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After Being Betrayed, I Met My True Love

Episode 1

Chicago - Illinois

The fire spread rapidly through the environment, the heat had already become unbearable, and smoke had taken over the place. River North firefighters were desperately trying to control the flames, while the lieutenant checked if there was anyone left behind.

"Lieutenant, get out of there now. There is a gas cylinder in there, that's an order." the second in command spoke through the radio.

"Just one more room, and I'm coming down," he replied breathlessly.

"Damn it, Calvin, don't you listen! You're putting yourself in danger, and your teammates too."

The lieutenant, ignoring the warnings, entered the last room, where the flames danced furiously. To his surprise, an unconscious child was lying on the floor. He ran to her, quickly putting on the spare mask. He lifted the child and began to hurry out of there. As warned, he already knew about the cylinder and knew an explosion was imminent.

As he crossed a hallway, he was hit and, to protect the child from possible injury, he shielded her with his own body, resulting in a cut at the point of impact.

"I have an unconscious child, I need the paramedics to be ready," he shouted into the radio as he made his way.

"The ambulance hasn't arrived yet, Lieutenant. We were informed of a serious accident downtown, which caused a big traffic jam."

Eddie, the second in command, struggled to maintain order outside, making sure the fire was under control and keeping onlookers away.

"Frank, was the lieutenant near you?" Eddie asked, stopping one of the firefighters who was passing by.

"Yes, he was right behind me. He asked me to bring the dog and went back to keep an eye on things. You know him, you know how stubborn he is."

Eddie nodded with a sigh. Calvin had always been like this, driven by a determination that often defied common sense. He looked at the flames, worried about his colleague who was facing the dangers inside the burning building.

"Let's keep the area clear. The ambulance can't be much longer." Eddie ordered the firefighters around him, keeping his eyes fixed on the inferno still raging inside the building.

As Eddie gave the order, an explosion shook one of the upper floors, catching the attention of Eddie, Frank, and the other recruits.

"Calvin, do you read me? What floor are you on? Calvin. Shit!" Eddie cursed, frustrated at getting no response, and went back to giving orders.

Minutes after the explosion, Eddie heard the commotion of the corporation members and ran towards the commotion.

As he approached, he witnessed Calvin emerging from the chaos, holding a child in his arms. Eddie instructed everyone to stay back and, carefully, Calvin placed the child on the floor.

"Come on, breathe," Calvin spoke, starting CPR on the girl.

Calvin alternated between chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, trying to block out the sound of a woman's crying starting to approach, probably the child's mother. He focused on the sound of the siren, indicating that the ambulance was approaching, while he continued the procedures, even with his arm bleeding.

Eddie, knowing his colleague well, said nothing, only stepping aside to assist in fire suppression. Calvin whispered soothing words to the child, urging her to breathe, and expressed relief when she started coughing.

The ambulance finally arrived, and the paramedics took over. Calvin, exhausted, sat down on the floor, trying to control his own breathing. He watched the woman crying, confirming that she was the girl's mother. The scene brought back memories of his own past, but he was snapped out of his thoughts when Frank approached.

"Are you okay? You had everyone worried here." Frank held out his hand to Calvin.

Calvin looked at Frank, gave a slight smile and accepted the help, holding onto the hand he held out.

"I'm fine. If I hadn't gone back, that girl wouldn't have stood a chance. You were worried too, weren't you?" Calvin asked, his expression more relaxed.

Frank stared at him for a few seconds before answering.

"Impossible not to worry about you."

The exchange of glances carried more than words could express. Calvin couldn't hold back his smile, but had to undo it when Eddie approached. Frank, noticing the change in mood, stepped aside, making room for the two. Eddie faced Calvin, noticing his arm still bleeding, and reprimanded him.

"Why don't you ever listen? Do you have any idea what could have happened if you were on that floor? You should set an example, Calvin."

"I had everyone get out, I didn't risk anyone's life but my own. Eddie, we know the risks this profession involves. I followed my instincts, and once again, I was right. If you want to discuss my decision, let's do it at the station, not here. We still have a lot to do."

Albeit reluctantly, Eddie swallowed his complaints and changed the subject.

"What about your arm?" Eddie pointed to Calvin's wound.

"Let's finish up here, then I'll see to it. I'm fine." Calvin affirmed, walking away to check on the situation.

Eddie watched Calvin walk away, anger rising. He questioned Calvin's leadership, finding him too impulsive and resistant to his orders. However, everyone seemed to admire him and see him as an example, despite being so young, but already a lieutenant.

Deciding not to waste any more time dwelling on his frustration, Eddie went back to work. After all, being irritated would only give Calvin more chances to stand out. After some time, they managed to control the fire, all exhausted. Frank, however, drew attention to the situation with Calvin's arm.

"Now that everything is done here, we should go to the hospital and get that arm looked at," he advised, hearing everyone agree.

"I'm sure if I don't go, you guys won't leave me alone, so I'll go to the hospital. Eddie, you take a crew in the second truck, and I'll go with the others to the hospital; some here need attention too."

The order was given, and they split up. Frank ended up staying with Eddie, since he wasn't hurt. The two even exchanged glances before getting into the truck. The vehicle Calvin was in went straight to the hospital, and along the way, he imagined that Frank would be gone by the time he got back.

Loretto Hospital was crazy when they arrived; there had been a major accident on a busy avenue, and several injured people were arriving, further delaying their care. After some waiting time, everyone was seen. As they walked to the exit, the door opened, and nurses came in pushing a stretcher. On top of the patient was a doctor who was doing chest compressions while the stretcher was being pushed.

Seeing that scene made Calvin think of the girl he saved, but it also made him remember his father, because the situation was practically the same. As he looked at the focused doctor, he felt that they both shared the same desire: not to lose any lives during the hard work they were doing.

Episode 2

That shift was being extremely tiring for Dereck. With a serious accident that occurred in the city center, most of the patients were being taken to that hospital, and the doctors were all busy. Tall, fair-skinned, with green eyes and dimples that made him even more charming, Dereck was the reason for many sighs through the corridors. Some even said that if he got tired of being a doctor, he could easily become a model.

However, Dereck loved being a doctor, despite knowing that the profession was often exhausting and consumed much of his time. He had almost no time for himself, let alone to dedicate to a relationship. His love affairs always ended for this reason; the lack of time he could dedicate to another person.

Dereck had just finished treating another injured person when he was informed that some firefighters were awaiting treatment due to injuries in an incident. He went to meet the firefighters but had to change his route.

"Doctor, there is a child in the ER, she is in serious condition," a nurse informed him.

"Ask one of the interns to see the firefighters, as their condition doesn't seem serious," he requested, while running towards the ER.

The child was trapped in the wreckage of a vehicle involved in the accident in the city center and was having difficulty breathing. Dereck started the first procedures, managing to improve her breathing.

"Take her to pediatrics and get a chest x-ray. Inform the pediatrician what was done here," ordered Dereck, without time to even drink some water.

Soon he was informed that a patient in cardiac arrest was arriving. He ran to the entrance, and as soon as the patient was removed from the ambulance, Dereck climbed onto the stretcher, immediately starting cardiac massage. The stretcher was being pushed, but Dereck continued his procedure, trying his best to avoid losing a patient, exhausting his last resources.

Upon entering one of the emergency rooms, Dereck got off the stretcher, quickly opening the man's shirt and grabbing a defibrillator.

"Step away," Dereck gave the order and started the procedure.

He repeated the maneuvers several times, increased the defibrillator charge, but got no response. He only stopped when a nurse put his hand on his arm and shook his head.

"You did everything you could, doctor," said the nurse.

Dereck sighed and looked at the clock on the wall, recording the patient's time of death. After failing to save the man, Dereck asked for a few minutes and left the emergency room, heading to an area reserved for doctors and nurses.

Sitting down, he was having a glass of water when a nurse entered the environment. He also poured himself some water and, taking advantage of the absence of other people, approached Dereck.

"Are you alright, doctor? You look very tired."

"This is not an easy shift." Dereck responded kindly.

"Our shift will be over soon. We could go out for a drink if you want. I think you need to relax a little. I know a great bar nearby."

For a moment, Dereck stared at the nurse, wondering if he should accept the proposal. He had never talked about his sexual orientation at the hospital, but he always found that particular nurse very cute. However, he didn't know if the invitation was just a courtesy or if there was any deeper intention behind it.

"I don't think I'm going to refuse. It's been a while since I went out for a drink, and I really need to relax a little."

"Great! So I'll be waiting for you."

The nurse's name was George, and he flashed a wide smile before leaving the room. Dereck didn't want to get his hopes up, but for a few moments, he thought that if he met someone from the same field, maybe things between them could work out.

Finishing his water, Dereck left the room and went back to his hectic routine that day. George, leaving the room, looked for a colleague from the hospital and shared the news.

"Pay attention, Dereck agreed to go out for drinks with me. Today I'm going to find out if he is or isn't gay. I bet he is, so how about we make a bet and even get some cash? Most people at this hospital want to know the answer."

Dereck, unaware of George's conversation, continued his shift, focusing on the emergencies and patients who needed care.

George's idea was to create a bet with some people at the hospital, seeking not only to discover the truth but also to earn some extra money. He and his friend began to spread the information discreetly, speaking only to the right people to prevent the news from reaching the doctor's ears.

When the shift change came, things were calmer at the hospital, and Dereck was able to get some rest. On days like that, he was convinced that he desperately needed a vacation.

As agreed, George waited for Dereck in the parking lot, and they decided it was better to take a cab, as they planned to drink that night. Dereck agreed, leaving his car in the hospital parking lot. The chosen location was a nearby bar frequented by some interns and nurses.

Sitting at a table in a place that wasn't too crowded yet, they ordered their drinks, and George started making small talk.

"You don't usually socialize much at the hospital, even though you are nice to everyone, you are still not close to anyone."

"I feel like people seem afraid to approach me. I'm not a complicated person to live with," Dereck replied with a shy smile.

"You get a lot of attention at the hospital. Maybe they think you have a jealous girlfriend or are afraid of falling even more in love with you." George started to turn on his charm for Dereck.

"You're exaggerating, it's not that big of a deal. I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't think anyone is interested in me," Dereck replied somewhat humorlessly.

"You don't have to be modest; I imagine you've already noticed the looks you get, from both girls and boys. You are very handsome and draw attention, that's undeniable."

"Did I also catch your attention?"

Dereck asked a direct question, wanting to know what George thought, as he was praising him too much.

"What if I say yes?" replied George, provocatively, then taking a sip of his drink.

George observed the slight smile that Dereck sketched, realizing that his plan was going very well. He knew that once the doctor was a little more relaxed from the drink, it would be easier to get what he wanted.

Episode 3

The firefighters who had gone to the hospital returned to the fire station, and to Calvin's surprise, Frank was still there. The second shift had already taken his place, and Calvin went for a shower; he wouldn't be able to postpone it to do it at his apartment, as he was tired and his house was not so close.

The firefighters' bathroom was shared, and basically everyone saw each other when showering. Calvin tried to relax a bit, letting the water run down his body, until he heard Frank's voice in the bathroom.

"You look pretty tired," Frank said.

Calvin was facing away and glanced to the side, seeing Frank leaning against the wall, seemingly checking him out.

"A little, but nothing a shower and a few hours of relaxation won't fix," he replied, turning to face Frank. "I thought you had already left."

Frank looked once again up and down Calvin's body, who seemed to have purposely turned around. Calvin was black, 6 feet tall, with well-worked muscles, handsome, and caught attention due to his body size. Frank had seen him showering several times before, but this time, he made a point of showing that he was enjoying the sight.

"I decided to wait to see how you were and ask if you'd like to come over to my place for a drink," Frank said.

Although Calvin didn't openly talk about his sexuality, Frank knew he was gay, having seen him kissing a man in a club once, but he didn't mention anything. Frank understood that for certain professions, there was still some prejudice.

"What's the reason for this invitation?" Calvin asked with a sly smile.

"You didn't get seriously injured in today's operation, that alone is a good reason to celebrate."

Calvin played dumb, but he already noticed that Frank was looking at him differently compared to others, always finding a reason to touch him, whether pretending it was accidental or in jest.

"I think you're right. I should indeed celebrate. I'm almost done here and we can go," Calvin replied, noticing a smile forming on Frank's face.

He turned back to the wall when Frank left the bathroom and smiled back. Calvin was also looking at Frank in a different way, just didn't have the courage to say anything, as they mostly saw each other at the station or when they all went out for a drink; they never had the chance to spend time alone.

In a way, Calvin was excited. Frank taking the initiative to invite him over, especially after the casual invite to celebrate, sparked the hope that something could happen between them. The dark-skinned man finished his shower, got dressed, and met up with Frank in the yard.

Calvin had a motorcycle, a black Ducati with red details, which he always joked that a man of his size needed a machine like that. He followed Frank on his "negro," as he called his bike, while Frank drove his car. They made a stop to buy beer and headed off. Frank's apartment was close to the station where they worked, and they soon arrived.

Their shift ended before nightfall, and Calvin had no intention of leaving early, if that invite was indeed what he was thinking.

Frank's apartment wasn't very big, but it was cozy. As soon as he entered, Calvin went to look at the aquarium in the living room. While he was entertained with the fish, Frank turned some picture frames and stored some things in a drawer.

"Do you live alone?" Calvin asked, taking off his favorite baseball team jacket.

"Yes, I do. And you?" Frank handed him a beer.

Calvin confirmed, and they started asking each other questions, sitting on the sofa facing each other. They didn't break eye contact, seeming to be engaged in a game of provocation to see who would make the first move, which was clear that they both wanted to.

When Calvin confirmed that he didn't have a girlfriend, he still insisted on answering what his ideal type was, emphasizing that he liked someone who took initiative. After answering a few questions, he took another sip of his beer, allowing some of it to spill on his shirt.

"I'm very clumsy," Calvin claimed, and then took off his shirt. "Do you mind if I stay shirtless until it dries?" he asked, licking his lips.

Frank gave a slight smile, understanding Calvin's intention, and said he didn't mind. With Calvin shirtless, they started a silly conversation that might lead to something.

"Your muscles seem really firm, must be hard as a rock," Frank said, also licking his lips.

"You can touch to make sure," Calvin leaned back on the couch after the teasing.

Frank left the beer on the floor next to the couch and approached Calvin. The larger man's legs were open, and Frank stood in between them, bent down, and placed a hand on the back of the sofa. He looked into the eyes of "Muralha," as Calvin was nicknamed, and then glanced at his colleague's hairless and well-toned chest.

Frank's hand slid over Calvin's chest, who was still looking at the smaller man's lips in front of him.

"Really firm indeed. Must have taken some work to get these muscles," he said, but didn't move away from Calvin.

"Lots of training and discipline. Is there anywhere else you want to check?" Calvin asked, parting his lips.

"Your muscles are hard, but what about your lips, are they soft?" Frank replied, getting into the teasing.

"You'll have to try to find out," he smiled and bit his lip corner, teasing him even more.

Frank stared at him and slowly approached until their lips touched, starting a gentle kiss, as if he really wanted to make sure they were soft. Calvin had full lips, and for some, it was a true invitation to want to try them out.

The kiss intensified, and Calvin pulled Frank by the waist, making him sit on his lap. Their bodies were closer, and he no longer doubted that Frank was also attracted to him, just as he was to his coworker.

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