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Our Lost Faith


...This is only the Jeon-Kim family introduction! ...

...Jeon Jungkook ...

- businesses man and the CEO of Jeon company

-married to Ji Eun

- Taehyung Ex-husband

-loves all his kids equally despite their struggles

- struggles with addiction and inner conflict.

-mental health problems such as bipolar disorder but has been hiding from the world.

...Kim Taehyung ...

-writer and painter

- single parent

- Jungkook Ex-husband

- owner of a art store

- suffered from social harm from a young age

- tragic history from his past lover

... Lee Ji Eun ...

-a singer and model

-married to Jungkook

- Kai mother

- peacemaker between two families

-has a hidden reality

... Kim YeonJun ...

- Taehyung  and Jungkook oldest son

- student

-looks up at his father

- always want happiness for his Papa

...Kim Yu-Na...

- Taehyung daughter

- student

-very playful and loves both of her family

- Ji Eun best friend

...Jeon Heuning Kai ...

-Ji Eun son

-youngest out of the children

-loves Taehyung


...Jung Hoseok ...

-the owner of a successful restaurant

-a kind and generous person who is in madly in love with Taehyung

-always a great support and friend to his love one

-fight the world for his lover

- has a adopted son name Taehyun


...(Trigger warning)...

- family drama

- mental illness

- gender violence

- self harm

- sexual violence

-suicidal behavior

-social issues

- harmful language

- Male Preg

- homophobic language

- divorce/ marital issues

(if any of the above given examples of events that are gonna be discussed or will occur during the story is a triggering subject for any of the readers then I suggest you to not read this book. I understand the importance of your own feelings and safety. So forgive and be strong)


...Description ...

(This story setting includes past events and the current events which is subject to the characters life. It might be difficult to understand which events you as readers are reading, so to make it less difficult i include a headline which will read PAST TIMELINE or CURRENT TIMELINE. But if you have trouble understanding the time frame between the chapters please don’t hesitate to ask me for help. I do my best to make this story easier to understand and helpful.)

Also this story is based around true events that have occurred in my personal life and events. I have taken the course that has occurred in my personal life and family lives and given each character a different perspective. So many of my readers may find this story personal and traumatic for which I apologize ahead. But please to give me and my story a chance and understand the importance of my work.


Please Enjoy this special story! It takes a lot of patience to read it as it as events that maybe triggering anf freastuting! So please enjoy! And yes this is the same author who is the original creator of the story for those who have read this story in a different platform! So no worries and just enjoy!

Please share your thoughts and suggestions for the story as I love to read your comments and views on my story. I will do my best to respond and share your views to best of my knowledge and to improve my quality in writing!

Chapter One

...(Current timeline) ...

"Papa hurry he's gonna be here any minute" the boy yelled, calling for his Papa to hurry up.

"YeonJun your father won't be here for another 1 why are you in such a rush?" Taehyung walks out of the boy's room holding a bag.

"I know but Appa said he will be here sooner," the boy said excitedly, taking the bag from his papa hands.

"Aish you still got time to eat breakfast" Taehyung sighs walking to the kitchen and placing breakfast for his son.

"But what if Appa comes and I am not ready for him? You know he doesn't-" YeonJun stops himself and looks at Taehyung who gives a sad smile.

"I am sorry" he apologized "doesn't it okay" Taehyung pats his head.

"Oh, where is Yu-na? I swear if because of her I get late I kill her" YeonJun said, calling for his younger sister.

"YeonJun" Taehyung says with a warning tone making the boy quiet.

"Yeah, how can you say something like that about your cute sister?" Yu-na walks to the dining table and takes a seat.

"Good morning papa," she says to which Taehyung replies with a kiss on the head. "Morning baby, did you sleep well?" He asks to which she nods.

"Did you sleep well?" YeonJun says in mocking voices "why wouldn't she? What else she gotta do not to have a good sleep" he teases.

Yu-Na looks at Taehyung whose back is facing them and smacks her brother's head. "Idiot, you want me to tell Papa where you were last night?" She says, making YeonJun wide eyes.

"You won't?" He said to which she gives a daring look. "Try me bitch" she collapsed back.

"You have no respect for elders," he says biting onto a bead. "Okay old man" she sticks her tongue out at him.

"So what will you all be doing this weekend?" Taehyung comes to sit next to Yu-na with a cup of tea.

"Appa is taking all of us on a family trip at the beach house tomorrow. He said he got us surprised" YeonJun says with the biggest smile.

Taehyung looks at his kids and smiles knowing no matter what happened at least his kids are happy. He stares away as the word family replay in his head.

"Papa do you want to come too? I can ask Appa" Yu-Na offers a look at Taehyung with sad eyes.

"It's okay baby, your Appa wants to be a family only remember? I have no place in it" Taehyung says, holding back his hurt.

"But you are family, you are our papa," Yu-na says getting up and hugging Taehyung.

"Yes I am but I have no place for your father. He already has his family without me" Taehyung arms tighten around his daughter who tries not to cry for her papa.

Taehyung looks at YeonJun who is refusing to meet his eyes as guilt and sadness fill his eyes. YeonJun's knee no matter how much Taehyung tries to be strong he is always hurting. The fact their father comes to pick them up for a family time but never even looks at Taehyung. He knows how much that hurt his papa but he can't do anything.

"Yeonnie" YeonJun looks at Taehyung who smiles at him. "It's okay," Taehyung says knowing what his son is thinking.

As they finish up they hear a car pulled outside knowing who it was. "Okay, your father is here come on go," Taehyung says as the sad moments were uplifted as both of them hurry.

The doorbell rang making Taehyung up and walk to the door. He took a deep breath hoping it was the person he wanted to see but not to his surprise he met with a smiling face.

"Hello" Ji Eun smiles widely at Taehyung who smiles back at the woman.

"Hey, the kids are almost ready, do you wanna come in?" He asks, stepping aside for the woman.

"I wish I could but-" she stops herself trying to find the best words to use.

"I understand I am sorry," he said. Ji Eun sadly smiles as she loves Taehyung. He is the sweetest person she knows but she loves her husband more and she knows her husband won't be happy if she was to go against him.

"TaeTae" an overly excited Kai runs up to the door and hugs Taehyung, squeezing the life out of him.

"Hello to you two Kai," Taehyung says, hugging back the boy as Ji Eun laughing seeing Taehyung struggling to breathe because of her son.

"Aish let him go your bart he can't breath" she yells at her son who finally let go.

"I am sorry but I missed TaeTae so much," Kai said, getting closer to Taehyung who only smiles dearly at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to be more respectful?" She glares at her son who only gives her playful looks.

"It's okay Kai is allowed to be like that," Taehyung said, ruffling his hair.

"You spoiled him too much Taehyung," she says sighing.

"Okay let go Appa must be waiting" YeonJun walls them and greets Ji Eun and Kai.

"Hey, mum" Yu-na hugs Ji Eun who does the same to her.

"Okay we are leaving now," she said. "Bye Papa takes care," YeonJun said, hugging Taehyung who does the same.

"Bye papa I love you," Yu-Na says while hugging Taehyung.

"Bye TaeTae" Kai kisses Taehyung's cheeks and runs to follow his older siblings.

"See you soon Taehyung," Ji Eun said looking again sadly at him before leaving behind the kids.

Taehyung watches as they all walk away from him. Then closes the door behind and walks to the window. And like always he watches down to them. He tries to hold back as they are happy together without him.

Then his eyes meet the person his eyes have been searching to see. He watches as Jungkook walks out of the car and greets the kids helping them settle in.

No matter how happy he is his heart still hurts knowing that they are happy without them...he is happy without him. His heart clutch as Junkook embraces his wife into his arms and kisses her. He looks away not wanting to feel the same feelings he was hiding away.

Chapter Two

...Current Timeline ...

"Sir, your meeting with the press will be held in an hour" Taehyung looks up from his painting to his assistant who stands next to his door.

"Okay make sure when they arrive they are comfortable," he tells his assistant.

"Yes sir," the young man bowed at Taehyung making him sigh.

"Suho, how many times have I told you that you don't have to be so formal with me? Just call me Hyung" Taehyung playful glares at Suho who nods shyly.

"Sorry, sir-Hyung I am going now and make sure to bring you something to eat" with that Suho leaves the room with a blush covering his face.

"This kid is something," Taehyung smiles going back to his painting.

The door opens again interrupting Taehyung painting " Suho whatever is it I am too busy-"

"Too busy even for me?" Taehyung looks up hearing the voice.

"Minnie" Taehyung calls out with happiness as his best friend walks towards him.

"Aww, my baby missed me," Jimin teases, bringing Taehyung in his arms.

"Did Yoongi Hyung not come with you when you called me baby" he rolls his eyes at Taehyung.

"I don't need his contents to call you baby" they both laugh holding each other.

"How have you been Tae? It's been years since we meet" Jimin looks at his Tae from head to toe and whistles.

"Damn baby when did you become so hot? You always were a beautiful but you gotten so much gorgeous" Jimin says checking him out.

"Yah Minnie controls you, you are married" Tae laughs at his friend's silliness.

"Whatever I can't believe I lost my chance to someone like you" Tae blushes to hear that.

"Aish I can't with you" Tae goes back to his painting.

"What masterpiece is my baby painting now?" Jimin says, peeking behind Taehyung.

Jimin's eyes widened seeing what Taehyung was painting. His heart filled with happiness but at the same time, painful memories came through.

"Your still remembers" Jimin looks at his friend who sadly smiles.

"Some memories stay for long time for me to not remember. No matter if it’s happy or sad" Taehyung said glazing at the moment he created.

For many it seemed the two in the painting were the happiest with the brightest smile painted deeply as they hold onto one and another but the smile hid the darkest moments for the man.

"And what now? Are those memories worth going back?" Jimin ask knowing already.

"I didn't knew turning back once was gonna be this lonely. I don't think I can handle another moment of loneliness" he lower himself onto the rocking chair.

"You are not gonna fight for the person you love? Just gonna let go of him even if it hurts for life?"

"Letting him go isn't the hard part I have already done it...but seeing him with someone....hold them...touch what hurts the most" he couldn't face his friend so he turn away to his those wetting eyes.

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