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Spooky Tales Of Horror


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a girl was walking on the streets it was a very cold winter night on top of that Christmas night
(audio is must for imagine)
she was looking at her hand wrist watch again and again with restlessness
she was coming back from her part time job after greeting her co workers
the streets were busy and the feeling of excitement was visible
but her face tell something else
it was gloomy she was scared about something but what?
she hurriedly enter in a wine shop
later after buying her fav wine she then reached home
wel...welcome back marl*shuttering*
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she said this to herself while removing her coat
again she was alone on Christmas
she closed each and every window and curtain them and closed doors of her house except one window which was not curtained
She enter in her kitchen and bring out a big butcher knife
placing everything on the table besides her moving chair which was in living room
she played a classic tune and sat on her moving chair while closing her eyes
by looking at her face there was a expression of fear but why ?
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her legs were restless she was tapping on her floor with great tension
a wine bottle opening sound was mixed with the tune and create a great atmosphere of silent
she clinched her hands on her dress and whispers * it starts*
suddenly a door knock can be hear on the doorstep
her face turn pale but she still ignore it and increase the noise of music
from that uncurtained window
she noticed a couple with their kid walking on the street
The knocking was louder but strangely no one except her could hear that
the girl closed and eyes and whispers
dont let him in dont let him in dont let him in
the knocking sound stop
with her trembling feets
she gets up and walk toward the door while holding the red wine and butcher knife in her hand
she stood still infront of the window and try to look outside with fear
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the krampus who was half goat and half human came infront of her making her cry in fear
she fell on her knees and looked at the monster who was trying to chisel the window glasses with his big nails
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only the window was making them seperate just by few inches
the fear of ages were still making her trembling to extent of dead
she was scared she remembered her child hood how she behave as a rotten girl
mumma I want my gifts I want it now* shout*
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baby u will get ur Xmas gift in morning Santa will bring one *smile*
the girl was making fuse over the Xmas gift which she want badly and after hearing her mother she could not hold back and said something harsh
u..u I hate u u dont love me * cry*
then her mother told her the story of krampus the Xmas monster who eats spolied and rude kids
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marl baby stop crying or else * serious*
else what huh* looked at her*
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krampus will come and take u with him * raise her hands and trying to look like a monster*
who is krampus??* confused*
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he is a legendary ancient devil who eats kids like u dear * serious*
but why he will eat me? I'm not tasty
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he likes to eat bad kids who want presents before morning
what really I'm not scared of this krampy monster I wish Santa give me kramppy so I could play with him * giggle*
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ish this kid*smile*
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a sound of thunder could be hear when she says this
and that was the greatest mistake of hers which lead her to meet this devil at every Christmas from past 18 years
. . . . .
she was crying in mess while holding the butcher knife
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she then gain some confidence and removed her top by doing this she hold the knife which was very sharp and landed it on her bare shoulder resulting in losing her own shoulder meat and throw it towards the monster by that grill window
(ignore her facial expression)
the monster growls could be hear till hell
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but not to the people around her house as her house was levitating between hell and earth
he grab her meat and sniff it by doing this he eat that piece and looked at her with a hungry beast
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she was crying non stop as she got one more piece of her body loss or I say till now 18~ piece of her body
she was looking very ugly as her 18 piece of her body was missing making her look like a creepy bug
11:57 pm
she looked at her wrist watch and smile in tears of pain and said only 2 minutes left
but those two minutes was like 2 years for her as pain was unbearable
the monster was stood still there only looking at his prey wriggling in pain he was enjoying it *tick* with this he says
marry krampus dear~
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11: 59pm
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with that big sound everything turn silent as if nothing had happen
her wound was healed and she was perfectly fine looking beautiful and gorgeous
but it was not a dream or the pain she felt was fake
it is a curse which she can't remove
it is a curse which she invites for herself
its a curse which make her real self come out every Christmas night the ugly blooded one
from 11:20pm to 11:59:59 pm
its a curse which make her 40 minutes painful as hell
every year she meets him , her own krampus
those forty minutes are hell for her as she experience pain,fear and a urge to die at a point
if she wants she could die peaceful rather than facing these torching 40 minutes every year
but she wants to live she wants to survives but the question is why?
why?maybe because she loves her krampus dear~
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( germany horror legend) krampus
hehe hlo everyone
marry krampus💀
I'm ur authorishh
I will bring stories from different countries about horror legends and myths so stay tuned
and its my own imagination I didn't copy any work of any horror movies,dramas or books but yeah picture credit goes to their original owner rest its all my work
I hope u like it I try my best making it look horror but still 😅 I dont think it is
I will not going to complete ending its on u to imagine and create ur own ending dear~

prick of a pin

ding dong
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hello there is a parcel for u
huh but who send it??* take it*
thank you sir *walk away*
but wait-(shout)
crimson was confused with such behavior of a delivery men
think I need to make a complaint now * take the parcel inside*
the boy took the parcel inside
he was living in an old residence building with few neighbors but they were rude or say scared from something
he enters inside his room and open the box
he cursed as he saw a voodoo doll which was looking very scary
he was feeling very weird looking at that doll its arms were torn eyes were made up of buttons and the most weird think about the doll was its black hairs which were same as crimson but he didn't care much about it
guess it would be trouble some
he pick that doll and try to find the sender name
but there was none except a diary
he open the diary and first thing he read was "We all have something we keep. Mine is a dark wooden box. I hate that fucking box. I hide it away, stuffed at the back of my bottom drawer, wrapped in a tea towel so I don’t even have to look at it. My husband doesn’t know why I refused to have ‘walnut’ laminate flooring in our dining room. It’s because it reminds me of that bloody box."
strange * masssage his temple*
he kept that doll on the table beside his bed and try to sleep
he draft in deep sleep
in his dream
he was in a dark place with no light then he heard a girl crying who was saying I c u doing that
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he was roaming in the darkness to find the small girl but he couldn't
he move further and there he saw a doll.......a voodoo doll
he move further and take heavy steps towards the doll
he was few inches away just then the doll move back and jumped on him saying I cu
with this he woke up
huff huff* heavy breath* wh..what was that* looked at the doll which is now on his bed*
he was so confused that how the doll move to his bed own his own but still he ignores it
he do his daily routine and walk out of his room forgetting about the voodoo... while he was locking the main door
he saw a lady in her 50s holding the voodoo doll which was present in his room
*eyes widen* wait-
but that lady disappear
he hurriedly open the door again and enter inside his room where the doll was kept
he was shocked to see the doll sitting on the table which he left on bed
what the hell happening
he was now scared
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he looked at his room and then keep the doll on sofa and diary on the table and then left the room
later while walking to his job place he totally forgot about the doll and when he reached their he was busy doing his work
at night when he was eating food with his co workers he chokes
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what happen crim ?
the girl pass water to him and he drink it in a glup
ha ha hiss*in pain*
blood was coming out from his mouth and his eyes were teary he felt a shrap pain in his arm and legs
the co workers were scared seeing such scene infront
they notice broken glass and understand the whole situation
hiss*in pain*
they hurriedly took him to the nearest hospital and other co workers make a complaint against restaurant for serving broke glass to their customers
the glass pieces were stuck in his tongue thankfully he didn't glup any glass piece inside and he took medicine for arm and legs pain too
the Dr prescribed him some medicine and said not to talk in loudly
he was discharge at 3 hrs
his co workers bring him to his residence
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take care crim* left*
he was using stairs
as lift was broken
he reached infront of his room and try to open the door
when he was trying to open his door he saw his neighbors
he try to greet them but they ignore him as he dont exist in their he is an outsider in there territory
he just nod and head inside
with this he moves to his kitchen to drink the medicine given by the doc
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he was feeling the thick liquid taste of copper in his mouth he try to spilt the blood before taking the medicine
he took to the meds and move towards the living room
* walking with tiredness and pain*
he sat on the sofa and lean backwards
he was thinking about the tragic thing's happend to him from yesterday when he remember about the dairy and doll
he looked for voodoo which he kept on the sofa corner when he left before he leave but now it was not there
he tried to look in living room but he couldn't able to find
he runs towards his bedroom and their he pause at the gate
he looked at the voodoo whose mouth was covered in blood and some glass pieces were also attached to it four pins were attached to the dolls arm amd legs making it look same as crimson condition
he was Scared to see such view
he started searching his whole room to find who did that prank on him but the windows were closed from inside there was no way a person could enter expect the front gate but it was locked it was looking as if a ghost disappear without any trace
he was frustrated and then he decided to read the diary
diary- " I was 8 when I saw my step mother making this doll using my brothers(23 yrs ) hair , she was a manic who was into black magic but I was a kid and didn't understand these things much but ,later after 2 days my brother died...and the most shocking part was that my brother died in the same way like that voodoo which my step mother made drown in water,i took that curse doll with me hoping to bring my brother back but I was wrong as I did the greatest mistake of my life ....(few pages torn) I will never let my husband see that curse which I'm hiding deep down in my heart the fear of death the fear of voodoo"
* what is this crap?*
by saying this he stomp his foot on the floor and rush down grabbing the diary and doll in his hand and throw them in the Dustbin
he take a sigh of relief and went back to his room
he decided to sleep but before it he locked each and every windows and doors of his room
making himself feel safe he sleep
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the next morning he was feeling very lazy to wake up but still he get ready to go his office
by taking a long shower he eats some light food and took his meds
he was walked out of His room but today he saw his neighbors smiling and saying good bye to him
*locking the door* smile and nod*
he was happy that at least from now on he won't feel awkward.... but maybe he was wrong ?
he walked out and took a public transport
men1-whispers* men2- whispers*
as soon as he reached his office all the people present there close their nose and said
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u didn't take bath today crimson??
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at least u should use perfume mr crimson
?? I did take it *in low voice*
the people around him looking at him with disgusting eyes
he felt very ashamed he ran towards the washroom and spray some perfume but still people in the washroom closing their nose with disgust
*what's happening?*
he ran outside the office but he saw every one making disgusting and weird face by seeing him
there he developed an unknown fear inside him which make him run towards the direction of his house
he ran as fast he could but it took him 20 minute to reached their
he was huffing but still reached near the Dustbin where he throw the doll and diary
but he was late too late as the workers already took the garbage leaving the diary behind
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the fear inside him was making him suffocated
he grab that diary and enter inside his room locked it and sat on his bed
diary- " when I gone outside my husband open that wooden box and saw that creepy first he laugh but later he try to pull his legs and head out and he successfully did that which made him lose his head and legs as well as life...who so ever will open this cursed doll ,the doll would take his shape. I lost everything and everyone so im committing suicide, at first i was planning to send this doll to church but i want revenge so I'm sending this doll to mr crimson my step mother only grandson he may not even kn me as his grandmother ran away after killing my brother and took over our family property but as we says karma hits u back she lost those money in gambling ..I will send this diary with the doll if he is lucky enough he would read the diary before or else....till now he will die because of his grandmother greed "
by reading this his hand tremble in fear
he kn what will happen with the garbage ,they will grind it inside the machine
(imagine voodoo doll crashed in it)
just as he realized ~ Grinned~
Sometimes we didn't attempt any crime but still suffers.....maybe because of our ancestors?
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so I kn many of u are confused but dont worry I'm clearing ur doubt's so the lady whose diary crimson was ready actually was her step aunt when she saw her one and only family which was her husband died she felt angry and in anger she send this doll to crimson later she died take her revenge she(as a ghost) use broken glass piece and pins to make crimson suffers but he died by his own foolishness
about his neighbors behavior there is a theory which I made....that he is living with ghost in that old residence building which is rented at more cheaper price as his grandmother was a black magician so maybe he could see ghost but he is not aware of this as I said that his grandmother run aways with that money and used it in gambling which made her broken to the extent that his son left him alone with his kid(crimson) so basically he never seen her gm so when his neighbors(ghost ) good bye him in the end they may new he was going to die so they greet him as he was going to be just like them
Well that my point of view there could be more theory's on this just like I said I will not complete the ending its on u to imagine and create ur own ending and plz do share ur ending theory with me in comments 💀
(afro Haitian community*Africa*) voodoo doll
💀 I kn this one is a bit disappointing
but I'm trying my best
like comments and do subscribe


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3 boys were going on a road trip as they turn 18 they asked their parents to allow them to go... at first their parents hesitate but still looking at the boys excitement they agree
but that was their greated mistake to send them
: good bye everyone they all sat in the car leaving everyone with this sentence they left their home and went towards the highway
they were enjoying their freedom playing music and over take many cars
At first they enjoyed and celebrate their freedom while watching the road and many cars passing by ...
they reached at one fuel station and picked up their necessary items they thought to fill the tank but it was half filled so they planned to fill their tank in the next upcoming station which was around 50km aways
the three left from their and drive off to their destination later after few km they were enjoying the view of the roads when they noticed a sign board
: hey hey look at that : woah what's that ? : shall we! : damn ok let's go
the three of them look at the sign board which was covered in mud indicating " deep forest ahead 20km to main road"half board was not clearly visible
they were planning to enjoy their trip to the fullest so they thought of taking a short cut which was leading to their destination from between the deep forest
Without caring about the surrounding they take their car off road and follow the non metallic road and directly enter in the forest without looking at the danger sign board
it was a very dark inside the Forest
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at first they were thrill to see such view of deep forest but later they all were getting bored
: who's idea was that to enter in this damn shit place? : it was u mr*shrugs* : ooh! hehe well its preety boring sigh
they all were chatting and later decided to play some music but
there was no internet
one boy open his window glasses and move his hand outward in search of a signal
but none of the tricks work
he sat back on his seat cursing the damn Forest
he was driving from past 2 hrs but they couldn't find the main road /highway
suddenly they all started having weird feeling so they open their windows allowing air to come inside
the boy who was driving open his window and try to set his hair on side mirror of cars
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his cool expression turn into fear
there was a clear sweat visible on his forehead
his hand went cold
A moment later the boy who was driving notice something from the side mirror he saw a horrified creepy men running inside the jungle
he looked at those red eyes which was enough to make him fear to death
he noticed a black Shadow of a human- no of a monster running behind their car
soon he shouts and tell his friends to close their windows
his friends who were sulking because of boredom do as he says
:hey what happen?? : yeah why u are Scared?? :*speed up *
They were repeatedly asking him what happen but he didn't answer any question and just speed up his car
seeing increasing speed of the car the monster who was behind them starts running parallel to their car
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the two boys who was busy asking the question stop their breathe as soon as they notice such big shadow with red eyes running besides them
it was 12pm but still the sun rays were not coming inside the forest thus the Shadow which was running parallel to them was appeared to be black
two friends were shivering in fear
the boy who was driving speed up his car time to time
but it was of no use the monster speed was unbelievable
its been 30 minutes the monster was following them
tears were clearly visible in each one eyes
one boy try to call his father but no signal
it was 12:30 pm
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they were all scared as hell try to find the way to main road but sadly they couldn't see a single sign of road instead the forest was becoming darker and darker
on the sign board its written 20km to the main road but they drived 80 km still was unable to find it
time to time they notice that the monster was just playing with them
his eyes were as red as blood which was continuously digging holes in the soul of those boys
the speed of a monster was unbelievable if he wants he could catch them just in few seconds but
he was enjoying watching them in fear
They then understand that the monster was just playing with he can catch them anytime but still the monster was giving them chance just as a predator play with his prey before hunting it
it was 1:20pm
when the sun was on top of the forest that time little lights enter inside the forest
warning the picture may triggered few so skip it
Now they can roughly notice his skinny holes filled body which was creepy as hell ....and his mouth which was shut back then was now showing them his large yellow fangs smile which was so scary and one of the boys pee inside the pants
One boy scream in fear and pee in his pants making the car dirty but their life's were more important than that smell of pee
the monster yellow teeth were formed into a weird smirk
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It was 1:36 pm when their car was suddenly stopped they looked at the fuel indicator and notice it was indicating E
That make their heart which was beating louder now getting out of control they started crying
The monster yellow teeth were formed into a weird smirk as he start approaching towards their car
They locked their car windows and head down thinking maybe the monster will spare them but not everyone has a happy ending
The monster was just standing outside their they can see the monster very clearly
He was ugly as hell..2 boys vomit inside the car by looking at his disfigured body
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knock knock knock
think him as monster
the monster knock their car window three times
With fear of death they gain little courage to look up at the monster....his red eyes were more reder and horrific
As he was giving them a last Waring not to look up...but they already looked up at him
with the forth knock screen went blank
with this story ends~
(Canadian mythology creatures) Wendigo
hehe hlo
the story ending depends on ur imagination and Creation 💀as I will never compete ending of any story of mine
I kn its weird ...well its my dream I was so scared from past few days by imaging it
but still 💀 I wrote it I add Wendigo part in this dream and add scene too( like that hole skin part )

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