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What Is Life?


Life, the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death, but aside from the Google definition of life, what is it really? Life is often described as a journey or a test that we face to determine whether we go to heaven or hell and that is a very good analogy, but what I'm looking for is a definition of life from a human's perspective. This is something that I can't answer for you but I'm sure most people already have an understanding or an idea on what it is, so let me ask a different question. Is life really dependent on what you do in the test or how much your answer relates to the instuctor of that test? Basically is life dependent on all your good or how you choices in life affects the people around you. Don't these two things tie in with one another?

Based on your answers to these questions you will have a better understanding on what life is and probably be able to answer the first question I asked with certainty and because of your input I will be able to understand your values. Amazing, isn't it?

Anyway let me begin my story.

Like many other stories it begins with a girl, a girl introducing herself to the audience.

" Hello, I'm Mai" she said as she looked at you right in the face.

And you, my friend, are the love interest in this story and you both are in class right now.

The scenery changed from the plain white empty space it was before to a pretty good neat classroom. "She is a new student that will be joining your class so make sure to play your cards well, after all your last few relationships ended off badly" I recounted.

The teacher told Mai to sit right infrount of you since that was the only seat available. Why you ask? That is because the person who used to sit there passed away not to long ago. Who is it, you ask? It was your best friend, Lilah L. Layton. How? I don't know, do I look like I'm f@#$ing God? Why do you keep asking me questions? Because I'm the narrator you say......... Well that is true but you should be able to remember that yourself. Just then memories filled your head, memories of the past that you've somehow forgotten.

"I remember" you whispered to me before looking at what used to be Lilah's seat.

I look at you before and said, "well that's enough talking to me, you have to continue on with your story".

Mai noticed how much you were staring at her and sneakily turned around making sure that the teacher doesn't see her.

" Is there something you would like to ask me?"

" No, it's nothing" you replied.

Just then you were interrupted by the teacher who cleared her throat and asked," Mr. Bahis, you can get to know Mrs. Mavis after class"

Some of your classmates turned to you while others giggled before the teacher drawed back the students' attention to her and continued her lesson.


Class continued like nothing happened and before Mai looked at you with the ' I will talk to you later' look. Soon class ended and before you can even get close to Mai students flocked towards like flies drawn to a flame. You decided, after trying to go through the crowd and failing, to just talk to her later and left the classroom to meet Zack, your best friend and probably one of the most caring person you know. At least towards you.

" How long have you been waiting here, Zack?" You asked looking at Zack who was shivering.

Zack normally brings his jacket or a coat because he is anemic but today he does seem to have it.

" Not that long" Zack answered.

" Where's your coat? Did you forget it?" You questioned unzipping your bag and taking out an extra jacket.

" Yeah" Zack rubbed his hands together and blowing it, trying to keep it warm.

Days like this that has a chill in the morning, but going into afternoon it gets warmer, are getting more frequent for some unknown reason.

You take out the jacket from your bag and placed it around him before also grabbing gloves from in your bag and handing it to him.

" Here, wear these on" You said.

" Don't you need though?" Zack asked handing it back to you.

" I'll be fine" You replied placing the gloves in his hands and smiling gently.

Everything became quiet just then.

" Anyway, I heard you got a new classmate" Zack announced looking at your facial expressions for a response.

" Yeah, I think she wanted to tell me something but I didn't get a chance to"

" Oh so that was her suffocating in the crowd of people?" Zack asked jokingly.

You managed to say a good response even though you are lost in thought but Zack noticed that you seem dazed and asked," You alright?"

That question made you lose your train of thought as you mustered an unsure, "Yeah"

" Are you sure?" Zack asked again.

" Honestly, I don't know. Should I be?" You revealed.

" Were you thinking about Lilah?"

" How could I not?" You said looking at Zack.

" I'm sure they'll find her" Zack said reassuring you.

Zack patted you on your back before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leading you to the Cafeteria.

" Zack we have never went or bought anything here ever since we started going here. I don't think this is a good idea" You told him.

" Come on, what's the worst that could happen?" Zack said reassuring you that it'll be fine. Twenty minutes later, there you were sitting down defeated after learning that not only did they give you the wrong thing they also ripped you off, well ripped Zack off since he paid for everything.

" I don't want to tell you I told you so but I told you so" You said.

" I know" Zack responded a little pissed.

" We are never buying anything there ever again" Zack announced finishing off the half eaten snack he bought.


When you were finished eating, you picked up your stuff, throwing the evidence of food in the bin before walking to the library. On your way there, Zack put his arm around you and suddenly start pulling you close," I don't think you would want to go to the library. Let go to the auditorium instead."

" Why would you assume that?" You added confused. Zack nudged his head in the direction he was looking in and understanding what Jack was trying to do, you looked in the direction to see Veronica, your crush going in the hall followed by Mai.

" Well you assumed right my friend " you said looking at Veronica before turning to Zack who was smiling.

" You really like her don't you?" Zack asked with a smile on his face.

" I don't know what you are talking about " You responded sarcasticmally.

" Sure you don't " Zack said.

The both of you went to the hall where you saw people playing many different sports. On the stage, badminton was being played and in the place where the audience supposed to be, football, basketball and volleyball games raged on with the volleyball and badminton game played closest to the entrance and stage with crowds of admires to watch the exciting games. As you carefully scanned through the crowd of people sitting on the edge of the stage, there you saw Veronica. Veronica disliked sports as much as you do and probably even more, so you were curious as to why she was in the auditorium. Normally she would hang out with her group of friends in the library or in the music room unless her friends want to really go. You noticed that Veronica was looking in Mai's director and that made you wonder. Perhaps the rumours that she and Mai being sisters were true and that was the only reason she went to the auditorium because most of her friends was nowhere to be found. You decided to drop the thought and went up on the stage to play badminton when you felt someone holding your arm strongly.

" What are you doing? Are you not going to talk to her?" Zack questioned but you replied with," Of course..... not, do I look brave enough to do that?"

Zack sighed removing his hand saying," I know you are brave enough to do it."

" Maybe next time" You said walking in the stage and asking if you can join the game. Badminton was not as popular as the rest of sports but it still had people who wanted to play too but lucky you got to quickly join in a two vs two. You decided to forget about all your problems and have fun while playing to find yourself laughing with other students and enjoying yourself. You looked over into the crowd to see Zack smiling and chatting away with Kerlissa, his girlfriend. Distracted, you looked over to the spot where Veronica was to see that she was nowhere to be found and Mai had joined the crowd of people sitting on the edge of the stage.

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