NovelToon NovelToon

Chasing Stars

The Start

The bustling streets just an hour ago had gone quiet after the news had spread worldwide of the major catastrophe that shook into the minds of many.

Now everyone wore a mask to keep themselves safe or at least make an attempt to keep their lives longer, a small cough from one person would immediately bring panic to the others that surround them.

Doctors do their best to keep everyone alive and safe. All scientist going around their workplace doing their best to find a cure or a vaccine at the very least to keep the virus from spreading.

The source of it all was still a mystery, the government issuing people to stay in their household and await for further updates, the whole world was on lockdown and the continuous rise in panic buying from the citizen brought a great issue in the world's economy.

Some began to protest about the condition they were put in and others stay in the dark, keeping quiet in hopes that they would not get caught in the cross fire.

After years of no answer or cure, the virus eventually evolved and turned the sickly people to attack other. It had spread to their minds and brought out their fear of dying and in desperate need to continue living which snapped their instincts to attack and protest, they creatures that infect others with a single bite much like the things which we call 'zombies', however they were called Ravages, in short they are called 'Raves'.

People fought the best they can to hold of this creatures or monster who were once humans, the military lost a lot of it's man power as they grew tired and restless in battle and the endless sacrifices they had to make for the future of humanity

This continued on for 3 years until the government issued a new policy to live underground, this was supposed to be a temporary solution, However, as years dragged on, people were still stricken with fear that the virus in the surface was still in the air, so they had long forgotten how they used to live in the surface and now wish to continue living underground.

Their cities grew in number and soon the whole world was full of life again, flourishing and progress like before, however, the surface also began to evolve, and new life forms had long invaded the lands in the surface and the Raves continue to roam the lands above.

Few Raves would try to get through the entrances of underground cities due to starvation and some abnormal/stronger than the average Rave were sometimes successful in getting pass the entrance but they would not make it far to get to the cities due to the sacrifices that the military made.

A few engineers also build new military equipments and artilleries to help fend off the creatures that lurk from the surface.

The military had gained a new branch called hunters, they were given tasks to go to the surface and investigate and go on searches for a clue that could be useful in developing a cure.

The hunters had also made several attempts to reclaim the surface, but none had ever been deemed successful, most thought that it was hopeless to go back to the surface and gave up on dreaming to ever go back to their old lives.

It wasn't always peaceful underground as notorious criminals roam the streets and the number of crimes were growing, and the police do their best to ease the tension, but it was a tough problem to deal with so the equipments were upgraded to something that was like out of sci-fi movies, it was cool looking, yet it still strikes fear in the hearts of others.

The rich, however, were living their best lives as they were separated from all the commotion and lived off in the more quiet places away from the dangerous parts of the city, in an expensive looking penthouse.

This division had caused more commotion coming from the lower classes as they protest, wanting to be treated equally with the higher classes. There were still those whoe keep quiet and accepted their ways of living in some parts of the neighborhood but their peace never last forever some would become victims to burglary and murder

The Wait

Gunshots were fired from a distant alleyway followed by screams and cries of a woman begging for her life to be spared, this was a daily occurrence in these parts of the underground city.

There were different kinds of underground cities and all of them were connected by tunnels which require the use of trains, only few people were allowed to travel to different cities with the use of a 'track card', these cards were obtained through a high rank in the profile that was made by the system in the underground so to speak, it was like a v.i.p. card to travel.

Some cities were also either shut down or discontinued due to other outbreaks or a contamination with the surface air. These cities were all blocked out and all route that lead to it were all closed off for the safety of all people.

Due to the continuous decrease of the economy, an event was held by the government once a year, where ten representatives of each and every city would be brought up to the surface to try and reclaim the lands or bring back valuable resources, those who would be successful will be given a higher rank to their profiles in the system the government made and would be given the luxury to live in a better neighborhood and a comfortable household.

So far, only very few people were successful in collecting valuable resources, but none were able to reclaim a land, those who failed to complete their tasks were never seen again and those who came back seem to lose their memories of what occurred in the surface.

The 'System' made by the government served the purpose of creating the profile of each and every citizen in all the cities and this was to maintain peace and order as some would say, however, it also caused a great division within the people.

The government had then become dependent on the decisions of the system thus our daily lives consisted of having to follow the rules implemented by the 'system'

There were also added upgrades to our living such as more advanced technologies and robots were also added to the case, we call them 'bi-tech', they had the purpose of serving us in any way they can.

A year had gone by in a flash, the day came where everyone waited patiently for the announcement to come any moment that very day, all grew anxious in the wait and hoped for the best that they would not be chosen by the system.

Three children are seen running along the streets, chasing each other towards an empty demolished that was long abandoned and discontinued in an empty part of the neighborhood

Climbing up the scaffolding and onto the rooftop that held their little hideout, the first to arrive to the top was the girl, Y/n, a young girl with the drive to seek more adventure

"Ha! Got here first like always"

Showing of her cheeky grin and pumping her fist up in the air

"Hah... No fair, Jake w-was slowing me down"

Panting out heavily, Oliver grabbed onto the hand that Y/n held out to him followed by the boy named Jake

"TSK TSK TSK, it's no use complaining because it was obvious from the very start that I would beat you two like always"

Bragged the girl, prolonging the a in always as she waved her pointer finger in the air and shrugged her shoulders in a boastful manner

"Yeah, well... someday me and Jake will beat you somehow"

Says Oliver while putting his hand on his chest and pointing to the boy beside him who was busy patting himself off of dirt and grime

"Yeah, whatever, c'mon... hurry up will ya!"

Rushing into a tent and bringing out a few snacks that they had stashed from yesterday while the other two were busy setting up a mat that they could lay down on

Dropping the snacks onto the mat, all three kids sat and played a few board games, waiting for announcement to flash on the big screen on a building not far from where they were

The sudden sound of an alarm caught their attention and immediately their eyes were locked onto the screen and waited for their district to be mentioned

Y/n stood up proudly and pointed to herself, flashing the other two a grin

"I will grow up to be a hunter and get to see the surface along with you two by my side!"

Using her other hand to point at the other two boys that were sat on the ground, looking up at her like she was crazy or delusional

"Hah?! Have you not listened to a single word they taught us at school about the surface? You'll likely just give up on that dream of yours once you realize that it's hopeless"

Said Jake, scolding her for having the idea of going to the surface, worried that she might get herself hurt or in the worse case go missing like what happened to those that never came back from the surface

"Nu uh, I'll keep this dream of mine and one day you'll see me living my best life in one of those big comfortable houses they have in the Crannes district"

"You re-

Jake was suddenly cut off by Oliver who had put a hand over his mouth and stopped him from further saying anything to the girl in front of them and pointed to the screen behind the girl with a look of shock and concern

" Hey, isn't that your brother"

Turning her attention back onto the screen behind her, she dropped her hands to her side as her eyes seemed to be glued on the image that was flashed onto the screen

"Cole L/n"

The dictator mentioned her brother's name and continued on calling out the names of those who were chosen to go to the surface.

Thoughts came rushing to her head as she rushed to go down the building and back down the familiar path towards home

'My eyes must have been mistaken me, there's no way, this can't be happening!'

"Y/n! Wait for us"

"Run faster Oli!"

Shouted the other two who were doing their best to catch up to the girl in front of them while avoiding debris that were all over the place and out into the quiet streets

Occasionally bumping into people, arriving in front of an old apartment complex, barging inside and up the empty eerie stairwell

Y/n arrives to the floor where their apartment should be and notices a few men and bi-tech who were armed with guns wating in front of their apartment door with a brown folder in the hand of the man in front of them


Sat down on the set of stairs in front of their apartment complex building, Y/n held her head down in her crossed arms that were rested on her knees, seeming unbothered

The lights that were hung all over the underground city was then adjusted to a dim setting, signalling everyone that it was nearing dusk time in the surface

Hoping that this very moment was just a dream and her brother was just lying peacefully in his room with all of his creation lying messily all around his desk

Her brother had gotten into an accident a few years back which resulted in breaking his right leg, it had healed, yet he had to walk around with a limp for the rest of his life

He used to be a great inventor, however, one small mistake was made that caused him to forever be disabled and hindered from doing any straining work

familiar uneven footsteps approached her from behind, followed by a big warm hand shaking her shoulder to wake her up from her state

Looking up to see Shane smiling down at her, acting normal like he usually did despite being chosen to go up to the surface and to be deployed a few days later


Not able to continue what she was about to say when she was suddenly cut of by his other hand ruffling her hair

"Stand up, it's dirty here"

He said, the side of his lip turning upwards to show her a smile, not wanting his sister to go back upstairs with a dirty stain mark on her dress and to spare her from their mother's scolding

Not speaking any further, she stood up and patted herself down as dirt and grime was shaken off from her dress

She looked up and took the hold of her brother's hand that was outstretched for her to take

Upon arrival, Y/n opened the door of their apartment and let her brother inside, grasping her brother's hand tightly as she looked up at his tired state

"Hey now, I may look weak and tired right now but don't forget that I'm strong on the inside and I can depend on my genius brain anytime"

Pointing at himself with a smug smirk on his face, puffing out his chest to make him look slightly better and with pride to assure his little sister

Y/n let out a huff and punched her brother's side, making him wince in pain in the process and holding onto his pained side

"Hmph, that brain of yours doesn't seem to be in the right state of mind since you keep forgetting where you leave your keys"

Letting out a gasp and putting on a pained expression with a hand on his chest dramatically, putting his hand on her shoulder and going down on the floor, pulling her down with him in the process

"Oh dear sister, your words have struck me where it really hurts"

"Agh, let g-go, idiot"

Flailing her arms around in the air as her brother was choking her slightly as he had his arm around her neck and was pulling her down with his weight, eventually, she went tumbling down to the ground with her brother

He let out a loud laughter and ruffled her hair. Standing back up, Y/n waited for her brother to follow after to get up from the floor, however, he just stretched out his hand for her to pull and help him back up with a grin on his face, knowing that it would annoy her

Struggling to pull her brother back up, she hoisted his arm over her shoulder and pulled the best she could like pulling a heavy sack over her shoulder that was dragging on the floor, but it was way worse since her brother wouldn't budge from his place

Dropping his arm on the floor harshly, she left him on the floor cackling then came back from the other room with a mysterious aura surrounding her

Letting out an evil laugh, Y/n pulled out a broom from behind her and ran over to her brother, raising it up in the air, ready to strike down on his head






Inhaling deeply and puffing her chest out,

Y/n let out a victorious cheer while she held the broom in her right hand while her brother came out from the other room rubbing his head, wincing in pain from the hit he had taken

"Oh well, if it isn't the self-proclaimed genius HEHEHEHE"

Letting out a dark chuckle at the end of her statement, covering her cheeky grin with her other hand as she laughed at her brother's misery

"Ugly Chihuahua"

Poking his tongue out at his sister, copying her childish act, Shane called his little sister something that would surely pull her strings

"What did you say?"

Tilting her head to the side with a heavy dangerous aura emitting from her, she held the broom tightly between her hands as she slowly approached him with the obvious intent of hitting him again

"Ah haha haha, would you look at that. It's time for dinner, I have to go to the kitchen and cook now"

Sweat dropping, He left to the other room to avoid his little sister's wrath and to prepare for dinner

Waiting patiently on the couch in the living room, Y/n busied herself with one of her brother's creations, twisting and turning the cube, every twist and turn made it let out different colors


startled by the loud crash sound from the kitchen, Y/n got down from the couch and went to check on her brother only to see the kitchen lights turned off, reaching up the wall beside her to turn the switch on only for nothing to work, the light wouldn't turn on

Reaching over to the side and clutching the object tightly close to her chest, revealing the broom that she was playing with earlier, her hands trembled as she feared of what ever lurked in the darkness of the kitchen


Her voice trembled as she called out to her brother as she walked around the kitchen in the darkness using her sense of touch as her guide through to avoid knocking things over

Stopping on her tracks when she felt the refrigerator infront of her then continuing to her left when all of a sudden a pair of hands came out from the darkness behind her and pulled her into the pantry, with a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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