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Battle : Revenge Or Love

Chapter : 1 : Marie, Your Dad ??

" Hello ?? " she said in a sleepy tone .

" Ma- Marie !! " His voice hoarse from all the crying .

" Seokjin-ah?? What happened?? Why are you crying??" She said , now sitting up straight.

" Marie your dad !! " he couldn't say more as he again bursted out cryin' .

"Dad ?? What happened to dad ?? Seokjin-ah say something . " she was losing her patience now .

" Marie your dad was met with an accident and he died right there. "  this was the nth time he is crying like mess but fortunately somehow he managed to speak this much .

A single tear dropped from her eye and just like that it was not only a tear drop but a river of tears . He was also crying listening to the silence on the other side of the phone . She was a person who make other people cry but here she was sobbing silently .

" Marie " Jin said controlling his sobs .

" hmm " her words were stuck as if she didn't knew how to speak.

" You will come to Korea right ?? For me !! For your dad !! "

"  You mean for the funeral huh ?? " she can feel him nodding. " I will come "

" promise me you won't leave after that . "

" Seokjin-ah"

"I know you can't promise me that ."

" I can promise that I will never leave but I can't promise that I will not break this promise . " she said feeling guilty to leave him alone there . His dad never cared about him much , Marie and her dad are the only people he ever wanted in his life . Her dad left him as well as her . And now both are alone and apart . The night was tragic . Both didn't want to cut the call even when they don't speak a word as if their silence was their comfort.


It was 9 in the morning ,Marie was waiting there for her private jet to arrive . Alot was on her mind , she took a deep breath . She wanted to exhale all her memories and wanted to live a new life . She wanted to live a peaceful life but God have some other plans . Soon her thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of moving fan of a helicopter.



Seokjin was arranging everything. He was hurt just like Marie . His father always wanted his work over family . He wanted his mother's love but she died when he was just two years old and he doesn't even know what was the cause of her death . Whenever he used to ask his dad about his mom , either his father scold him to not talk about her or he say that someone wanted to come in this life and that person killed his mom to take her life. Seokjin couldn't understand anything his dad told him but he just nod at everything his dad says . He got parent love from Marie's parents, Mr & Mrs Song . They loved and cared about him as their own child . But unfortunately Marie's mother died in a car accident when he was 12 and Marie was 10 . He remembered how Marie never wanted to leave seokjin . She even insisted on sleeping with him . But one day she decided to leave him , it's not like she wanted to leave him but she wanted to complete her studies in abroad. On the airport they were crying like babies , hugging each other as tight as they can.

He was smiling while thinking about the times he spent with Marie to reduce the pain of losing someone . He was smiling but tears were also flowing from his eyes as he stood in front of a tall building. He walked towards the main gate trying as hard as he could to not break down again as he read the nameplate shining in the bright sunlight, ' song Minsuk ' , he harshly wiped his tears with his sleeves opening the door with a spare keys he had .

He took slow steps admiring the house he lived in more than his own . Everything was same but the fact that he was alone here hurted him the most . His thoughts were interrupted by a phone call , he cleared his throat before picking up the call .

(On the call)

" Hello "

" Seokjin were the hell are you ? You were supposed to be in the office completing the work I gave you ! " his dad shouted from the other side.

" Dad you don't know ??" He said in a calm tone .

" what ??"

"Today's uncle Minsuk's funeral . " His voice was getting weak with each word .

" I know , you already told me that . And I will be there don't worry about it but I need that work Seokjin , there's an important meeting in ten minutes . "

"Huh you don't care , do you ? " he said chuckling this time .

" what " his dad said in a confusing tone .

" You don't care . You don't care about me , you don't care about your brother . You didn't cared about your family . You only love your work , why don't you leave me alone when you can't love or care about me . I said that today's uncle Minsuk's funeral but you want your work you are worried about that damn meeting . " he was panting , first time in his life he yelled at his father and it would be a lie if he said that it doesn't feel good .

"Listen I can't leave you coz I want someone to keep my company after I die and you are that someone because you are my son and talking about my brother , he didn't got much longer life I know and I am not in fault , ok . And see who will be the next hire of Minsuk's company? It's Me !! I can guarantee you that he didn't named his company to his stupid daughter. " his dad smirked even though he knows nobody can see him.

" She isn't stupid " he yelled .

" Yes she isn't stupid , she is a bitch . You know she is the cause of someone's death ."

" Death ?? H-How ?? S-She isn't the cause of someone's death . " he said stuttering a bit .

" You don't know anything child but you'll know when the timing's right . Btw thank you for the work my assistant just gave me this , you would have told me earlier that you already did the work and it's in your cabin , you took my precious ten minutes in something stupid . " By that said his father hung the call . Seokjin was still confused by his father's word . He never believed his father in anything but why is he thinking this hard onto something which can be a clear lie or his father's another prank to keep his mind working . He shrugged his shoulder as he stepped out the house to do some arrangements for the funeral.


Seokjin's dad who is the ceo of a best fashion brand 'Young Youth' was not so fond of his brother . He is now in the meeting room making a deal for his new project .

" Deal "

He smiled ear to ear hearing the word he wanted to .

"Mr kang ." He called for his assistant after the meeting was dismissed.

" Yes sir ."

"What's next in schedule . Just tell me the important once rest shift to another day . There's a funeral I need to attend ." He said loosing his tie.

"Amm sir you need to check this list of raw materials that we need for this project. And there's two more meeting to attend which is important and then we need to go to the factory to check up if the outfits are ready to be transferred to market . " he said .

" Tell someone to go to factory and check everything and bring the list of raw materials with total amount, GST amount and all other information. Talking about meetings what are these meetings about ??. "

"First meeting which is in one hour is about a collaboration with a random company . "

" we are not accepting any other collaboration for now . Cancel the meeting and tell them through an email about not accepting their proposal . Next ??"

"The second one which is in one and a half hour is about the ' Y&S Mall ' project. "

" Are they ready to give us the land . ?? "

" I don't know sir , they said they will clear everything in the meeting."

" Okay then I will attend that meeting. "

" okay sir then I will bring the list here . "

" Yes please ." By that said his assistant left from there . He was rolling in his chair .

" I didn't thought you will die this soon my brother but it's actually good for me now I will rule the entire fashion industry with yours and mine company. " he said to himself smirking thinking about what he has to do next .


Chapter : 2 : Song Minsuk !!

( on the call )

" Where are you ? "

" I am on my way to your home "

" Then change the route ,I am at your house . "

"Ok " she hung up the call and told cab driver another location.

In about 20 mins she was in front of her house, the house which holds her memories. She took steady steps towards the door, and she was greeted by the same nameplate with the same name, ' Song Minsuk , she rang the doorbell and in a sec the door opened, and she was embraced in a tight hug. She wrapped her hands around his torso leaving her suitcase on the ground.

They stood like that for few more minutes before leaving each other , none of them wanted to speak , tears threatening to fall from their eyes .

" Seokjin-ah. How are you ??" She said more like a whisper .

" You were supposed to say I became more handsome now ." She chuckled at his statement.

" You will always be my world wide handsome . "

" Hmm lemme see , you became more skinny, don't you eat nowadays ? "

" I missed you and your motherly nags ." She smiled at him .

" Oh come on , I didn't even said anything yet . You have to keep listening to my nags more now . "

" Sure ,sure ." She laughed with him . She was about to go inside when he stopped her resting his hands on her shoulders , he leaned in and kissed her forehead just like he used to do when they were young .

" I missed you too ."

" Oh come on why so romantic? Did you fell in love with me ??" She said wiggling her eyebrows .

"Ya how can you say that , I am your cousin brother , don't you remember I used to kiss your forehead when we were young ." He said sending a light smack on her head .

"Ouch . I was just joking you didn't have to smack me . "

" And do you really think that this world wide handsome face will fall in love with you . Just look at you ." He said making a disgusting face .

" You know that was mean . "

" that's why I said it . "

" Meanie . " she muttered to herself .

" now come in will you !! "

" I was going to but you stopped me just to recreate the old memories of kissing me . "

" You are not my Marie. Where is my Marie ?? My Marie used to ask me first for the kiss but you are saying that I wanted to just recreate the old memories, go away from me and bring my Marie back. " he started fake crying wiping his so called tears .

"Seokjin-ah." She groaned .

" See you are not the Marie I remember , she used to call me 'seokjin - aah ' . " he said quoting the word ' seokjin - aah'.

" that's what I am saying 'seokjin-ah' . "

" no it's seokjin-aah ."

"Huh it's gonna be a long day . " she said to herself . She cleared her throat " Well when is it ?? " she said looking direct in his eyes .

The whole room fell silent.  The only sound that can be heard was their breathes . He looked down avoiding her gaze .

" In an hour . " he raised his head to meet her eyes . She weakly smiled at him , he smiled back at her .

" I am going to my room to fresh up , I'll be down in 30 mins . " she left from there . He relaxed in the couch taking out his phone ,dialing a number to make sure if everything is done perfectly.

A loud sigh escaped his mouth knowing that today is the goodbye day .


" Well to be honest I thought you will cancel this meeting . " Mr cho who is the owner of the land which Seokjin's dad wants said .

" why would I cancel this meeting. This is more important than anything. " Young-Yoo , Seokjin's dad said .

" Hmm I see.  If I am not wrong Mr Kim , today is your brother's funeral right? " Young-yoo's lips sticked to each other forming a straight line in the mention of his brother whom he obviously don't like .

" Yes Mr Cho that's right but can we just talk about business for now . I mean we are in a meeting room so I don't think talking about each other's personal life will be great idea . " he faked smiled at Mr Cho .

" Okay as you wish , so as we all know here that this meeting is arranged to talk about my land , so Mr kim if I give you this land then what will I get in return. "

" We are thinking to build up a mall there . Your land is in the centre of the city and around that area there are alot of places for visitors too . Visitors who came to seoul to look at it's beauty can be attracted . And as you know our company's products are sold rapidly in the market , there are huge demands for our works . " he confidently said .

" It's good that your company has higher demands and all but I asked what will I get in return. "

" We can give you the 30% of our profit . "

" I see . " Mr cho was now whisper speaking to his secretary , nobody knows what they were discussing. "Okay let's dismiss this meeting here , we need to think about it first.  Thank you for your time . " Mr cho said ready to leave , he passed his hand to Young-Yoo for a handshake but Young-Yoo was in another world , he didn't liked the idea of another meeting. " Mr Kim what are you thinking?? " Mr Cho asked.

" Actually Mr Cho I wanted to end this meeting in a good way . You know what I mean . "

" Yes I know but we need some time there is something that needs to be cleared . " Mr cho said  after getting rejected for a handshake.

"But you said you will clear everything in this meeting. " disappointed can be seen in his tone .

"Sorry Mr Kim. " by that said Mr Cho left from there.

" Ughh" Young-Yoo wanted to scream his lungs out but he can't , he rested his head in his palms taking a deep breath .


Chapter : 3 : But He Is Gone!!

She got off the car . Everyone was shocked seeing her here , they never expected her to come here . She seated herself on the front row next to seokjin as people were giving their last words to her dad one by one . Her eyes fell on the photo that was on the display . Few tear drops left her eyes . She looked at her right where seokjin was sitting tears were also flowing down from his eyes , a small smile appeared on her face . She patted his back pulling him in for a hug . He hid his face on her neck .

" It's okay . " she whispered in his ear .

" No it's not . " he cried harder .

" I am with you . "

" But he is gone . " she released her breath which she didn't even know was holding for so long . He hugged her more tightly this time . He didn't wanted to cry infront of her but he did . He was feeling ashamed that instead of consoling her , he is crying .

" It's okay , you don't need to console me . " she said as if she can read his mind . He parted away looking at her she wasn't crying only few dried tears were on her cheeks , he sniffed for the nth time today . " See your handsome face is all ruined now . " she said wiping his tear , a light chuckle escaped his mouth .


Everything was done now . She was invited to the stage to say some last words to her father but she denied because she didn't wanted to leave Seokjin alone . They were now on their way to home .

"Seokjin . " she said gaining his attention.

"Hmm? " Drop me there my house is near I can go myself you should go home and rest . " she said glancing at his driving figure .

"Who said we are going in two different houses ? " he said not taking his eyes off the road .

"What do you mean ??"

"I live at your house . When you went to Italy I saw how uncle Minsuk was always feeling low so I started living with him . "

"What about your dad?? "

"He never liked my company . "

"Why didn't he came to the funeral ?" She asked which made him look at her for a second , he just shrugged his shoulders and then the whole ride was silent but it wasn't awkward . They never felt awkward with each other even when she came back after 5 years ,she still feels the same comfort here.  They went home and rested for the whole day knowing that they need to do alot of work tomorrow.


Next morning, Seokjin woke up first after doing his morning routine he went to the kitchen to make themselves some breakfast . After sometime Marie came downstairs yawning and rubbing her eyes .

"Aish see this girl , atleast you should have washed your face ." He said as he noticed her .

"I washed my face , I brushed my teeth but I am still feeling sleepy . And my head is also paining. " she said whining.

"So who told you to drink that much , you were a mess last night you know you even vomitted on my favourite pink sweatshirt . "

"Did I ?? "

"Yes " he said sternly.

"Sowry .. please make me a hangover soup . " she said tugging onto his new pink sweatshirt .

"I already made some , take those plates and cups to the table I am coming with your soup . "

"Okay mom . " before he could do anything she rushed out of the kitchen with the things . A small smile appeared on his face as he heard her giggle from the another room . He went there and she was already sitting on her chair waiting for him to serve her .

"Hmm it smells delicious. " she was sniffling the smell again and again .

"Ya stop doing that and start eating. "

"You always scold like a mother does to her child . " Suddenly the bell rang , they both gave each other a confusing look before she went to open the gate . She opened the gate to meet the person who is not so special in her life . He was surprised to see her but didn't showed . He smiled widely at her and engulfed her into a tight hug . She was in confusion but accepted the hug .

"Marie who is it ?? " Seokjin came only to see the person hugging Marie so tightly as she was struggling to breath .

"Dad??" Seokjin said confused. His dad broke the hug and turned his gaze to Jin .

"Hello son !! Did I disturbed you two? " he said giving them the biggest smile he could .

"Yes you di-"

"No you didn't we were about to have our breakfast . " Marie cutted off jin .

"Oh great I am starving too you know , let's go eat together . " Young-Yoo said clapping his hands together while walking towards the dining room. Both stood there dumbfounded at his reaction but shrugged their shoulders and went inside to join in .

"Ahh this food smells so good . " his dad said before taking a bite .

There was a silence for sometime and Young-Yoo was the first one to break it .

"So Marie how is everything in Italy ?? " he asked out of nowhere.

"Everything is good as much as I know . "

"You know ??" He asked raising his brows at her . She saw his serious gaze at her and felt a little bit of nervous . "Oh come on I was joking you don't have to think that hard . " he said now in a cheerful voice and chuckling afterwards , she faked a half smile at him although confusion was all written on her face . Seokjin's eyebrows creased but he didn't cared much about anything at that moment.

"What do you do there ??"

"I am a negotiator and I -- nevermind . " she regretted her decision of speaking further.

"Marie what you gonna do with your dad's company?? " he said with a very serious expression plastered on his face . " You will go to Italy again then who will run that company . Your father did a very hard work and that's why this company is now on the top charts . "

"Who said I am going to Italy ?? " Both men sitting there was in shock , eyes widening. " what ?" She asked examining their expressions. 

" You are not going there anymore ?  " seokjin asked in happiness.

"No I will send my resignation letter through email and if they want me there for any kind of procedure , I will go there but it won't take a lot of a time . Maybe a week or something but at that time Seokjin can handle everything. " she said looking at her uncle . He was in complete shock and the only person who knows why he was this shock is Seokjin . "And also dad named that company to me . So I am incharge of everything related to the company from now on . " This made him more shocked , and anger was building inside him but he controlled himself .

"Really ?? " Seokjin asked happiness all written on his face . She nodded at him smiling as well .

" That's great . " Young-Yoo said faking a smile ." Marie I really wanted to ask you a question for a long time . Can I ?? " he added. 

"Sure . "

"  When you ran away from your father's friend house in Italy , where did you go ? I mean neither you came here nor you were anywhere in Italy . " she froze in her spot , seokjin looked at her expecting a positive answer because even he didn't know where you were.

" Amm uncle , I really didn't wanted to go to Italy for my studies . But my dad insisted saying that it was the only safe place he can think of . I went there and was living at uncle Hamin's house,who is also my dad's friend . I wanted to live alone so I started doing a part time job to save money and  I was completing studies as well . After two years when I was left with enough money to survive . I rented a small apartment. I used to start this topic with my dad indirectly but he shut me down saying you won't live alone . So one night I sneaked out.  And my apartment was in Italy but far away from uncle Hamin's house. I completed my studies then I got a job and that job paid me enough and now I live in a mansion instead of an apartment. It took 3 years for my success and when I was ready I came back to uncle Hamin to tell them that they would have trusted me . After 3 years I contacted my dad then Seokjin and everyone was really happy for my success but also everyone was angry at me for not even thinking twice before doing something risky . " She completed her speech and Young-Yoo was believing at her every words but seokjin didn't , he nodded as well indicating that he understood.

"It must be hard for you.  So I think I should go to company now . " Young-Yoo said glancing at his watch.  And soon enough he left from there leaving both of them alone.


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