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She's Alive (My Lovely Mate)


(Standing on the mountain cliff edge*)

Note: {**} inside these braces symbolize, the voice of the wolf, inside their mind


Everything looks beautiful from here, isn't it??

(deep breath*)

This place surely has light, but the shifters, who are living inside the blood moon pack has already lost their light and become more cruel, after the disappearance of their alpha daughter and beta daughter...

The most affected person by this incident is "soon-to-be alpha king", the crown 👑 prince and the most powerful silver wolf "Fenris"

Most of the people say, "The lost beta daughter was the prince mate! which made him so cold hearted person from inside".

Some people say, they(alpha daughter and beta daughter) both died from the hand of rogues, some say they are alive...

Only the moon goddess know, 'The truth!'



Name: Ishaan

(turns around*) I turn around only to see my little brother Ishaan calling out for me! I turn back into my human form and changed into the clothes...cause we wolf always wander around naked, we don't need clothes when we're in our wolf form, but we can't say that to my human form....I wish my human don't have to wear clothes, in that way I would have saved a lot of money

(*Hey, I can hear you!!! You f*cker*)

Note: (**) inside this brace symbolize the human speaking to their wolf when they are in wolf form!

{*Yeah that's my human speaking inside my mind*}

I ignored him, and gave control over the body to him. After changing into a human

This Stupid animal don't have any manners, he haven't introduced himself yet! (*humppphh 😤)

Hi, this is Austin, and my wolf name is warrior, yea, I know, I know, why warrior right??

cause he's a warrior wolf and he named himself warrior!! in this way, everyone will call him warrior🤣🤣 funny right???

{*Shut Up!!!, you filthy human*}

okay, okay don't get angry again. feels nice to be a human again ...I was enjoying the view, suddenly heard my little Brother call out again!

Brother, why are you standing in the edge?,

(*gasp) he gasped and said "Are you gonna die brother?"

Shut up you brat!, As If I can die, even if I want to die I have to ask permission to my stupid wolf (*irritated)


I gulped when I heard warrior growl inside my mind...if I wasn't his human, I would be dead by now...

My little brother laughed and said, why you guys always fight!.. I felt myself smiling seeing my brother laughter...he is cute 🥰, he is not a wolf but a mere human baby, I took him in, when I saw him wander around the forest looking for his mother....

when I approached him, he was so scared. it took me a eternity to calm him down. After calming him, I asked him, what is he doing here in this night and If he is lost or what?. the answer he gave shook me.,

", They t..told, I I'm a disappointment f..for t..t..them, an.and I..I..d.deserve die w.with mamma and t..they le.left me"(crying loudly)

They said, " my m.mamma is", and I have f.find her and return ho..home wi..with her.

How can someone be so cruel and trick a little boy like him saying all this??

they definitely know. how dangerous this place can be!!! still!! (*calm down Austin)

The place they left the child is " the land of rogues", thankfully I passed by that day sniffing a strange scent of human or else who knows what would have happened to this little soul.

if I see that peoples again, I would surely kill them showing no mercy!!! (*growl)


...Character Intro ✨...

Main character:

Name : Elijah Davidson

Soon to be King of the world and most powerful and dangerous wolf besides his father Filtiarn

Parents : Alive

Sisters: 2

(one sis name snowline, and for another one don't know if she is alive or not)

Wolf Form:


Name: Austin

wolf name: warrior

little Brother: Ishaan (not a biological)

one of the warrior wolf of the pack

Parents: no more




That's it for our first chap!!

This is a continuation story, the first part, their parent's story have taken place in chapters app(text story)

I'm thinking about not bringing them in this book, But If you want to know more about their parents then go to Chapters app which you can get from Play Store and after installation, go towards text story section

Search: Nibi

after that go to the author tab and click on Nibi and read the story "My Innocent Mate"

You will get more clarification there;!!

Thank you for reading!!! ❤️

Dark Shadow Pack

...New Character Intro ✨...

Name: Luna

Currently Living: Dark Shadow Pack


...Luna P.O.V...


...(*Giggle) ...

...I heard giggle as soon as I arrived at the orphanage... I smiled softly seeing a little girl in front of me giggling and happily playing with her cute little toes.......

...I felt my heartache whenever I see this little one, who's name is newly added in the list of orphan... ...

...Because I know, how much cruel is world is for an orphan like us.... Ever since I can remember I don't know who my parents are or how they look....just know I'm raised in this Dark shadow pack as an orphan......

...When I was little, like others I'm sad too for being an orphan, people around me used to mock me for not having parents, some say, "My parents have left me here". It hurts to hear all these mean I grow up I learned to live and accept the fact I'm an orphan. And there is no need to be ashamed....

...If I ever get a chance to see my parents, if they're still alive I just want to ask one question, "If they don't want me to be begun with, then why do they have to give birth to child like me". ...

...(*Sigh) ...

...okay let's not talk about them for now😔, it's making me kinda sad....So where was I? haa yeah......

...As I grow up, I've found my liking in taking care of the kids...seeing my good attitude towards kids. the orphanage head mister also decided to appointed me as a caretaker for the kids......

...As I was lost in my thoughts, I felt my face burn...making me let out a scream of pain....

..."Ahhhhhhhhhh" (*scream)...

...I look up. Only to see a old woman glaring at me, that's when I realized, she has splashed hot water on my face....

...(*Soft Cry)...

...Instantly I dropped my head down, not wanting to get beaten for not respecting elders....

She gritted her teeth and said, "How many I have to tell you to stay attentive and not to cry like a baby"?

..."I.i. I'm S. Sor.ry'am!"...

She suddenly gripped my hair and yelled at me.

"Do you want me to stand here for eternity to hear you finish your sentence? Pathetic" (*angry shout and disgusted look)

...(slap*) ("fell on the ground*) "You're a care taker, don't teach these stutter kinda things to the next generation....useless b*tch"(*yelled)...

...After yelling, she left...because of her shouting, the once playing little girl got scared and started crying loudly!...

...w.w.WaHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! (crying)...

...I stand up immediately and took her in my arms..."sh.shh", it's okay little Ava. I'm here, L.Luna is here...shhh it's okay!! don't cry little baby"...

... ...

...she looked at me with her teary eyes, I placed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her...after some time she slowly drift off to sleep......

...I put her in her crib and caressed her chubby cute cheeks with my thumb...(*sigh) "How am I going to protect you from everyone around here little baby, when I can't even protect myself from them?" (*tears drops slowly from her eyes)...

Note: " ", " if a person is talking to another person, then their words will be inside this quotation"


...Hey my dear lovely readers, 💕...

...that's it for this chapter...

...stay safe and tuned with the book to

...See you in next chapter....tell me about your opinions and also sorry if you found any error in the story, cause my first language isn't English, hope you understand!!!...

...Mmuah!!!! 😘...

...bye bye for now!!!!...


Snowline is mine!

Blood Moon Pack:

P.M- Pack member

P.M: "Do you know who's in the Library??"

P.M 1:" Who???" (*excited)

P.M : "P.. What Ashish? why are looking at us like this?" (*irritated)


...Ashish P.O.V...



..."Yo!! I was curious, that's All!, Okay!! now tell me, who's the person you are talking about??"...

P.M: (rolls his eyes) "Princess Snowli.. Mother f** he left before I could complete my sentence"(*irritated)

I ran towards the library, before he could finish his sentence..Princess snowline is here...snow is here!! I'm so happy.... Did she came here to see me?? Aishh!!! I'm shy 🙈

I searched every side of the library only to find her reading a book...looking all beautiful 😍and focused ❤️... hayee my heart ❤️ she surely does know, how to make my heart skip 😉❤️

...Snowline...My snowline...

...I go straight to her and say beside her...making her look at me from her book....I wonder, what's 🤔 interesting in these books.... Whenever I see her, She always have some kind of book in her hand and always reading something...and here I am, who haven't even studied the school syllabus properly...hahaha...


she asked irritatedly, I smiled and said "nothing". as I sat there watching her beautiful eyes, reading each and every word inside the book.

Name: Ashish

wolf: not discovered yet

Haaa...snow!! My beautiful snow! 😍..."Snow?"

"hmm??", she said without looking up from her book..."You know, my 18th birthday coming in 2 weeks",

"So what?", "I wish, moon goddess will pair you up with me" 💗 I said looking up at the sky in my dreamy eyes....when I look down, I saw snowline already looking or glaring?? I don't know....either way I'm happy, cause bro she is looking at me...(hehe)

"Ashish, How many times do I have to tell you?, I'm not going to be your mate, and you're 4 yrs younger than me... Moreover I'm not suitable to be a mate, cause I'm not a wolf but a mere human who's being raised by alphas, So please stop dreaming about this and clear your mind before your mate enters into your life"

"No!", I said that and left the library in anger before I could do anything foolish in front of her...

I won't take no as an answer, I have always wanted you as my mate. As for the age difference, not only girls want care and attention....we boys do need care and attention...But I want your all attention on me, Only on Me…

Even If the moon goddess come and tells me no, I won't take that no either...I will fight her until she gave you up to me....I will be a good mate, good husband, good person for you!!!

only for you Snow!!, I can't give you up!! No matter what!... I may sometimes act childish, that's why I need you to take care of me and be with me and love me and scold me if I do something wrong....

You're mine Snowline!!!, I won't give you up! 😢


That's it for this chapter 😀💜, see you again 😊...kinda I'm feeling bad for Ashish too!!

Take care ❤️

lots of lub from me for you ❤️😍

Stay with me 💗☺️!!!





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