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Their Obsession | KTH FF



I woke up when the alarm ringed indicating that it's 9 am now, i sit straight and stretched my arms. I switched off the alarm which was eating my brain by ringing continuously. I stood up from my bed and walked towards the washroom. After taking a shower, i walk towards my closet and took out a casual dress. After getting dressed up i applied a little lip gloss as i don't like much makeup and let my hairs fall on my shoulder, i took my laptop with a few files, my lab coat and put it inside my bag. I walked towards the main door took my car keys from the side table, locked the doors and walked towards my car.

I drove off to the nearest cafe and eat my breakfast.

After breakfast i drove off to the Seodan Prison. Till i reach my destination i will give you all a brief introduction about myself.

So hey guys i am Min YN I am a doctor. I live alone in my little world. I am not an orphan i do have a family but i cut my all ties and connections with them for some reasons....I used to work as a doctor in some sort of detective organization of the government but i got a letter yesterday that due to some reasons the authorities are transferring me to the Seodan prison, it is one of the most dangerous prison here in Seoul. Atleast that is what people say, Today is my first day of reporting so here I am.

I walked out of my car and did all the formalities needed. They told me that I don't need to come here daily because rarely any emergency cases came here as the most of time the prisoners are left untreated. They said they will call me if there will be any emergency at any hour and I have to come, there is no compromise on that. i just need to report on Friday only from 10 am to 12 pm. But as it was my first day so I decided to complete my shift atleast today.

A staff showed me my cabin. The staff who walked me here was way more talkative he was continuously blabbering about how dangerous this prison is and how much the prisoners get torture here in the name of interrogation I didn't stop him because I also wanted to know more about this place as i am going to work here from now on. When we reached at my cabin the staff bowed at me and left from there giving me a small smile i smiled back and entered my cabin. I took a deep breath and started arranging my stuffs.







*Author POV*

A guy was sitting on the chair in the interrogation room his arms tightly tied up with the rope His tears were continuously falling like waterfall on his bruised cheeks. From his expressions, it was looking like he is extremely scared. He was shivering badly and seems really terrified of the man sitting in front of him.

Off.Leo - Look kiddo i am asking you for the last time why did you killed your family !?

(He asked him calmly but only he know how much frustrated he is from inside, the guy shook his head and said in a low tone while looking down )

Guy - I didn't killed anyone.


(He yelled in frustration, the guy flinched badly and said while sobbing hard)

Guy - I -I am not lying i didn't k -kill anyone.

Off.Leo - Enough of your drama Mark beat him.

Off.Mark smirked and took a belt, he open the rope and harshly pushed him off the chair, the guy fall on the ground with a loud thud and without further warning he started beating him mercilessly. The whole room echoed with the loud cries and painful screams of the poor guy. He was crying and begging him to stop. But Off.Mark didn't even budged a little. Suddenly the guy stop moving. His cries also died down.

Off.Leo - Did he fainted ?

Off.Mark again hit him to confirm if he fainted or not when suddenly the guy defended himself and said in a dominating voice.

Guy - You love provoking me don't you Mark ?

(He said while smirking. A shiver ran down Mark's body as soon as he hear his voice)

Off.Leo - Don't tell me he again shifted to his psychopath side.

(He mumbled to himself)

The guy stood up and take slow steps towards him, Mark Trembled under his dark gaze and step back but that guy was quick enough to punch him, Off.Mark stumbled backward but nevertheless compose his posture the guy grabbed his neck and started choking him. Till now Off.Leo was already shaking in fear.

Two Officers rushed towards the interrogation room, both of them hold that guys both arms and tried to pulled him away but that guy jerked their arms away and due to the sudden force both of them fall on the ground while Off.Mark was whimpering in pain Both the Officers quickly stood up and again tried to pull him away this time with a little more force And they succeeded, Mark fall on the ground breathing heavily while gasping for air.

Guy - Yah! Leave me I will teach this bastard a lesson today.

(He shouted, wriggling in their hold)

That guys wounds were still bleeding so one of the officers who was holding him i.e. Off.Minhyuk said,

Off.Minhyuk - I will take him to the medical room, He's bleeding badly.

He said and without listening for others response he took him towards the medical room. On their way the guy fainted.






*In YN's Cabin*


I was sitting on the chair specifically doing nothing. There weren't much patients today so i was getting bored. When suddenly i heard a knock on the door. I quickly sit straight and said,

Me - Umm Yeah Come in.

The door opened revealing a guy who was bleeding his body covered with bruises, along with a officer carrying him with the support of his arms. I quickly rushed towards them and lead them towards the bed. The officer walk out letting me do my work. I examine the guy his body was covered with old and fresh bruises, his knuckles and nose were slightly bleeding. I took the first aid kit and treated his wounds. After completing the treatment i look at the guy he was still unconscious i called the officer and told him about his conditions and ask him to let the guy the rest here till he woke up.





*After 20 mins*


I slowly opened my eyes and looked around i realized that i was lying on a hospital's bed. My whole body was paining badly, i think that officer again beat him. I slowly sat up and examined the room i saw a young lady who maybe a doctor was sitting on the chair using her phone but as soon as she saw me she quickly rushed towards me, i was mesmerized by her beautiful angelic face but came back to reality when she asked softly,

Lady - Hey, are you okay ? How are you feeling now ?

Me - Umm yeah.

(I said awkwardly)

Lady - Hey don't be awkward You can talk freely to me, let me give my introduction So I am your doctor, Choi YN What's your name ?

(Polite smile)

I hesitated a little to introduce myself but seeing her being so polite and friendly with me i smiled and said,

Me - I am Berry.

She looked at me confusingly and said while laughing awkwardly

YN - Ah haha Do u love berries ?

Me - I know my name is weird but i also don't know why.

(I said looking down)

YN - Hey don't be sad your name is so cute i like it okay.

I giggled.

Me - Will u be my friend ?


Out of a sudden he asked this question with so much hope in his beautiful dark brown eyes. To be honest he is very cute and friendly his boxy smile literally make me go awe I wonder if he is really a criminal. Is it okay to be friends with a criminal ? Yahh come on YN don't be stone hearted. But still I need to be careful around him though I shouldn't be taking any risk, I smiled and said,

Me - Sure. So friends ?

(I said while giving my hand for handshake)

He smile widely and took my hands in his and said cheerfully.

Berry - Finally I also got a friend.

Being a curious cat i already am i asked him without thinking twice that what will be the outcome.

Me - Berry what crime you have done that you are here ?

Suddenly his smile faded, He started sweating his eyes filled with tears he started breathing heavily.

Berry - I -I

He started sobbing loudly.

I panicked.

Me - Hey hey Berry A-Are you okay ?

I was about to Pat his back to calm him down when suddenly he hold my hand tightly and looked at me his eyes darken.

- What the fu*k are you doing ?




Berry held my wrist tightly and said,

Berry - What the fuck are you doing ?

I looked at him with wide eyes and said while stuttering,

YN - Wh-what are you d-doing Berry leave my hand it's h-hurting.

Berry - The fuck i am not Berry i am Vante.

I looked at him confusingly is he a bipolar or what ? Why is he acting weirdly ? Isn't he the one who said me to be his friend ? I came out of my chain of thoughts when he again shouted,

Vante - And it should hurt how dare you touch me ?

YN - I-I was just trying to comf-

Vante - Did i ask you to do that ? Fucking stay away from me and i am pretty sure you definitely did something that is why i am here.

I looked at him getting more confused by his words. Is he for real ? What is he even talking about ? Wasn't he here from the start ? He's really creeping me out with his words. I was again drowned in my thoughts when suddenly He harshly pushed me away and i land on my butt with a loud thud i hissed in pain. He stood up from the bed and sat on my level, leaning closer to my face and said in a dominating yet scary tone,

Vante - Look young lady you better stay away from me or i will not hesitate to destroy that ugly face of yours Got that ?

I didn't say anything just kept looking down in fear while visibly trembling. He lifted my chin up to look into his eyes with his long slender middle finger our face were inches away from each other and yelled at my face,

Vante - GET THAT ?

I quickly nodded my head.


YN - Y- Yes.

He stood up and left from there while slamming the door. I sat there shocked.


*Author POV*

Vante - Everyone come out NOW

(He shouted angrily)

???1 - What happened ? Is everything alright ? Did those officers do something again ?

(He asked worriedly)

???2 - Calm down Taehyung, Vante You tell us What happened ? Why are You looking mad ?

(He asked calmly)

Vante was about to speak when someone interrupted him.

???3 - Wait up guys why so serious Chill, Let me tell you a joke ''What did one wall say to the other'' ?

Berry - Umm I don't know.

???3 - Aish easy "I'll meet you at the corner".

He said laughing hard while the others stared at him blankly. After noticing their expressions he stopped laughing and said while fake coughing,

???3 - Was it bad ? Wait How about this one "What do you call a factory that makes okay products" ?





???3 - This was more easy "A Satisfactory".

Berry - Oh that was good one Jack.

Berry and Jack started laughing like maniacs while the others were staring at them with the same blank expression.

Vante - Can't you be serious for once Jackie Chan.

Jack rolled his eyes at him and said,

Jack - Fine Mr. Jerk, you are Such a mood spoiler. Right Berry ?

Berry nodded his head unconsciously but soon shook his head when he saw Vante glaring at him.

Jack - Yah Don't tell me you are scared of Mr. Jerk Seriously Bro ?

Vante - If you are done eating my brain then can we discuss about the matter now ?

Jack - Oh come on dude i don't have that much bad taste that i will eat your brain.

He huffed dramatically. Vante gritted his teeth.

Vante - YOU I WILL KI-

V cut him off.

V - Guys please, Vante spill the beans now what's the matter ?

Vante - Berry talked with a girl today.

Jack - What really ? Was she prett-

V - Not now Jack please.

Jack - But I was just aski-


Jack - Fine.

V - You really talked with a stranger today, didn't we told you not to talk with strangers earlier ?

Berry - She was kind and friendly I ju-

Vante - Kind and friendly my foot. They all just act to be nice. And i saw how sweetly you were talking with her.

Berry - But she was really Ki-

Vante - Oh look i am also very kind.

He said sarcastically while giving him a creepy smile.

Jack - Ew Don't look like that dude you are creeping me out.

Vante glared at him.

V - But how come a girl be here ?

Vante - She is the new doctor.

V - Oh okay but listen up guys we don't know what kind of girl she is so we better stay away from her.

Vante - Exactly and if she tried to bother me again i am gonna pull her hair off her scalp.

Jack - What kind of dialogue is that ? But I feel bad for that girl she have to face Mr. Jerk's anger.

Berry - I just talk with her for a while why are you guys making a big fuss over that ?

V - No more tantrums Berry, You are not going to talk with her and that's final. I don't want any more trouble in our already troublesome life.

Jack - If you guys are done then i am signing off dudes.

Vante - So go na who's stopping you ?

He said in a mocking tone.

Jack rolled his eyes at him.

Jack - You were the one who called me.

Vante - I called everyone to let them know about the situation.

Jack - Whatever Bye guys.

Everyone left and and This time V took over.



I was still sitting on the ground totally shocked of all the events happened just now. I looked at my wrist which was now red due to his tight hold it was paining a lot but i could care less because right now i am so shocked, confused, feelings are mixed.

Why did he behave like that first friendly and shy then aggressive, rude and scary. Is he a bipolar ? Or is he mental ? Suddenly i remembered something and gasped as realisation hit me Wait don't tell me he have some kind of mental disorder I read about it somewhere and Irene also told me something related to this but aish why can't I remember the name... without wasting any second i quickly stood up sat on the chair took my laptop and searched more for it.

Author - 'I gave a detailed explanation about Multiple personality disorder here, if you are interested you can read as it will help you to understand the storyline more accurately'.





I searched for the symptoms related to this disorder as instructed by my friend Irene earlier assuming the reason of this guy's bipolar behaviour might be the same disorder, one of her patient was suffering from this and she talked about that with me.

YN - Multiple Personality Disorder !?

I gasped in shocked reading all the articles related to this I am not sure just assuming things but this incident is messing up my mind so I will just try to connect all the dots.

A disorder characterised by the presence of two or more distinct personality states who are said to be the alters. Dissociative identity disorder, previously called multiple personality or split personality disorder, is usually a reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories. Each may have a unique name, personal history and characteristics.

Although not everyone experiences DID (Disassociate Identity Disorder) the same way, for some the "alters" or different identities have their own age, sex, or race. Each has their own postures, gestures, and distinct way of talking. Sometimes the alters are imaginary people; sometimes they are animals. As each personality reveals itself and controls the individuals' behavior and thoughts, it's called "switching." Switching can take seconds to minutes to days. Some seek treatment with hypnosis where the person's different "alters" or identities may be very responsive to the therapist's requests.

Some DID alters communicate with each, other keep to themselves. Alters also communicate with the host. They generally communicate with each other internally by sharing thoughts with each other (they are all part of same brain). There is no cure for DID. Most people will manage the disorder for the rest of their lives. People can do any required treatment they want but it can't be cured permanently.

As i read the articles about it I was shocked I am not sure if he is really suffering from this or not but his behaviour said the otherwise but stil I can't judge too quickly guess I need to find out more about him, I am pretty sure my this stupid curiosity will surely kill me one day.


What If he is really facing problems !?

Should I help him but wait isn't he a criminal why would I help him then but i am doctor as well it's my duty to treat and help my patients what a lame dialogue to help a criminal YN grow up But still i wonder what crime he would have done ?

I thought for a while then suddenly i remember something, the officer Yes the officer who came with him i can ask him about that....i quickly took the telephone and dialed the no. that staff give me in case i need something he received the call And i ask the whereabouts of the Officer who came here a while ago, he told me that he's Off.Minhyuk and he is free now i asked him to send Off.Minhyuk to my office.

*Time skip*

*After 15 mins*

*Author POV*

Off.Minhyuk knocked on the door and entered the cabin after hearing a 'come in' as a reply. YN greeted him with her infamous polite smile, Minhyuk greeted her back and she gestured him to sit on the chair. Little did Minhyuk know why he was called here.

YN - Hello Officer I am Dr. Min YN.

She said forwarding her hand for a handshake.

Minhyuk - You might already know me but still so hey I am Off. Lee Minhyuk a junior officer here.

She nodded.

YN - I wanna ask you something, i think you might have already guessed why i called you here ?

Minhyuk - Yeah it is about Taehyung right ?

YN - Taehyung ? He's name is taehyung ?

She asked astonished with the new information. He nodded.

YN - But h-he said he's nam-

Minhyuk cut her off.

Minhyuk - He might have told you a different name right ?

YN - Yes, at first he said he is Berry when he gain his consciousness then suddenly he became aggressive and said he is not Berry but Vante.

Minhyuk widened his eyes.

Minhyuk - Are you okay did he hurt you ?

YN - Yeah i am alright but can you please tell me why is he here i mean what kind of crime he has committed ? Besides is he suffering from some mental disorder or something like that ?

Minhyuk looked at her shocked.

Minhyuk - You already know about him ?

YN - Yes Officer Afterall i am a doctor if you don't forget now tell me because I can clearly see you know enough about him.

Minhyuk - Uh I didn't mean like that doctor it's just Aish forget it. But before i tell you anything YOU tell me why do you want to know about him ?

Minhyuk said emphasizing the word YOU in between and why not he saw how much Taehyung suffered in this prison or more like living hell getting beaten everyday during interrogation not getting food or even a single drop of water for more than 2-3 days ,sleepless nights and horrible nightmares because of his traumatizing past. He know about him and his alters. Berry told him everything except for his past as he is not allowed to open up about his past to anyone. Because it's only Taehyung's choice if he wants others to know about his past or not and he never came out in front Minhyuk. It was hard for him to make the rest other trust in him

YN - Look Officer as a doctor it's my duty to help my patients. I genuinely want to help him. And honestly my gut feelings is saying Taehyung is innocent even though I just met him today and don't know much about him but still because I think a person who is already traumatized it's kinda weird that he would commit a crime yeah it maybe possible i am not jumping into conclusions but just stating my thoughts.....i mean he is already suffering in his life then how would he do something which create more trouble for him either someone has provoked him to do something like that or he is being framed in false accu-

Minhyuk - Yeah your gut feeling is absolutely right he is being framed in false accusations he is innocent.

She widened her eyes while Minhyuk continued,

Minhyuk - I don't know anything related to his past but i do know that why he is here i listened Off.Leo and Off.Mark talking about his case they were saying Taehyung has been framed by his uncle for killing his parents, sister and secretary but in reality he didn't killed anyone. Off.Leo and Off.Mark work for his uncle and they were aware of disorder that is why while interrogation they always provoke him so that his aggressive personality that is Vante will come out and in anger he will definitely try to kill someone they will record this and used it prove against the court that he is a killer and a psychopath even though that little proof don't prove that he killed his family but still it would be more hard to prove his innocence, till now they tried to provoke him many times but he never killed someone because before he do me and the other officers always stop him from losing his control.

He explained her everything in detail.

She was speechless she never knew that behind his beautiful smile he was suffering this much at first she felt extreme anger when Vante talked with her like that, that is one of the reason she not at all wanted to help him. But Berry's sweet smile and their sudden change behaviour made her more curious about them and now she thinks that his anger is justified he was suffering this much so it was normal for him to act like that to think that everyone around him is his enemy. She kinda felt bad for judging him so quickly.

YN - I will make sure to get him out of this hell, I will help HIM.

She said determined.

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