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Daddy Detective


A black car parked in the parking lot of a restaurant. It was a normal rectangular building, though the top half was painted yellow and the bottom half painted red. Also a third of its walls were glass windows. There was a neon sign, though the beauty of the lights will not be seen by this time of the day, it read:


The engine of the car had been put off and the car door swung open and a dark skinned man came out wearing a blue T-shirt and a pair of black trousers. His hair was cut in the afro style and his goatee complemented his young looking face.

The man headed straight for the restaurant and passed through the already open glass double door.

In the restaurant, there were already customers inside. On one table was a family of five each digging into their burger and fries and cans of Coke. On another, there seemed to be a date going on that table and the last table was a woman with a laptop with fries beside her who seemed to be leeching off the free WiFi of the place.

The only person that wasn't eating was the young blonde girl at the counter. She wore a purple T-shirt with UNCLE J RESTAURANT printed on it with black leggings. She was very beautiful though she looked like she had not slept for ten days.

The intention of this dark skinned man wasn't to eat or catch fun in this place. Although, he didn't look like he worked there.

The man walked to the counter and open the small gate which was as tall as an average stool and ventured into the place. The man continued walking forward, he didn't even stop to exchange pleasantries with the girl at the counter. Infact, the girl acted as if she could not see him.

He met a wall with two doors. One read "KITCHEN" and the other read "STAFF ONLY". He brought out an iron key from his breast pocket and slid it into the lock of the "STAFF ONLY" door, unlocked it, swung the door open and entered the room.

The room was small and painted white while the floor was covered with gray tiles. The room contained everything needed for extracurricular work activities. It had a coat rack at one end, fire extinguishers and so on. But the centre of attraction in the room was a massive cupboard which its length ran from the roof to the floor.

Though the room was filled with these objects, he headed straight for a wall. He walked normally until he was at least half a metre away from the wall. The next step he took wasn't to move forward. His leg landed on the next tile but instead of the tile staying still, it went up and down like a button.

After a keypad seem to emerge from the wall Infront of him. He typed in a code but only a series of clicks could be heard.

The man turned around and saw the cupboard had slid open creating an entrance that led to a confinement that looked like an elevator.

He strode in and stood as the cupboard slid back closing him in. There weren't any buttons on this strange elevator. It began its journey downwards.

After two minutes, the elevator came to a stop and the door slid back open. Instead of seeing another room, it was a long corridor but there was an obstruction.

A fair man, he looked German stood in the way. He was wearing a black suit. The man spoke,

"Dean, you're finally here.", he paused, "We have been waiting."


Now the dark skinned man and the other man in the suit had been walking down this empty corridor.

According to the other man, the black man was Dean. Dean Bailey. He is from the United States but got lost on the streets of Oklahoma upon the disappearance of both his parents.

The other man in the suit is currently one of the heads of the Secret Society Allegiance, S.S.A. The third head tone precise.

These two men had been walking down this corridor but neither decided to start any conversation.

They finally reached a T-junction. On the left the corridor continued into infinity and on the right was a set of stairs. Both men turned rights and continued along the stair to meet with another corridor, but the end could be seen.

They reached the end of the corridor, but that wasn't the end. They still continued moving because there was a perfectly rectangular cavity about the size of a door in the wall.

This opening led to a large white office. This had sets of tables and office chairs arranged accordingly. Each table had a laptop and a male or female human either scrolling, typing, reading or scanning one thing or the other.

This wasn't their destination though, they continued to the brown oak door opposite them. They reached the door and Dean opened it.

Inside the room sat a beautiful office. It had gray walls and blue floors. An L shaped desk sat in the middle with a chair behind it. The table had all the basic needs of an office, from a printer to a computer to a scanner.

It had a tag on the table which read: "4th HEAD OF S.S.A". Though, the chair was not empty. It contained a red haired woman but some of her hair turned white from old age. She wore a simple black gown.

The men ushered themselves to the two empty seats opposite this woman.

Silence dominated the place until the woman decided to speak.

"Bjorn, have you told him why he was sent for", she said exposing her gold canine of her upper left jaw.

"No I haven't", the 3rd head paused, "That's why we are here".

"Okay", she paused, gave out a sigh and carried on, "We need you to carry out and integral mission for us, Dean."

"May I ask for the mission details?", Dean asked.

"Oh! They'll tell you that later", Bjorn paused, "What we came to tell you is you'll be going with this person."

He said this as he handed of a paper to Dean. Dean glanced through the paper. The top two lines caught his attention.


...AGE: 17+...

There was a passport that showed a fair boy between 16 to 17 years. He had black spiky and scattered hair.

"Is this some kind of joke?", Dean said.

"No, we are actually serious.", the 3rd and 4th head said in synchronization.


The night sky was lit by the sharp ray of the flash light. A stray dogs faint bark could be heard in the distance. A man in all black could be seen. He had a great physique but his facial features couldn't be seen for he had a black mask on.

This lonely alley was known by the local mafia as the notorious zone for the black market, street fights,vandalism,binge drinking and drug trafficking. It was just a place for bad gangs to practice their freedom without caution of the police. It was commonly called the Frenzy Zone.

A car could be seen zooming down the street of the Frenzy Zone. It was a Mercedes Benz and it colour matched perfectly with the already dark night sky.

The glass window of the car, precisely the driver's seat started to move downwards. A woman could be seen because the flashlight was pointed at her. She had white long hair which was packed in a ponytail and wore dark red lipstick. This colour could be mistaken for blood. Her clothing could not be seen but she was a beauty to behold.

The woman muffled a few words in Spanish and the man ruffled through his pockets and brought out a neatly folded paper and handed it over to her.

She grabbed the paper and opened it like a child who is unwrapping a new Christmas present. She scanned through the contents of the paper and couldn't let out anything but a scoff.

She put the paper in her already open Gucci purse. She then reached out to her glove compartment and brought out a small black pistol.

By this time the man had turned around and was walking to a destination only known to him. The woman had already aimed at the man's head.

She pulled the trigger and a loud boom echoed round the place and all that could be seen was the man laying dead surrounded by a pool of his own blood.

This kind of thing was meant to put people into fear of being shot therefore being their first instinct to lay down to avoid any stray bullet. But the opposite happened, it was as if it was a signal for the gang members to have their long awaited gang war.

It was as if that was the sign for a figure to emerge from the shadows. It opened the car door and entered into the car. Now it's facial features could be seen because the lights from the car illuminated his face.

He had brown hair cut in the crew cut style and a fully grown beard. One of his eyes were blind because it looked like something or someone had scraped his eye in a fight

They both didn't care to exchange pleasantries or greetings or look at each other. She just drove. She might have crushed a few bodies as she was moving. She didn't care, she just drove into the dark oblivion.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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