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My Playboy Enemy Is A Vampire

Meeting him

You walk into a biker bar with your friend Felix and he excuses himself and moves towards the dancefloor. As you sit down at the bar and order a drink, you notice an exceptionally attractive man looking at you. You wait for a moment, deciding you'd let him approach you, and sure enough, he does. 

"Hey sweetheart." He addresses you in his raspy voice.


The man has an intense look to him, though it could be misinterpreted as a cold or even aloof expression. His voice is anything but cold, though, as it oozes confidence. He extends a hand in your direction and introduces himself. "Can I buy you a drink, hun? Name's Jungkook," he says calmly, his gaze still fixed on yours.


Jungkook doesn't seem offended and simply shrugs. "Suit yourself," he says calmly. He takes a sip of his drink and looks you over, taking mental notes of your features.

"What are you looking at??"

"Just admiring your beauty," Jungkook says in a calm, confident tone. "Your eyes...your soft hair...your petite yet curving's a pleasure to see you, sweetheart."

"But I'm fat"

Jungkook chuckles slightly in response. "You? Fat? My my, whoever told you that didn't know the first thing about women. Your body is absolutely stunning, sweetheart."

"I'm 150kg."

Jungkook doesn't seem bothered in the least bit and continues to chuckle. "I'm not sure where you're from, love, but a woman of your stature is attractive the world around. You've got curves in all the right places. You're not a skinny, flat little board if that's what you're so worried about. No, my dear, you've got a body most women would kill for."

"I'm 100 years old... just get away kid" 

Jungkook's head tilts in curiosity when he hears your statement. "One hundred years old, you say?" He doesn't seem shocked by your claim whatsoever and simply nods. "Well, you certainly don't *look* a day over thirty. May I ask how it's possible you're *that* old, my dear?"

"I'm a vampire...might bite you if you're not careful "

Jungkook grins slightly, seemingly intrigued. "A vampire, huh?" He pauses for a moment, taking in your words and assessing your honesty. "Well, I gotta say, I've encountered some interesting individuals in my time, but never a vampire. A bit of a surprise, that's for certain."

"Why? You don't like vampires?"

He chuckles again. "I never said that, my dear. I think vampires are cool enough. I just never expected to encounter an actual vampire, so this is a rather interesting development for me."

"You say it's interesting.... then will you be willing to give a little of your blood to me... I'm hungry, you know."

Jungkook raises his eyebrow in surprise, clearly shocked by your proposition. " want *my* blood?" he asks with a small chuckle. "That's offer I wasn't expecting." He pauses for several moments, contemplating your offer and seeming somewhat interested. He speaks while still thinking. "I...I suppose there's no harm in letting you have a drop or two. I'm sure I have the strength to spare anyway."

I can kill you

"You think a drop or two is enough? I want a gallon."

Jungkook looks taken aback by your demand. "A gallon? My my, you certainly are a voracious one. No disrespect, of course. But that's quite a lot of blood to ask for, my dear. I'm surprised you're confident I won't get completely dry."

"You can offer someone else…"

Jungkook is silent for a moment, pondering the implications of his offer. He gives you a small smile once again, although it is still evident that he is worried about the prospect of giving you his blood. "Very can have...a half gallon at best. No more than that," he finally says reluctantly.

"Forget it.. I'll just ask someone else."

Jungkook looks offended by the way you dismiss his offer. "Excuse me, but half a gallon is a very generous amount. I don't know of a single person who would be so willing to offer it to a vampire without a second thought." He pauses for several moments, looking you over once again. "Do you really want my blood that badly, my dear?"

"I can kill you for that... I'm being generous right now."

Jungkook raises both eyebrows in surprise in response. He chuckles slightly, clearly amused by your threat. "Oh, you could try, love, but I've been fighting to stay alive for decades. I'm not some weak, defenseless human, I'm an expert in hand-to-hand combat." He gives you a sly smile. "So, why don't you show me what you're made of, sweetheart? I'm sure it won't take long to teach you a lesson or two," he says in a low, confident tone.

"Hand to hand combat you say... that's not my specialty... I just hypnotise people."

Jungkook laughs loudly in response to your words. "Hypnotize? My my, I've heard of that, but I thought it was just something in the movies." He pauses to take another sip of his drink. "Well, I see. So you're not much of a fighter, are you? I guess that means you really need my blood, then."

"So will you give it to me? A gallon?"

Jungkook nods slightly in response, seemingly resigned to your demands. "A gallon it is." He takes a deep breath and gives you a small smile. "Just so you know...I'm not doing this out of fear or anything. I simply see it as a little friendly transaction between two people. You get what you want, and I get to enjoy this little exchange. Is that okay with you?" It seems as though he's trying to convince himself that this is a good idea.

"Forget it. You seem weak.. I'll just ask Gojo."

Jungkook raises his eyebrows again in surprise. "Weak? Me? My my, my dear, you surely must be joking..." He pauses for several moments and laughs again. "But...Gojou Satoru? He...he might be a better option for you. He's quite a powerful individual who could be willing to...accommodate you."

You don't know Gojo?

"So if you'll excuse me." You tried to test him.

Jungkook sighs and shakes his head. "Oh, come on, my dear. I know you want to try and get my blood, no matter how hard you try to convince me otherwise." He takes another sip of his drink and gives you a sly smile. "So, do you want to do it the easy way?" He pauses to see your response. "Or, do you want to do it the hard way?" He gives a warning look at you.

"I told you it's better for me to resort to Gojo." You were teasing him.

Jungkook is visibly annoyed that you're calling on another man for help. He leans forward and places his hands in his pockets, still staring at you. "If you want my blood, you have to come and get it yourself." He says this in a low, confident voice, as if daring you to defy his words. "I will not hand it over so easily. If you want something bad enough, you must fight for it," he adds.

"Gojo is a better option." You said.

Jungkook rolls his eyes in response. "So you'll turn to someone else to do your dirty work for you? It seems to me as though you just want things handed to you on a silver platter." He pauses for a moment before continuing. "My dear, you should know that I'm not just some defenseless human. I will not be a pushover like so many others that you've met. really want my blood?" He waits for your response with a smug grin.

"Why would you think I'd choose you over Gojo... he's far better and stronger." You mocked him.

Jungkook's eye twitches in anger at your words. "Better? Stronger? Are you implying I'm not good enough for you, my dear?" He takes a few steps closer to you and looks you dead in the eye. "I've met dozens of men more powerful and impressive than this Gojo person you keep mentioning." He pauses and then continues. "'re really not considering me as an option, hmm?"

"You don't know Gojo?" You were surprised.

Jungkook snorts. "No, not one bit," he says with a slight laugh as if he wasn't just calling him most powerful a few minutes ago. "Who is this Gojo you're speaking of? Sounds like some low-tier hero from the way you describe him," he adds in a joking manner. "Well, regardless, I'm offering my blood to you right now. A full gallon of the most delicious, exquisite blood you've ever tasted, and a night you'll never forget. You really think you'll find a better deal than that?" He pauses to see your response once again.

"A night? Are you sure? You might lose a lot." You smirked.

Jungkook smiles at your words. "A night is enough time for many...intimate activities." He pauses to see your reaction before continuing. "And as for the me, my dear, I won't lose that much. You seem...rather petite. I think you've greatly overestimating just how much you'll end up taking from me."

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