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Rebirth From The Ashes

chapter- 1

Tae awoke to excruciating pain, spasms rippling through his body. There were people speaking beside him.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Dad, beat him to death. Despite Hye-sun kindness to him, he’s a cruel b*tch and treated her horribly!
Choi namkoong
Choi namkoong
Dear, I’ve already told you not to take him back, since you wouldn’t understand the temperament of a child whom you haven’t brought up on your own. Yet, you didn’t listen.
Tae vision got dark, and things became blurry. The scene in front of him seemed funny. The three people with him were supposed to be family, but they looked at him with indifference, disdain, and anger. They wanted to get rid of him.
They didn't treat him like family; instead, they saw him as an enemy. His father, Namkoong, a middle-aged man with a whip, was among them. Beside him stood his mother, Yeong-ae, looking beautiful but cold with bloodshot eyes.
After a rebirth and a mission across 66 astral planes, he returned to the Choi family, where love was lacking, and apathy and desolation prevailed. Now, he wasn't the old Taehyung who let himself be bullied. He had transformed into a stronger, revenge-seeking Taehyung!
His clear recollection dated back to his seventeenth birthday, marked by prolonged suffering in the Choi family. As the true Choi family heir, he celebrated his second birthday with them. His birthday coincided with Hye-sun's, the fake heiress, who was five years older. The family prepared for Hye-sun's party in advance, forgetting about Taehyung.
Yesterday, his eldest brother, Choi jun-ho, tossed him a teddy bear. It had a pretty pink color. However, this morning, Hye-sun took the teddy bear from him. Tae asked for it back, leading to an argument where Hye-sun slipped and fell down the stairs. Hye-sun cried, saying it was a mistake; she didn't mean to take the teddy bear. She just wanted to clean it before giving it back. Such a generous excuse from a caring elder sister.
Taehyung's family blamed him, accusing him of pushing Hye-sun down the stairs. They called him evil and ungrateful. After returning from the hospital, Namkoong violently whipped him until he fell unconscious. Coincidentally, Taehyung was reborn right after he passed out
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
Dear, I think he fainted.
Yeong-ae commented with a frown, looking disgusted at the boy lying on the floor. The village boy wasn't raised by Yeong-ae, she had no love for him and considered him a pain.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Fainted? He's just playing to avoid trouble.
Sang-bum said approaching with a basin of water.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Dad, excuse me, I'll wake him up.
Unnoticed, Taehyung lying on the floor suddenly opened his eyes, cold and determined, mocking those around him.
With a wicked laugh, Sang-bum was about to pour cold water on Tae. Suddenly, the unconscious taehyung got up and took the whip from Namkoong. The Choi family was horrified. A hint of a smile appeared on tae's face. With all his strength, he cracked the whip at Sang-bum face. As an idol and singer, Sang-bum face was his prize and possession. His face was worth upto fifty million won.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
How dare you.
Sang-bum roared angrily, feeling a burning sensation on his face.Due to the unexpected force, he ended up spilling the cold water on himself, soaking his clothes.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Too bad.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Sang-bum gritted his teeth
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Too bad i just woke up. I'm still weak and don't have strength.
Taehyung singhed while playing with the whip in his hand.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I couldn't kill you with single whip
Sang-bum shook with rage. No, it couldn't be. Tae wasn't that type of person! he behaved like a tail-wagging dog, always appeasing them, without a trace of dignity. No matter how poorly they treated him, he stuck around like a persistent, unshooable fly. Yeong-ae's heart ached as she observed the wound on her son's face. She glared at Taehyung.
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
Are you crazy?! Don't you know that you ..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Shut up!!
Taehyung returned a threatening stare
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
You're so noisy!
Yeong-ae felt intimidated by his gaze, swallowing his words. When she grasped the situation, flames seemed ready to burst.
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I said you're very noisy
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
Get out, get out from here
Yeong-ae face twisted with fury, pointing at tae with trembling fingers.
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
Dear, remover him from here; I don't consider him my child! I'll pretend i never give birth to him.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
That works for me
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I'll also pretend i never had you as my mother. I only had one mother and her name is Kim Hee-sun
His past self had naively hoped that being nice and obedient would make them notice and like him someday.
Nevertheless, that day never arrived. Despite his earnest efforts and accomplishments, he remained inferior to hye-sun . From the beginning, all his hard work amounted to nothing. To them, he was just a parasitic and pitiful dog, obliged to bow down and submit whenever his family tossed him a bone. Hye-sun was their cherished darling. As the genuine heiress of the Choi family, his existence was consistently overlooked. Unloved by his parents, constantly dismissed by his brothers, he endured disdain, mistreatment, and harm from Hye-sun.
Hye-sun was once sobbing and whining to her eldest brother, Choi jun-ho that since his leg broke, he could not play basketball. She realized how excellent Taehyung was at basketball and how much the school students used to praise and complimented his talent. One day, Tae got into an accident and broke both of his legs. He was able to stand up, but he could not play basketball again. On rainy days, his legs would hurt terribly.
Hye-sun moaned to her second elder brother, Sang-bum about how little she looked like her family members. Outsiders said that she was not the heir of the Choi family, but Taehyung was. One day, Taehyung was locked in the restroom by his classmates. Someone poured a bottle of acid onto his face and it disfigured him permanently. Hye-sun told Choi dong-yeon enviously that Tae was skilled in drawing,, and playing musical instruments. She was jealous of his brother’s hands. One day, Taehyung was kidnapped and his hands were crippled, resulting in fractures in his arms. From that day onwards, he could never draw or play any instruments again.
Taehyung reassured himself that those incidents were just coincidences. However, when he was diagnosed with leukemia, his family informed him that bone marrow match tests yielded no suitable donors. They urged him not to give up on this situation and promised that they will keep searching for the donors. Weakened by illness, Taehyung lay in bed as life slipped away day by day. During Hye-sun's visit, she revealed bone marrow match reports showing all three brothers as suitable donors. Shockingly, none were willing to save him. Hye-sun disclosed that the misfortunes with his legs, hands, and face weren't accidents but a plot orchestrated by herself.
In the past, taehyung harbored a strong desire to harm Hye-sun and every member of the Choi family. However, being sick and on the brink of death, all he could do was watch his enemy lead a happy life. After dying in sorrow, regret, pain, loneliness, and misery, he realized he was living within a story titled "Lady Luck." Hye-sun was the beloved female lead, adored by all. Her future looked promising; she was spoiled by her parents and brothers, with an affectionate and powerful fiancé. Everything was going well in her familial relationships, love life, and career, sailing toward the peak of her life. As for Taehyung, he was just a supporting character who complimented the female lead.

Chapter- 2

Namkoong's expression darkened, his hand reached to slap tae. Swiftly, taehyung countered, deflecting his slap, the impending blow with a crackling swing of her whip, creating a loud rupture in the air. Startled, namkoong withdraw his hand and Sang bum growled nastily.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Dad he is disrespectful and rude. He doesn't belong to us!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Exactly. I'm not one of you. You're like maggots in a pile of dirt. How could you produce someone as innocent as me?
No regret. No pain. Only disdain, contempt, and hatred lingered within him. In this life, he vowed not to be controlled by fate, refusing a miserable end. He aimed to break free from the choi family, live a good life, and make them taste a fate worse than death. In the midst of the argument, namkoong talk angrily
Choi namkoong
Choi namkoong
Look at yourself! People from that village are sure lowly, not worthy of respect.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
So what if I come from the village? Your own grandfather came from the village three generations ago.
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
You must have picked up diseases in the village.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I may come from the village, but I know about morals. I'd never wreck a family and become a mistress!
Yeong-ae unable to handle the rage, nearly passed out. She pleaded with her husband.
Choi yeong-ae
Choi yeong-ae
"Dear, I can't take it anymore. Take care of him and get him out of my sight. I don't want to see him again!"
How did he find it out? Who revealed these secrets? Yeong-ae and her husband were a powerful couple in the show business, but little did people know about his remarriage. Namkoong, advising Yeong-ae to rest and faced his son who have been with them for a year now.
Choi namkoong
Choi namkoong
What do you want?
A whole year had passed since his return, yet he hadn't really seen him. As he looked closely, he noticed he shared some features with his wife – similar brows and eyes. Since his wife was a beauty, Taehyung inherited good looks from her. As namkoong looked into his son's eyes, he saw indifference, coldness, and mocking disregard, making him seem unlikeable. Taehyung casually tapped the table.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Fifty million. That's the price to cut all ties with the Choi family. I won't expose your wife's past as a mistress and neither will I tell the Lee family that Hye-sun is a fraud
When the Choi family brought him back, they claimed he was adopted, hiding the fact that Hye-sun is not the real heiress. They wanted him to keep this secret to maintain the Choi and Lee families' heirs' marriage.
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Are you so poor that you lost your mind
Choi namkoong
Choi namkoong
Bum, draft us a contract
Choi namkoong
Choi namkoong
I hope you will keep your promise.
Fifty million? Fine, the Choi family was in no shortage of money. He merely treated it as severance pay! Or else, with a crafty troublemaker like him who was constantly stirring sh*t up, he wondered what he would do to harm Hye-sun again. With a signed document in hand and fifty million won, Taehyung walked confidently out of the house, ignoring the scornful glares from the Su family. The sun shone brightly outside. he looked up at the sunlight, feeling invigorated and energetic now that he had money. The wounds on his body no longer throbbed with pain. Unexpectedly, Hye-sun's voice reached him, sounding tender and meek.
Choi Hye Sun
Choi Hye Sun
Mom, Dad, please talk some sense into him. If anyone should leave, it's me. How could you let him go?
Namkoong and Yeong-ae remained silent, glaring viciously at Taehyung. Hye-sun pleaded with Sang-bum.
Choi Hye Sun
Choi Hye Sun
Second Elder Brother, he didn't mean to push me. I just broke my leg. Why are you all chasing him away?"
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
She's not fit to be your sister.
Taehyung nearly threw up when he heard his sister’s words. he turned around and addressed Hye-sun with a smile and a wave of his hand.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Sis, can you come over here. I have something to tell you
Hye-sun was taken aback and his gaze shifted with uncertainty. Still, as her parents and brothers were around, she thought that tae would not dare to do anything to her. Tae noticed that Su Ruowan had come forward. The other members were obedient, too, and did not follow suit. He inched closer to her elder sister and said.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Hye-sun stop pretending in front of me
Honestly, Hye-sun wasn't naturally pretty. Her heart-shaped face was small, but her features weren't that attractive. Thick brows, not-so-big eyes, a somewhat flat nose, and thin lips. But she mastered makeup, almost like a magic trick that covered all her facial flaws, making her look beautiful. Sitting in a wheelchair with her leg in a cast, Hye-sun's expression briefly hardened when she heard Taehyung's words. Then, it softened, and she looked at Tae meekly.
Choi Hye Sun
Choi Hye Sun
Little brother, what are you talking about.
Without saying a word, Tae grabs Hye-sun's arm, pulled her up from the wheelchair, gave her a tight slap, and then shoved her away with a kick. It was all carried out perfectly in one movement. A horrified Hye-sun screamed, as she landed on the floor, clutching her stomach. She cried
Choi Hye Sun
Choi Hye Sun
Little brother, why did you do this to me.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I'm leaving. You must be thrilled to become the Choi family heiress in peace. Since you're celebrating, should I light some firecrackers for you?
Choi sang-bum
Choi sang-bum
Taehyung, I'll kill you!!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Don't push me, or I'll expose all of you! I'll tell everyone that her leading role was planned from the beginning!
Sang bum stopped in his tracks. He gritted his teeth exasperatedly as he watched tae maniacal laugh, his domineering stance, and his savage stare. He would not let this vile c*nt Taehyung off the hook! For certain, he would make him pay for what he did today! Taehyung had just approached the doorstep when a handsome young man ran towards him, bearing a stern expression on his face. Perfect! It was Hye-sun’s fiancé, Soo-hyun! All his enemies had arrived! Soo-hyun was rather good-looking and had a snobbish, arrogant personality. When he realized it was taehyung, he raised a hand to slap him.
Lee Soo-hyun
Lee Soo-hyun
Taehyung, you bitch. How dare you bully her.
Taehyung's reaction was quicker than his. he delivered a slap on his face and kicked him in the stomach. The force sent Soo-hyun two meters away from him. He landed at the doorstep with a loud thud. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the road. A car zoomed towards the entrance at an incredible speed, as if the driver had lost control of it. The car was directed at Soo-hyun, who was still lying on the floor. His eyes widened in alarm, and he could not bring himself to scream. He watched as the car sped towards him. A sharp, piercing sound could be heard. The car braked suddenly and stopped as soon as it was about to hit Soo-hyun. Obviously, the driver was skilled at maneuvering the car. Soo-hyun had been scared senseless by this incident and flopped onto the ground. Taehyung pointed his fingers at Soo-hyun and laughed hysterically.
The car window was rolled down, partially revealing the charming face of a man. He turned his head slightly to regard Tae, who was standing at the entrance and looked a mess. His voice was deep and hypnotic as he spoke
Someone: Where are you headed? I’ll give you a ride.
Taehyung caught a glimpse of the driver and his eyes lit up with glee. He got into the car calmly and sat on the passenger seat.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
To golden sea bay
Everybody was somebody’s precious baby, and he was no exception. He wanted to find his adoptive parents, the people who loved him most in this world. The man nodded. Without asking further questions, he drove away.

Chapter - 3

Lee Soo Hyun watched the car drive away, then burst into a fit of rage and roared at the car, yelling.
Lee Soo-hyun
Lee Soo-hyun
Taehyung! Cha Eun-woo, just you wait.
Taehyung didn’t even notice the animal screams behind them. He tilted his head and asked the man sitting next to him.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Do you want revenge big brother
The handsome man was his half brother, who had the same father as him but another mother. He had been the son of Namkoong’s ex-wife, who had lost her husband to Yeong-ae, who eventually committed suicide by leaping off a building. Eun-woo was taken aback. He looked at the boy beside him and said.
Cha Eun-woo
Cha Eun-woo
They're your biological parents
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Not anymore
Eun-woo was eager to hear Tae's plans, and as he listened, his cool expression changed to one of curiosity. He knew that his youngest brother had never felt at home since they had brought him home, and had been bullied and scorned by his family. When the Choi family celebrated Hye-sun's birthday, the invitation cards only mentioned her beloved daughter, and Taehyung had been deliberately ignored.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Big Brother, consider what I just said, I have money now, so I want you to give me a response within two days so I can find a partner quickly.
Cha Eun-woo
Cha Eun-woo
No need, i agree
Coming from the small town, he dreamed of creating a cool entertainment company, making it the biggest not just in Korea, but all over the world. he wanted to do everything – movies, TV, music, fashion – taking over the whole entertainment scene. His plan was to beat the Choi family where it hurt the most, winning in the thing they were most proud of. He aimed to crush their pride, expose their secrets, and cut off their main support.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Hey, Big Brother, I'll write a plan for you in two days. Get your papers ready to start our company. If you need help, just ask, No turning back!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Once we start we're all in
When taehyung reached the villa entrance, he noticed roses creeping on the walls. Seeing them brought tears to his eyes. In winter, only the vines of the roses remained. Peeking through the metal gate, he saw the living room door was slightly open, hinting that someone was inside. Madam Young-ae wasn't used to the northern heat. During winter, when her residence got heated, she'd keep the door a bit open for fresh air. Back then, Old Kim was deep in debt, and the villa was about to be mortgaged. After returning to the Choi family, life was tough for Taehyung, but he felt too ashamed to come back. After Taehyung's death, Madam Young-ae discovered that Old Kim had sent him away due to business troubles, wanting to spare him from their difficulties. Later, Old Kim went bankrupt, and Madam Kim got diagnosed with cancer. After Madam Kim passed away, it took two more years for Old Kim to find out about Tae's death. Overwhelmed with grief, he planned to end it all by bringing petrol to the Choi family's home. However, the Choi family had Hye-sun, a wealthy and famous woman, who changed Old Kim's mind. Instead of harming them, he teamed up with the Choi family. Sitting on the house steps, Taehyung called a number.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Mom it's me
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
I'm not your mom; wrong number.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I miss you both!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
want to came home
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I'm outside
A battered figure stumbled out, and Tae rushed towards her
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
Who told you to come back? We don't welcome you! his mother said.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
They hit me mom
Young-ae looked at his son who was in a total mess and covered in wounds. All of a sudden, she felt the urge to confront the Choi family. She could not suppress her own emotions any longer, so she ran forward and hugged Taehyung tightly.
Tae was her precious baby. Neither Old Kim nor herself dared to lay a finger on him, and to think the Choi family had the audacity to hit him!
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Mom, I’m not leaving, I won’t leave you again. I was wrong, it’s all my fault, you and Dad mustn’t leave me
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
Don’t leave us, come home. No matter how poor Mom and Dad are, we won’t send you away again. The most important thing is we are together as a family.
After their son left, they did not hear from him at all. No one knew how Young ae and Old Kim carried on with their lives. They spent each of their days in tears and they would cry whenever they saw their son’s belongings. Young-ae took Taehyung to the community hospital for treatment. After coming home, Young-ae grew sadder the longer she looked at tae and became angry.
Taehyung was sitting on the sofa and chowing down on his mother’s beef noodles. he mumbled with his mouth full. “Mom, I’ve taught them a lesson. Do you think your son is the type of person who gets pushed around?” Most of the time, Madam Yun was patient and soft-spoken. She would only become enraged when it was something concerning her son. Yun Jinping sighed helplessly. She asked Taehyung.
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
Can you still eat?
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Why not
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Mom, they are just a bunch of nobodies. To me, they are unimportant and not worth getting angry with.
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
Are you sure that you won't go back to them.
She did not want him to head back there. Regardless of how difficult their lives would be, she was happy that they would brave the hardships together as a family. She and Old Kim were still in their prime and able-bodied. They would not starve to death.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Taehyung patted his chest and accidentally touched his wound. he snarled as he grimaced in pain.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Whoever goes back is a b*stard!
Young-ae hurried forward and patted his arm anxiously.
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
What did you do that for? What if you hurt yourself?
Taehyung laughed cheekily and hugged her mother around the waist. With a frown, Young-ae tapped on her son’s forehead with the tip of her finger.
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
Don’t you stain my new outfit with your oily lips.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
That's not new you bought it two years ago
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
If it's stained, I'll buy you new one.
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae
My child has all grown up and knows that he has to buy new clothes for her mom.
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
Your son’s adorable, responsible, kind, and he’ll make a lot of money in the future to repay you both. Are you willing to send him away to someone else?
Kim Young-ae
Kim Young-ae

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