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Friends Online But Rivals Offline?

Chapter 1

*Music playing*

(Amethyst) Happy Birthday Celeste!!


(Celeste) Thanks guys... I'm really happy that you guys came to my house to celebrate

(Livya) Of courseee! Also, where's Monica? and your boyfriend Celeste

(Celeste) Uhm.. Raymond said that he was a bit busy on his school work and Monica said that she was feeling a bit unwell so she didn't come

(Amethyst) Oh.. uh, are you sure?

(Celeste) Yeah, why?

(Amethyst) You should see this..

*Celeste grabs Amethyst's phone and it was an Instagram story*

"Omg, Check out my new boyfriend, Raymond! He's so cute, I actually didn't feel guilty taking him, I mean, he was my best friend's boyfriend and all but he loves me, so whatever! "

(Celeste) What...

(Amethyst) I'm really sorry Cel...

(Livya) That's f*cked up

(Amethyst) So what are you gonna do?

(Celeste) Well.. I don't know.. But all I know is that if Raymond is happy with Monica, then I should just let them be...


(Celeste) I mean.. what am I supposed to do?

(Livya) BEAT HIS AS*

(Amethyst) I AGREE!

(Celeste) Chill guys, I mean, violence is not the answer for this.. I need a bit of alone time..

(Livya) You sure..?

(Celeste) Positive..

(Amethyst) Okay then.. We'll leave you alone, see you tomorrow in class Cel..


(Amethyst) LIVYA?

(Livya) Fine.. See ya at school tomorrow Cel..

(Celeste) Bye guys..

(Livya) & (Amethyst) Bye!

*Livya and Amethyst leaves Celeste's house and Celeste goes to her room and cry in her pillow*

(Celeste) That's messed up.. How could Monica do this?? Does she hate me or something?

*Celeste continues crying but then she glances at something in her desk, her laptop, she then wipes her tears and go to her laptop and decides to play a game to cheer her up*

(Celeste) What game do I play? hm.. I did play roblox a long time ago.. I'll just choose that game..

*Celeste then hops into roblox and plays an escape obby (cringe, I know but it's for the plot)*

(Celeste) It's been a while since I played but I'm still pretty good at it

*Celeste continues to play and forgets her sorrows, and she was ahead of everyone until*

(Celeste) Wow, I've made it this far, I'm lit ahead of everyone! Awesomee!

(Celeste) Wait, who is that behind me, is he tryna race me? Not today mister!

*Celeste and the random player keeps racing and eventually that random player was ahead of her by one stage*

(Celeste) Oh, he's good but I'll catch up!

*The random player then dies and Celeste was now ahead of him, and now they are head to head against each other*

(Celeste) C'mon... almost to the finish!!

*Celeste and the random player reached the finish line but Celeste managed to reach it first*

(Celeste) Woohooo!

Chapter 2


(Celeste) Huh?

"Good game" (?)

(Celeste) What a good sport

"You too, wanna be friends? " (C)

"Sure, my name's Trevor" (T)

(Celeste) Trevor huh?

"Nice to meet you, I'm Celeste" (C)

"What a nice name" (T)

"Thank you" (C)

(Celeste) He's nice but tomorrow I have to go to school

"I have to go to sleep, so bye Trevor!" (C)

"Bye, see you next time! " (T)


(Celeste) *Sigh* Tomorrow I have to face Monica and Raymond.. Ugh....

*Celeste goes to sleep*


*Celeste gets ready for school and meets up with Livya and Amethyst*

(Celeste) Hey guys..

(Livya) Hey!

(Amethyst) Hey besties!

(Livya) So what do you have for first period?

(Amethyst) I got History

(Livya) Science, what about you Cel?

(Celeste) Uhm.. I got PE

(Amethyst) Oo, good luck

(Celeste) Thanks

*At school, Celeste gets ready for PE and she was met with an unpleasant surprise*

(Celeste) I'm tired for PE but I have to I guess..


(Monica) Lookie here, little miss my boyfriend's ex

(Celeste) Cut it out Monica

(Monica) Why? Because I stole your man, I mean, he loves me more than you anyways

(Celeste) What the heck, we're friends, why did you steal my boyfriend

(Monica) Well cus your a slut

(Celeste) How am I a slut?

(Monica) From a long time ago until now, I had a crush on someone and you keep stealing them

(Celeste) Well it's not my fault they like me and not you

(Monica) Anyways, I'm heading to MY boyfriend, toodles!

(Celeste) Ugh

*Celeste goes to the field and everyone is lined up including Monica and Raymond*

(Celeste) Great...

(PE Coach) Okay students, for today's PE is not like normal. Because we have a rivalry with the school near us, we decided to let them compete for today's PE

(Celeste) *Mind* Are you serious

(PE Coach) So I want you all to give your best and prove that this school is worthy of the best school in the block!

(Celeste) *Mind* Wow.. Awesome..

(PE Coach) Now for today's competition, it will be special, it's gonna be track and archery

(Celeste) *Mind* Thank god I'm good with my aiming skills

(PE Coach) Now, for the teams

(Celeste) *Mind* Please choose me in archery, if not, don't choose me in any

(PE Coach) I'll be choosing people who has low scores compete in both competitions, starting off with *blah blah blah*

(Celeste) *Mind* and there it is, ugh

(PE Coach) And lastly, Monica and Celeste

(Celeste) *Mind* great

(PE Coach) Now let's begin the competition!

*Celeste gets ready for track first and gets into position, with 2 people from the other school and Monica beside Celeste*


(Celeste) *mind* no bruh

(PE Coach) GET SET!

(Monica) Good luck Ms slut~

(Celeste) *mind* ugh


*The track starts and there will be 3 laps, Celeste runs as fast she can but someone else from the other school gets first place and Celeste is just right behind*

(Celeste) *mind* I could catch up! come on legs, work with me for just this once!

*Celeste runs with a bit of more speed and... SHE'S IN FIRST PLACE! But suddenly.. *

Chapter 3

(Celeste) *mind* Almost....

(Monica) Too slow~

(Celeste) huh?

*Monica trips Celeste by pushing her and Celeste falls down face first and Monica ends up winning the race*

(Monica) Yay! I won!

(PE Coach) Congrats Monica

(Celeste) What the- Coach!

(PE Coach) Is there a problem Ms.Celeste?

(Celeste) Yeah! she pushed me!

(PE Coach) What do you mean? you tripped and fell yourself, don't blame others on what YOU did wrong!

(Celeste) *mind* ugh

(Monica) Sucks to be a loser hmm?

(Celeste) OH QUIET YOU-

(PE Coach) ENOUGH, Celeste you're sitting by the bench until I call you for the archery competition

(Celeste) Great...

*Celeste then goes to sit in the bench in the hot gorging sun*

(Celeste) Ugh.. it's so unfair... thank god, I asked for Trevor's number last play

*In Text*

"Psst, you on? " (C)

"Yeah, why? Somethin' goin on? " (T)

"How'd ya know? " (C)

"No one else talks to me and if they text me, normally they need something" (T)

"Oh, well I'm just bored" (C)

"Why are you bored? " (T)

"Well, I got benched by my coach, I have PE now and my school is competing with another school, coach said that our school are rivals with them? I don't know, confusing" (C)

"Wait, my school is competing with another school too! " (T)

"Really? what school are you from? " (C)

"Mine is in Nexus, you? " (T)

"Mine's Supernova.. " (C)

"So... our school's are literally competing against each other.. " (T)

"Yeah, btw what grade are you in? " (C)

"Uhm, 11 grade, you? " (T)

"I'm in 10, so your my senior since you're a year older than me but your not in my school.. hehe" (C)

"Meh, it's fine, also what are you guys competing anyways? " (T)

"Track and Archery, I have to do both" (C)

"Why'd ya gotta do both? " (T)

"Low scores in PE, and btw I swear I hate this one girl at my class" (C)

"Who? " (T)

"This b*tch named Monica, she stole my boyfriend, I mean my ex, when we were still dating, she's so scheming" (C)

"Sheesh" (T)

"And just now, we were in the same track and she LITERALLY PUSHED ME AND MADE ME FALL FACE FIRST" (C)

"Why didn't you tell your Coach? " (T)

"You think I haven't done that? I did tell my coach but he only said " dOn'T bLaMe OtHeRs oN wHaT yOu DiD wRoNg" " (C)

"Bruh, he's blind af" (T)

"I know right" (C)

"When is your archery competition starting? " (T)

"Coach said that he would call me when it will start" (C)

*In Real Life*


*In Text*

"Welp, Coach just said it, I gotta go now, bye! " (C)

"Bye, I'mma be watching you by the sideline" (T)

*not seen*

*In Real Life*

(Celeste) *mind* I already have a good mood, why did it have to be ruined so early..

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