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Black Star

Beginning of revenge

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(In a rainy night)

a girl screamed painfully

please let me go

please let me...

(Next day)

She woke up what happened last night?

aarh! my head

Oh! no today is my wedding


(someone opened the door)

Step mother: today is your wedding bitch and here you are sleeping peacefully get up we can't miss this chance to improve our connection with liang family

you are so lucky! that they choose you otherwise who want a fatty girl like you hurry up and get ready.

(The girl named hu xi lying on the bed. Her messy black hair and her brownish sparkling eyes and round chubby face just making her more lovely) .

huxi(pov):What was that? and who was he?

huxi:whatever I need to get ready otherwise they will beat me again.

After getting ready (she look so cute)

In hall when Mr liang saw her he rolled his eyes and said hurry up come here and finish this nonsense!

(After the wedding...)

hu xi's father: Son! let her stay here tonight.

Yeu liang:Whatever! I am going to abroad today anyway.

(After liang leaves...)

hu xi's father:come here! Take that thing with you.

hu xi:That's all my things. Do you want to kick me out completely? if one day liang divorce me where will i go?

father:just go away.

After coming to liang's house...

huxi(pov) :where is my room? I'll have to ask maid about it.

After roaming around the house

huxi:Why is there no one? where is everyone?

Suddenly! she hear some voices

? :do we really have to keep that ugly and fatty girl?

? :Why are you worried. she don't know anything now. we just need her kindey to save our son.So, don't worry after that you can kill her. Afterfall her father sell her to us in exchange of pink lake.

huxi(pov) :What! are they crazy? I am also a human. how can they sell me to these monsters? I need to do something quickly.

Yeu:oh my god! mom , dad look she was listening to our conversation. (hahaha)

Yeu:Now! darling I think I need to teach you some lessons so, you will never overheard anyone else conversation.

huxi:What do you do want to do?

Yeu:guards! take her to our basement cell and

tie her up and call doctor xu.

Guards:okay! sir

huxi:let me go you crazy bastard! I am you wife. how can you do this to me?

Yeu:wife! (hahaha)do you think you are worthy to be my wife. you are just a toy who I need for some time, guards take her away!

(In the basement)

Doctor:are you sure? she will die.

yeu:yes! take out her kidney now and treat my brother.


(After the operation)

Doctor:I told you she will die. She is died now.

yeu with smirk:I don't care! Guards throw her away, Now I can live peacefully.

At night! a girl lying on the road in a critical condition.

Girl:I will never forget this! I will come back again and take revenge...

Start of the real game

hu xi: aarhh! what is happening.where i am? and how I am alive?

(unknown) :welcome sweet heart...

(unknown) :you did not recognize me. aww! don't worry I remind you. See here! look at my face.

huxi(looks up) :ch.. che.. chen! (in teary voice)

Chen:don't worry love. I will avenge you, But but but in one condition.

huxi(suspiciously) :what was that?

Chen:Nothing much! You just have to be mine.

huxi:what! but i am so ugly now .

Chen:no sweet heart you are not ugly you are beautiful in my eyes.

(door thud thud...)

Chen:who was that?

Chen's assistant: sorry! sir but scot gang leader want to meet you.

Chen : (rolling eyes) okay! tell him to wait. sweetheart wait here for me don't try to run away. if you do then I don't know what I'll do.


Chen:Good girl.

(after he leaves)

huxi:I need to run away quickly. Otherwise that pysho will find me. I only meet him once but I don't know what did he see in me.

huxi(pov) : This is not the right time to think about these things.but, what can I do?

huxi:Chen dear! I am not the same huxi as before everything is changed now. (smirk)


(after he comes back)

chen:love ! I am back . oh! you already asleep, no problem. your world is going to change completely from tomorrow.

chen's mind:You are mine now I will never let you go again. My love!

(After two months)

huxi:Honey! If i ask you for something, will you give it to me.

Chen:Anything for you love.

huxi:(smirk) I want to learn different languages.

Chen: Just this. Okay!


Chen:what do you want you know you can ask me anything, but you if want to go out then, I am sorry you know I can't bear you going away.

huxi:Don't worry! I just want to learn fighting.

Chen:you naughty girl! what are you thinking about.

huxi(pov) : I just want to defeat you honey.

Chen:Okay! sweetheart I will hire the best fighter in the world for you. wait for me!

huxi! oh! okay honey. (smile dangerously)

(after few months)

Chen:you look more beautiful now than ever, sweet heart.

(Guard) :Boss! scorpion's man are attacking us, they have us surrounded.

Chen:What! they has come into this field only four months ago and has courage to challenge me the top 1 mafia. Wait! for me sweetheart I will come back soon.


(after he leaves)

huxi:Oh! sweetheart the game is begin now . You took away my freedom from me and made me a toy for yourself to play with whenever you want. now, it's your turn.

(On the other hand)

Chen:How it is possible? Quickly, call all the men here, we need backup.

(Assistant) : Sorry! sir but they already destroy them.

Chen:Nooo.. (gun shot)



chen:what! what's going on.

assistant:why they are not attacking us anymore?

huxi:because I am here now. (smirk)

assistant:mm.. ma'am

chen:sweetheart! go inside now. (anxious)

huxi:Oh god! babe are you hurt. let me treat you first.

(Glare)yan come here and take him to my room.

yan:Yes leader

huxi:Max prepare a car for me.

chen:You are not going anywhere. you are not allowed to leave me. (block)


yan:yes leader guys take him to the room

other people:yes sir!

huxi:max is the car ready?

max:yes leader

huxi(pov):Finally! the time had come.

(stopping at the threshold)

huxi(pov):I never expect that.

max:come ma'am.


(after entering the car)

huxi(pov):I waited so long for this moment, finally I got my freedom.

max:where do you want to go ma'am.

(Phone ring)

max:Oh!sorry ma'am I brought a phone you asked. I think old master is calling you.

huxi:yes !old man

huxi'grand father:my child! finally you got out from that jail i've been waiting for this time for so long. come meet me i am at the base .

huxi:that old fox!max take me to the base.

max(peek through the mirror) :yes leader

(At the base)

Mr.zen(huxi'grand father):Oh my! my baby has grown up.

huxi:what is it come to point I don't have time for your nonsense.

Mr. zen:why are you getting angry? i am your grandfather after all you should respect me.

huxi:oh my! I am so sorry grandfather I am a bad child. where were you when my mother die , where were you when I am treated badly and where were you when I was sold off.

Mr zen:your mom ran away with your bastard father when I was ready to accept her I found her died already.

huxi:okay whatever! what do you want now and how did you find me?

Mr. zen:I just want to congratulate you for becoming the no. 1 mafia in the world, but seems you forgot something.

huxi(frown):and what is it?

Mr. zen:do you know who is chen?(smile)

huxi:oh!I see that now are you here to warn me.

Mr. zen:yes afterall you are my favorite granddaughter.

huxi:don't worry about me, I already told his family nicely that he is with me and they agreed.

Mr. zen(shocked):that's impossible, what did you do?

huxi:nothing!what can your weak favorite granddaughter can do. I just send them a gift.

Mr. zen :that's why I want to make you my heir.


huxi(smirk):so that's the case.

Mr. zen's butler:(giggle)

Mr. zen:are you mocking me behind my back?you are fired I don't want to see your face anymore.

butler:As you wish sir.

Mr. zen:hey! where are you going? we are friend aren't we so why are you leaving me.

butler(smile):but, sir didn't you just fire me?

Mr. zen:we know each other for 30 years you know I didn't mean it when I said I don't want to see your face.

huxi:okay! you two can stay here as long as you want and old fox I am coming to your house tomorrow so, get ready. now, I want to do something so, will take my leave.(smile dangerously)

Mr. zen: what is she going to do?……

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