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Ma Bellé Amóur (Taekook)

Who's He!

Author's POV:
Place: Seoul, South Korea
Time: 11:12pm
In the dark of night, a boy was running through the narrow alley at his own speed, laughing and smirking at someone.
It wasn't his smirking but the smile on his face that looked creepy to anyone. It was not anyone else but the people who were running after the boy that thought of the boy.
And those who were running behind the boy were government cops.
But, the question is, why were they running after the boy?
What did that boy do that he was running from the cops?
And, the real question is, who is that BOY?
However, let us introduce you to the main character of our story, JEON JUNGKOOK...~
He is the ‘Night Terror’ of this Seoul city.~ The name of which is enough to make everyone shiver with fear.~ JJK, this word is enough to alert the government in any situation.~ He is the Terrible Psycho Killer who has instilled fear in his name for the past 5 years~
It is not that the government has not made any provision for this dilemma. Only, JJK himself left no stone unturned to restore the peace they deserved. JJK is the terror that stuck like a fishhook in the neck of government servants from the beginning till the end and is still there today.
But, today may not be JJK's lucky day.
Because today he murdered 2 people brutally, that too with the witness of those government cops.
Do you think Jungkook will be able to escape their grasp again like before?
Or, unfortunately Jungkook won't be able to save himself from their wrath?
It's Mé(Author)
Guys, the story is my first chat story.
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Hope it turns out to your liking.
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If you want to know the rest of the story,👀✨
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JEON JUNGKOOK~ or JJk for abbreviates his name to everyone.~ Not only this but people gave him many names out of fear, viz, Monster, Psycho, Killer, Mental, Crazy etc.
In his early 20's, he²³ is eminently qualified and capable of ruling the hearts of the people of Korea.! But that is not for his own good but for the evil deeds and fear of him among the people.~
People are afraid to step out of their houses even in daylight so how dare they step out at night! That's why people may call him heartless, ignorant or other bad names! • but do they know why he is doing all these things? • was it necessary that he had to choose a bad path?
Because he was desperate for love..⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He was hungry for attention.*•⁠ᴗ⁠•* He wanted care and affection.っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘ But why do bad things to get them instead of doing good things..!?⊙⁠.⁠☉
Let's know from the beginning~ (Hís Terrible Pàst) Jungkook was born into a middle-class family in Busan. Although his childhood was spent well with his parents, but their happiness did not last long. Accidentally, his parents leave the world leaving the little boy alone. But the truth was revealed much later when Jungkook¹⁵ saw on the news, The man under whom his parents worked båd looked on his women and Øre workers and ruined the lives of 8 Øre. That man even offered his mother to spend ã ñight with him but when she refused, he kílléd his parents which was recorded as an accident in the official records. But the man is now being punished for his misdeeds. Because of that man, Jungkook had to become an órphan, he had to leave his home, he had to spend the night on the sidewalk, he had to rest húngry on a park bench, he had to be with beggars. He was only 5 years old child who had to face such a çruel society. He was neglected, he was búllied.
Even the little boy did not understand what was about to happen to him. Just to survive, he himself was drifting with the flow of time~ . . . . . .
It's Mé(Author)
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But remember, “something unexpected happens only when we have expectations of something good”.. one day a group of Roadside Gang took him in and raised him, but it didn't seem like he was happy or at peace. In other words, the man recruited him to work for himself. He was always tórturéd and subjected to abúsíve words which were ingrained in the little boy's head. From then on he began to see the society hidden behind the curtain, which was only a slàve to power and gréédy for money, selfîsh for its own happiness. These dark things chewed up his mind from that childhood until he was forced to accept that ‘everyone in the world deserves more pain than him’. And it may be known by many, "A person is not bad but the situation and environment make him do bad things".
No one tried to find his good side but only saw his bad side. Yes--- JJK himself admits that kîllîng someone is not a good thing but it is too late to change his mind now. He has already become what he should not be. Now Kîllîng is an scheduled thing for him which is like a drūg to him. .. .. ..
Jungkook himself wanted to make someone his own to live like the rest of the common people. . But ‘once a devil is always a devil’..! . He has chosen this situation himself, so roughness, rudeness and anger issues are full of him. Remember, 'not every story has a happy ending'! Even if people try to help him, that too will fail!. Why would they help him? they did not come forward when he was needed but was shunned like gàrbàge. So, according to Jungkook, ‘the world is full of selfîsh people, believe it or not, but that's the truth’..
. . . . . . . 💜
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Q/A: What do you do when you feel neglected, abandoned and lonely?👀❓
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