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Once Upon A Time In Fiction


"The security guy should hear you fucking scream my name". He whispered from behind.

The pads of his finger tracing my bareback, like a caress of a lover on a winter night. The gentle touch contrasting his words. Hands finally finding their way towards the zip of the satin dress that I wore, which was soon discarded on the floor. Feather like kisses whispered onto my skin, a slight flick of his tongue on the lobe of my ear made me lose my senses.

“I’m all yours, and you are just mine and nothing can keep us apart.” I mindlessly moaned, grabbing the hem of his shirt to help my wobble knees to stand.

“I’m all yours, and you are mine.” Repeating back his words to make sure they were all real. They felt surreal.

We were finally together, everything ended. I never believed in happily ever after’s until I found my imperfectly perfect fairy tale.

"Open your eyes.” A deep voice spoke from behind me. Opening them I found our reflection staring back at us from the mirror. Two different people but yet only one soul reflecting in the mirror.

“I want you to keep your eyes open, when I fuck you, the serenity when you collapse in my arm.” Grabbing my waist from behind, his hands lowered down and disappeared between my legs.

That night, we made love unlike anytime before because that night nothing was in between us. No drama, no tragedies waiting for us. All things came to an end.

And finally,

She wa-

“I will make you scream.” I abruptly shut down the laptop that I was working on.

“Denise stop scaring me.” My heart was accelerating.

“ Let me also read what you were writing, it seems interesting.” She tried grabbing the laptop, but I swatted her hands way.

“No, you can't read it right now, it isn’t finished yet.”

“Oh come on, a little glimpse wouldn’t kill anyone now.” She urged but no avail, I wasn’t letting her read it, I will only let her read, once the book gets published. No reading before that.

Our bickering died down by the sudden noise of a glass falling from the outside. We were the only people in the house. Denise glanced my way, her eyes holding panic in them. I gave her a look that was assuring, maybe.

Footsteps echoed in the silent hallways, I peeked from the keyhole attached to the door. There were black figures, with guns in their hands. The panic finally settling in my bones.

“We need to run.” I mouthed to Denise. All the while searching for an exit. The window, yeah we need to jump from the window. Grabbing the bedsheet placed on the bed, I tried making a rope of it.

“Denise go ahead, we need to jump from the window, I’m throwing the rope down use it and climb down.”

“I’m very scared, I don’t think I would be able to do it.” She feared.

“Denise, we need to get out of here, go fast.” I threw the rope out making sure it was secured enough. Grabbing a hold of Denise hand, I urged her to move. Finally, she gathered some courage and made her way towards it.

“wait, I cant leave my laptop here, take this and go down.” I picked the laptop from the desk and handed it to denise.

She placed the laptop in her arms. Taking a hold of the rope she is flung her legs outside the window and slowly climbed down. While chanting to God to save her from the Fall.

I took a quick glance across the room and tried to lift myself of the window too, but before could do that the door to the room slammed open. The black figures that were supposed to be outside the room where now inside, carrying weapons in their hands and a weird mask hiding their face, were they oxygen masks?

I tried making a run but a gloved hand took a hold of my wrist, his grip so tight I feared it would slit my hand open anytime soon, he had an inhuman strength.

Another man came forward a holding a slimy substance, he tried reaching for my face, I made an attempt to jerk from his hold, but he forwarded the substance towards my nose forcing me to inhale it.

One inhale and my body tumbled on the ground.

The last thing I heard was..

'Sichen korile masse'

We got the girl.


A thief in the library?

Lurking behind the walls of the library is an addiction.

An addiction that feels like home.

A home that gives me peace.


I found my solace in this word, my very own comfort, where I imagined every character as me, in which, sometimes I was the hero’s beloved, and sometimes I was the villain’s obsession, or often times I became the perfect side character.

I lived in the souls of these characters.

They lived in mine.

That was the reason, why I was so often found in the library, tucked in some corner, oblivious to the world, just a book in my hand, and aroma of coffee richly flowing around me, hidden away from the chaos.

“ Aurora.”

And then my dear best friend grace, successfully pulled me out from my fantasy world, to the real world.

“ Did you even listen to what I just said?” she questioned, giving me a look that meant,

‘ You better say yes, or we aren’t going to be friend anymore.'

“ Of course, I heard, you were just giving my daily dose of gossip.”

“And?” she raised her brows,“ what was the ‘gossip’ I was talking about.”

“ Lana slept with the chemistry teacher?” I quickly pipped.

“ Didn’t I tell you about that one month ago?” here goes the same look again.

“ Okay fine I wasn’t listening.” There it is, I accepted, I mean it wasn’t my fault either, grace is well aware that I’m not interested in gossips, but she is still adamant to feed me ‘the daily dose of gossips’. That’s what she calls it as.

“ I seriously cannot believe myself and also the fact that why out of all people, I choose you as my best friend.” Grace huffed tired by my reveries but as I said not my fault.

“Because, you love me.” I tried giving her the puppy eyes.

“ Stop ogling me with your eyes.” Grace huffed again, her face resembling to the untamed red hair of her.

“ Why don’t you tell me again about the thing that you were talking about.” I suggested anything to escape grace’s wrath. “ And this time I will pay as much concentration as I pay in my accounts class."

“ Then that would mean, zero concentration.” She sighed. I flashed her my full watt smile.

I gazed out from the window, rain has been splattering against the windshield of the library, making the commotion inside the library increase. Passerby finding refuges from the rain, all the while looking at the sky and delivering beautiful words from their mouth. Making the old librarian sitting behind the desk angry.

 Her wrinkly eyes enlarging with every squishing of a wet boot on the floor.

“What do you think about it?” grace ended her statement making me realize that I again missed out on what she was saying.


“Help, a thief in the library, somebody catch him.”

‘Thank you thief, you saved me today.’ I mentally sighed.

I got up from the booth that I was so comfortably tucked in on. Only to get crash into some wall.

No, not a wall, not at all.

A man, I crashed into a man, or maybe the thief. Think, maybe he came here to say ‘ you’re welcome to me’. Stop it Layla, not a good time.

The man suddenly grabbed me by my arm, his gloved hand holding my arm with so much force, felt like it would be ripped off. How did he have so much strength?

“ Here, you need to read this book.” I opened my mouth to scream but stopped when his voice resonated in my ears.

He was here to give me a book.

A thief wanted to give me a book.

“ I don’t have much time. Here, take this book.” He removed a book that was tucked under his arm, proceeding to give it to me.

“ Why would I take this book, who are you and why would you give this book to me.” I got my voice back, I was so confused, why was this random stranger asking me to read a book.

“I don’t have time to give you all the answer, I have been told to give you this book, you need to read it, only you will read it and nobody else should get a hold of this book, if they find this book, everything will come to an end, the world would come to an end.” Saying this he grabbed my fist and placed the book onto my palm. I gazed down to look at it. The book was just a usual fictional book, but the tittle that was weird, ‘the gateway of reality.’ Why would somebody name their book as such.


“Aurora, are you okay?” I can feel somebody jerking my should, butut I don’t know who they are.

“ Aurora, you are scaring me.” Again that voice. “ Can you hear me Aurora.”


“ Why are you shouting like that?” I looked around and as I guessed everybody was staring no glaring at us.

“ You are really asking me that, you were like a statue just now, oh god! You scared me so fucking bad.” Huh, what is grace talking about?

“Me and statue and wait where’s the thief?” In all the bustle I completely forgot about the thief. Where did he disappear like that?

“ What thief, where’s the thief, there’s no thief here, you are really acting strange, you know that?" I wasn’t the one acting strange, she was the one being weird, how can she not know about the thief.

“ The thief who handed me the book, wasn’t the old librarian shouting about catching the thief. How can you just forget everything?” I explained.

Grace raised her brows, her brown eyes staring into mine, or more like glaring into my soul, I don’t know why was she angry?

“ It’s not me who’s forgetting, it’s you who’s being delusional. And why would you call Ms Jane an old lady, she is just in her thirties, you know she will suck you alive, if she hears you calling her an old lady.” She lowers her voice to a whisper all the while looking at me as if I have grown two heads.

“What are you talking me about, there’s no jane it’s the old lady who’s eyes crinkled- I turned my head towards the librarian’s desk and

There she was, jane beaming at everybody who passed by her desk, there’s was no old lady, with wrinkled eyes glaring at people, because of their squishing boots.

“ But it was raining and- I stopped in mid sentence. It wasn’t raining but rather the orange hue of the sun was shielding the windows of the library. How’s that possible? Then what I saw, was that real, was I being delusional, wait the book,

I rummaged through the bag spilling out everything in search of the book, with grace stare heavily resting on me. Their was a book in my bag, taking it out, I read the tittle, it said ‘ gateway to fiction world.’ But wasn’t the tittle, ‘ the gateway to reality.’

“Aurora, I think you need rest, I think you have read too much fiction today, your brain’s just playing with you. We should head home now, okay?” she sighed, grace thinks it’s my brain tricking me but I don’t think that’s true, my dream cannot be this much real.

But I think she was right, maybe I needed some rest, so without further arguing I gave in and made my towards the librarian desk, I needed to issue this book, I had to read this book.

“Good evening Ms jane.” I greeted her, and got one of her bright smiles in return.

“ good evening Aurora, what book are you taking home today?” Ms jane is my favourite librarian, her sweet nature can allure a stone heart too.

“ I want to issue this book.” I said while keeping the mystery book onto the table, maybe she would know something about this book.

She glanced at the book and then back at me and tipped her head back and started laughing.

“ Ms jane did I miss any joke here?” I frowned.

“Oh my dear lady! I can only issue the books present in the library, this book is not part of this library.” She looked at me strangely, but how can that be possible? I don’t remember getting this book from anywhere else.

“ You would have got this book from somewhere else.” Jane spoke, noticing the frown on my face.


“I think you should take a rest, maybe today’s day has taken a toll on you.” Ms jane advised, I really need a big freaking nap.

“That’s what I tell her Ms jane, she really needs to rest, don’t know what’s with her today, but she keeps on talking strange stuff about thief and all.” Grace interrupted from beside me, a mask of worry layering on her face.

I glanced at the watch on my wrist, a gift from my sister and see that soon it will be time for dinner. Grabbing the book I placed it in my bag and exchanged goodbyes with Ms jane. Who suddenly stopped me and ushered me to come close to her.

“ I think you should read this book, but beware the book should be safe, if anything happens to the book, the world will not be ready for the miseries.” She whispered and I was frozen unable to comprehend her words. Those same words were uttered by the thief or more like the man dressed in black. What was so dangerous about this book.

I looked at her mortified but she only gave me one of her cheerful smile, but this time their was nothing cheerful in the smile, this time the smile was hiding something terrifying beneath it.

I rushed back towards the door and towards grace who was waiting outside, pretty impatiently.

Dark clouds were making their way into the sky, indicating that it would soon be night. I parted ways with grace and made my way towards my apartment. It was just a ten minute walk from the library.

Green haven was a beautiful city, coming from the hustle of the port dept town, I finally found my peace in this city. The city was located on the westside of Rivendell and was surrounded with five different rivers. One could smell the shore from afar, from its widely known riverside market, that was filled with locals and tourists to the beautiful cafes and floral shops lining the sidewalks. The place was perfect.

Making my way towards my floor I greeted Mr sherry the chauffeur, of the building’s elevator. He lives in this building but loves to become the elevator man, says it gives him company.

Entering my cozy little apartment is like shaking hands with paradise, my safe space. the place matches me perfectly, simple and minimal, that’s the motto.

I had to make dinner and take a shower but rather than going towards the kitchen onto the left side, I perched my hips on the sofa, grabbed my bag and took the book out.

I am curious and till the time I wouldn’t know what’s in the book, I will just not find any peace.

I read the cover again, ‘gateway to fictional world.’ Why such a tittle, the book was definitely a fictional book that much was clear. Turning the cover, I came across the disclaimer, or should I say onto the two lines written on the first page.

“ There is a world,

“ maybe one day you will it,

Where fiction and reality will collide.”


I flipped the next page, it was blank, I flipped the next, yet another blank page, I went through the entire book, only to come across some blank pages.


I can only come to one conclusion now, somebody has pranked me, for an instance maybe the thief has pranked me, but what about miss jane, why did she asked me to read a blank book and moreover told me to keep it safe.

How can a blank book be dangerous?

I needed a shower, I could feel the stress resting on my shoulder, I needed a bath to calm my nerves before I seriously lose my sanity.

Discarding the book on the sofa I made my way towards my room, the bed was tempting me to come and collapse onto it.

But no, shower first.

Grabbing the towel, I went into the bathroom. But I was physically taking a shower, but my mind was stuck on today’s event. Thief that only I could see, miss jane’s creepy smile and her strange words. And then that blank book.

Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I turned off the shower head and tied the towel around me.

Finally I could sleep now, but wait I had to make dinner too, groaning to myself, I twisted the knob to open the bathroom door and then I screamed,

There’s was somebody in my room...

Confusion Confusion

First thought- shock

Second thought- double shock.

Opening the door of the bathroom and finding a hot intruder sneaking into your room.

Sounds bookish, isn’t it?

But no, it was real in front of me in the real world, inside my room.

A very hot muscular back facing me, and an unadorable gasp leaving from my mouth.

So loud that it made the hot muscular back go stiff and their body to turn towards me.

My jaw dropped, eyes widening in disbelief, as if a sudden jolt of electricity has coursed through my veins leaving me momentarily stunned.

The man in front of me was unreal.

There was just something that was different about him, even though he looked like a normal human but those eyes, they begged to differ, they were glowing as if two emerald crystals have been embedded in those eyes.

“Who are you?” A deep heavenly voice broke me out of my reverie, making me realize that I was oh so shamelessly ogling the intruder in front me.

‘Wait, shouldn’t I be the one to question him this.’

“Who are you and how did you get into my room or moreover inside my house?” I retorted back, bombarding my questions all at once.

“Where is Vivian?” He backfired with one more question, were we just going to ask questions and who will give the answers, the next door neighbour.

“ Who is Vivian? And why should I answer your question, you will tell me who are you or else I will have to call the cops.” I needed to call the cops their was an intruder inside my room, nevertheless how hot he looked and maybe why I didn’t think about calling the cops I just got a little bit distracted.

‘What? a girl can get distracted.’

“ You will not call the cops, I’m not here to hurt you, I just want to know where is Vivian?” He spoke calmly but yet a dangerous undertone lying beneath that calm exterior and I swear I saw a glimmer in those inhuman eyes.

He was definitely not a thief. His posture demanded authority, even his attire screamed that he has just stepped out from an important meeting, he adorned a three piece black suit, his jet black hairs styled perfectly with only a single strand of hair falling and disturbing on his brows.

But I cannot trust a stranger, what if he is a kidnapper and wants to kidnap me. What if he is just putting up an act to lure me into his trap.

I know, I have read a lot of fiction.

I began making my way towards the nightstand near by bed all the while keeping a close eye at the stranger, who in return kept all his focus on me. Finally finding my phone, I picked it up only to drop it back again, because of a strong grip on my arm and colliding into a strong body.

What is with people having such inhumane strength.

He pinned me to him. His dark eyes boring holes into me daring me to oppose him. I matched my eyes to his and mustered a same glare in return. He is close, so close that I could feel his breath hitting on my skin, his skin a golden tan was smooth and flawless, not even a freckle or a mole decorating his face just a faded scar right above his dark arched eyebrows. His high cheekbone and prominent jawline were cut and angled to perfection making his straight defined nose to sit perfectly against his face. The hollow of his cheeks allowed the red lips to prone and looked plum against his skin.

But what caught my attention were the tattoo peeking beneath the shirt he wore, just a glimpse on his beautiful nape, making me wishing to see more of it.

“ I told you to not to call the cops, I’m not here to hurt you, I asked you a question and you need to give me the answer.” Again the deep voice pulling me out of my trance. I blinked once no twice, how the hell would I know who is Vivian?

“ I thought we are here to find Vivian.” A sudden voice heard from somewhere around the corner made me stumble back from the said man’s arms.

Glancing towards the voice only to find one more god standing in front of me, I mean one more intruder inside my room.

He had those same glowing eyes that the man beside me had, but the only difference was his were a pale yellow, huh? I have never seen a pupil’s colour like his.

“ Where is Vivian?” here goes the same question, what was it with them searching Vivian?

“Who are you and how did you get inside?”

“ That doesn’t matter. Where’s Vivian?” Did he just discarded me like that. He waved my question off like I was the one intruding into my own house.

“ Yeah, where’s Vivian?” once more if somebody ask me this question, I swear I will rip their head off.

Patience Aurora, patience.

But this time neither of the said man spoke but some other voice walked into the room, one more god stepping into the room, yet again with those same glowing iris but with a grey colour pupil.

I didn’t knew there was a fashion show happening in my room.

Where were this models coming from.

“Where is viv- woah.” Thank god he stopped their, his head is safe for now. And guess what?

Another guy but this time with a crystal blue iris

Did I kept my front door open?

“ And who’s this beautiful lady?” He scanned me from head to toe his gaze stopped right near my- we got it where.

“ You look cute in a towel.”

A towel,

Who the hell is wearing a towel?


I’m fucking standing in a towel inside my room, surrounded by four hot men around.

I want to dig my grave and bury myself in it.

But before I could do that a loud crash from the living room diverted our attention, making the four men go stiff and walk out of my room.

I took the chance and quickly changed into a random t shirt that was discarded around the room and a bottom, anything to get rid of this stupid towel.

As soon as I placed my foot out of the room, my hand flew to my mouth muffling an involuntary gasp to escape. Surprise stole the air from my lungs leaving me breathless.

The four men from before were now accompanied by two other women, both of them looking like they have just stepped out from a beauty pageant.

They looked completely out of place standing in my tiny living room, which looked even more tiny, now with the giant group of muscles taking up the space.

They all stood around my sofa, and I swear I saw my sofa visibly shuddering beneath them, maybe that wasn’t the sofa, it was me.

All of them talking in some weird language, not talking but more like bickering.

“What the hell is going on in here?”

Who said that.

It was me, can’t believe I said that out loud.

So loud that I manage to divert their attention all at once towards me.

“Who is she?” the red haired woman hissed, her eyes narrowed, angry that I disturbed their conversation.

“ I’m the owner of the place where you are standing and I should be the one asking, who are you all and how did you get in here? And you will answer me right now or else I will have to call the cops.” I shouted, I am so near to losing my patience now.

Can’t believe how my night turned up like this.

“ Damn straight, girl has got some nerves here.” The crystal blue iris whistled, only to get a jab in the stomach by the black haired girl.

“ You got jealous, woman?” the guy surely had no shame and from the glare of the black haired girl, looks like he was going to get another jab soon.

“ Enough.” All at once everything went silent.

The authoritative voice belonged to the first intruder who walked into my room. The man surely had some power because the way they all stood silent just by his one word was impressive.

“ I have no fucking idea how the hell did you all manage to come here, but now that we are here let’s find Vivian. And Michael.” He glared towards the blue eyed, no shame guy, “ you will stop with your sneaky remarks or else you can return back.”

So, the blue eyed guy is Michael. Finally I can stop calling him a blue eyed guy.

But for now I still needed answers.

“ Now that you are done, will you do the favour and tell me who are you all and how did you even come here and who is this Vivian?”

 “ Vivian is Dane’s fiancé and we are here to find her.” The black haired girl pointed towards the first intruder.

He is engaged.

What a way to crush my fictional heart.

“ I hope that answered your question.” Dane stated in his bone chilling voice.

This man was scaring me in my own house.

“I still don’t know where are you all from and what are you doing here, in my apartment.” There were still a lot of questions surfing inside my head. If the front door was locked and the balcony’s door was closed too, then how did they even enter in.

“We are clueless too as to how did we end up being at your place.” The yellow iris one, who stood like a statue the entire time spoke.

“The light, the ball of light, was a door because of which we are here.” The red hair girl heaved a sigh. A light, what was she even talking about.

Nothing made sense.

Just then to answer my question a bright light shone from somewhere near my sofa. There was smoking coming out with streaks of golden and silver hues glistening around the ball of light.

And to my utter surprise, a man walked out.

Looking down I realised that he just stepped out from a book. What in the world was happening.

I think I’m going to faint now.

The man walked liked he owned the place. He looked like all the other people standing in the living room.

So does that mean that they all gout from this book. Were they some sort of fictional character.

“Axon, what are you doing here?” So they knew him. The man named Axon began talking in some gibberish language.

“Did you just step out of the book or are my eyes playing trick with me.” I rubbed my eyes, making sure what I was seeing was real or was it just another dream, was it just one of the illusion that I got while I was seated in the library.

“Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you and yes he just stepped out of that book and not just he but we all have entered this world through that book.” Dane said as easily as he could manage.

“Woah, so are you saying that I stepped out of that book.” Seems like the grey pupil man was more shocked than me.

He moved near the book, and carefully picked it up. He scanned the book from every angle and looked at it as if the book in his hand would explode like a bomb anytime soon. And then he looked behind.

“Don’t you think the book is a little too small for us to enter.” Wow, he spoke as if he has done some really great discovery.

“Will you stop your antics Mathew.” The red haired girl muttered angrily, she had a permanent scowl etched on her face.

Suddenly a beep resonated in the air, it was coming from the room, I walked towards the sound, it was my phone alerting me about a notification. I picked up from where it was lying. Making my way out, I opened the notification tab.

It was a warning message. About an earthquake.

On the exact same time a slight shaking of the ground made me tremble from fear. Feeling the quivering of the earth, all the others went stiff and stoic and glanced at each other.

It was just for a second and the shaking stopped, but the same light erupted again from the book.

But this time rather than anybody coming out. Some words made their appearance. Printing themselves on the second page of the book.

Me along with the others glanced towards the discarded book only to read.

“No risk, no story.

Welcome to another realm.”


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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