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Game For The Villains (18+ Short Stories)

I Will Take Your Everything 1

Hey guys!! I’m here with a another chat story!!
The concept is villain/villainess being the protagonist and kind and avenging themselves!! And finding their favorable ending
So I hope you will enjoy it
Let’s get started
Ms. Murak?
Ms. Murak!
*Taps on the person’s face*
<<The person slightly gaining her consciousness>>
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Ahh *holds her head*
Are you alright, Ms. Murak?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Ms. Murak..? Is he calling me that…?)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(But my name is Violet..)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(And… wasn’t I dead…?)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Aanghh 😖
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Memories flashing through her mind*
<<Her gaze softened as her eyes grew moistened>>
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Mr. Grayson… sir… hic
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Yes? Should I call a doctor?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
<<She slips her hands around him as she leans against his chest hugging him>>
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I.. I.. had this bad dream…
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
It’s alright Ms. Murak, you are fine now
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Pats on her back*
<<She continues to hug him tightly as she continues to weep softly >>
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Heart aches seeing her cry for first time*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(I used to be the A list actress.. but then Aliya joined and outshined me.. and took all my glory and my happiness.. and ppl started gradually forget about me..)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(I still wanted to befriend with her.. she had a soft sweet nature energy.. we became close at some point)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(But she always seems to be with her fiancé and snd showing off)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Then one day she approached me at a bar.. we both drank.. passed out.. then the next morning I woke up in a room and paparazzi and reporters suddenly barged in.. bombarding me with questions like why I was involved in a drug dealer..)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Soon new spread and I got many haters.. haters… who ended my life)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Aliya~ my sweet best friend— oops ex best friend~ now stepsister~ didn’t you brag and say you love your fiancé so much~ let’s see if it will be the same for him~!)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Since I have given the second chance I make sure you lose everything you love)
<<10 minutes later >>
<<They breaks the hug >>
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I’m sorry sir..
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
The dream was really scary.. I know I’m not a child anymore to get scared of a dream.. sorry
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
No need to apologize Ms. Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
You have overworked yourself, and caused you to faint and came across with a bad dream..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Which I am to blame for so..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
I’ll give you a three day break to relax and recover
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
It’s alright sir I’m… *sniffles* fine
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Lips quivering*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Eyes fell on her lips*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Heart skipped a beat*
<<As if something draws him to her.. something bewitching about those lips.. he couldn’t control himself.. and..>>
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Lift her chin up with his index finger subconsciously*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*smashed his lips onto hers*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(It’s going to be easier than I thought~ 😈😼)
I opened my mouth and let him access inside
Our tongue intertwine mixed with our saliva
We kissed the fullest of our lust
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I lowered my eyes.. acting shy and shocked..
As well fidgeting my fingers so visual my nervousness that we had something we shouldn’t
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I covered my face with my hands pretending to cry
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
We shouldn’t have done this..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Put hands over her hands and pulls them away from her face*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Don’t be sorry Janette
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
It was me who initiated the kiss
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
No one will find out anything
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(*Smirk* but I will make sure the right person will definitely find out!)
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I Will Take Your Everything 2

Next day
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Sir you all?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
I have revised your file for— *turn his head from the computer to her*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Lost in her beauty*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Ahem Sir!!
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Comes to his senses *
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
There’s few errors I like you to look over again
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Well an opening~
I walked to his desk and bent to look at the computer screen.. exposing good amounts of my cļævǎğe
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I focused my attention on three screen ignoring the his stares
I took my time to read the comments
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I’ll quickly make a new report and send it to you
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
No need to rush, you can take your time
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Tugs a small strand of hair behind her ear*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
I don’t want to see you fallen sick again
I made a flushed face
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Th-thank you sir~ 😳
I left his cabin and started my report
As much as I like acting all clumsy and innocent in front of him.. I don’t like procrastination with my work
After completing I sent it to him
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Phew done
I glanced at the two nicely packed bento boxes
I made lunch..
I know for fact Aliya never made him homemade meal.. so this will definitely move him
Took one of the box and went to his office
But as soon as I walked in I heard another voice beside Asher
I walk in..
And both heads turned toward me
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Don’t you know to knock?! *annoyed*
Aliya was sitting in Asher’s desk, her arms on his shoulders her lipstick is smeared all over his mouth
I hid the boxes behind my back
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
(Hm…? *Saw her hiding it*)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Sorry *bowed my head*
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
*Return to compose herself*
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Oh Janette~! I am sorry
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
You know how much I hate when outsiders disturb my time and Asher~ please don’t take it personally..
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Remember I recommend you to Asher so no other greedy woman lingers around him *explore Asher’s chest* I trust you a lot
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Anyway did you have something important to say?
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Cuz we are going out on a lunch date~ 💅🏼
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
When did we plan that?
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Just now~ I already have a place in mind
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
I have wor—
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Hush 🤫 *puts her index finger on his mouth*
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
They are not more important than me, is it honeybun?
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Sigh* no
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
*Smile* 😊
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
You can go now Jane~ if anyone look for him, just take care of it yourself
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
He won’t be free in next four hours
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Four? Why?
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
We going shopping afterwards~ I need to buy a new purse for tomorrow’s show
Aliya Murak
Aliya Murak
Jane~ you can do it right?~~
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Have fun on your date *forced smile*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Left from Asher’s cabin*
<<Her cabin>>
She angrily was about to dumped the bento in the trash but stopped
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Food didn’t do any wrong..
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I’ll give it to the generator
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
So what if they are still in good terms~! I will definitely form a barrier!
Later that evening
Asher went to where Janette’s desk is
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Focused on some paperwork*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Admiring her working*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Felt a gaze on her and looks up*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Oh sir!
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
What can I do for you?
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
It’s.. about earlier.. I apologize about Aliya’s behavior
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Oh on no.. please don’t apologize.. it’s nothing new, I am already used to her being this way to me..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
I see…
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Also did you have something to you wanted to give me?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette was cut off by a knock
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Come in
Janitor: sir! *Bows* hello!
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(What a perfect timing!)
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
What are you doing here?
Janitor: I came to say thank you to Ms. Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janitor: ms gave me a meal box. It was a delicious meal I had eaten in a while
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I am glad you like it.. I personally cooked it myself
Janitor: thank you so much ms
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Alright you can go now
The janitor bows and left
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Was that supposed for me?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
.… *looks down*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
So it was.. and you gave it to him?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I am sorry.. I shouldn’t have…
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*thinking she was going say she shouldn’t have gave to the janitor*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Prepared you lunch..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*slightly annoyed*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
..I know you are used to eating from 5 star restaurants or cooked by personal chef.. why would you eat something I cooked..
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Thank goodness Aliya took you out to lunch date.. or I would’ve have embarrassed myself with my poor cooking skills…
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Are you done?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Let’s go *hold her wrist*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher drags her to the parking lot and makes her sit in the car
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Your place
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
My place?
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
We are going to your place and you are going to cook dinner for me with your own hands
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
How could I..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*start driving*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(That took a different turn)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Watching her*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*thought of an idea*
Asher walks behind Janette and back hugs her
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
😳 sir..?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Sorry for making you wait so long… it’s almost ready
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Don’t mind me, take your time
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Your hand
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Does it bother you cooking?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Shakes her head in no*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Good to hear
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Wanna taste test it?
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janette scooped a spoon of the soup and blows to cool it down then feed it to Asher
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Does it taste good?
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
It better then the lunch I had today
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Thank you
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Do you have beer?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I do
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
But sir you are driving back home it not safe
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
I can stay the night if you mind~
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
My apartment compared to you is.. how can you..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janette why do you belittle yourself so much..?
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
(I can’t believe the difference with the two sisters.. one can’t live without luxury and other one lives so ordinary.. it almost hurts to see her degrade herself)
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
And why do you think I will have problem? Don’t think too little of your boss. I grew up experiencing all sorts of things..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
So shall we enjoy our dinner with a beer?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(He give me free opportunity~)
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Bit tipsy*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Came out after shower*
She wore a tight tang-top and nike shorts
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I made the bed for you—
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
What about you?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Im using the couch
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Just use the bed with me
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
It’s not proper for us to sleep together in the same bed.. if Aliya..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
She’s not here..
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
And we are just sleeping so it’s fine..
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Um.. alright then..
Both lays on the bed keeping a bit distance between them
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Good night sir~
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
After a while
Janette snuggles close Asher her bosom pressed against his chest
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Breath hitched*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
Janette- *sees her*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
*Softly snoring*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Smile* cute
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Pulls her closer*
Asher Greyson
Asher Greyson
*Subconsciously pecked on her head*
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I Will Take Your Everything 3

Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I woke in Asher’s arm in the morning.. he didn’t seem bothered by it at all~ which is an accomplishment~
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
He left after eating breakfast which I made for him~ and again told me he preferred the food I made then those 5 start restaurants
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
All I have to do is keep my innocent and pitiful act around him
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Anyway right now I’m going to the Murak manor, where my current parents live.. I have too observe how they treat her which is me
At the Murak manor
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Jane~ my beautiful daughter~
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Mom 🥺
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
What’s wrong baby? Why do you look so down?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
It’s.. nothing (I don’t know if I should tell her about my plans..)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Tell me how are you?
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
I am doing great now that I have a good news for you~
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Really what is the good news?
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
I found a perfect partner for you~!
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
He’s the second son of the current ceo of xy industry
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I already have someone in mind!
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Alright.. I will approve if it’s someone higher then him
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(I guess it’s fine to tell her.. since it’s my original body owner’s mother)
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
It’s Aliya’s fiancé..
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
I thought you two were better match~!
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
But your father insisted to have Aliya to engaged to him..
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
He thinks she’s pitiful because she lost her mother at young and needed a good man like Asher
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
So you approve??
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Of course!
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
A ceo himself~! I definitely approve!
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
But they love each other
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
So what?
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Love if fragile
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Look at us as an example
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Your father were so in love with Aliya’s mother but look what happened~ with some sweet talks he fell into my arms~ and married me once her mother died
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
All men are like that!
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
What if dad gets mad.. you know how much he spoils Aliya..!
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Don’t worry about that
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
I’ll take care of your dad.. and you handle your side
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Alright mom~ *smirk* love you!
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Love you more my daughter
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Karma is waiting Aliya~)
In her room
Janette took a bath and now she’s doing her skincare routine
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Should I go clubbing tonight~~?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
It’s the weekend and I want to relieve some stress
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Yup I will go today!
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
She put on a slick cherry red dress
And wore gold arm ornaments and where the slit is
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
A golden clutch
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
And a golden glittery heels
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
And to finish off she did her makeup.. smoky eyes and cherry red lips that highlighted her jet black hair and ocean blue eyes
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Wow~ she’s really beautiful- I mean I am really beautiful~~!
Janette was going down the stairs when her mom called her out
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Yes mom?
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Where are you going dear?
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
I’m going clubbing
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Ohh! wait a minute
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Is she going to stop me..? Like those strict mothers)
After a moment her mom returned with a square paper box
Which she put in inside her bag
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Mom that.. 😳
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
In case you want to take the fun in the next level~
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
But with a protection of course *said strictly*
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
(Wow~ her- my mom is on the next level!~ I like her~)
Mrs. Murak
Mrs. Murak
Don’t worry about coming home early~ just enjoy your night~
Janette Murak
Janette Murak
Thanks mom~!!
To be continued

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