NovelToon NovelToon

Purple Light


This is just a small introduction about the characters in the story purple light

...Traslevia sect ...

...Min Taehyung...

...Also called as Tiger 🐯...

...Age :18...

...Student in university ...

...Belongs to Traslevia sect ...

...Cuptic (hidden True blood)...

...Min yoongi ...

...Also called Suga ...

...Age : 25 ...

...CEO of Min group...

...Taehyung's brother ...

...Belongs to Traslevia sect...

...Eurphs (hidden)...

...Park Jimin ...

...Also called chim ...

...Age : 18...

...Student in university...

...Taehyung's friend ...

...Belongs to Traslevia sect...

...Cuptic ( hidden)...


...Sleviselia sect ...

......Jeon Jungkook......

...Also called Jk ...

...Age : 19 ...

...Student in university...

...Belongs to sleviselia sect...

...Selvis (hidden True blood )...

...Kim Namjoon...

...Also called Joonie ...

...Age : 25 ...

...CEO of Kim group ...

...Jungkook Brother ...

...Belongs to sleviselia sect ...

...Selvis (hidden)...

...Kim seokjin...

...Also called Jinnie...

...Age : 24 ...

...Owns a restaurant...

...Belongs to sleviselia sect...

...Dextrus (hidden)...

...Jung Hoseok...

...Also called hoba ...

...Age : 23 ...

...CEO of Jung group ...

...Belongs to sleviselia sect...

...Arcis (hidden)...


These are all the characters and the info

In the story there will be some words used as sect ( Region or place they belong to )

From the past there was a Rivalry between both Traslevia and Sleviselia sects .

There is rivalry between two sects and also friendship all these will be revealed as the story goes

They are all Angles and devil's disguise as humans and are living in the human world

This story is different from others so all the positions present are given by me as a comparative to Werewolf Demons and angels also have specific Ranks

For ex Selvis in Demons and Eurphs in Angels possess power of a leader like the Alpha in Werewolf

The ranks are decided when they are born

all there ranks are hidden when they are in Humanworld

There are some Ranks according to their level of fighting power


Selvis - ( Dominant High rank demon )

Arcis ( medium rank demon)

Dextrus ( low rank demon)


Eurphs ( High rank Angel)

Devic (medium rank Angel )

Cuptic ( low rank Angel)

There are going to be many surprises and new characters as the story continues if it's possible I will give the info of the character with the story

How is it gonna happen

How are they going to meet

What will it lead to

Stay tuned ☺️


Angel X Devil


Top Kook

Bottom Tae

Sorry if any word triggers you

This is purely fictional and not real

Hope you enjoy reading

The update of the story will be 2 times a week on Friday and Sunday

So I hope you guys will love this story so that I can continue writing more

I have already uploaded this story on Wattpad and I want to publish it here too

For any queries you can comment and once again I'm reminding this is just a fiction, so please don't report me, and it's soft fluffy story so everyone can read it

this is just an introduction of the character next episode I will give the introduction of different sects

stay tuned Cupcakes

Purple ya 💜✨

^^^~Jiyoung ^^^

Traslevia sect

The sun is shining through the windows of the door birds cripping sweet melody playing and a cool breeze escaping into the room through the wooden windows butterflies are flying around and little cute birds are singing

The sun rays are falling on the beautifully sleeping Angel eyes kissing his milky white skin the mole on his nose is shining like a star under the sunlight

There was a soft knock on the door a grumpy voice calling from behind

"Tae......Tae......Tae.... Wake up my dear lil tiger......."

Slightly flashing his eyelashes which are touching his pink tinted cheeks sleepy angel opened his eyes looking at his Grumpy brother standing beside his bed with milk and bread in his hands

"Good morning Suga Hyung........"

"Morning tae bear "

"I missed you so much you didn't come to my graduation ceremony ( sulking like a kid ) I'm mad at you go away "

"My dear tae bear know Hyung is busy because of work I couldn't Deny them it was so important .......please forgive Hyung this last time .....(puppy eyes ) ..."

"Hyung your puppy eyes are not gonna work......I'm not eating anything..... I'm mad....(turns around folding hands and puffing his cheeks ) "

"Aegyo tae bear .........Hyung got you a gift .....if you don't want then don't eat"

"Hyung .......give me my gift......give it "

"No way only after you finish your breakfast"

Tae quickly climbed down the bed and rushed to the washroom and he quickly completed his morning routine and returned with his usual boxy smile on his face like always ......

Suga is so happy watching him eat and his smile is just the thing he wants to see on tae face and Suga can do anything for his happiness

Suga is cold and grumpy with all others but tae can just change everything in one second he is a different person in front of his little brother the only family with him on earth so he will cherish him dearly




"Hyung.......Hyung.......Suga Hyung........where are you......"

Tae was searching for his Hyung to know what the gift he is going to get this time from outside of Traslevia sect.....humans world........

Taehyung always wanted to go out and explore ....

He is so curious to see how the people look and how it is different from the place he is in now.....

Curiosity is something which is not suppressed and will grow day by day.....

He just wants to see the place feel the air and talk with the trees there .....yes he talks with small grass to trees every day..... He enjoys the gossip they get and their little fighting ......

...Taehyung pov...

Hmmmm i think Hyung went out to meet the elders. Maybe he is busy and he returned after a long time .....

I will show him the picture of me and chim from graduation after he comes home....

Let me check on my bunnies for now.....

Hey little sweethearts how are you doing ......

(Bunny 🐰 speaking) : Good morning lil angel ....(They bow down ) need to bow down guys are my friends ....

(🐰): You are so friendly with us are so pure ....we love you....

I love you a go bye bunnies ......

Aww they are so cute and always make me happy ......

Hmmmm beautiful day beautiful weather .......(humming song ) ...... beautiful world......hmmmm.....

Oh I forgot I have to say chim that Suga Hyung is back and about the surprise gift ......

Chim is Taehyung's best friend from kindergarten Their friendship is so pure and sweet

🌱"Hey little angel where are heading to" ( plants speaking)

Ahh lil one I'm going to chim's

🌱 "Lil angel why don't you give me some water before going "

Ahhh I forgot to wait a sec drink as much as you want ....

🌱 " We love you lil angel "

Love you too ......(smiling softly)

...Author pov...

Tae went to chim's house and greeted his parents warmly they hugged him and kissed him on the cheek .....

They love tae as their own kid they are always together so tae feels like chim's house as his own .....

Tae along with chim went to their house.....Suga was waiting for tae in the living room .....

"Hyung .......I'm home ......see who is with me ......(smiling and pointing chim beside him) ....."

"Hello yoongi Hyung how are you"

"Why so formal chim you can call me Suga tae "

"Hyung.....Hyung ....see me and chim at our graduation...."

Suga : "You both look cute tae...."( Not making eye contact with chim)

Chim: Thank you Hyung

Tae : Hyung....I'm more cute than chim ...

Suga : "No chim is the cutest "(bit shy but saying it with a straight face )

Tae: "No.......Hyung why are you saying it .... I'm more cute .......(sulking like a kid )

Chim : "Tae mom and dad said you are the cutest one still you want your Hyung to say that too....."

Suga : "You both look cute stop sulking and come eat your lunch "

Chim : "Ok ......Hyung ...."

Tae : " coming....chim let's go we will taste human world dishes today .....hmmmm yummy yummy...."

They had their lunch and sat on sofa in living room looking at the album full of photos and memories of them ...

"Hyung look at this photo...."

" This one (laughing hard ....)

"This is when we went to mount surl....the weather was so cool that day ...."

Chim :" You both look so cute ..... Hyung.....(fidgeting his fingers ).."

Suga :"Thank you.....chim..."

Tae :" Hyung .....chim look at this ......"

All of them are laughing so hard tae was rolling on the was a scene to watch all three angels laughing their heart out they were always together .......

They are enjoying their time ......remembering their sweet memories together.....


Tae : "Hyung ......Hyung ..... where is my gift ...(asking with cute pouty lips )

Suga :"I will ...... say it to you and chim....""





Hmmm 🤔 what is the gift ...wanna know then wait for the next episode......

Please comment and vote ......

To all my lovely Cupcakes...

Please support me this is my first story.....

I Purple you 💜


Purple light 💜

^^^ ~ Jiyoung Jeon^^^

Selviselia sect

Silent night......cold breeze coming through the balcony ......the moon is shining brightly ......the lime light is so heartwarming for some one but this is the time ......when demons wake up.....

" Jk ....Jk ......hey lil devil .....still dreaming.... "

The door is started banging....In no time the doors broke and the person entered the huge room with the master bed and dark grey walls emitting the dominant demon Aura....

There sleeping fully muscled man with full hand tattoo exposed ....moonlight falling on his face the piercings on his eye brow and lips shining like the stars ......the little demon emitting the most dominant Aura ..... sleeping eyes closed without bothering about the loud knocks and the broken door .....

" Hey Jk.....wake up man.....still sleeping"

"Rap mon Hyung.......(raspy voice) "

"Indeed you just recognise your Hyung with just a single .....word...(smug face ) " " Indeed......Hyung you dare to break another door I'm gonna leave my room without a door..."

After staring at each other for a second they burst out laughing hard.....

Jk woke up and gave a bone crushing hug they met after almost 6 months ....

Jk loves his Hyung way too much....

They are not own brothers still Namjoon treats jk as his own little brother and jk treat him as his elder brother their bond is so special

"Hyung.'s been so long since you returned back I really missed you ....."

" Me too my lil devil ......"

"Hyung.....did you bring Jinnie Hyung along with you .....i really miss his food..."

"Him .....""

"Ahh.....move move ........hmmm finally here .."

Jin entered jk's room with a tray full of dishes for his lil happiness his lil Demon

" are here ....( Jk jumped on jin hugging him dearly )

"Aww my baby ...... missed me.....""

"" Lil demon missed...hyungie ......""

" baby....."

Jin hugged him and kissed him on forehead....jin treats jk as his son ....he learned cooking just for jk .....

All of them were so happy after jk had his breakfast....yeah it's dinner for us but breakfast for them....they went to the living room...

All sat down and started  chatting.....

Jungkook behaves so dominating in front of others but in front of his hyungs he still acts like a little kid...

Starts playing games laughs hard ....dances like a year old ....he is way too cute to be a demon...

Jin and Namjoon went out to meet their elders after a long time......

Jungkook pov

Hmm what a nice day the moon is shining so bright today.....

Hmmm hope I meet my soulmate this year ......but I still want to wait 3 years .....

He went to the place he always goes ....ahhh one day I will bring my soulmate here too see the Beauty of the moon........

🦇: " Crip...crip.... Good morning master...."

Jk: " Hey lele .....good morning..."

🦇: "Master you look so happy today even came here ..."

Jk : " Yeah ....Joonie Hyung and Jinnie Hyung came home after a long time ..."

🦇 :"Give my greetings to them "

Jk : "sure thing a go.....see ya "

🦇 :" Crip ...crip ..yes master....."

I think hobi Hyung has also returned .... I will go and visit him after lunch.....

Hmmmm I should return back now ......

Author pov

Jk entered the huge mansion..... built well and designed according to jk black walls and hangings.....huge black the living room.....

He gasped after entering the living room

" Hyung......(running fast ) "

"My lil devil.......gotcha.....( Hugging jk )

"Hobi Hyung.... I missed you like hell ..."

"Me too lil one "

"Hyung ......I'm grown up now ......(folding hands and sulking like a kid )"

Jin :"There are still the same kid......"

Jk :"Jinnie Hyung you too...."

Jk :"Joonie Hyung look....they are saying I'm still a kid...."

Rm :" You are....indeed a kid .....jk "

All burst out laughing their heart out looking at jk sulking like a kid....

Jk :"Wait what are you guys doing just now..."

Jin :" We were looking at the

album ...."

Hobi :" look at this one ..."

Jin :" You both look cute .....(blushing)"

Rm :" thank you....jin..."

Jk :" this one is at my graduation...."

This is when we went to meet uncle wen xing .....right ....

This is after my graduation speech.....( Laughing hard)

Hobi : That day I was laughing hard after seeing them in those dresses

We look like demons........

This one .......

Hobi Hyung bought me this from the human suits me well ..

We celebrated the day so well... I still remember Hyung strawberry flavoured cupcakes.....I miss them....


Joonie Hyung bought me the camera from the human world I still have it with me .....

They all started remembering their sweet memories from the past....they all celebrate every single thing .....

Rm : " Jk I have say....."

Jk :" what is it Hyung .......(smiling) "

Rm : "The thing is....."

Jin :" nothing....let's say it tomorrow...."

Hobi :" yeah...let's talk about it tomorrow...I'm hungry...."

Jk : " Me too Hyung ......hungry ....hungry....

Jin made them delicious food they enjoyed it a lot.....




Hmmm 🤔 what is the matter....

Let's wait for it ......

Hope you like my story......

Please comment and vote......

See you in the next episode lovely readers......

   💜 Purple light 💜

^^^                              by  ~ Jiyoung Jeon^^^

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