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Inlove With The Teacher

Episode 1

Sakura, Sakura, wait up I called as she suddenly paused. what's the matter? she asked as I finally caught up with her, panting heavily. Can't you wait for me, you know I'm a slow walker . I complained. Oh sorry that slipped my mind because you know she shrugged. You have ameasia I asked being puzzled. because I hate being late to school you dumbass she said angrily. I already told you I am sorry, didn't I? I said childishly.

She gave a deep sigh and that only means she's at the greatest level of madness. Sakura, please don't be mad, pity me, I won't cause you lateness again, I promise I said holding her hand as I stared at her with pitiful eyes. Okay fine, I forgive you but don't break your promise okay? Okay. I agreed. Now, let's keep on going, the school is by the corner. She proceeded. But I'm tired. I said being stressed out. Suit yourself, I'm leaving. She said with a wave. Wait for me. I yelled as I caught up with her. How are you this fast at walking? I asked exercise, duh! I told you to always exercise with me, but you refused. You said it was useless, now can you see why it's useful. She said as she winked at me Are you mocking me?I asked because I felt insulted. No... she ran forward l'm making fun of you. She replied

You... see you later. She waved as she cut me off and went to her class. I really hate her sometimes. I grinned, but I also love her I sighed as I went into the grand school and also my class.

What… What's going on, don't we have class? I asked in confusion because everywhere was so rowdy and in chaos. I mean they turned the class upside down. And the worst thing is, I see our teacher nowhere.

Hey bestie, happy new year, new term and new month. Lin squealed as she ran towards me and hugged me tightly. She's my bestie right from elementary. She's a year older than I, but that doesn't matter. She's a happy and a polite girl, but I can't say that in terms of decency. Yeah, you too Lin. I replied. How've you been. I asked. I'm alright, and you? Well, quite alright too. "Quite" she asked. Yeah, quite. Anyways, what's going on, why hasn't the teacher arrived yet? I asked. Oh, you miss him don't you? she teased. No, why would you think such. I countered as I blushed a little. Oh but why're you blushing. I'm not blushing, I'm flushing. l denied . You're such a bad liar. she laughed. stop it, I'm warning you. But Shouko, you have to do away with your feeling s for Mr Shu. she said. What do you mean? she sighed. I'm sorry to tell you this, but Mr Shu is no longer with us . she said . What, you mean he's dead?

Episode 2

What shall I do now I said in distress as I gently sat on a chair. How did he die. Did he fall off a cliff, get stabbed, didn't wake up, get crushed by a car or.... wait hold on Shouko, what do you mean by dead, gone, I mean transferred to another school. she said. Oh why didn't you make that clear earlier, you got me all worried. I said angrily. Hahaha. and now she's laughing.l said. Sorry, sorry, it's just that you should have seen your face earlier. did he fall off a cliff, get stabbed, didn't wake up she imitated me and I hated that. Don't piss me off Lin. why would I piss you off your highness. she said with a bow as I rolled my eyes.

By the way, why was Mr Shun transferred? I asked . I overheard the principal in the meeting with the teachers, he said Mr Shun decided to teach in his state of origin, to help the poor kids there.she replied. Huh, so you mean no poor kids here. I asked. I don't know. she replied. well, that shows how caring and patriotic he really is. That's one of the things I like in him. I said thinking about his face. I'm really gonna miss him. I added. Hello.. Lin clicked her fingers in front of me. snap out of it Shouko, he's gone. she said

Maybe, you may find this new teacher attractive and crush on him. She teased. You're making fun of me. I don't know why everyone's mocking me today. I complained as I went to my seat. What do you mean by that? Nothing. I answered. But sincerely Lin, no one, I mean no one can replace him. He'll forever be in my heart. I said. Well let's see about that, I heard the new teacher's handsome and good looking. won't you give him a chance ? since you know how to crush on all the teachers.she said. I haven't crushed on any teacher apart from Mr Shun, you don't know what you're saying Lin. I denied. Oh, have you forgotten Mr Adam, Mr Jay and don't get me started about Mr Leo and Zhao.she listed. okay, okay, okay, fine, I admit, I crush on teachers a lot, even if I am the one who ends up getting crushed.i said sadly, but I promise, I won't crush on this fool they'll bring. I said. Really? she asked with an arched eyebrow. really. I said

Where's the teacher anyway, two periods are over. I said. They better not bring someone incompetent. I hate slackers. Hey, you sound like a bossy president. Don't be harsh towards the newbie, I'm sure he's on his way. Lin said. Whatever. I rolled my eyes. Just then a man came into the class, unaware to me because I put my head on the desk.

Hey, hey Shouko, check it out, he's arrived. Lin said with a slight squeal as she wouldn't stop tapping me. l could also hear the other girls squealing and chuckling. he's so handsome, wao, I heard these comments from them. I raised my head to see the teacher and.....

Episode 3

What… What the, why does the principal like employing good-looking teachers. He's so handsome and cute. His brown hair, defined nose, sexy silver eyes v shaped face and his body, he has a slim but sculpted body. His beauty is stunning. I think he's prettier than most of the girls in the class, but not me, definitely not me. What's wrong with me, oh my gosh, I can't stop blushing.I thought as I held my red face and turned to Lin if she noticed, but she was too dumbstruck to notice. You too. I said sadly. The class became silent all of a sudden and everyone pacified themselves. I could only hear the chuckling of other girls.

Ahem! Good morning class. He said but with a cold and alluring tone. I'm going to be your new teacher as from now on and I hope you give me your utmost co-operation. He said. Alright sir. The girls said with smiles on their faces. I think many relationships are going to be damaged in this school year.

Hey Shouko, isn't the new teacher hot? Lin asked. Have you woken up from your daydream? Nope. she said still starring at him . Ohh, I really have a lot of competition I don't stand a chance against this people. This time, it's not just my crush, but everyone's crush as well. I whined.

Umm, sir, can we have your name? Mira, the prettiest but intimidating girl in class asked timidly. So she can be nice? Lin said looking irritated. What do you expect. I replied with a slight laugh.

My name adds nothing to your brain, so no there is no need for you to know. He said with no expression on his face. Could you take your seat miss...... Mira sir. She introduced. Okay, please take your seat. He said as she sat shamefully. Did he just... Lin said. I know right? We laughed. I think I'm really going to like this guy. I said. Hey don't forget about your promise okay? She reminded. Mph! Look who's talking, I wasn't the one who couldn't take my eyes off him since his entry. I scoffed. Yeah, he suddenly picked my interest. She said. I think I'm the one who's in love now. Can't wait to date him. She said with a wink. And what makes you think he'll let you date him? I don't know, my body might do the trick. She added.

Ugh! Get away from me, you have such a dirty mind. I rebuked. Huh, why are the guys so hostile. I asked because I felt their hostility and hatred towards the teacher. Who wouldn't be, obviously, they're threatened by the guy, this pretty boy here just got all the girls doting on him on his first day, wouldn't it make their relationships be at stake? Use your head. She said as she poked me. Ouch! It hurts. I complained.

Now, bring out your textbooks, let's start. he demanded. I think I'll get along with this teacher as I can't wait to see relationships crashing. This term is going to be interesting

I smirked.

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