnessed a miracle. The next thing l knew is that l was in her embrace, she was hanging me and crying at the same time.

l didn't get the memories of this body like they do in those novels, but l didn't need them to understand that the girl in my arms really cared about this body's owner. Which was an advantage for me, who didn't know anything about my current self.

Then l asked her, acting as if I had lost my memories, so she could tell me what I needed to know about this place and this body's owner. " Excuse me, but who are you? Do you know me? l don't seem to remember anything." l said in a low voice as l pushed her away, creating a little space between us.

"Your highness?! Does your highness really not remember anything?" She asked, tears sliding down her cheeks."What about your name? Family? Anything at all? " She said with a worried look all over her face.

Chapter 2

 Thanks to Xiao Zhao, the young maid which had cried by my side, l managed to find out quite a few things about this body's owner.

First of, her name... or should I say my current name is Lin Lilith. The oldest daughter of the previous prime minister and also the wife of the second prince.

That's perfect right, like a dream come true, to be reborn as a rich noble woman, a princess no less. But l wasn't baying that, giving the state l was in, so l pushed Xiao Zhao to tell me more.

As a result l come to realize just how unlucky l am, not that it was a surprise anyway. I have always been unlucky. I don't know who I offended on my past life for such misfortune to follow me even after death, but I shouldn't have hoped for anything to begin with.

Now thanks to my cursed luck l'm stuck in the ancient times as the abounded princess. I have to live in this so-called palace which is ready to fall down and this is all thanks to the foolishness of this body's owner.

For starters, she used her father's high position to force the second prince to marry her, despise the fact that he had no interest on her or any other women.

From Xiao Zhao explanation, it seems she truly loved the second prince and through that by marrying him, he would eventually come to like her too, but unfortunately that didn't happen. From the moment the marriage was mentioned, he never came looking for her, not even in the wedding night.

This leaded Lilith to take an extreme action. She drugged the prince and force herself into him, and soon after she announced her pregnancy. And this time again things don't go as she had hopped for. Instead of caring for her and the child growing inside her, he accused her for treason and had planned to have her killed.

She would have died if not for her father's sacrifice. He begged the emperor to spare her life, and in exchange he had to give up his noble title and Lilith was forced to live in the cold place. She was also forbidden to leave the palace without permission and no one was to meet her. Since then 6 years have passed, and she never left this place, not even in her final breath.

"AHH! I can't believe this! l hate my luck and... AHH! I hate that f**king prince!" l couldn't stand it. I was seriously going crazy. Just what kind of sick plot was l in any way.

Just what kind of sick bastard think of killing his wife and unborn child? I get it, l honestly do. It more than normal to be angry at Lilith. I mean, how can she be so foolish as to drug the prince, but still, isn't this too much.

If he didn't care for Lilith, he could at least think about the child. How can he expect a small child to live in this place? This place is ready to fall down and if that wasn't enough he can never leave this place.

"AHH! I want to f**king kill that bastard and whoever put me in this position." Don't people usually get super powers or a cheat system when they transmigrate, or at least they get inside a novel they have already read. But ,look at me! l have no idea where l am or what l'm supposed to do. I wasn't hopping for much ,but at least I should have received this body's owner memories. Can't someone tell me, just what kind of f**ked up settings is this.

Chapter 3

Seriously, l was going crazy, but I knew overthinking the situation wasn't going to get me anywhere.

So, l pulled myself together, got out of bed and walked a few steps toward a mirror. I had to know how l looked like. It's not like it would make a difference, but l had to completely convince myself that this whole thing was real, because l still couldn't rap my head around it.

My body was literally killing me, just what was wrong with it. How the hell did Lilith die for her body to hurt so much? I personally got shot with a gun and a car hit me afterwards, but I don't recall it hurting this much.

Anyway I somehow managed to get to the mirror without falling off. I look at myself or the body that was now mine. And I couldn't believe my eyes, she or the current me was so beautiful.

There was no doubt, that wasn't my original body, it didn't even come close. l was pretty before, and I had quite a nice body too, but this one, this one was something else entirely. l had no wards to describe myself, but yeah that totally wasn't me.

So, this whole rebirth thing was real, not that I doubt it before but now I sure as hell believe it was real.

I look closer at myself, examine my new body. Strange! There weren't any wounds in it that could have been the cause of Lilith death. She had fair skin, she hadn't known hardship even in this place. She remained a pure princess to the very end. So how did she die? Was she poisoned? Could be. That kind of thing was quite common in the ancient times.

But hell, did that mean someone killed her. What if they tried again, since I owned her body now, would they come to kill me too? But why, isn't she just an abounded princess no one cares about. Why would someone want her dead?... Was it the second prince, but why wait 6 years ?

I had a hundred questions and not a single answer. l didn't know anything. I thought l had figured out most of her life, but in reality I knew almost nothing. The anxiety was making me dizzy, this body was weak, nothing like my old one. I had to figure things out or l may die again soon.

And for once, it seemed god saw my suffering since Xiao Zhao, appeared at the right time. I was going to get some answers from her.

"Your highness, what are you doing standing up." She started to panic as soon as she saw me. "Please your highness, you need more rest." She said while helping me to get to the bed. "Are you feeling okay ? Does anything hurt? Your highness?

"Yeah, l'm fine." Actually, I was everything but fine. But that didn't matter, not now. Rest could wait, my answers' no. " Xiao, I'm okay. I really am, but can you please tell me what happened? How did I end up..." Dead, l wanted to say, but l definitely shouldn't do that, so instead I said. "Like this?"

Her eyes teared up, and she looked down, avoiding my gaze. And I realized just how stupid I was. Asking her something like that when I knew just how much she had cared for Lilith. My stupid question had reopened a wound that hadn't had time to heal yet. But l really needed to know or l could end up dead and this time l may even stay that way.

"Everything... everything happened so fast. ... I didn't... I didn't know what to do..." Her trembling voice hit my heart and I could feel her sadness, her fear. "I thought l was too ...too late… I through... I lost you..." Tears slide down her rosy cheeks, and l wondered just how hard she had tried to hold them back. How hard it may have been for her seeing Lilith die.

And at the same time, I wonder if someone had cried for me. If someone cared enough to cry over my death. There probably wasn't anyone. I had no family, no friends, no one at all. So ,how did I keep on going for so long?

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