NovelToon NovelToon

You Can't Escape Me~

Episode 1

The names and story used here are purely based on imagination
They don't hold any connection to the real world
Three old men were sitting in a room
Talking about the child each of them raised
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
My grandson Rajvansh is the CEO of my company
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
There is no person in the business world who could compete with his knowledge
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
He has got a backup solution for everything
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Under him my 2 million worth company has boomed to be a multi billion company ☺️
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Rajvansh is just like my son....
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
How i wish he was alive to see the prosperity his first born bought 😔
shreyaansh would be even more proud of Dhruvansh
That young lad has taken over the underworld way too early😌
His hot blood runs so well in him
He is the strongest of all in underworld
people in underworld fear him...they tremble at his sight...
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Ayaansh is heading the special forces
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
i am so proud of him
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
When I hear the lil fellow commanding i am reminded of my daughter
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
She used to roar like him
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Or should I say he roars like her
*the three old men sighed remembering the kids who were no more*
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
I have never seen the kids smile though
The fatal rule in underworld is to maintain the poker face
We don't joke around there
But i havent seen dhruv smile even at home
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Ayaansh behaves like he is at work even when he is at home
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Initially I was ok with that
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
but now....
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
raj looks dead cold
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
When he speaks
Dhruv is heartless in speech and behaviour
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Ayaan is strict
*they sighed again*
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
I wonder would it be the same if their parents were around 😔
I don't think so
Because if shreyaansh was here
Dhurv needn't take over this position
He would have may be been a cheerful lad
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
My daughter would have made Ayaan a gentle boy unlike her dad

episode 2

Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Bigbro where are you😑
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
*duck and held the neck of the person*
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Ya! How dare you hold my neck*breaks through the grip and traps him*
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Why did you have to sneak up from the's just the reflex i have
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
But your grip is too tight on my neck*tries to break through but quits struggling when he gets hit on the head by a file*
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
*loosens the grip as got hit by a file*
Ayansh and Dhruvansh in union
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Stop acting like kids now and let go of eachother 😑
they both stood and looked at their elder brother
The young ceo looked pissed
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
What happened bhai?
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Is someone troubling you Bhai? Should I check on it?
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
i surely don't need the underworld mafia to look into such a silly matter
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
I need a man
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
what do you mean you need a man😶
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
comeon I am a man
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Ya...ya I am a man tooo
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Tell me what is the problem!
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
A blind date
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
grandma wants me to attend a blind date,😑
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
so what's the big deal?
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
You can attend it
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Ya and if you don't like her you can reject right
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
She is the daughter of grandpa's close friend
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
And this blind date is just a formality
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
They have made up their mind to get me married to her
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
They are doing it against your wish?????
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
They can't force you!
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Should I talk to them🤔
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
I want one of you to go and give her a really bad impression of me so that she can reject me
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
She will fall for you if i go😏
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
I am charismatic you know
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Did he forget that we are lookalikes of eachother
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
And there is no difference between us
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
He surely did i guess
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Anyways I will handle her for you
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
I can trust you on that I know😐
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
But you will have to deal with "that bastard" for me 😏
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
No😑"that bastard" is a pain in the ass
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
What are you both talking about???
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
There is this pain in the ass who is trying to become the drug lord in the underworld
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
No worries I can handle it
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
But you will have to help me with something then😏
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
what now??
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
don't worry you are best at this!
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
get to the point 😐
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
you need to make a report on the undercover war I went to
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
And how do you think I will get the information
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
I will tell my comrade to help you with it🫡
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Ok that's a piece of cake then
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
So dhruvi you will be going to grandpa's place and head to the meeting tomorrow around 10:30 am
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Bigbroooo don't call me that
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
it feels like you are calling a girl😩
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Who will tell you are mafia if you whine like this
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
You are supposed to act like me
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Cold and composed
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Come on you guys
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
This ain't the first time we are switching places
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
The last time you went in my place and you kicked a junior of mine
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
you kicked so hard that he was there in the hospital for 3 days
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
He wasn't able to retrieve a code
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
He was useless
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Ayaansh you messed up a 2 million worth deal of mine so it's better if you don't complain
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Yes bigbro is finally backing the right brother 😝
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
don't be late
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
I am going to your place ayaansh
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Cool I am going to the base to read that bastards info
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Cool I gotta break a heart I am going to bed early tonight 🥱
They left to their respective places

episode 3

Next morning
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
I look ok🤔
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Ok it's 10 now i should go now
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Yes grandpa😐
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Raj , you don't have to feel forced...just meet her she is a really good kid
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
And i personally selected her for you
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
She is hardworking and ...
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Have you ever thought so much for my brothers😑
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
I understand you seperated us
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
But atleast you could treat us equally
dhruv just walked out
He had pierced the old man's heart
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
i did.....
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
i didn't mean to turn a blind eye towards them
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
After all they are also my grandsons
he sat sadly on the couch and looked at the photo
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
I miss you son
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
Mr Singhania (grandpa)
I miss you 🥺
Tears escaped the old eyes
on the other side
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Was i too harsh?
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
I shouldn't have spoken to that man
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Forget it I need to work on my plan right now
Ayaansh's side
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Ok so I have to attend a meeting with that bastard in a pub!?
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Are you serious!
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
How can you be so unprofessional to meet in a pub?
he called Dhruv
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Bro I have to meet that bastard in a pub?
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
He is going to talk about the illegal drugs
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
ok so am going alone right
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
The last time you sent me to a couple event alone😑
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
And people thought I was dumped and rejected
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
But they didn't utter a word cause I kept those famous death glares of you on😆
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
my team mates will accompany you
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Make sure to kick that asss
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
Ok gotta go
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
She is here
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Enjoy bro
they hung up
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Now whom was he talking about 😐
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Whatever I will just read this info for now
Before he could continue he got a message from Dhruvansh
Dhruvansh Singhania
Dhruvansh Singhania
"grandfather has told me to meet someone...just go and see who is it!i need to handle this lady! Just get ready and go the meeting is at 11 and I have sent you the address "
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
He didn't even state the purpose 😶and where is this place again.....
Rajvansh's side
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Good morning 😐
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Oh you are awake
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Well you have to attend a meeting at 11
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Go get ready
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
*Ayaansh didn't tell me about this😶*
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Ok so where will be the meeting held grandpa
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
The dark caves!
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
*the dark caves?*
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
I seemed to have heard this name before
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Ya the same dark caves where you went for the victory ceremony
Captain Agarwal
Captain Agarwal
Just go get ready already
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
*is it to celebrate the war victory he had the past week?*
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
*i should ask him once*
He typed a message
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Grandpa wants me to attend meeting at 11
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
He says it's in dark caves
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Should I go?
he soon got a message
Ayaansh Singhania
Ayaansh Singhania
Go ahead and deal with it bhai!
Rajvansh Singhania
Rajvansh Singhania
Ok if you say so😐
Placing the phone in his pocket Raj went to get ready
Ayaansh also went to get ready

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