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The Shameless Wolves


4 wolves were living happily in a forest. They don't have any kind of emotions with each other. When they reach 18, they turn into a wolf at day and humans at night. When they were wolves, They were Genderless. But when they become humans, 2 of the wolves become male and the other 2 become female. How will they select their partner. Who will end up with who?


ELISA: So... I'm a girl?


SAN: Wow... I'm a boy

ALEX: So it's 2 boys and 2 girls?

GOD MOTHER: My dear child, it's time for you to give birth to kids and develop our generation.

ELISA: Yes God Mother

(The god mother leaves all the four of them in a home in the forest.)

SAN: We should find a pair as soon as possible.

ELISA: Yes, San

RACHAEL: I never knew that we would look completely different from each other.

ALEX: Yes... We all look different

ALEX: Let's go and take some rest tonight. We'll discuss our future plans tomorrow night


(Rachael and Alex left the room)

(Elisa and San were left alone)

(San looked at Elisa....)

SAN: You look beautiful as a woman

ELISA: You too

SAN: I want to see your looks much deeper

ELISA: Me too

(San comes closer to Elisa and grabs her waist. He touched her cleavage and touched her melons covered by a corset.)

ELISA: How do they look?

SAN: They look bulge and shiny. It's attractive

RACHAEL: Then what about mine?

SAN: Rachael?

(San kissed Rachael on her lips.)

SAN: Yours look like a golden melon....making me want to bite them

ALEX: Did you notice the difference?

ELISA: Alex? So none of us can sleep at night?

RACHAEL: Yes...We both tried to sleep...but as humans we can't control our emotions and desire

SAN: I felt the same. We usually stayed together. But I never find other wolves attractive. But just now.....I want to do it with Elisa, Rachel and even with you Alex

RACHAEL: Me too... I feel the same. I want to do it with both of you and I also find Elisa attractive.

ELISA: I get it now. The purpose of our conversation into humans is to have a child. That's why we find everyone attractive.

ALEX: But wolves can't have children if they're not in love. Besides that the love should be developed to the right pair.

SAN: So we should try it with everyone multiple times and fall in love with a single person. If that person is wrong, we have to repeat the process with a different person.

ELISA: Which means... Every night we're going to...


SAN: If we keep testing... it'll take a lot of time.

ELISA: How about we 4 do it tonight

ALEX: That's the craziest idea

(Elisa jumped and climbed on Alex. Alex buried his face on Elisa's melons. Rachael pulled Elisa down and removed her corset.)

RACHAEL: You look beautiful Elisa

(While elisa and Rachael were kissing each other...San backhugged Rachael and grabbed Rachael 's melons with one hand and Elisa's with the other hand. Alex smirked and ....)

ALEX: Why don't we choose only one person tonight

SAN: Good idea

RACHAEL: I'd say Elisa... she's shining tonight.

ALEX: Okay here's the deal. Elisa will lay down at the center of the bed and each one of us will choose a part

RACHAEL: I want her melons

SAN: I want her lips and the little hole in my tummy

ALEX: Then I'm her oval cave

SAN: After a couple of minutes.... She will reject one person... And after 5 mins she will reject another person and choose her final pair

RACHAEL: That's the best plan

ELISA: I'm kinda nervous

SAN: *kisses Elisa* Don't worry... We'll take care of it

(Elisa sat on the middle of the bed....)


(Elisa sat on the bed. All the other 3 hovered over her. But she felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. She gets up)

ALEX: You alright?

ELISA: I think, I need some time

SAN: No... We can't

ALEX: It's okay. Take your time, Elisa

RACHAEL: I don't think falling in love after overcoming this filthy desire for each other is easy.

SAN: Yes. Our hormones are acting up and forcing us to do it.

ALEX: Yes.. This is not love.

ELISA: It's too much for me. Sorry guys.

(Alex hugged her)

ALEX: It's okay. Don't try too hard to get out of your character. We can understand it.

ELISA: Thank you, Alex

(Elisa goes to her room and lies down)

ALEX: Let's not force each other guys.


(Alex leaves the living room and goes outside)

SAN: I don't think I can sleep tonight.

RACHAEL: Want me to accompany you?

SAN: I'm having too much desire now.

RACHAEL: It's okay.. I'll help you.

(Rachael took San to her room and pushed him on the bed)

SAN: You look beautiful.

(San pulled her to the bed and kissed her on her lips. They started to indulge in their own universe)

(Elisa comes out of the home and sees Alex sitting outside)

ALEX: Oh, Elisa

ELISA: Why were you staying outside? We're not wolves at night. It's too cold.

ALEX: Everything changed within a day

ELISA: You don't want to be a human?

ALEX: I thought living as a human will be a life of joy.

ELISA: Let's go to the city

ALEX: Huh?

ELISA: It's going to be morning soon. So let's go to the city tomorrow night.

ALEX: Okay. *smile*

(The day breaks and all the 4 turned into wolves)

(San jumped at Elisa and bit her. Alex tried to stop San by biting him and attacking him. But he behaved rashly and ended up biting rachael on her hand and she started to bleed)

(In order to save themselves from San, the other 3 escaped to the jungle)

(That night, after becoming a human, san came home)

ELISA: San.... What happened to you?

SAN: Sorry Elisa

(San hugged Elisa. He felt so bad for hurting everyone.)

ALEX: Why did you do that?

SAN: I don't know.. But I can't control the desire to suck your blood after turning into a wolf.

ALEX: But we didn't feel anything like that

RACHAEL: Does that have anything to do with last night?

ALEX: What happened last night?

ELISA: I heard them. That's why I came out.

ALEX: So the male wolf will lose its control after doing it?

SAN: I don't know. But for now.... That's the reason

ELISA: Okay... Let's forget it. We both planned to go to the city. Do you want to join us?

SAN: Sure.... Sounds good

RACHAEL:( I'm hurt too, san)

(All the 4 entered the city... The entire city was impressed by the beauty of the 4.)

SAN: Let's go there.


(Elisa kept surfing the accessories with a joyous face. San looked at her and smiled at her with a lovely face.)

RACHAEL: So I'm the lonely one here

SAN: Give me your hand


(San shows a bandage to her )

RACHAEL: You noticed it?

SAN: Of course. I thought just a sorry will not be enough.

RACHAEL: It's okay..I understand it

SAN: It's hard, right?


SAN: Living as a human.

RACHAEL: It's not like that.

(San hugged her and kissed her softly on her lips)

ELISA: San.... It's not our home. Don't forget that.

ALEX: Control yourself San.

SAN: Should I try it with Elisa tonight?

ELISA: *laughs* you're really naughty.

ALEX: You guys go home. I'll come back soon


(They left home. Alex entered an alley and closed his eyes. Suddenly a red fire aroused around his body and a sword appeared in his hands)

ALEX: What is this?

GOD MOTHER: Your powers, my child.

ALEX: Powers?

GOD MOTHER: A human wolf gets its powers when they find their partner through the heart.

ALEX: But I didn't find her.

GOD MOTHER: But your heart finds her.

ALEX: So what are these powers?

GOD MOTHER: These powers were given to you to protect your love. You can also become a human during the day using these powers. But you have to use them only to protect her. You shouldn't hurt any humans using these powers.

ALEX: Then what about others?

GOD MOTHER: Only male wolf gets that. San will get it when his heart recognizes his love.

ALEX: So... Who's my love?

GOD MOTHER: Find it yourself.

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