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Darkened The Demon's Mate


    Since the beginning of sin and chaos, the time of the fallen angels, the gates had been shut tightly, with blood and with darkness and with light...never to be opened again...

  Or so it was beloved...

 Thousands of years later, in a village so small, a new story was unfolding...the binds holding the foundation of the gates were getting weak and weaker...

The little children were chanting;

        Behind the gates of the fallen angel

        Laid inside, the tongue can't voice

        Five of them which are chosen

        Only by them, shall we all be saved.


" Run Amy! Run!" Eve Green shouted to her running five-year-old daughter, Eve could see the tears streaming down her daughter's eyes, already wetting her dark, long and beautiful lashes as she ran towards the forest at the back of their used-to-be cottage.

" Run child, You have a purpose, you are chosen" Eve said again but only this time, she whispered. Amy turned to look back just in time to see her dear mother slewed through the neck as blood gushed out of her mouth and the wound, Amy stared helplessly in horror from her mother's face to the man who had just killed her mother in cold blood. She turned and continued to run deeper into the forest.

 Amy knew him, 'Draco', it was the monster of a man her mother always told her of, Eve told her of all the dreadful things Draco could do and the ones he had already done. He looked just as her mother described, he wore an eye patch on his right eye and had an ugly scar that ran from his left eye, across his nose bridge and ended roughly at his right lower jaw, his lips were pale and broken, like that of which was thirsty, he looked so dreadful and dirty. What she thought was merely a tale to scare kids her age to teach them to behave had become a reality so cruel.

It wasn't long that Amy ran out of breath and paused to stop herself from fainting in the middle of nowhere, she looked back and saw Draco just a few feet away from her, he gave her a crooked and devilish smile that made Amy shiver in fear, she saw him starting to approach her with the axe he was dragging behind him. Amy didn't bother to think any more and just ran as fast as her tiny legs could carry her, she ran so fast she could feel the night's cool breeze hitting her hard on the face, making her eyes to water, Amy looked back once and saw that Draco was walking effortlessly with his axe that made a nerve wrecking noise as it made contact with the cold hard ground. Amy felt a huge ball of pain in her heart; she was in the middle of nowhere in a forest with no place to go and a man she barely knew was dragging an axe he'd use to chop off her head without mercy and even if she somehow managed to escape him by some miracle, she was sure she wouldn't last the night in that dark forest habitated by wild animals, they would surely devour her...Why was all these happening to a five year old like her?...

A new beginning?

'********it's time, chosen********'...


'********Tme is precious********'...

'********They are different forms and in different sizes********'...


"***Amy, Amy"..." Amy wake up" Lyndsey gave her a light shake on the shoulder with her eyes still on the road ahead of her.

"****Who is coming****" Amy said as she shot her eyes open breathing hard, she frantically scanned her surrounding and released a silent sigh.

"What is it hun, did u have a bad dream" Lyndsey asked with her concentration still on the road "Ah... yeah... something like that" Amy said as she sat up and blinked multiple times to clear her sleepy eyes "Aren't we there yet mum, my butt is becoming too stiff sitting here all day which isn't good for me cause I have none to begin with"

"Don't be ridiculous Amy, it hasn't been even long since we left the airport" Lyndsey said but underneath that stern tone a small smile was painted on her lips "I know and that what I'm worried about, it's taking too long" Amy groaned in reply "I don't know why we had to move again anyway...I was already beginning to adapt" She added in a low voice and stared out the window, England was looking promising...but who knows, they might only spend a night and move to another foreign place, Amy sighed.

"Baby, I know, but they found out that we were there, we had to move" Lyndsey finally removed her concentration from the road and stared at her beloved daughter with guilt "Who is 'they' mum" Amy said as she turned to stare at her mum's face but when her question was only replied with silence and a sympathetic face she signed deeply and muttered "it's always like this anyway, I might as well get used to it" then leaned back on her seat with her eyes out the window "Now is not the right time love, in time you-" "in time you'd know what I'm talking about, I know mum, I always get the same reply" Amy cut her mum off and placed her purple earphones back on her ears, it was playing her favorite pop songs. Lyndsey got it for her on her 15th birthday, which was one of the happiest day of her life, it was the first time she had a surprise party.

Amy and Lyndsey were wearing hoodies and joggers both purple and white snickers. It was a habit, they had always worn matching outfits since Amy could remember. In fact the only thing different was their hairstyles, Lyndsey had her chestnut brown hair in a messy bun while Amy left her dark brown curly locks free, it was styled beautifully with artificial butterflies and other hair accessories that made her hair look like a miniature forest, Lyndsey had helped her, they had to wake up by 7am in other to do a last minute parking and preparation and catch their seven hours flight, they landed in Manchester airport by 3pm, it was already past four, and they were yet to reach their destination.

Lyndsey watched as Amy drifted back to sleep, she released a deep sigh "if only she knew I am trying to protect her, I wish they were still time, I wish you hadn't grown up so fast" Lyndsey muttered and returned her concentration back to the busy road ahead "Ahh...why does destiny have to be so cruel, such huge responsibility on an innocent child... I wish I could carry her burden" Lyndsey added as she drove into the holdup and leaned into the steering wheel with her eyes closed.

'What are you trying to protect me from mum' Amy thought as she opened her eyes to stare at her mum who looked pained as she waited for the hold up to clear with her eyes closed and leaned on the steering wheel, she sighed and shut her eyes again to drift off to sleep...


********The cool breeze was blowing northeast towards the mountain indicating that it was getting closer to sunset, the farmers were already rounding up the day's work, mothers were rushing home with their kids they had just picked up from school, it looked like it was going to rain soon********.

********While people were getting ready for the rainy night, two certain boys were up on the mountain getting ready to watch the sunset********.

"Argggghhh" Louis shouted in hope to scare his younger brother, his hands were raised above his head and he was stationed in a way to impersonate a monster. "Don't you ever get tired, I'm not a kid anymore brother, I'm seven." Max said in a bored voice, but a big smile was painted on his face, he knew when Louis had sneaked up behind him, but he didn't bother turning back and just continued to set up his mat. Louis came to squat beside him and roughed up Max's hair with a smile on his face "Hey, do u know how much my hair cost" He groaned in response. "Don't be in a rush to grow up kid, trust me it's not worth it" Louis said, staring at his favorite person in the world.

****This was their therapy, they had always gone there since max was old enough to know the meaning of curse words and argument, it was the first place Louis brought his brother when he ran away from home with nothing but his candy bar when he witnessed his dad beating up his mom without mercy. Louis found him in a lonely alley curled up in a ball and was shivering so much, he brought him to the mountain top because he couldn't take him back home, their parents were sure to still be arguing. The mountain had a wide cave which had gone through a lot of innovation in the past two years, it had become their little hideout. Now basically they go there almost every evening to watch the sunset together and laugh at the shapes the evening clouds form while their parents shout and rant at each other.

"That's what they always say, so you wanna tell me you don't like been eighteen" Max said as he rolled his eyes at his older brother "Well if you put it that way, it makes it harder to decide you know" Louis smiled at his brother's gesture. "Looks like it might rain soon" Max said as he stared at the clouds gathering in the sky "It might not, you never know, if it does, I'll go kill all the rain gods for ruining this perfect evening" Louis stared at the sky and raised his fist as if to declare war, Max laughed at his older brother "Na, it'll definitely rain just praying that it'll be later, judging from the current atmospheric pressure and humidity, the current-" "-Blah blah blah, haven't I told you, you aren't allowed to be a dork with me" Louis cut his brother off as he grabbed his head to hold under his arm and roughed up hair. They were both enjoying each other's company and playing around when Louis phone chimed.

"Hold on bud, let me get this" Louis said as he released his brother's head and picked up this phone from his pocket.

*Hey, gumdrop, we're having dinner with a guest this evening, make sure to be back with Maximus by six, love you*


"Please don't tell me it's mum" Max groaned "Okay I won't tell you then" Louis said as he placed his phone back in his pocket "But seriously, parents shouldn't be allowed to have a phone, who uses a broken heart to say I love you, do they even know what it means" Louis added in a disgusted voice as max laughed away to his heart content.

"You know the deal bud, let's hit the road" Louis said "No, I don't want to go home now" Max groaned "I know right, me neither, I'm sure it's one of those grandmas that has a hunch back and smells like old people"

"Your making it worst" Max cried, Louis laughed "Common bud, get your butt up" "On one condition, you let me drive the bike" Max said hopefully "Definitely not, do u want to kill us both kid, I'm not ready to die" Louis said "But I can let you hold it though, now come on, let move" Max got up reluctantly and they both got on the silk black power bike and drove back to their mansion.

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