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Agents Of Mercyland

The glimpse

Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Lol ,hloooo people
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
I m here with a fascinating series of stories in this new cs
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Well ,images r taken from random sources ,I m not taking any credits that's y
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
What's the difference between heros n villains guys?
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Heroes n villains both face a lot of pain in their lives but the difference which makes a hero a hero n a villain a villain is their choice of way :"heros think the world hurt me ,i shudn't let sm1 else experience the same pain", however villain says ,"the world hurt me ,I mma hurt it too"
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
well let's start our story
Agent vish
Agent vish
Hlo ,M *talking on call*the job is done😎
Agent vish
Agent vish
uff ,men r so easy to seduce
Agent vish
Agent vish
😉lol no one can escape vishkanya 's vishful beauty
Agent M
Agent M
*hihihih *replying ,I know ,u r a sweet poison ,a venom they can't resist ,lol ,I m always jealous of ur beauty u k 😒
Agent vish
Agent vish
lol ,u funny girl ,my power is what our "Agent lord "decided to make me
Agent M
Agent M
yesh ,well thank u for reminding me ,I have been called,soon I will be notified with the location n everything but u k we can't predict his decisions,he is such a psycho but obviously anything is possible for him 🙄y he never show his face to any1,not even me ,the one whom he says he trusts the most ,I m the only one who have heard his not so real voice but I talked to him most ,he is like my chuddy buddy now
Agent vish
Agent vish
Hey , don't do it ,I told u many times ,he created us ,he is lord of agents of Mercyland,respect him girl
Agent M
Agent M
lol ,he is the one who don't like when I give him respect,he told me that there shud never be fakeness between he n i ,and that I have to be my real ,bluntly straightforward self n honest self with him
Agent vish
Agent vish
Aishhh ,see how ungrateful u r n how kind my lord ,I mean our lord is ,he is really so gud ,I wish I could see him🤧🤧
Agent M
Agent M
u r really in love with him ,well ur love is killer ,😂🥲so don't kill him if he ever shows u his beautiful face if that happens in this birth 😂🤣😒
Agent vish
Agent vish
hihihih *smiles a little *ok bye now ,I m tired of *** u k r
Agent M
Agent M
lol yesh ,u r tired of killing another mosquito with ur beauty 😉who can say touching a pretty woman like u can be dangerous
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
well peeps cu next time 😎drop comments plzzz

Vish's backstory

Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Hlo peeps, let's start
men 1
men 1
c'mon kiddo , don't be bad girl
Men 2
Men 2
*touching vish's thighs inappropriately* aww brother ,this chick we kidnapped is so pretty n gud that I don't wanna give her to the brothel woman
men 1
men 1
lol 😏who told u we r giving this goddess of beauty to any1,we have been ******* this bit** for 5 days now
Men 2
Men 2
yesh ,Shankar bro
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
It is when Vish was 15 years old guys ,she was kidnapped by 2men when she was walking back to home after school one day ,they raped her mercilessly for 5 days straight
Agent vish
Agent vish
*laying in half dead condition,pani dedo ( plzz gimme water *in a very low voice as she had no energy left in her body to speak properly
men 1
men 1
Pani chahiye rani ko (u want water ,huh? *pouring a jug of water from a side table on vish's. ***** body ,throwing straight at her face
Agent vish
Agent vish
*ahhh*plzz leave me🥺
men 1
men 1
leave u huh ? nope never
enters suddenly by breaking the door of the warehouse where vish m the two men were
*points gun at a guy n shoots *
men 1
men 1
Men 2
Men 2
*scared,panicked ,tries to run *
Men 2
Men 2
plzz leave me ,I m sorry plzz ,have mercy on me
look who talks about mercy 😏
*shoots the second man on head too n then covers vish with his jacket *
*in a very sad voice *disgusting men ,what they made of a poor child ,lustful jerks
Agent vish
Agent vish
*no,plzz don't touch me ,plzzz don't,jerks the .... 's hands who tries to carry her *
*gets a bit back * says in a humble voice ,hey little kid ,I m friend, don't be scared , I won't hurt u ,plzz lemme help u or u will die ,u really need help plzz 🥺
Agent vish
Agent vish
*slowly holds the man's hand n then hugs him n cries *plzz save me , it's paining
I will I promise 😔
*carries Vish n calls a no.* hlo ,i want agencies' doctors to get ready in the van ryt now ,i m taking a girl who is in very bad condition,she is being raped mercilessly*runs towards his car while talking on call n then puts vish into back seat
Agent vish
Agent vish
*unconscious due to pain now*
*cuts the call n now tells the two people dressed in all blacks clothes ,his subordinates to free the girls who r kept in a truck in the same warehouse where vish was ,"beware ,there r still some shitty men left to kill *
*drives n reaches the agency van in a remote jungle *
*standing there n waiting for his pateint , suddenly sees the ........person n takes vish from his arms n places on the stretcher*
omg ,this little girl is really serious
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
*now the doctor operates n treats vish's wounds in the van , it's like an operation theatre van*
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
After being treated n taken care for 3 days straight,Vish gets conscious
Agent vish
Agent vish
*panicked* doctor uncle ,m i gonna be ok??*tears falling
heyyyy cutie ,u r finally up ,I was scared u will go into serious comma n it could be that ...we lost u if u won't open eyes today .yes ,u r safe now ,u r gonna be ok after complete rest n treatment*
Agent vish
Agent vish
*hnnnnn* ok doc...uncle
*enters* heyy ,u r up sweetheart ,how r u feeling now ,hey don't cry plzz 😔I m sry if I could have got the details about ur location sooner I could save u from this
Agent vish
Agent vish
not ur fault,u r...nice .but where will I go now ,my parents won't accept this pain n relatives will say bad about me
heyy , don't wrry plzz
Agent vish
Agent vish
i....I wanna die ,plzz kill me sir 😔🥺what would do with life
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
suddenly ,a voice comes from ......'s phone in pocket as he forgot he picked call n agent L is still on call ,agent L hears everything n now that's what Agent says
Agent L
Agent L
*in voice like an A.I. says from phone * If u think ur life is useless now ,give it to me kid
on hearing the voice , suddenly takes out phone from pocket n realizes he accidentally has put it on speaker while putting in pocket*
hey kid ,agent L ,the one who saved u n others ' for real ,my boss who is responsible for ur treatment too wanna talk to u ,will u talk?
Agent vish
Agent vish
*in a low voice *ye....s
Agent L
Agent L
ok,so now listen carefully,I will make u hero ,the one who will save others' from the same pain u faced ,r u ready ?
Agent vish
Agent vish
*a bit determined as per look * yessss ,from now ,my life is urs
Agent L
Agent L
Good ,welcome to agents of Mercyland
Agent L
Agent L
once u r recovered fully ,I will start ur training
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
present time ,agent vish was taking bath in a bathtub while closing her eyes n this all above was a flashback she had
Agent vish
Agent vish
*opens eyes suddenly
Agent vish
Agent vish
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
sorry guys , couldn't find the exact picture 😢
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
*now Agent Vish receives a call on her phone which is ringing n which woke up her from falshback n says hlo*
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
And this is the end of this chapter,hope u guys liked it ,buii tc I m tired now 😴❤️❤️

Base n Agent Hell Intro

Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Hihihi ,I k my readers want fast updates so y would i disappoint them ??😹😹❤️
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
your baka is here again readers 😎😂
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Everyone is in the dining section in the base which is underground base where the agents live ,get trained n other preparations r done , it's situated in the mountains of _______ . it's a den or in Hindi we call "guffa" . it's made in such a way that for outsiders it's just part of nature ,n no1 knows that the rock is actually the headquarters or base of greatest agency of warriors in the world
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Their main aim is to fight with terrorist's organisation,fight in the sense finding out about their next plans of bombs n other attacks,though their side aim is as well to save whoever they find out suffering
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
The agency has a lots of officers or agents but 12 r head n most important agents ,this agency is run by an unknown person who uses A.I. n technology to even convert his /her voice into some celebrity's voice every time they talk to agents, it's known that the only information agents have about this unknown person is that they have 211 IQ n they know 28 languages completely like very fluently , although a name given to this person or chief is "Agent L " .Some agents with respect n to show gratitude,also call L as "Agent Lord" like we saw in Agent Vish's case . However,Agent L hates it when her/ his agents call with that name.
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
So, let's start
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
Lemme introduce u to our third agent after M n Vish ,well about M ,Info will be in the upcoming chapters."Agent Hell" is our next agent
Agent Hell
Agent Hell
Oops ,I love these Chicken Wings.*enjoying his not so little meal ,in fact ,he has especially given a table on side all to himself to eat 😂. Ufff my chicken baby ,I love u ,I love u even more than the whole universe 🤧 u r my darling,my beauty *eating like a baby slowly*
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
*all other agents laughing on hearing him talking with his food n praising it like always*😂😂🤣
Agent Hell
Agent Hell
Well ,y r people always laughing when I eat my chicken baby 😏😒🔪,well ,who cares ,mr.hell we will make their life hell later on , let's first enjoy chicken sweetheart*said in a harsh voice *
Agent Hell
Agent Hell
Lemme tell u about his specialty ,well as it shud be clear from his name ,he can really send sm1 to hell with just a little punch ,he is 7 feets tall ,he works out a lot ,his diet is pretty much big ,as clear from his little 🤣 funny conversation at the table .He is a like a little kid from his behaviour totally different from his appearance but damn , don't angry him dude ,this man is the champion of boxing ,n his muscular body is his superpower here ,he can literally smash a pistol gun within 2 minutes ,scientists of agency r trying to make him even stronger n working on making his body naturally bulletproof
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
lol ,my bad ,I wrote my introduction of him in his dialogue plzz adjust n forgive my mistake ,u k ur author is baka ryt 😑😒🤣
Baka author ❤️😎
Baka author ❤️😎
well cupcakes ,see u in the next episode,n I m sorry for any grammatical errors in any episode of the story becozz I m not at all taking care of it ,I just wanna tell u a story like it's a work of fiction ,total fiction n i don't want it to be perfect ,I just want u to understand what I mean ok ,like n drop comments ❤️buii buiii

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