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Emperor's Daughter

Chapter One: Back in time


What's happening?

My hurts, the ringing in my ears won't stop. I open my eyes to see an unfamiliar yet familiar ceiling. 'What?' I thought to myself. I began to look around to see a table, a chair, and other things that you would normally see in a room. But this one's different. Everything is color pink!

"Ugh," I groan out loud and try to sit up. My body wasn't responding, so I did it again. 'What's happening?! Why can't I move my body!' I tried to pinch my nose as a sign of disappointment keyword: tried. I look up to see my hands...

"EKK!!" I yelp out loud. My hands were small, tiny, and vulnerable. What... why's it like this?. What happened? Has someone put a reverse aging spell on me? And most of all...

Why am I still alive?

I began to think..the last thing I remembered was being decapitated by my father. The word itself left a disgusting taste in my mouth. I don't need him anyway. Not anymore. I began to try and squirm around, attempting to sit or stand, but all was futile as I felt a big weight try to pull me back. 'Tsk' just then someone came inside the room.

"Oh my 1̺͆Schatje, you're awake?"

No... don't tell me.

A figure hovered above me to see that familiar cold green eyes that used to look at me like filth was now gently looking at me as if everything that happened didn't. The gold blonde hair that shines through the sun and those plump red lips that used to let out many profanities in my face was now smiling at me as if I was a blessing.

'Why so soon?' I thought as he picked me up. "Good morning 2̺͆liefje" he kissed my forehead. The foreign warmth stayed as he leaned back. "Let's go eat, you must be starving." He smiled as he took me to the outside.

As we walked through the hallway, I began to think. Where am I? A different dimension? A dream?. At that perfect time, I saw the calendar near a staff office, I think. The month and year were eighteen years ago...

Eighteen years ago?!?!

My eyes widened as I was in a state of shock. Did I reincarnate? That can't be. It's supposed to be a myth. How come?. I didn't realize we had arrived in the dining room, and my father had already sat me in his lap. I look up to see my father eyeing me with love. I frown at that. Why are you acting like you didn't kill me, you old fart.

His smile slightly faltered. "What's wrong, my dear?" I shook my head, his eyes widen as well as his mouth. He soon regains his composure as he asked "So you do understand me." I hesitate, and he might kill me again. I decided to ignore him and began to look at the table for food. I saw fruits and tried to grab them.

"Here you go," he says as he grabs the fruit with a fork and brings it to my mouth. I open my mouth wide and eat it.


After I ate breakfast, he once again carried me to his hip as he walked to his office. I have never gone in here in my previous life unless I want to spend time with him or get scolded by him. I poked my tongue out a bit, and my father saw it and cooed.

"Cute," he reacts.

'Hmmm,' he sat and began to do his work. I just sat there on his lap and began to think all over what's happening.

First, I seemed to have reincarnated and was brought back eighteen years ago. Everything that happened in my past life didn't happen yet, but I'm sure still bound to.

Now that I'm thinking, my thoughts go back to the books I've read related to what I'm experiencing. I should probably do the same thing as they did. Take some notes and list up the things that would happen in the future and train to build up my strength enough to fight off my father as he's the strongest enemy at this moment.

I thought more of it and decided to do it as soon as possible. But I can not write at this moment. I need to memorize all of it for now. I sigh as Father begins to bob his thigh up and down as if to put me to sleep. I yawned and looked up.

We had a staredown, he still rocked his thighs, and I began to feel drowsy and starting to slowly close my eyes.

"Sleep tight, my little emerald," he murmurs as I slip into slumber.

Chapter Two: One step for revenge

5 Years Later...

"Physics is a branch of science whose primary objects of study are matter and energy. Discoveries of physics find applications throughout the natural sciences and in technology since matter and energy are the basic constituents of the natural world." I hum in satisfaction as I successfully memorized the history of physics.

I am now 5 and I celebrated my birthday a few months ago. My father gave me a palace and a garden of diamond green roses. The palace is located near the father's palace. Technically, the Empress's Palace was a given gift as well as the garden, which is in the back of the palace.

Many were against it as I should be living in the Emerald Palace, which is for princes and princesses to reside in. But what they don't know is that he already gave it to me as an early birthday gift as he says when I just turned a year old.

I cringed just thinking about it. I sighed and closed the book and sat on my bed and took out a box underneath it. And if you guessed it, then congrats, I guess. It's the notes and information I needed in the future, including the small details that led to my death. I took out the lid and brought out the notebook, and flipped to a certain page.

To-do list

Gain favor of staff's ✔︎

Study as many languages as possible ✔︎

Avoid Blake and Jannette

Become Empress

Gain favor of the kingdom

Build a Business

Never get married

Find an heir

Live a peaceful life

Die peacefully

Yeppp, sounds about right. I then put it back in its place along with the box and went to change. I walked out and checked myself in the mirror stand. I smiled and went out.



As I walked through the hallway, just as I walked past my father's office, he called out to me. "liefje, please come inside," he says in a doting manner. I mentally scoffed and went in. "Greetings, father," I courtesy. "Ahh, my dear, don't be a stranger. Come to Papa," he smiles as I obey. I walked to his side, and he lifted me up to his lap.

'Is this going to be a bad habit soon?' he continues to do his work. I read the paperwork my father is doing when my eye stops on a certain paper.

Your Majesty,

We have been trying our best to raise more money for the children but it is in vain as many of the people would ignore the charity movement, the children in not just our orphanage but also in three other cities. Please send your reply as soon as possible.


The xxx orphanage

'Tsk' I was naive back then, I thought doing a little good deed would make him proud. Just thinking about it made me regret it: No, I don't regret helping the children who long for family. But I regretted giving hope to that Bitch, that girl who ruined my life came from bottom to top in just a few months is humiliating as a Crown Princess.

I'll make sure to improvise and be cautious, just to then a light bulb dinged in my head. I smile "Father, should we help them?" "Why are you asking my dear?" "Well, they are in need of.." as I was trying to be a good princess and convince him to help the orphanage I added "But we should restrict of visitations of people as we need to uhmmm groom them you know?" "Waahh, that's my little girl" he kissed my head and signed the paper.

I smirk 'Jannette Lee Margarita be ready...

I'm coming for you.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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