NovelToon NovelToon



"Aiden..." I shake my head, eyes fixed anywhere but the gorgeous man next to me.

His hand grips my chin tightly, just enough to make me avert my eyes to his.

"You know you want this as much as I fúckiñg do. I want you to be mine. I want to be the one to hold you and kiss you the one you go to whenever you're happy or fúckiñg sad. But let it be me, let me fúckiñg show you that it should be me." He glares, jaw tensing.


Avery, considers her life normal. As normal as it can get with six overprotective brothers and a father out of the picture. When she starts her senior year in high school she expects nothing but that. A normal year, with her long term boyfriend and best friend. But when the unexpected happens and a kiss with her older brothers' best friend, Aiden, turns her life upside down, Avery is thrown into a life she never saw herself live, with a forbidden relationship, illegal businesses, dangers, secrets and heartbreaks

AVERY MARCHETTI :18 year old!

AIDEN SMITH : 25 year old!!


•Xavier Marchetti (Age : 25)

•Hunter Marchetti (Age : 23)

•Tristan Marchetti (Age : 20)

•Zach Marchetti (Age: 20)

•Parker Marchetti (Age:16)

•Ashton Marchetti (Age: 14)

•Summer Smith {Aiden's sister} (Age:18)


"Bellincioni", upon hearing the name my mom was of the couch in seconds. Ignoring my confusion she gripped tightly onto my arm and dragged me upstairs.

My feet touched the cold marble as I tried to catch up to her. I turned my head just before we turned another corner. My eyes caught a glimpse of the broken front door and smashed vase.

I tried to ignore the shouts and the horrifying sound of gunfire coming from downstairs, but it was hard, my ears rang and my heart nearly beat out of my chest.

She swung the door to her's and dad's bedroom open and dragged me inside. I stood behind her as she locked the door.

"Under the bed." She pointed at me sternly. I knew she wasn't mad, not at me at least, she was never mad at me. I obeyed, not wanting to upset her any further.

Rolling under, I narrowed my eyes to get a better sight of what was going on in the room. I flinched when the door broke down and a pair of black boots stood in front of the bed, melting in with the nearly nonexistent light.

I could tell it was a man by the sound of the voice that followed shortly after. He demanded money.

Refusing the demand, my mom slowly backed away.

That was all it took.

Three gunshots went off, before her body collided with the floor.

The ringing in my ears got louder as I saw the man's boots walk out of the room, overstepping the once white door that was now probably covered in mud.

I don't know how much time passed before I emerged from under the bed. It could've been mere seconds, I had no idea.

The moonlight shone through the big window, lighting up the room enough for me to see the limp body that I recognised as mom. Blood covered her once white shirt, making it look black under the moonlight.

"Mom?" I barely whispered, as I looked into her eyes for any sign of life, but they were empty.

My knees buckled underneath me and I fell hard on the floor but I felt felt nothing. I was numb.

A scream ripped out of my throat.

My hands began shaking uncontrollably as I tried to stop the blood flow, but it was no use. Her cold hands and lifeless eyes, that stared right at me told me that she had already left............



My eyes snap open on their own accord. I sit up against my headboard and place a hand over my chest, as I desperately try to calm my racing heart. I furiously look around the pitch black room for any kinds of danger but find none.

The sound of my door, practically being ripped open, makes me shift my gaze to it. Zach, my little brother by one year, stands by the doorframe, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay, Aves?" His voice sounds sleepy. His appearance telling me just that, dark, tousled hair and dropy eyes.

Guilt washes over me and I look down. The white sheet on my matresssunddenly becoming the most interesting to look at. Is that a rose next to the butterfly?

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I barely whisper. I wipe my cheek as the salty taste of a tear lands on my bottom lip.

Shaking his head, he keeps the door open, letting the dim light of the hallway shine into the room. Zach walks further into my room, taking a seat at the edge of my bed, leaving the mattress sink under his weight and opens his arms wide, inviting me in for one of his hugs.

He wraps me up in his arms and I rest my head against his hard shoulder, desperately trying to swallow the golf ball sized lump in my throat. I breath in his familiar scent, calming down a little. At least I know he's still here.

"Was it one of the nightmares?" He asks hesitantly, after a while of complete silence. I nod against him, unable to form a word. It'll either be no sound coming out of my mouth at all or a sound that resembles a dying wale trying to speak.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head.

There's nothing new to say. He and all my brothers know what the nightmares are about. They might not be the same all the time but they are about the same event; the night mom got múrdered. Even six years later, I still get them, maybe not as regularly, thanks to my therapist, but she said it was normal.

I would never be able to get rid of them completely, no matter how much I want to, but you can't get everything you heart desires, can you? At least I got to stopy therapy sessions. She said I made progress and that my mental state got steady. I call bullcrap. Sometimes.

"Sleep with me?" I sleepily ask once I've calmed down and he nods before pulling away.

I lay in the middle of my king sized bed. Zach grabs the covers-I just now notice are laying on the floor-and motions for me to scoot over. Once I do, he grabs the fluffiest pillow-which happens to be the one I'm having my head on-earning a scowl from me and makes himself comfortable.

With my pillow.

Soon enough, his soft snores fill the room. I sigh and shakily turn my back to him, trying to get some sleep myself.

   **********THE MORNING*********

An annoyingly loud alarm goes off, waking me up but I stay under the covers, knowing that my brother will probably turn it off, but when a good minute pass, with the annoying sound still going off, I turn to my side only to find the other side of the bed empty.

Sighing loudly, I get out of bed and let the cold air, outside my warm covers hit the exposed skin on my legs and arms.

My eyes widen as I realize that today's the last first day of school and I rush into the bathroom, in need of a good shower to wake me up. That and it was in my bucket list to enter my last first day of high school with freshly washed hair.

When I'm out of the shower, I walk into my closet and am left disappointed when I notice that the only pants available for me to wear is a pair if skinny jeans, that are the definition of skinny.

Sure enough, they cling on me like a second skin. Yeah, I don't think my brothers will let me wear this.

If the pants were light khaki coloured, I'm pretty sure that it would look like I don't wear any. The golden seamline in the middle, parts my būtt cheeks and it looks more like a pair of jean coloured spandex thíghs than jeans. And don't get me started on my thíghs. You can see the movement of my muscles and flesh with each step I take.

Throwing on one of Tristan's stolen sweatshirts, I skip downstairs with dread on my face. They're all going to throw a tantrum when they see what I'm wearing.

Sighing in defeat, I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. My eyebrows raise in surprise when the only people I see are my three younger siblings. All of them sit by the kitchen island, eating cereal in complete silence. Distant looks in their eyes.

I mentally thank God for saving me like this. If my older brothers would be here, I would probably be changing clothes right now. Clothes if their choice.

"Where's the others?" I question, as I make myself a bowl of cereal by the counter across from them. "Work." Zach answers, not once taking his eyes off the wall behind my head.

This is starting to creep me out.

I give him a hesitant nod, which he probably didn't even notice, and walk over to the wooden table by the window. With my ear buds in my ear, the music on the loudest and a book on my phone in front of me, I eat my cinnamon toast crunch, cutting the rest of the world around me out.

That doesn't work in my favor though, because I nearly have a heart attack when big arms wrap themselves around my shoulders, pulling my back against a stone-hard chest.

"Excited for the first day?" Hunter pulls one earbud out of my ear and leans his head against my shoulder. His dark green eyes-that match mine-stare at me expectantly.

"Stop creeping up on me like that you creep!" I slap his arms off, making him chuckle. "And I don't know if I should be excited or not. And you need a hair cut. " I mumble the last part, earning chuckles from Xavier and Tristan-two of my three older brothers-and unfortunately, Aiden, their best friend, aka the person who annoys me more than life itself. Sometimes.

I've known the guy all my life and I even considered him a friend at one point. But that 'friendship' has turned into more of love-hate relationship-where the 'hate' overpowers the 'love'-over the past five, something years. He's just gotten worst the past one. Always throwing his smart remarks and always having his own opinion-which most of the time is negative-on things I want to do or wear.

He is the defenition of tall, dark and handsom-I won't even go there. Aiden annoys the poop out of me. He is almost as overprotective of me as my brothers are, and since-

Hunter's dissapointed voice cuts my internal Aiden-rant off.

"I thought you liked my hair cut." He puts his button lip. It's kind of weird seeing a twenty-two year old man, that always has a blank face towards everyone, doing that but that doesn't make it any less adorable.

"I didn't say that, but your hair has grown way too much." I grip a fistful of his chastenut hair and give him a small smile in which he returns.

"If you say so." He shrugs and takes a seat next to me, draping his arm around my shoulder as I continue to eat.

"Don't you have to pick Summer up?" Aiden says, all of a sudden, his perfectly shaped, dark eyebrows scrunched up together.

My eyes roam his well sculpted face. High cheekbones, jawline as sharp a a knife. Perfectly sized nose, that's slightly crooked, I think he broke it a few months back, and among looking lips. His dark hair is swiped off to the side and back, leaving his amazing tattoos, on the side of his head exposed. Defenetly the definition of tall, dark and handsome.

"Yes, I do what's it to you?" I reply, dryly, shooting him a glare.

"No need to be so damn-"

"Can the two of you please have a civil conversation?" Xavier looks bored between us but we continue our glare competition. "And, Aves, Aiden's right you need to get going, the others already left." He nods towards the kitchen island. I turn my head and sure enough, the only one there is Ashton, who's riding with me.

"Yeah, fine." I roll my eyes and kiss Hunter's cheek before standing up, totally forgetting what I'm wearing.

"What kind of fúckiñg pants are these?" Xavier's voice snaps. I can feel all of their eyes staring holes in the back of my head. I make eye contact with Ashton who smriks at me.


"Is that my lost sweatshirt?" Tristan sounds shocked.

Double crap.

"Uhm, these are called jeans and I don't know what sweatshirt you're talking about. I bought this a few weeks ago." I turn around slowly, giving them an innocent smile.

All of them glare at me, jaws clenched. Even Aiden. See this is one of the reasons as to why this guy irritates me so much, how is it any of his buisne-

"You're changing out of these pants. Now." Xavier speaks with finality in his deep voice.

I sigh, "I don't have any other pants to wear. They're in the laundry." Without a word, he points at the chair I was sitting on as he stands up walking out of the kitchen. I sink back in the chair, all three pairs of eyes glaring at me.

"Here." Xavier hands me a pair of grey sweatpants, which I assume are Ashton's, considering he's more my size than any of my other brothers who are all at least 6'2, they might be even taller.

"Why are you giving her my sweats!?" He exclaims from behind me, taking the unwanted glares away from me.

"I mean yeah, she can have them." He mumbles. I grab the pants from Xav's hand and walk into the restroom in the hall, quickly changing into them after I see the time. I need to hurry.

Having, my skinny jeans in hand-for probably the last time-I walk out and hand them to Xav, before biding all of them goodbye and walking out the door with Ashton behind me.

We enter my car, a white Range Rover-that I still have no idea how we have money for and I speed off.

Ten minutes and a lot of Ashton's terrible rapping in the background, my redhead best friend gets in the backseat.

"Hi!" She smiles happily, giving Ashton's cheek a pinch.

"Hey," I smile at her through the rear view mirror.

Summer Smith. My child hood best friend and probably the only friend I have. Basically a sister to my brothers and Aiden.

(Long story in short : Her mom, Withley, is Aiden's godmother, his and my mom's best friend and basically my motherly figure since my mother died)

"Are you excited for Freshman year, kiddo?" She asks Ashton.

"No," he scoffs, "nothing changed since you last asked me which was last night." He reminds her.

"Whatever," she mumbles before turning her attention to me. "Are you excited for the last first day of high school?" She smiles widely.

"Yes, and like he said nothing changed since you last asked me which was last night." I playfully roll my eyes at her.

"It's not my problem that I'm the most talkative person in this car."

"I am actually singing, so it's kind of obvious that I don't talk, don't you think?" Ashton asks her rhetorically.

"Well, you sing horribly for your information." She shrugs.

"Why do you still keep her around?" Ashton looks at me pleadingly. Summer gasps and holds a manicured hand on her chest, right over her heart.

"Enough, we're here." I park the car and get out, the other follow suit. I look amusedly at Ashton who's looking around with an unreadable expression.

High school kids stand everywhere, either alone or with their friends. Poor freshamns, they look scared.

"I'm off," and he's gone before we get a chance to reply.

"Babe!" Jason shouts. Thank god, Ashton left. Neither he or my brothers, or Aiden, know about him and I would like to keep it that way, but considering me and Jason have dated for a year, he wants to spend time with me, outside school, public places and his house. He wants to meet my family; my brothers.

Little does he know that if he places a foot close to my house or me, he'll probably get beaten up, or killed or escorted by our guards. Yes, we have bodyguards. 'Extra protection when we're not home' Xavier's words.

"Hi," I smile gently, he pecks my lips. "Hey, Aves." Asher, Summer's boyfriend greets me. They don't know she has a boyfriend either. For the same reasons.

"Hi," I nod.

"What are you wearing?" He looks me up and down. The others do too.

"Ashton's pants." I roll my eyes, they all chuckle at me.

"I want to see you wearing my clothes." He whines playfully, scrunching his light brown eyebrows up in the middle.

I smile gently, looking him up and down. Blue jeans and blue sweater that matches his blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. You wouldn't think he's a receiver in the football team.

"You're wearing jeans." I swat his shoulder playfully. He does not look like a receiver from schools football team that's for sure. I thought he played lacrosse the first time I saw him.

I meet eyes with Summer. She looks between us with a tight smile. She was never fond of Jason but when she and Asher got together, she started to somehow accepting him. Thanks Asher for being his best friend.

"And they're comfortable." He shrugs just as the bell rings. The conversation about me wearing Jason's clothes, luckily comes to and end, and the guys lead us inside the school building.

Jason tries holding my hand, but I let go of his as soon as we touch, not wanting to risk getting caught by one of my brothers.

The rest of the day goes by like that. Me trying to get as far away from Jason as I can get, who's getting more than touchy. This dude just doesn't get that I can't tell them about him. He doesn't seem to love his pretty face that's for sure.

He even got mad at me at lunch for not sitting by his table with him, which was the same table Zach was sitting on. He's the quarterback. One of school's biggest players.

It runs in the family.

Back to Jason, he said he understood when I gave him the milionth explanation but he's still trying to convince me to tell my brothers right about now.

"You just don't understand." I groan.

"Aves, I just want to meet them, we've been dating for almost a year now." I get the double meaning behind his words but I don't let my uneasiness show.

"I'll think about it." I finally sigh. A wide grin stretches his face. "Thank you, babe, I gotta go now. Love you!"He calls behind him as he walks away, probably going to the football field."Love you too." I mumble.

"Fúckiñg finally! What were you two discussing about for-" Summer looks at her clock-"twelve minutes?" She gaps at me.

I turn the car on and drive out of schools parking lot. "He wants to meet the guys."

She nods her head knowingly. "Yeah," I sigh. I do a lot of that lately. "Wait Ashton!" She gasps.

"He's coming back with Zach, wanted to try out for the lacrosse team." I explain, my eyes fixed on the road ahead.

We sit in comfortable silence until she speaks again. "I've got an amazing idea!" She exclaims. I turn to her for a second. She looks deep in thought but the smile on her face tells me what I already know. I probably won't like this.

"Let's throw a party!"

"Yeah! And then get high and go skydiving in California!" I match her excited tone, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Summer's always been the... extreme type of person. That'll show on her clothes, hair pretty much her whole personality and I am not the least surprised that suggested to throw a party for our birthdays. She's just a few days older than me, and she suggested the same thing when we turned sixteen. The girl wanted a party with the whole school invited. And surprise, surprise. The guys didn't let us.

"Avery, I'm serious." She deadpans. I pull up in front of the gate surrounding my house and lower my window when Danny knocks on it.

He's our head bodyguard. Has worked for my parents since Xavier was born and now works for my brother.

"Hi, Danny." I smile.

"Hello, Avery do you want me to open the garage for you?" He uses my full name. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. I always park outside. He seems to understand my confusion explains.

"Aiden parked in your space." He nods toward where I usually park my car. I follow his gaze and my eyes land on the black lamborghini belonging to none other than him.

Annoying A$$hole...

I roll my eyes and nod for him to do so. Parking inside, Summer stops me from getting out.

"We should tell them now." She smiles. "So you were serious?" I dread for hear answer. "Yes! Come on Aves, we're turning eighteen. I think they'll let us." She shrugs.


Annoyance bubbles inside me when I see Aiden sitting next to Xav. He whispers something harshly, his well defined jaw clenching when he does so.

Xav gives him a nod before they both turn to look at us, standing by the doorway of the kitchen, waiting for them to finish.

"Hey, Summer." Xavier smiles opening his arms wide for her. She hugs him, then Aiden and stands back beside me when she's done.

"So, we wanted to talk to you guys about something." She smiles brightly, twirling a strand of her red hair around her finger. A sign that she's nervous.

"Yeah?" Aiden speaks up. I roll my eyes.

"Actually, why don't you tell them, Aves?" She gives me a push and hides half her body behind me. As much as she can at least, being a good inch taller than me and all.

My eyes meet Aiden's green ones. It always feels as if he's looking right through my soul whenever we make eyecontact. It makes me uncomfortable. No one's need to know what's going on inside me. I avert my eyes to Xavier's.

"We wanted to talk to you about a party." I say slowly. Their expressions remain blank.

"Let me guess, for your eighteenth birthday?" Tristans bored voice sounds from behind us.

"Yeah." We confirm in unison, nodding our heads.




"No" The three of them say at the same time. Our hopeful looks get wiped away by frowns.

"Guys, come on, you can be there, just please please please let us have the party!" Summer pleads after seconds of silence and staring between us and their poker faces.

Pouting out my lip and widening my eyes, I look directly at Xavier. This puppy dog face worked on him when I was younger. Hopefully it still does the trick. I smrik internally.

"Come on, Xav, we're getting eighteen after all!" I beg. His hard facade vanishes and his eyes soften. Just a tiny bit. At least his thinking about it.

He let's sighs loudly, knowing I've won. That gets Aiden's and Tristans attention.

"Are you seriously thinking about it!?" Annoying A$$thole Aiden throws his hands up in the air.

"What's it to you?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest.

He sends me a glare but doesn't answer.

"Have the party," we squeal as the words leave his mouth. "But," he continues, we quiet down and look at him. I bite my lip, to keep my lip from twitching upwards. "We're all going to be there." He finishes.

The both of us jump up and down excitedly like some twelve year olds and squeal, ignoring the two holes burning the sides of our faces.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" We say simultaneously before skipping upstairs to my room.

As soon as she opens my room she runs and jumps on my bed. I walk over and lay next to her. "I'm so excited," I mumble, grinning widely.

We both stare up at the ceiling in silence. Me thinking about the party and her probably doing the same. How will Jason act if he knows my brothers are here. Maybe I shouldn't tell him. He might not be as touchy as he usually is when he wants to show off that we're together. The fact annoys me, same with every other thing he does to put some kind of reassurance of our relationship in people's minds.

He can randomly start calling me 'baby' around people. He never calls me that. Just Aves or babe.

"When are you telling them?" She asks and I turn my head to the side to look at her. "About Jason." She says realising I was confused.

"Oh, well, I don't know, when do you think I should?" I ask looking back at the white ceiling.

Please say never.

I know for a fact she won't say that.

"Now, at dinner." My eyes widen. I sit up against my headboard, looking at her. She has a wide grin on her face, as she braids her red hair over the side of her shoulder.

"I can't tell them today! It's too early. The poor guy will die at eighteen. I mean imagine," I bring my hands up in front of me, pulling them apart slowly as if making an invisible sign. "Cause of death; murdered by ex- girlfriend's brothers after revealing their relationship." I gasp dramatically. 1

"You forgot to add," she makes the same invisible sign with her hands, "and their best friend." I give her a are-you-serious look. She smiles wider.

She always smiles. Ahh, happy people.

"Aves, the longer you keep it from them the worse will their reaction be, and you've kept it long enough, don't you think? I mean a year?" She turns serious before laying down.

"I'll do it." She nods happily. "Only if you tell them about Asher." She frowns but eventually agrees.

A few more hours are spent in my room with nail painting, party planning and ideas of how to tell the guys about the other guys.

"Are you ready?" Summer asks as she pulls her red hair into a ponytail. She'll end up bald if she keeps the hair styling up.

"No" I sigh and open the door.

We walk down the hallway and down the stairs, passing by the nearly empty foyer, except the round table in the middle, past the living room, in to the kitchen and through the dinner room entrance.

Everyone is sitting around the black table in the middle of the room. Xavier is sitting at one end while Aiden is sitting at the other. Loud conversation is going on between everyone and we go unnoticed as we take our seats. Me taking a seat in between Summer and Zach, with Tristan, Hunter, Parker and Ashitn in front of us.

A big happy family.

"Do it, now," she whispers in my ear and I swallow my spaghetti. Everyone's too loud and too engrossed in their own conversations to pay attention to our whispering. I hope.

"I'm not ready, I can't tell them about Jason now." I whisper back. Putting another forkful in my mouth.

"We can do it at the same time"

"What so we're just gonna blurt it out?" I ask surprised. Summer was never one to say something serious without a prologue."Ye-" She half snaps because Tristan cuts her off.

"What are you two whispering about?" He asks curiously and we look at him, only to find everyone staying at us.

"Um um" I stutter and feel a sharp pain on my knee. "Ow!" I look at Summer who gives me a tell-them-now look. I sigh and turn my attention to Xavier. "We have to tell you something."

Xavier frowns and I see his eyes fill with worry, I bet they'll change into anger in a few seconds. "Well tell us then." Hunter says and I look at Summer and she nods, grabbing my hand. "We h-" We get cut off by Ashton.

"Are you girls together!? I knew you two weren't just best friends. I just wanted to say that it's totally fine with your relationship as long as you don't make out in front of me."

We all look at him with mouths wide open.

"What are you talking about?" Summer furrow s her eyebrows.

"You change in front of each other, you go to the bathroom together. You even sleep in the same bed." He rants loudly before going back to his normal voice. "But that's fine." Tilting his head to the side.

"Ash, we're best friends of course we do all you said together?" Summer questions at the same time I shout.

"We're not together!"

The guys laugh and Ashton looks down at his plate, embarrassed. "Oh, well go on." He says, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Okay, so we wanted to tell you that" Summer looks at me and I nod. "We have boyfriends." We look around the table at everyone.

Hunter drops his fork on his plate, Tristan swallows hard, making a disgusting sound and everyone else just look at us expecting us to shout this is just a joke. I assume. They're sadly getting their hopes up, it isn't a joke and the more the deadly silence continues the more nerve wracking this dinner gets.

I don't think I've ever heard such loud silence in this house before. Just once before. It was like this for three months after mom died, but none of us was in the same room as the other. I shake that memory away.

"So...?" I awkwardly trail off.

Xavier clears his throat. Me and Summer look at him. My heart nearly beats out if my chest as I wait for his next words. "You have what?" He asks dryly. I take a sip of my water. The cold liquid helping my dry throat.

I needed that.

"We have boyfriends." We repeat lowly.

"You're not allowed to have boyfriends." Aiden says loud enough for everyone to hear. I roll my eyes at his antics.

"Stop acting like this is any of your buisness." I galre at him.

"It is my fúckiñg buisness!" He snaps angrily. I don't miss the clenched jaw and fists on top of the table. Why is he so damn protective? He's not my brother and he better start acting like it.

"It shouldn't be, you're not my brother!" I reply childishly. Kind off. Its the truth after all.

"I fucking know that." He grits out. The way his silver ring digs into his tattooed skin as he does so looks painful. I internally wince.

"Wait, so you have boyfriends as in a boy. A boy you're in a r-relationship with." Hunter speaks next. Xavier and Aiden clear their throats at that.

I would smile at him if it wasn't for the annoying A$$hole that's currently staring-no glaring at me. Hunter's always the peacemaker. Always talking things through with me and he listens instead of getting into conclusions and shouting at me, like all of my other brothers. And Aiden.

"Yes." Summer replies.

"You're not fúckiñg allowed to." Tristan grits out. The poor fork in his hand is going to break in half if he keeps holding it in such a death grip.

"You're not the one to decide that." I mimick his voice.

"Break up with them." Xavier speaks for the first time. I'm not surprised my younger siblings haven't talked yet. I'm certain that they're all looking at us while trying to bite back their smiles.

"No." I look him in the eyes. "Why would I do that? I like Jason." I try to keep my voice calm.

A fork drops. Clanking against the porcelain beneath it.

"Jason!? Jason in the football team, Jason?" Zach gasps. I nod.

"Well, let's meet them then." All of our heads snap to Xavier. He leans back against his chair, the navy blue suit of his stretching along his tall frame.

"Yeah, I would like to meet the so called Justin." Aiden's deep voice agrees. I grit my teeth.

"His name is Jason." He smirks at me. I want to slap it off. "And you're not meeting them." Summer says.

"Then break up with them." Tristan shrugs. As if that will happen.

"We won't do anything. We'll just introduce ourselves." Xavier resurs, shrugging one shoulder in a careless way.

"And your caveman ways." I mumble.

"Great! Your little boyfriends are coming here for dinner tomorrow!" Parker claps his hand.

I share an exasperated look with Summer.

              *******NEXT DAY*******

I walk out of my room and see Summer. She nods in approval at what I'm wearing and leads me downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hello, Mrs. Claire." We greet and she turns around from the stove. She's wearing a pink dress that ends under her knee with an white aproon wrapped around her waist. Her short brown hair is curled up and she has a bright smile across her face, showing all of her white teeth. "Hello, you two look very beautiful." She says in her thick italian accent.

She's one of the maids that work in the house. She's more like family though. I've known her all my life and she's been working for my parents and eventually Xavier for a long time. Alike Danny's situation.

"Thank you, what are you cooking?" Summer asks peering into the frizzling pan.

"Oh I'm cooki-" She stops talking when Xavier barges into the kitchen, shouting something at the phone held up agisnt his ear. "Still! I want my money now! "He hangs up, slamming the phone down on the counter. I feel bad. For the phone.

Even if I'm half italian, the only thing understood was miei, I think it means my, but I'm not completely sure.

"Is everything fine?" Mrs. Claire asks Xavier and I can tell she's worried. "yes" He says and turns to me and Summer.

"You girls look beautiful but, take that lipstick off, Avery." He says pointing at my red lips. I roll my eyes. Like heck I am.

(Is everything fine?)

Aiden comes in soon after, jaw clenched. His grey armani suit hugs his huge biceps. I'm sure they're the size of my thíghs. Looking away from him, I turn to the fridge before he can see me checking him out.

Did I just admit that I did that? I shake my head. I just looked at what he was wearing.

"Well, don't you look nice? But that lipstick, is just a big no." I hear Aiden's voice from behind me before a hand comes around my mouth and wipes the red colour off my lips. Well, smudges all around my lips.

"Aiden!" I turn around. He chuckles when he sees the lipstick all the way up to my nose and the sides of my cheeks.

"Go take it off. You're too innocent for that colour." He mumbles the last part to himself as he walks out the kitchen.

Mrs. Claire gives me a sly smile and turns back to her cooking. I didn't even notice that the other two left.

I make my way out, not before bumping into Tristan who laughs in my face. Idiot.

Xavier insisted on Aiden being here. Actually he didn't have something to insist for, it was kind of obvious that Aiden would be here today. Like any other day. He spends a lot of time here. He even sleeps over sometimes when he and Xav come back from the company late at night. The dude has his assigned guest room for freak's shake.

They don't have a company together, their companies just have some important cooperation. I don't know anymore details. Just that our father passed it down to Xav when he turned eighteen and that Aiden took his dad's company as the legal heir a couple of years back, as soon as he turned twenty-one.

I wipe the lipstick off and look at myself in the mirror. Maybe I am too innocent to wear that lipstick. I recall Aiden's words from earlier. They're stuck with me for some reason. Grabbing the lipstick from the side of the counter in the bathroom, I examine it before putting it inside the cabinet, making a mental note to give it to Summer later. It matches her red hair.

Instinctively smiling, I walk out of my bathroom and see Summer. Clad in a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized t-shirt, she tugs a strand if her hair anxiously.

"I don't even know why I am this nervous." She let's out an awkward laugh with cough at the end.

"Nervous?" Summer asks me, I nod.

We walk out of my door just as the doorbell rings. We look at each other with wide eyes and rush to the stairs. I see Xavier walking to the door and I run down the marbled staircase and realise it was not a good idea. Probably one of the worse I've ever had.

Just as the door opens and I see Jason and Asher standing there my foot slips and I fall down, making a loud thud as my body collapses on the stairs and a sharp pain goes through my knee.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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