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The Unknown Girl

Why it's ALWAYS ME?

...Why it's ALWAYS ME?...

^^^I know I born to suffer in this Beautiful World but until today I never thought that MY LIFE IS VERY VERY SHORT and this whole My Days in my life I only suffered and waited for my dreams to come TRUE .But nothing happened, in few more minutes my life going to END. My breath will stop inhaling and no one going to worry about it.^^^

...SO the first time the question awakens in my brain which is going to stop functioning in minutes... why it's always me?...

^^^My Eyes felt heavy, like I wanna close it for minutes. I keep telling myself that don't close. What if it's your last time that the people see you awake .It's not helping I wanna close my eyes, I just can't bearing this heavy much .I love my eyes so much, It's really Beautiful. I only love my eyes in my body apart from my heart . Now my eyes will close and will be in peace .  ^^^

...My own tears burning my swollen cheeks . My head burning so much and body felt like laying on the thousand of needles bed. Still please....  can I survive a little longer?...

^^^People around me taking me somewhere, Probably doing their work to save people like me from the dead bed.^^^

_____Lastly.........     HE!!!!!!    

It's him.. I know. It's really him.

He came and looking at me out of blue. why it's him? why I looking him in my last minutes. The guy hits me with his Black car, I remember his face ... YES. The face behind the glasses of that black fancy car before I was ended up crashing in the road side. But He's close now. A few meters away from my Bloody face.

I don't want my life end like this. Unforgettable, Useless, Hopeless and with a dream inside me.

so again why it's always me ?

It's me

Cabin door shuts open widely entered by a Young Man in his end of twenties with rush in his steps . He felt agitated, don't know what to do and don't know how the hell he going to repay everything what he did ACCIDENTLY.

The well built young man, Felt like crazy. Just throwing everything infront of him on his Black Glass Table. Grab a glass full of water and drunk it in one go to wishing that it will quench his burn inside.

He fell into his Big sofa of Royal Black in color. His Breath is uneven.

"Babee-- what happened? ", a beautiful young women approaches him in worried. She kneeled infront of him on the floor and grabbed his shaking sholder softly .

She don't know what's going on with her handsome boyfriend. She never seen him like that. She going to offer him a big hug to comfort him, but -

" LEAVEEE ME. LEAVE THE #*** OUT OF ME ALONE ", He growls like an animal. She froze infront of him.

" ba-Babee, It's ok. it's me-"

" I said GET OUT ", he again shouts at her.

She don't know what to do. Her eyes felt crystal and blurry image of her love of life the man infront of him. She wants to console him. She wants to be there for him, Even though he don't love her.

" Hana!! what happened? ", a friend of the couples enters in the cabin. He don't know what's going on with the couples. One in furry like crazy and other is vulnerable.

" Rae ... see he - "


"Hana... please wait outside.", Rae said softly. He felt angers fills him by his Best Friends attitude but it's not that time to shouts back.

" But Rae , my babee -

" Please Hana. Please leave . ", Rae stays calmly this time.

Hana went outside with full of tears, before she left the room she place a soft kiss on her boyfriends forehead and says "Everything will be ok. " with sad tone.

After Hana left, the room felt little calm.Rae let out a Big sigh.

" Alan, get up. we have emergency case, I just got a call. we should be ready and prepared. ", He says without taking his eyes from the abnormal Alan, his Best Friend.He got silence as reply.

It's not like him. Alan is a wonderful doctor at this young age. Everyone admire how he is

incredible in Predicting, diagnosing things good and make sure things in good way. But now, why is he hesitating.

" Alan, Get up. Whatever happened to you, it's not a time. A soul in danger. Damned Get out and  attend them man! ", he felt frustration at his friend and at himself.

Alan, did not a mutter the single word, just sitting there like creepy. Rae went beside him grab his hands to make him stand on his legs.

" DAMMIT, LEAVE ME ALONE ", Alan pushed and shouts at him in full rage.

" YOU, DAMMIT. GET UP. I SAID WE HAVE EMERGENCY. ", Rae pushed him back with same rage.

" What the hell happened to you?! -"

" IT'S ME.. IT'S ME --- it's - it's me.

I hit that girl in red dress. I- i don't know , I don't know #**** ing hell where did she came from infront of my damned car suddenly . I hit her. DID YOU HEARD ME. I'm THE ONE CRASH HER WITH MY CAR. ", He panting heavily.. his breath caught in minutes make him hard to breath.

" Alan -- what the hell you did ", Rae freak in .


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Alan Pov :-

I felt like my whole world collapsed. My everything collapsed. Even though it's not my fault, I'm the one crashed her.

She going to die, I know. I checked her pulse were very low. It's really least possible to save her. Noone saw the accident but soon Police will come and get me to jail.

No!!! can't be...My profession, my pashion everything will be in risk. what I'm going to do.

“Alan... look

“ Don't convince me Rae, I know ”, I accept my mistake. I told him everything what happened there.

How I was little drowsy and how I last my sight in sleep for seconds. Next second I only remember a girl in red dress infront my car and I crashed  her.

“so no one saw the accident?! ”, my friend asks me.

“ I did not saw anyone there.It was about 2.50 am. I don't remember seeing anyone in that alley- ”, I was interrupt by a Word boy in the hospital.

“Sorry to interrupt Doctor, It is emergency. Accident case. ”, he said in hurry left there when he noticed that wierd atmosphere around us.

we both fell into complete silent.Rae big sigh broke the silence.

"Alan..let's go ”, he stands and I felt nervous.

“ Wh- where?!! ”

“ To attend the case. you know who's that right? ”, he says calmly. I just Can't. My whole body shakes in nerves.

Rae hugs me.

“ Look, what happened was accident. we can handle it . Now it's our duty. Come please. ”

“No!! I can't -

“ Maybe something miracle can happen! ”, he was silent. I know as a Doctor I can understand what he means. Miracles can happen in anytime. Even in our last breath.


I was getting near the emergency ward. Rae made me Agree. I sometimes give up on him. He only do what's good to me. I hope it will be too.

Nurse and doctors  made way for us. I reached the bed where the girl laying in filled with blood.

Seems like she had severe injury in head. I can hear my own heat beats. It's very loud and I'm nervous as hell.

She still breathing. I get closed to her face.She mumbled something. "S-save me.... "

Great I heard that. But I'm not that trust worthy.



Hope you all like this episode ~ if yes click the thumbs up yeah!

And one more thing...

please please please be very very very careful on road.. if you're driving be more careful than that.

Mind one thing for sure always that.. if you slip into careless even in fracture of second anything can happen.

Not only for your own safety.. even you may put a soul or two's in danger by your careless.

So be more conscious and aware on the road.

It's kind of boring and hard to follow some rules yes I agree.. still it's not worth to put your life in danger to brake that damned rule.

Hope you all understand ~✨~

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