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Black Wings Of Free Bird~ (TAE X BTS)


Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Hello Readers!
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Welcome to our new chat story!
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Baby Author
Black wings of free bird~
Baby Author
Baby Author
The genar of the story is pure Fantasy, time travel and love between BTS 💜💜💜
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
This story is about Creatures like humans having bird feathers, this creatures are only found in South Korea, in a hidden city of tribal people
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Their beautiful coloured wings and body structures attracts the attention of people, which is a big problem for them because they are short in hight then normal humans
Baby Author
Baby Author
They gets hunted down easily, but not only for their wings, they hunts them for a special fastival just to sacrifice their lives and perform a ritual
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
The main lead of the story will remove this cruel ritual and save his people
Now the introduction of our main Characters
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung
A special black winged, who is taller than normal birds
Is afraid of hights, and can't fly right now, but have many hidden powers
Jungkook/ White Winged 🤍
Jungkook/ White Winged 🤍
A beautiful white Winged bird
Very brave and protective towards his tribe people, and doesn't like outsiders at all, has an younger brother
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Snowy blue winged bird
Have a great ability to turn in small bird (secret)
Loves cats, snow, dance, very protective towards Taehyung, have feelings for him (secret)
Hoseok(J-hope)/ Yallow winged 💛
Hoseok(J-hope)/ Yallow winged 💛
Yellow shiny winged bird
Is the son of tribe leader, we be the next leader of their tribe, love everyone equally, likes to play with his friends
Jimin/ Pink Winged 💝
Jimin/ Pink Winged 💝
Beautiful pink Winged bird
Jungkook's brother and a dancer, wins every heart with his moves
Want to be popular and everyone's weakness in love
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Purple winged bird, cutie pie but doesn't shows, Have crush on Taehyung but secretly waiting for right time
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
I know there is still someone is missing
Baby Author
Baby Author
But it's a special one, we will talk about him later
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
So this is all about birds, then you must be thinking of how increase their population, right? 🌚
Baby Author
Baby Author
Even if you are not, I will tell you
Baby Author
Baby Author
They produce egg, and how? I will give details later 🗿
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
You will know more about them, when the story begins!
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
And one more important thing
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Namjoon, yoongi and Taehyung are in future (2024) Jungkook, hoseok and jimin are in past (1600 DC)
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
I hope this story gets in your interest
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Please like comment and subscribe for more
Baby Author
Baby Author
Bye bye for now


Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Welcome in a fresh new chat story 😘
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
let's start
This is the place where all surviving and remaining birds are hiding for now
As I said humans hunts them for a specific ritual
They have been hiding in depths of dark Jungle
Someone was looking down from the edge of a branch, with nervous face
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
d-do I have to jump from here? 😰
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
Yes yes you have to or how will you fight your fear?
lily/ UNC
lily/ UNC
Come on tae, you should be brave enough to prove that your Black wings aren't just for show, they have powers too
Just like your father
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Shut up you all! 💢
A boy come towards them, glaring at them
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
Oh look who is here 🙄 Mr snow prince
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Stop speaking nonsense and Taehyung you don't have to do such things, these brainless birds are just fooling you
He opened his snowy blue wings and fly down to another branch
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Taehyung jump down and try to fly!
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
But yoongi
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Don't worry I will try my best to hold you 😼
Taehyung opened his Darker than night, wings and trying to fly, But his wings are still not in his control
lily/ UNC
lily/ UNC
Come on tae you can do it!
Yah tae don't be so lazy, go! Jump!
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
*Jumps* 😣
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Ahh 😫 save me!
Yoongi did catch him successfully but got dis balanced and fall down
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Ouch! My a*s
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Sorry yoongi but I again couldn't open my wings
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
*staring at his face*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Huh oh yeah... first get up
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Oh sorry *gets up*
lily/ UNC
lily/ UNC
you didn't open your wings intentionally, because you knew yoongi is there to catch you 🙄
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
No it's not like that...
lily/ UNC
lily/ UNC
It is! If there was no one to help you then your wings itself will open and fly
Yahh that's why I told you to jump from the highest branch!
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
And your fear of hights will decrease
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
There's no need to do that 😾
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
There is yoongi! Don't you remember what father has told us?
It's our responsibility to help our brother
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
I think they are right 🤔
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
But it's really dangerous tae
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
I know.... but I can't learn anything just sitting here, until I fight with my fear 😤
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Ok if you are that eager to this
He goes and after a moment come back with ropes
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Tie this around your hips, we will be holding it and when you won't be able to fly we will pull you up, ok?
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
*going towards that last branch*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
*Gulp* it's so scary, but no 😤 I will do it! Fear can't stop me from flying
don't worry tae we will save you
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
Yeah come on jump!
And with a deep breath, Taehyung jumped down from there
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
*trying to fly* oh come on you useless wings! Let's fly high! 😫
But he still couldn't open his wings and kept on falling
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Guys hold it tight!!
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
We are trying!
But suddenly someone loosen the grip and the rope slipped from there hand
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Oh no 😱😱😱
And without thinking twice yoongi jumps down to catch Taehyung, but he was too far away
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Why they are not pulling me up 🙀
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Ahhhh someone save me 🙀
Taehyung was about to hit the ground, that's when another bird come in full speed, and catch him successfully
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Ah 😣
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Huh? *Opens eyes* I am fine 😃
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
*Looks at the parson who saved him*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
😐 *throws him in a bunch of dry leaves*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Ouch~ wae!
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
like wtf were you trying to do huh?
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
That 😅
That's when yoongi also landed on ground and run towards Taehyung to check if he is alright
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Tae! Are you alright 😱
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
I am fine yoongi, because of him *points towards namjoon*
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
(Oh he again) 🙄
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
*Gets up and cleaning himself* ah I am so disappointed with my own wings 😓 they are so useless to me
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
so you were trying to fly? Jumping down from there? Or trying to su*cide? 🤨
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
I don't know What the Fvck I was doing 😓
that's when others also landed on ground, and showing their concern, said
lily/ UNC
lily/ UNC
Taehyung are you alright?! I am sorry it was my fault, I couldn't hold the rope 😟
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Do you even know what could happen if I didn't have saved him!?? 😠
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
our future depends on him! And you are taking it as a joke or something!?😠
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
Oh come on! 🙄
Joy/ UNC
Joy/ UNC
It's his fault that he can't fly! we are just trying to help him and you are shouting at us!?
Everyone knows how to fly on just age of 13 and he has already passed 20s still can't control his wings
lily/ UNC
lily/ UNC
It's a saying that black winged can fly higher then an eagle, but looks like it was just a saying 😂
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
Please like comment share subscribe 💜💜💜🐱
Author RANI 👑
Author RANI 👑
bye bye ☺️


Baby Author
Baby Author
hello readers! (⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠)
Baby Author
Baby Author
I will be writing for now, and you know how I am 😘
Baby Author
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Do like this story and give me your votes 😄
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Shut the Fvck off you rascals!
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
I know you are just jealous of him because he is different from your fvcking a*ses!
Stop taking his side will you?!
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
We will coz he is our future leader and you don't have a right to talk nonsense about his wings
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Namjoon stop...
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Let them be 🙂 it's not the first time anyway
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
But tae
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
they have mouth they will say anything they want, I don't deserve this position being a black winged
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
they were legends and still are legends, and here I am being a shame on their name 😮‍💨
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
No Taehyung... you can't loose your hope!
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
you will also become a legendary bird in our history, nothing changes if these brainless birds says
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Yah you see... one day you'll fly higher then mountains! And everyone will just look at you 😤
"Very good~"
A deep raspy voice resembles around them, as they looked up at the one of tree branche
There set another black winged bird who was looking at them as if they going to be his prey
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Soon he jumped down towards them, and stands in front of Taehyung as others stepped back, the fear was visible in their faces
Coz looking at his face was clear that he heard everything, and as being their leader he can do anything he wants...
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
*Looking at Taehyung*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Appa 😅 what are you doing here?
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
*Still looking at him*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
a-appa I am fine 😩 you don't have to worry!
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
you are good for you, good for them ❄️❄️❄️
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
And I would like to thank namjoon for saving you... and showing some respect to their leader ❄️
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Not like some selfish birds around here
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
i-its alright father 😅 it's my responsibility anyway...
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Hmm take him back to the top of the tree and be careful next time... you don't know what others hiding behind their faces
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Appa you won't do anything to them right...
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Go now
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
I said go ❄️
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Namjoon/ Purple Winged 💜
Tae let's go! He is already angry *Whispers*
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
Kim Taehyung/ Black winged 🖤
...... *Follows namjoon*
V stared at them till they climbed up too high, then turned towards them glaring at their soul
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
May I know... what were you trying to do just now?
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
And who dared to leave the rope! intentionally
They were looking at the ground, didn't had the courage to look at their leader, why not! it was all planned to hurt Taehyung so that he won't be able to become a capable leader
Yoongi stepped ahead and said
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Father! I am sorry it's my fault!
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
I should have stopped them at first place...
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
I thought it would be a great opportunity to help tae, but I didn't knew it would become this hectic
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
I am glad atleast you know your fault, and you tried to save him
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
Kim V/ Black winged 🖤
You can go
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Yoongi/ Blue Winged 💙
Thankyou very much father 😺
Yoongi fly away from there
And no one knows what happened to those three after that day...
Baby Author
Baby Author
Taehyung is V's biological son, he calls him appa And others calls him Father as a respect for their leader bird
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Baby Author
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Baby Author
Bye bye 😁

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