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Craziness Knows No Bounds


The early birds started chirping and I turned around, getting more comfortable in bed until suddenly my door knocks, "BANG" "BANG" "BANG". I take the pillow next to me and cover my ears. "LEE JEON-SUK!" my mother yells. "WAKE UP, YOUR PHONES RINGING!". Sigh. I whispered to myself, "just who the hell is calling me like crazy". I got off my bed, unbothered to fix myself as I assumed I would jump right back in after the phone call and walked right over to the living room and picked up my phone. 'Damn I have so many missed calls from Lisa and Ren.' As I scrolled through the calls to count, my phone rings again, this time it's a group call with both of them. I sighed and picked up. "What is it you crazy bitches, can't you let me sleep?" I said. Lisa cuts me off slightly, "NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO SLEEP, WE NEED TO CHECK OUR RESULTS TO SEE IF WE GOT INTO WON ACADEMY!." My eyes widened, I completely forgot that today we had to check if we got in. I rushed immediately and grabbed my computer. "Hurry bro, I'm so impatient!" I hear Ren say. "Shut up lovebirds!" I replied. Ren and Lisa are my good friends but they have been dating for a year now. We are a trio but as usual there's always someone left out in a trio friend group and that's me right now. My laptop loaded and I typed in the academy's website as fast as I could and logged in. This was it. We worked so hard for this test. Our results were just one click away. "Are you ready?" said Lisa. "I was born ready" replied Ren and I said "Alright guys let's do this!", "FIGHTING!!!" we all shouted as encouragement. I covered my eyes and pressed the button for it to release my results. I breathed in heavily and removed my hands. I opened my eyes and I was welcomed in a bold writing, "Congratulations you've passed. Welcome to Won Academy!" popup message. "**** YEAH! I GOT IN!" I shouted from excitement. "WHAT ABOUT YOU GUYS?" I asked. There was silence. "Guys?" I asked in a worried tone. "SIKE! WE GOT IN TOO" said the both of them in unison. "AH YOU FUCKERS BUT YEAH WE DID IT!" I said. I ended the call and runned over to my mom. "MOM! GUESS WHAT!". I said. "What is it now my useless son?" she replied. I smirked at her. "Your useless son got into THE WON ACADEMY!". She stood up immediately, "What no way, show me". I showed her my screen and grinned at her. "OMG, YOU DID IT! I GUESS YOU AREN'T SO USELESS AFTER ALL!" "Tch you always find a way to annoy me" I said. She smacked me on the back. "So when are you leaving for the university?" she asked. I checked. "It says one week to prepare to move and enter our assigned dormitories" I replied. Wow I can't believe it. I got into the best academy in the country. An academy for the elites. This academy is very special and ranked #1 globally everytime. The only thing is that there's two ranks in this university for the privileged rich people and standard people like me who got in through hard work. Either way I'm glad it payed off my hard efforts. My mother stares at me, "You know even though you're older now and going into university it doesn't mean you get some girl knocked up okay!". I stare at her back but with disbelief. "Old women shouldn't have such naughty minds" I replied. She smacked my butt this time but slided something into my pocket. "That's how you were made" she said. "Ew Mom, I didn't want to know!" I replied grossed out. I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out what she put in my pocket. I gasped. It's a ******* condom. Lord have mercy. I walk over to the bin but then I change my mind. I could probably use it in the future.

-Fast forwards one week later-

I stare at the amazing Won Academy. I still feel like I'm dreaming. As I take in the view, I hear footsteps approaching me from behind. "So..", "We are finally here" I hear. I look to both my sides and see my two best friends Lisa And Ren. "Yeah, we are finally here guys" I replied. We look at each other and smile feeling so grateful for this opportunity. "Maybe we should go set our things in the dormitory?" I asked. They replied, "Yeah let's do that, we meet again here at the entrance". I stared at them and said "Deal". I walked alongside Ren, dragging our luggages as we finally move into our dormitory. I wonder what more awaits us. I'm so excited.

~End of chapter one~

A missing person's flyer?

I got the key card to my dorm along with Ren. I was excited to see what the dorms would be like here. "What room are we?" asked Ren. I checked on my phone for the details. "Seems like Room 112" I replied. "Sweet" said Ren. We walked past the halls, looking for the start of rooms with 100 and I saw it from afar. "I see it now" I said. "Its amazing we are only just 10 minutes away from the Academy" replied Ren. We finally reached outside our dorm room. "I agree" I said. I pulled out our room key card from my pocket and tapped it onto the little monitor on the wall. "Ding". The doors opened. Me and Ren was so excited at how the doors open and hurriedly entered our room. Ren hurries and picks the bed on the left side of the room. "I call dibs, this is mine" he said. I chuckled and said "I'm taking the right side of the bed then". I started settling my luggages and just briefly set my stuff in the room and Ren followed doing the same with his. After a while we felt satisfied with how the room was after setting our things and we high-fived each other. "Let's go meet Lisa then" said Ren. I replied after checking the time on my phone, "Alright let's go then". We exited our rooms and watched as the doors closed. "I can't get over how cool this is" I said. "Oh my god, this academy is insane" replied Ren. I nodded my head and we made it to the entrance.

"Oh, you guys are here" shouted Lisa. "Yes we are" I replied. "You sure were fast babe" said Ren. I frowned upon hearing that and was grossed out. "I was too lazy to unpack all of it, I will do it later baby" said Lisa. Dammit. I almost gagged seeing them act so lovey dovey. "You sure are one lazy *****" I said mockingly. "Lazy bitches are the best", replied Lisa unbothered. I sighed and watched the flowers petal fall off from the tree in front of the Academy. "The place is so beautiful" said Ren. We all nodded in agreement as we admired the scenery. My ears picked up on a little noise of commotion in front of the entrance. I shifted my gaze and there I saw a beautiful girl bowing her head to a perhaps teacher. When she lifted her head, we exchanged eye contact. Lord. Those were the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. Even from afar they still shone so brightly. Her skin was somewhat pale in complexion. She had long silky black hair that seemed to sway. My heart started racing slightly. My eyes shifted down onto her clothes, it seemed like a Uniform fit. A short gray blazer with a white tee paired with the same colour skirt and a... Wait. Hold on. Is that.. My heart calmed down rapidly. She was wearing a tie that immediately showed the difference in our status. That's right. She was one of the privileged. I can't lie. I was attracted to her at first sight, but I then remembered, personality is the most important. I took my eyes off her, I felt as if we were from different worlds and would never meet and that she was way out of my league for sure.

A while after I turned my head, to admire the scenery again, I felt a little tug on my sleeve. "Err".. "Excuse me sir". in a tiny voice. I turned around and saw a cute girl with something in her hands. "Have you seen this girl anywhere?" she handed a paper to me. I looked at the paper. It was a missing person's flyer?

I replied, "Sorry I haven't miss but who is this?" I asked in curiosity. "She's my best friend. We went to the Academy together but she has been missing for a while". she said in a worried tone. Just as I was about to reply, the scent of strawberries hooked my nose and I saw the beautiful girl from before standing in front of us. She reaches out for the flyer. "Amy..." she said in a cool tone. "Oh Monika" replied the other girl. "Can't you get the police or news reporter involved for a missing persons case?" I asked. "No matter what you do, nobody will know" replied the Monika girl focusing on the flyer and looking at me after. "What do you mean by that?" I asked in confusion. "Rich people things" she muttered.

"NO..", "No please", "Let me go" I hear and I look to the side where the other girl was and she was being taken away by the security guards from the Academy. I was speechless. I reached out my hand. "My name is Xienna reach out to me, if you see her please" she said while crying and being taken away. I was somewhat mad and was about to step in until a hand stopped me. I looked down and saw the beautiful girl hand that was stopping me. "Its futile to go and fight them, she will be fine" she said. I was slightly confused. "What's your name?", I asked. "Monika" she replied. "I see. My name is Jeon-suk" I replied after. "I got to go, but let's meet again Jeon-suk" she said as she walked away while folding the flyer into her pocket. I stare in pure confusion at what just happened.

Ren's hand creeps up on my shoulder, "Yo dude, what the hell was that?". "I don't know" I replied staring at them blankly. Lisa looks at the flyer. "This is very strange". she says. I fold the flyer into my pocket now to not attract attention over the commotion that just happened. "Well anyways guys, don't forget we are going to meet my amazing friend soon!" said Lisa excitedly. Oh right. I forgot that Lisa is childhood friends with an Idol singer girl. "Oh yeah let's go guys!" said Ren. I looked at Lisa, and said "Did you check if she's arrived yet?". Lisa looks at me with a stupid expression and says "Oops". I stare at her in disbelief, "You are one fool!". She smirks and says " a wise fool". I scoff at her comeback. "Alright let's go already" I said.

~End of Chapter two~

Idol and Discplinary Comittee?

A small wintery chill passed by us. We were waiting outside the campus on a bus stop for Lisa's friend. I took out my phone and checked the time. It was 11:20am. "Hey, how long more do we need to wait?" I asked. "Just wait a little more." Lisa replied looking as excited as ever. A few minutes a bus stopped in front of us and passengers started to come out one after the other. "LISA!" someone shouted. Lisa's eyes brightened, "TSUKI!". A girl with orange hair and pink highlights wearing a face mask and a hat came out with 2 luggages. They hugged and started talking amongst themselves. Ren chuckled and said "Girls". I said "Yeah". Lisa said "Come let me introduce you to my boyfriend and best friend". Tsuki nodded and walked towards us and removed her mask. "This is my boyfriend Ren" said Lisa pointing at him. "Hello Tsuki, I heard a lot about you from Lisa" said Ren. The mood was lightened up. Lisa then pointed at me and said, "This is my boy bestie, Jeon-suk". I reached out my hand to give her a handshake. "Hi I'm Lee Jeon-suk" I said. She looked at me, shaking my hand and said "Hi I'm Tsuki from Dreamers". She smiled at me and I saw her eyes, they were Hazel but had some pink I thought to myself she's probably wearing contacts. We all shared a little conversation and I said, "Maybe it's time to show the dorm and settle in". "Oh you're right, let's go Tsuki!" said Lisa. Tsuki turns around and says, "I believe the guys can carry my luggage" with a cheerfull but teasing expression. "Hah? why do we have to-". I say before Lisa turns around and glares at me. Sigh. "Fine, let's go". Ren looks at me as if to say it's okay let's just bear with it. She looks at me sneakily and I just try not to get mad.

Me and Ren wait outside the girls dormitory for them. We just idle chat while Ren pops out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lights it up. "You wanna hit?" he asks. "Nahh maybe later man" I replied. We idle chat for a bit while waiting and I pull out my phone again to check for the time. Its 11:45am now. The girls come out, linking arms. If Ren wasn't here, I would think they're dating. "Hey guys, come on we have to go, the assembly starts soon" I said. "Oh crap, that slipped off my mind". Lisa says and hurries us off to walk into the Academy.

We enter the giant Academy and find our way into the assembly hall, walking in a single file. We stand in front of the seats while waiting for the hall to be filled. I look around, observing everyone but my eyes once again catches a glimpse of the silky black hair and green eyes. 'Oh that's Monika', I wonder why she's just standing there and there seems to be an arm band on her now. After standing for 4 minutes, the hall was finally filled with new students. The hall was divided in half. Left side had the Privileged students and the right side had the Normal students.

A cold voice quieted the hall in seconds, "Are we all here now?". I looked up and saw a man in a dark suit, looked like in their 50s. It was the chairman of the Academy. The amazing man who handled this Academy. "Greetings all students, you may take a seat." We all bowed to offer our greetings and sat down. "You have all entered THE Won Academy and congratulations for that. As you may know this is not an easy university and we are known as elites. I believe that you will all behave and continue to work hard and grow as individuals. Any negative behaviours will however not be tolerated." he says and then signals with his hand before saying, "Executive Displinary Committee Come forward!". As he says those words, a group of people walk onto the stage behind the chairman. They were all students from the privileged class. Admist the others, Monika walks up in front of the group, looking at all of us with a cold expression. "If any negative behaviour occurs you will be dealt with by the disciplinary committee!". It felt like a threat and made my throat feel stuck up.

I was not expecting Monika to be up there. The chairman continued talking about the expectations of the Academy for a while and the assembly ended with him wishing us the best of luck in our years of staying in the Academy. Everyone started walking out feeling weird. "That was one crazy assembly" said Ren. "I know right, I felt scared for some reasons" said Lisa right after. I tried to shake off the weird feeling I got from that assembly. "I think he seemed cool" said Tsuki out of nowhere. I looked at her like she was crazy but then I thought the same, kind of. "What do we do now?" I asked. "Our first lecture starts soon I believe" said Ren. "Oh yeah, let's check" I replied. We all pulled out our phones checking our timetables for our first lecture. We all had picked which Lesson and lecturer we would have. Ren and Lisa was in the same class. They're lucky I thought, I would probably be all alone. "Oh we have the same class", Tsuki said. I looked at her phone. It was real. We have the same class. I looked relieved for a moment before she stares at me with a cheeky look. "Are you that happy to be in the same class with me?" she grins while saying. The relief escaped my body and annoyed me entered. I can't believe this girl. Did I make such expression. I just didn't want to be alone in a class full of strangers. "Tch, what a mood killer" I muttered. "Don't be shy" she said while smirking. "I'm not shy!" I yelled in annoyance. She chuckles at my reactions. "Shut up" I said still annoyed at her cheekiness.

~End of Chapter 3~

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