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Empress Of The Cosmos

Chapter one

Diana’s POV

Hey guys I’ll like to ask you a question how would you feel if after you worked overtime,coming home with a splitting headache,You got splashed with mud on your way home and the next day after you plan to give yourself a little vacation after all your suffering .At the end of all your planning you get teleported by a beam from the sky into some sort of spaceship 😶🚀 for some goddamn reason and ended up being locked up in a cell,how would you react?🙀

I’ll tell you how I reacted

“ARE You KIDDING ME THE ONE DAY I DECIDED TO TAKE A DAY OFF I GET BEAMED UP INTO A SPACESHIP FROM ONE THOSE FREAKING SCI-FI MOVIES,I GOT LOCKED IN A CELL, I understand that when you’ve turned eighteen you are now legally an adult but for God’s sake,I DON’T THINK THE SAME RULES APPLY IN SPACE I KNOW YALL ARE SOPHISTICATED,KNOWLEDGEABLE AND KIND BEINGS SO I BEG U IN THE NAME OF THE GOD I SERVE PLS RELEASE ATLEAST ALLOW ME TO GO ON A VACATION,Then you can capture me pretty pls see I even added the pretty because just look at me I’m not made for life in the slammer 😭😭😭”

I bet your all interested about the previous events don’t worry I ain’t going anywhere so I have enough time to tell you ever single thing that happened


“Uggh, that’s so the last time I’m working an extra shift cause my head is killing me right now.Any Stephanie still has the mind to get angry at me ‘cos I didn’t take over her shift , Da mn her she should hire a P•A to do her work for her because I’m no bodies errand girl.At least I’m almost home 🤧🥺”oh my shoes are untied let me quickly tie the Laces,uggh what’s wrong with that car why is it moving so fast it’s coming my way oh no there’s a mud puddle .”Ahh,oh my God what the hell is wrong with you?,why are u driving like a maniac?”

“Hey lady shut up will ya”The jerk says but his tone took a complete 360 because what he said does not follow what he said at all

“Oh my gosh,I’m so sorry for splashing you pretty lady and oh my your clothes are soiled.Would you mind if I give you a ride to my place so I can properly apologize and get you new clothes” jerk . As soon as he finished speaking I had the urge to suddenly go to church and give confessions because I felt so dirty after he finished speaking

“Are you for real 😧, No thank you I’m not interested and besides I was taught never to take rides from strangers”.

“Come on we’re not strangers anymore”

As soon as he said that my middle fingers automatically went up

“Get lost I’m not interested Damn that felt good but why do I have the feeling this asshole won’t leave me alone

“Brat I’m gonna kill you”jerk. The jerk came running towards me and as soon as he got closer I gave him a upper cut,a spinning round house kick and a ball crushing crotch kick 🦵😎

“Ahh,spasms”jerk .

Man that felt good, I guess I got an audience.Haha all of their mouths are open,I guess they didn’t expect that but None of them stepped up to help me they’re all lowlifes

“How annoying, in a whisper”time to head home”

Chapter 2

Diana’s POV

Man I didn’t expect to have such an interesting night,if I knew I was gonna get into a fight I’ll have brought my brass knuckles.The one day i felt like venting and I get a dude who goes down after a few punches.ha,siiiiigh!


“Hello Diana this is your boss I called to tell u that I won’t be around for a couple of days so I’m leaving the store in your hands”her boss

What the hell did he just say,No way I can’t handle this anymore

“I’m sorry sir,but I don’t think I can help u”Diana

“What do you mean”uggh I can already see his angry face

“Sir what I mean is that I won’t be around for a couple of days ,for personal reasons “please don’t drag this out

“Can’t those things be postponed until later because I feel u’ll be needed urgently at the store”his using his autocratic voice again,such a drama queen

“No sir it can’t because it’s in relation to my health.I hope you understand my point”pls just hang up already

“If that’s how it is ,then u should turn in your uniform “

Wait did he just fire me 🫠🤯🫥🤬

“Excuse me sir,I don’t understand what you mean by that”this guy didn’t just fire me

“U don’t understand I thought u were educated,it seems I was wrong.haa,what a pity”

Did this jacka** just insult me,🤬😡🫥🫠

“Excuse me who the hell do you think u are to insult me,I just asked for a few days of work so I can monitor my health and u fire me.This little b**** is gonna pay

“F*** you c*** I thought u were responsible but it’s all lies, Stephanie was right your just an ungrateful wench who doesn’t know how to be grateful to others for the favors they’ve done for you like Stephanie,she knows how to return favors.”

What did he say oh no he didn’t

“Listen up ‘boss’ I don’t care whether u own that store or the whole planet. You can go f*** your brains out with Stephanie for all I care but ,don’t mix your private affairs with mine ok. So just go ‘F’ yourselves and leave me the hell alone.AM II UNDERSTOOD,later loser.

Oh and I’m still coming for my last pay it’s my right as your ‘former’ employee. Bye 👋 loser”

“Who do you think u are you little……….” ‘Ring-ring’ call disconnected

Ahhh I never seen more beautiful words in a long time,who knew getting fired could feel so relaxing,but all this yelling has given me a splitting headache.Since I have some free time now let me start planning where I’ll spend my break at.But first let’s go home

‘Drunken mad I’m sick

But I think u know that already

You call me evil but how will you know if you hadn’t lived it already

You think you’re better right……’

On her phone she’s listening to Joker by Dax

“Yep that’s better,I need a Little Rock to clear my head.Ahhhh,home sweet home”she said as soon as she got in,she took of her shoes and put them by the door.

“What I need right now is a hot shower,a yummy dinner,a good action movie or maybe I could finish ‘Demon slayer’,nice air conditioning and a good nights sleep and hopefully the headache will die down”

She whistled as she got ready to carry out all her tasks for the evening and as soon as she was done she went to bed

‘I hope tomorrow will be better ,I beg u God’

After saying this she drifted off too sleep.

Chapter 3

Uggh my head hurts,I knew I shouldn’t haven’t watched anime all night long but I don’t regret it hahaha,ouch my head.Where’s my phone let me check what I have planned today


•You were fired yesterday by that a** of a boss

•Binge watch anime and regret it later,😏😭

•Decide where I’ll spend my free time

•Call grandma to wish her a happy birthday don’t forget grandma always said

‘Birthdays don’t mean your getting older

But it’s about me growing sexier every new year,(she said so she such an egomaniac and a narcissist but we love her like that 😏😂😍❤️)

But u can’t blame her she’s almost 70 am she looks like a 30 year old model talk about good luck , but her diet is horrifying


“Ok I think I will go for a little hike in the mountains grandpa used to take me when I was little,the view could always clear my headache so that’s definitely where I’m going for my ‘holiday’ “

Ok let me change into my workout clothes and put some killer workout music on 🏋️‍♀️.

Now I think hot shorts and a sports bra is gonna be my outfit for my workout,so let me take this off

Let’s see how I look in the mirror,not bad if I do say so myself ok I think grandma’s narcissism is rubbing off on me,but who cares it’s time to burn off all the junk I ate yesterday

she moves to the living room and turns on her iPod and scrolls through her playlist

What do I feel like listening,obviously my workout track

Let’s start with a song from Mulan

‘Let’s get down to business to defeat the hans,ha

Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons’

Okay now where getting somewhere let’s start with some stretches and squats

Now that we’re done with that time for push-ups let’s see whether I have the energy for it

1,2,3,4,5………40 not bad I stilll got it,now for some sit ups

1,2,3,4,……40 ok now some handstands

1,2,3,4,5…38,39,40 now I’m breaking a sweat

I think I’ll round up with some martial arts.Ok work outs over

Now I need some water,so what I’m gonna do is that I’ll freshen up and brush,then I’ll dress up and prepare breakfast then I’ll send grandma an early birthday shout out since the signal in the mountains suck ,besides I wanna be alone for a while.

Now that ,that’s over I gotta shower cause I reek ,bathroom I’m coming for ya baby.

She was humming and was moving towards the bathroom ,she exhaled and sniffed her breath

“Omg my breath stinks,thank God for the person who invented the toothbrush and paste,now let’s get down to business “

She brushes and when she done and cleans the brush,she yanked off her sweaty clothes and sniffed them

Nope,that was a bad idea and I realize that now anyway I’m washing u guys right now

And she washes her clothes

It’s better I do it now than dragging it any longer,since I’m done it’s time for my shower

I think a cold shower would be the best for me right now

She steps into the shower and put it on cold and she grabs the soap

Uhh this feels so much better

She starts singing beautiful mistakes by Meghan the Stallion and Maroon 5 in her heavenly voice

‘Beautiful mistakes,I make inside my head

She’s naked in my bed

And then we like awake making Beautiful mistakes

I wouldn’t take it back I’m in love with the vibe

And now we lie awake making Beautiful mistakes

Na na na in my head

Na na na in his bed

Na na na eh making Beautiful mistakes…’

She’s done showering then she dries her body with a towel and also her hair then she checks out her reflection in the mirror

U’ll think she was a fairy. She has long blonde hair that reaches her butt,a heart shaped face ,a slender nose,Blue eyes that shimmered like gem stones, Full eye lashes and thick eyebrows,Curves like a succubus,Full pink lips,tall slender arms and legs,you’ll think she’s a fairy

Ok not bad,now let’s get dressed and eat breakfast

For her outfit she chose some underwear,a pair of comfortable pants,a long sleeved crop top hoodie and a pair of boots

Let me pack some clothes and supplies into a bag with my phone cos I’ll be roughing it for a while

Let me call grandma

She searches her contacts then found sexy lady

She called the number,then the receiver picked up

“Hello sweet heart what’s the matter”grandma

“Hello granny,how are u”Diana

“I’m fine why did you call me now aren’t u meant to be at work young lady “grandma asked suspiciously

“Grandma truth is I was fired,because the jerk I have as a boss was trying to take advantage of me but I refused then he fired me and I almost got molested yesterday granny can you believe what a day I had”


Yep she’s truly my grandma,she scares me a little but I love her more because of that

“Granny don’t worry about them ,but if your still interested in fu***** them up call me so I can help it’s gonna be fun.

Forget about that I’m calling u to wish u an early happy birthday because I’m not gonna be available for a while,I’m going to grand pa’s mountain,I need some time alone if u don’t mind”

“Oh ok,are u sure you’re fine if you’re not feeling ok you can come and stay with me.But if you don’t want to I understand but just be safe for me ok ,your the only one I have left so pls be safe “grandma sadly

“Don’t worry G I’ll be ok.I don’t know but I feel like son big is gonna happen and I wanna be alone for it ,so bye granny I love it”

“I love you too,call me when your back bye”grandma

Then she hangs up

Ok time to go ,where’s my bag I nearly forgot to bring grandpa’s gun with bullets and a dagger

“Ok time to go”

All of a sudden a white light surrounded her

What the hell,hey stop ahhh

Why can’t I speak and why am I floating where my bag ,no wait ,wait

And then she was gone

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