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Fixer's Trouble

Witch on stake?

I hate it when people are so dumb to understand a simple 'yes' or 'no'. I'm so used to people being selfish, cruel, manipulative, greedy and hypocrite.

Being in this business for as long as I can remember I already know that no one is good, or if there is, then the evil is either haven't grown their tails or horns, yet.

I mean, come on! Those people doing their charity works? Those are the people who feels so good themselves for helping others, good feeling that satisfies them. Those professionals? They don't do their jobs for passion, they do it to pay their bills. So do I. Even if it's for passion, still, the fact remains, they do it for their selfish reasons.

Human nature as we call it.

The reason why I'm saying these? Because this new client is currently proving my point.

"Bloody hell! I did not accept this deal to listen to that woman's whining all day!" I shouted at my secretary Paige and glared at her.

"Shut her mouth up or I will shut it myself and I'm going to make sure she disappear for real."

She panics and abruptly close the door of my office.

"Hey! Calm down. Would you like us to get killed?" I rolled my eyes at her and smirk.

"Do you think being killed is the last thing I'm worried about?!"

"Well, if it's not, then I do.. Hell! I haven't met my prince charming yet! I'm not dying a virgin for christ's sake!"

Here we go again!

Paige Sanders my secretary/best friend/flatmate. She always believed in those fairytale about true love and all, yet never had a boyfriend. Always "I want to feel the sparks" God! She should date Jefferson Pierce so she can get all the sparks she wants.

I throw my hand in the air and got up from my chair.

"I need a drink, with the situation we are now in, believed me, the last thing you need to worry is losing your V-card either." I said while pouring a glass of brandy and face her.

"How are we in this situation again?!" I asked or rather reminded her. She just rolled her eyes and groaned. Bitchy

**** FLASHBACK ****

"L, they want to ask for your service again." Paige said while handling me the file.

"What is it this time?" Annoyed while checking the file.

"It's Mr. Grant, he said, he need your help" I smirked and throw the file in the bin.

"Hey! Seriously? You know we can't defy them! He have seen your face and he probably know your identity too." She said while getting the file out of the bin. I groaned.

"If you just started with the word "they commanded" and "we don't have a choice" then I would have said yes right away." I reasoned.

"Well, we don't and I already said yes." Then she walked out.


If I would have known, I would rather be killed than get the job done.

Here's the thing, the mad woman outside? She's not just any woman, she's the mistress of the current Vice-President of this fvcking country. Favorite at that as per the wife called her. The first time they ask our service to get this woman disappear they told us that she's in danger, for in fact she endangered the candidacy of the soon-to-be-President of this country for bearing his child.

While this woman doesn't understand that the wife want her gone but she keep on insisting that she needs to see him.

"How can we make her disappear if she clearly doesn't want to? I did not sign up for this to be a kidnapper." She sigh and pour her own drink.

"I have everything arranged for her new identity and she will fly to Zürich at dawn, no arguments. As far as her family is concern she died yesterday, tell her that If she doesn't listen then she can kiss her life goodbye. The wife will have her head on stake for being a witch!"

Paige nodded and left the room

After she left my office I went to the top floor using my private elevator, I took a bath and climbed the bed. Not to sleep of course. I rarely sleep. I can't and won't, if I can.

I've been doing this job for 5 years now, fixing people's problem by uncovering secret, Corporate espionage, revealing corrupt officials, helping those witnesses to disappear and start a new life.

They don't know who I am, they haven't seen my face nor my real name. Well except Mr.Grant, that bastard tricked Paige in order to track me. It's always Paige who face the client, I never let them see me.

As for my personal life? I'm a college student. Right, I am currently a college student in Stanford University studying Political science and government.

It's ironic really, studying the thing I loathe since I was a child.

I am the only daughter of the previous Prime Minister of France. Until I decided to stay with my Uncle Brandon 9 years ago. He is the one who introduced me to this business, at first I was just merely curious, being the playful he is, he started by letting me listen to his meetings or reading confidential information, here I am now. I'm doing it myself when he died 3 years ago. It grows within me knowing or uncovering people's secret, yes! I'm a nosy bitch, that is why I hid my identity. Hell! as far as I know I have a bounty in my head. No kidding.

Ever since I decided to get into this business I was trained how to defend myself, I went to every Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Kickboxing. I even tried Krav Maga. That's how paranoid my Uncle was.

He taught me to clean, assemble, load and fire a gun.

I was interupted from my thought when someone knock.

"Come in" This better be good news.

"That woman is such a bitch! She doesn't want to go." Paige is fuming and slumped herself to my bed.

"Show her this, and I swear if you ever knock again, I will send you to Zürich with her!" I said and handed her the tablet. She played the on stand-by video.

"Eww. My eyeeessss! Is that the Senator?" Paige asked with her wide eyes. I laughed at her reaction.

"Yes, so off you go! Tell her that if she won't leave by dawn, I will hand this video to her Mr. Vice, so he can kill her himself."

She snickered and once again left me alone.

I didn't want to use it against the woman but clearly she's making it more difficult. What's with her fetish to older men and Politicians?


I woke up from the sound of my alarm, I tried to reach for it but failed so I don't have a choice but to get up and reach for it, when I successfully did, I smashed it to the wall.

16th alarms for 16'th of June.

Anger Management : 0

I took my shower and went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast and found Paige already eating. I have 1hour before my first period so I have lots of time.

"She left." Paige said while eating her pancakes and sausage.

"Thought so" I smirk.

"We need to go back to the apartment later, we shouldn't have stayed here last night." She said worried that someone might see me.

"I know, we need to do something with that bastard Grant." I gritted my teeth thinking how he tricked me. "He thought he has the upper hand, let him think that so once he lowered his guard then we can kiss him goodbye, he's been pissing me off lately." I said waving her goodbye.

Being atletheic is an advantage, I can run and dodge people in the hall to get pass through. Just before Mr. Lavigne enter the room I ran pass him and went straight to my chair.

"Where did we end last time?" He asked and seems that all the student avoided his gaze.

Literature? When did this my first subject? Owwww.... shoot! This is my second. Damn! I'M DEAD!

"Miss Dubois, you seem to know the answer since you're in deep thought, care to share?" Mr. Lavigne asked, I haven't realized I've been staring him.

"What was the question again Sir? I was in deep thought." I said in sarcastic tone. Some student snorted trying to hold their laughter. He send me a glare.

"Where.did.we.end.last.time?" He said with stern voice.

"Well, at the ending sir. When Romeo foolishly killed himself." I shrugged. Students roared and laughed after what I said, I raised my eyebrow at them.

"Why foolish? Don't you think that was love?" I cringed hearing what he said.

"Sir, it was not love. It was stupidity. Fall in love? Instantly? I thought that's for coffee. They should have planned it well and faking her death is way unbelievable, drugged coma? Really? Then suddenly woke up without CPR? DAMN Shakespeare was good." After what I said, the room fell silent while Mr. Lavigne's jaw almost drop to the floor.

Curse this mouth!

I excused myself running out of the classroom without waiting for Mr. Lavigne's reply.

Way to go Laila! Second failed subject in just a week!

Well, hello stranger..

Laila's POV

"The transaction went pretty well, the wife transfered the payment."

Paige said when I entered the living room.

"Good, don't accept any request from Mr. Grant, since he already saw my face might as well have myself invited to his party." I smirk, I might have some fun tonight.

"L, what do you plan to do this time?" She raised her eyebrow in amusement.

"Nothing, just want to pay our old friend a visit." I answered nonchalatly.

"What do you have there?" She asked pointing in my head. I ignored her and went upstairs but halt and turn to face her.

"Let's get ready, shall we?"


Putting on dresses is really not my thing, so whenever we are attending a party it is always Paige who's choosing my outfit



           ( Laila's dress above )



            (Paige's dress above)

"You look great Paige!" I said eyeing her up and down.

"We look great!" She laughed

We arrived at the party on time. Having no invitation I signalled Paige to do something, being the quite one between the two of us she just blushed.

Damn! losing V-card my ass.

I rolled my eyes at her and proceeded to the guard in the entrance.

"Name, please?" The guard asked gazing my body from head to toe.

"Miss Grant" I said batting my eyelashes at him.

"I'm sorry? Miss Grant?" He asked, confused. "I'm sorry but there is no Miss Grant here." He continued.

I pretended to look shock then hurt.

"I can't believed my Uncle forgot about me... I guess me and my friend will just gonna head back." Then I gestured to leave.




"Hold on Miss Grant, there might be a messed up, of course you can proceed. I apologized. Enjoy your evening." Then open the door for us.

Paige is laughing while we walk to the grand hall where they're holding Grant's birthday.

Different colors of dresses welcomed us, raining champaignes  everywhere and alot of Elite guest are invited. Every table we passed by are all talking about business, fashion, luxury cars and grand vacation.

Rich people.

We surveyed the ballroom. Holding a flute of champaigne while surveying the area, I spotted Mr. Grant. I excused myself and advised Paige to stand by.

"Mr. Grant?" I tapped his shoulder and he slowly turned around. He look like he saw a ghost.

"L, w-what are you doing here?" He asked still look stunned.

"Oh, happy birthday." I slowly approached him and kiss his sweaty cheek. "Don't worry, I'm not here to make a scene, I just want to give you a gift. A simple gesture for keeping me busy these past few weeks." I handed him the USB and a piece of paper.

"Y-you don't have to." He backed away.

Geez! I'm a woman. Does he think I will stab him in front of these people?

"I insist." I furrowed my eyes at him. He looked at the paper and paled even more, if it's even possible.

"What's the meaning of this?!" He said with gritted teeth.

"Nothing, I want you off my back. This is just a simple reminder not to cross me again." I nonchalantly said and smiled at him.

"I have all the details to prove about your slush funds. I can have your off-shore accounts emptied in just one snap of my finger." I said and gestured him to the dance floor so we can talk. He hesitantly followed. I instructed him to get his phone out.

"Well, to prove that I'm not making empty threats why don't we check your savings account then?"

He shakily check his account and sighed in relief.

"Oppss.. not yet, let's say. I'll have my shopping and get 1 million dollars?" Before he can say anything I gestured my forefinger up, knowing that Paige is doing her thing. Then Mr. Grant eyes snapped wide open.

"You bitch!" He glared, still in a low voice, scared to attract attention. I just laugh at him. Some guest turn their heads to us, checking what's going on.

"Oh, I am.. you should have thought about that before you disturbed my peace." I sigh then furrowed my eyes again.

"If you don't want to live in the street or in jail then stay the fvck out of my business Mr. Grant. You might know my face but not who I am."

He gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Good boy! Now. Enjoy your party and I will enjoy your buffet." He was about to leave when I stop him.

"Wait, you didn't think I came alone right? because if by any chance had an accident tonight and this cinderalla did not come home at midnight, then you'll be the pauper by dawn." With that I leave him alone and proceeded to the buffet.


"Where do you want the 1 million to go?" Paige asked while driving.

"Hmmm.. send it to the accounts of those servers in tonight's party. I love their Kobe Steak." I said grinning. She nodded and shook her head.

We've been driving for over an hour now, we need to make sure we're not being followed.

"Hmmm.. L, Why did you get rid of Mr. Grant right away?" Paige suddenly ask.

"Oh, P. I did not get rid of him. I just stalled him. If I did, he would be in jail by now. I need to know first why did he had to go great lenght to find me." I said and close my eyes as a sign that I don't want talk anymore. Luckily, she stayed silent.


Alaric's POV

( few hours before the party)

"Remind me again why I need to attend this party?" I turned my head and raised my eyebrow to my cousin George. He's been bugging me to attend a birthday party, he wants me to meet my "future wife" which is unfortunately Mr. Grant's niece.

"Brother, this is your opportunity to get a glimpse of your soon-to-be bride, if you don't like her then we can get a way to get a rid of her before the announcement... but I heard she's hot." George said smirking.

"George, I don't need to get a way to get rid of her. If I don't want her, no one can make me."

Thinking of going to the party makes my blood boil. I hate the man. He's cunning and evil. I am known of being evil, cunning and ruthless but I never cross the line. I do get rid of my enemies but not to the extent of killing them. I am not a monster like those idiots who thinks that they can manipulate me.

Having a billionaires as my parents is not easy, some people think that I have an easy life as I can get whatever I want. Well, partly are true but having them as my parents never allowed me to have it easy. They raised me as an heir, not as their child. As early as six years old I stopped being a kid.

I was trained to speak different languages. I was taught to study financies, how the company works. I was taught that showing emotion is showing weakness. I grow up with my butler, maids, personal tutors, chaperon, Etiquette teachers, body guards. I was raised to be perfect, hence the kid was gone before I knew it.

My parents was never home. If they do, only once or twice a year. They taught me to stop caring so I did. At the age of 20, I was announced as CEO of Maxwell Corp.

"Thats settled then, we're going." George said, I raised my eyebrow at him and gave him a confuse look.

"If you're not coming to spy on her, then we can go and socialized to get more money" he shrugged.

"I don't need to socialized to get money either." He sighed and glared at me. Clearly annoyed of my remarks.

"Will you just come? I need you there, plus you can have your fun there. Mr. Grant invited a lot of Super models, if you don't want his niece then have her colleague instead." He wiggled his eyebrow and laughed.

Well, not a bad idea. I guess?

I nodded and asked my butler Mr. Johnson to get my suit ready.

"Oh, by the way. I'm getting the girl." He said referring to Mr. Grant's neice and walked out. I couldn't care less.

When my parents mentioned of possible union, I was thrilled since they don't care or rather interfer of any of my sexual endeavor. I was told that my soon to be bride is a brat, dumb and talks only about fashion.

I don't need a woman in life who just knows how to spend my money.

After everything is set, we drove to the venue. I was about to enter the hall when I saw her.

A woman in red dress talking to the guard, sexy with a long curly hair that almost reaching her waist. She has an alluring voice. I didn't notice that I stood frozen few meters from her. She didn't bother to look around as she's busy talking to the guard.

I observed her for few minutes, the guard is clearly checking her out. I can't see her face.

"I can't believed my Uncle forgot about me... I guess me and my friend will just gonna head back."

She said and was about to leave, then she turn around but still oblivious of her sorroundings.

God! She's hot. Slender yet curvy figure with olive and glossy skin, her dress made it more obvious. She has a midnight black hair. Her face is also perfect, if she wasn't wearing the dress I would think that she's an innocent, she looks like an angel. Her eyelashes were velvety, dainty nose, and she had a honey-sweet lips. I can't see the color of her eyes from where she's standing. I could only see her face for few seconds when she smirk and face the guard again.

I can feel my pants tighening just a mere sight of her.

What's wrong with me? This never happened before.

Then she entered the hall with her friend. I was about to follow her when George tap my shoulder.

"Bro, you like her?" You were standing here for few minutes now. I thought you are eye raping her." He said and snickered.

You bet I am.

We proceeded to the entrance and without question they let me pass but I stop before I can enter.

"Who was the woman?" The guard eyed me a confused look.

"The woman in red dress, who was that?" I asked, annoyed that I need to repeat my question.

"Oh... that was Mr. Grant's neice." He answered. George made a 'O' shape in his mouth and turn to me then smirk. I was taken aback. I didn't know that she might be my soon-to-be my wife. While I'm walking towards the hall with George I stopped him.

"You will not touch her."

He laughed and smack my shoulder, clearly amused by my behaviour.

"Aye! Aye captain!"

We reach the main hall and everyone is enjoying themselves. A lot of businessmen are invited. Lots of them greeted me, maybe trying to get my attention to invest with them, many women batting their eyelashes and giggling when I passed by but I can't focus, as I am looking for the woman who captured my attention this evening.

I saw her talking to Mr. Grant. I was about to make my presence known when I saw him paled and gritted his teeth.


So instead, I observed them. Mr. Grant seems uncomfortable while talking to his neice. But why?

Then she laughed. Her laughed sounds sexy and angelic.

God! I'm going crazy!

After that she walked out and proceeded to her table, I am observing her drinking her wine. She declined all the men who asked her for a dance. She is just sitting, eating and observing the party. She seem unaware of my gaze all evening. That's when I decided to get up and walk to the direction of her table but I was interupted.

"Mr. Maxwell! Thank you for coming. It's a pleasure to have you here." Mr. Grant said grinning while walking towards my direction with a woman in his arms.

"Pleasure is mine." I said. I looked again to the direction of the mystery woman but she's gone. I scanned the whole area but she's nowhere to be found.

Mr. Grant cleared his throat trying to catch my attention.

"My apologies, I'm looking for my secretary." I lied.

"Oh, that's okay. By the way I want you to meet my neice Tatiana." Then he glanced towards the girl in his arms. "She was the neice your parents talked about." I raised my eyebrow at him while the girl Tatiana blushed and giggled. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at her. She extended her hand and I shook it nonchalantly.

"Oh... what about your other neice?" I asked. He send me a confused look then gritted his teeth obviously annoyed that I am not interested in Tatiana, while the girl pouted. Then he smiled again.

"Mr. Maxwell, I only have one neice." He said. I was shock by his words.

Who was she? Why did she introduced herself as his neice?

Instead of prying him to ask who the mystery woman was, I excused myself to look for her, but she is nowhere in sight so I exited the hotel and went to my car disappointedly. I texted George that I already left.

I can't fall asleep thinking of the woman in red dress hunting my thoughts.

I need to find her. I need to know and see the color of her eyes.....

Troubled past

The room is dark and quite, only the sound of water droplets can be heard. The girl laying on the floor opens her eyes while groaning from the pain coming from her head, she touched it and winched when her finger touched the blooded wound. She looked around but she can't see in the dark. Then she heard the heavy footstep nearing the room.....

The girl panics and cowered in fear, then the door busted open....

She sharply close her eyes and hitched her breath due to the sudden light coming from the door..


I snapped my eyes open and screamed. I am having a panic attack. Then I feel someone grabbing my shoulder and shaking it. That's when I saw the sight of Paige, crying while looking at me.


That was just a dream, a bad dream. I'm not in the dark room but in my bedroom. I can see the sunlight coming through the window.

"L, you're having a nightmare again. I thought you said it stopped?" Paige question reverted me back to reality that I am indeed in my room or else why would she be here? I embraced her and rubbed her back to calm her down. She seem more distress than I am.

"I'm fine P, I'm okay. I don't know why, I thought so too." I said crying as well.

"Shhh.. it's okay L, that was a dream. That's not going to happen again. Would you like to take a break?" She asked, still worried. I shook my head.

Break. That means going back to my nana's house in Italy. Every time the dreams hunted me, I tend to go back to her house as it always calm me down. I miss her, but I can't go back, not now. I need to be strong as per nana, I'm a strong woman now, no one can mess with me. No one can hurt me.

After assuring Paige that I am okay, she went downstairs to have breakfast and asked me to go down after I do my morning routine. I took my bath and put on my jeans, black t-shirt and red converse. Totally different from the girl few days ago.

After putting on my clothes and drying my hair, I headed downstairs. I did not bother to put any make up as I don't know how.

"L? We have an email. Would you like read it?" Paige said after I entered the kitchen.

Email means new client.

Reading it means accepting it.

What's with her code?

"Who?" I ask while sipping my coffee.

She hesitated. Then avoided my gaze.

"Who is it Paige?" I asked again. I hate it when she tried to hide things from me.

"Hmmm... your half-brother." Hearing her words made my blood boil. I slammed my fist in the table that made her flinch.

"What does that bastard wants?!"

Again she avoided the question.

"Paige! Don't make me repeat my question again." I glared at her.

"He wants our service to get full access to his sister's share in the company. Since as per his email his sister is "not interested" in the business." She replied giving me a sympathetic look.

I laughed while Paige is looking at me intently as if I gone mad.

"That bastard, he doesn't know who's he's messing with." I laugh again.

"What do you plan to do?"

"Well, I think we can accept it?" I shrugged.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" She exclaimed.

Geez! This woman know how to shout.

"Nope" I said emphasizing the 'P'

"Then why are you considering of helping him get what is truly yours?" She asked confused.

"Who said about helping?" I smirk

"That is what his request is. He wants us to help him have access to your share." Paige said still confused.

"Well, and that's what we're going to do, he only ask us for him to have access to my share, but he never told us that he wants it done legally." I smirk then Paige smiled deviously.

The little devil. I thought.

"The moment he touched even 1% percent of it, I will send him to jail. We are going to give him intel on how to do it, and he will be too blinded with money to see the loopholes." I said.

"Knowing my brother, he is an idiot in Armani with a touch of Gucci." We both laughed at my comment.

This is why I love my job, as I said people are greedy. One example is my half brother Carson, he never strived to get his own money, he might have already spent all the money from his trust fund in partying, travelling and drugs.

Being the Eldest and the sole heiress of Salini Pharmaceutical is a burden that I've been avoiding, well that includes my mother.

When I was three years old, my father decided to enter politics rather than helping my mother managing the company that my great grand father built (my mother's side), my father was too focus in politics that he always forget that he has a family of his own, he always missed my birthdays, and missed even their own anniversary. Then one day my mom just walked out the door, left me all alone and never came back.

My grand father was so furious of what she did, for leaving me, for abandoning her family. He disowned his only daughter and appointed one of his nephew to act as CEO until I'm ready. I was 5 years old at that time.

Then after 6 years my mother came back, she came crawling back and asked for my grand father's forgiveness, she begged him to take her in as she doesn't know where to go, she was with Carson who was 7 years old that time. She left me for his lover, now he left her. My grandfather forgave her because of the child she's with, but never appointed her as CEO again, he forgave her but I never did and will never do.

My father remarried after his term as Prime Minister, he never had a new kid, so I'm close to him and his wife Beatrice. I hated him at first for what he did, but I came to realized that he did what he's happy with. At least he did not walked out from me, right?

My grandfather is currently in Italy with nana, they're helping my Uncle Samuel in managing the business as I am still not ready, I don't know if I ever will.

They don't know my business nor Uncle Brandon's. All they know is I am studying here, they let me do what I want, maybe because they somewhat feel guilty on what happened to me as a child.


After parking my car, I walk straight to hallways without looking around. When I stop as someone bump me.

"Watch out bitch!" I looked up and saw a tall blond in her skimpy dress with a guy, somewhat I know from first glance that both of them are stupid.

Instinct, I guess?

I rolled my eyes and ignored the couple, by the looks of how the stupid guy with stupid eyes is groping her side breast as if it wasn't fvcking obvious in this empty hallway.

Geez! What's this? Series of mean girl? If he's the lead guy then girl, I'm out!


After my dreading class with Mr. Lavigne who somewhat is holding grudge against me. I went to the library. It's been few days but he's still mentioning Romeo and Juliet.

Wew. Why?

While reading my books, I heard giggle coming from my back, I didn't bother to turn my head as I am too engrossed reading the book of Julia Quinn, but I hear some chatter of the girls behind me.

"God! He's hot! Is he a model?"

"Oh my, look I think I'm pregnant"

"What is he doing?"

"I think, he's looking at someone"

Gosh! This hormonal bitches can't keep quite!

After slamming my book shut in a harsh manner, the room fell silent again. I abruptly stood up and walked out without sparing a glance to anyone. Put my headphones on and walk to the parking lot.

Without knowing that I am being watched....


Alaric's POV

"Mr. Maxwell, thank you for coming. It's been a pleasure having you here." Mr. Pauloci said Dean of Business Administration.

"No Mr. Pauloci, the pleasure is mine. Donating those books is nothing compare to what you did." I gestured my Secretary and Personal body guard Bill to take the books out from the backseat of the car. Those books are one of the rare collection I have for the past 10 years. I decided to have it donated in this University since Bill's daughter wishes to transfer here because of what happened last week.

She never told her parents that she's being bullied at school. She's a freshman, a quite and nice girl too. Until the bullying resulted of her being brought to the hospital. Being Bill is like a father to me, I decided to pull some strings to have her transfered here as this is her dream University. I also made sure that those bullies pays for what they did. At first Bill refused as he said it's too much for me to pay for the tuition but I insisted. I told him he can pay me back. Then he gladly accepted. As if I will allow him.

After talking and bid my goodbye to Mr. Pauloci, I asked Bill to wait for me in the car. I have this feeling that I can't comprehend. I found myself wandering in the library, inhaling the woodsy smell of books.

When I reach the last aisle of books, I saw a familiar hair, figure that hunting me for few days now. And again, I stood frozen. Her hair is swaying to the wind coming from the AC infront of her table, sunshine is directed to her hair that makes it more shiny, I feel my heart is beating faster.

What's wrong with me? I'm not even sure if it's her. Maybe same hair?

Then I heard giggling voice and whispers, I see few girls eyeing me while whispering. I think she heard the whisper but she never bothered to look.

She's different.

After few minutes of eyeing her, I still can't figure out how to approach her.

What if it's not her? Her clothes looks... simple, different from few days ago..

While battling myself if I should approach her she slams her books hard, totally annoyed by the whispers and giggling around her while she's reading. I gave those girls a furrowed look, they froze and avoided my gaze. Yes. Intimidation is the key. Then I saw my angel walk out of the door without even looking around.

Damn! Why is she always in her own world?

I hurriedly followed her, I saw her put on her headphone and walk slowly while making gesture in her hands, obviously enjoying whatever music is on. I was following her slowly behind. She seem oblivious in her sorroundings.

This ain't good, what if some creeps followed her?

'You're that creep dumbass' I hear my conscience shouted. I snickered but she didn't hear me.

I saw here walk in the parking lot, and get her keys out from her pocket. She seem not to care that almost all of the student in the parking lot is looking at her. I was taken aback.

Wait! That's her car? Is she rich like me? Only wealthiest can afford the freaking Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300! Even myself is still waiting for mine to be delivered this month.

I took a mental note of her plate number and head to my car. I'm curious to know who she is. I need to know who she is...

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