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Fantom Kitten - A Wanted Thief


Author's point of view
What? Again a warning. *(The inspectors asked his subordinate.)*
Yes sir! See. *(Subordinate reply while showing the warning note.)*
*(Take the note from his subordinates and read it.)*
Tonight at XYZ place I'm going to steal the most precious thing "Catch me if you can" your own -Fantom kitten 🐾
*(after reading the note)* Hmm, ready for the police force.
Ok sir. *(Left from there)*
(Sighed) This thief is getting on my nerves. If I fail to catch that thief tonight I might get dismissed from my position.
At night (XYZ place)
*(to the in charge of XYZ place)* so you mean the diamond of room 4
Yes sir. That diamond is worth almost 100 million dollars
Ok *(to his subordinate)* tight the security of this room not a single person should enter or exit the room
Yes sir.
It was almost midnight but nothing happened. The whole atmosphere was silent not until the Siren ringed indicating that someone has tried to steal. They follow the sound and entered a room. They look here and there and saw a standing figure which is looking like a human cat. Yes there is that thief Fantom kitten 🐾
Fantom kitten's point of view
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
*(I came here to steal the thing I told I'm going to steal, but I was surprised by not seeing much security in the room, but who cares. I quickly did my work and managed to send the money to my place. Well it was the easiest stealing I have ever done but I'm not liking it. I looked for a Siren and broke it intentionally because why not there is no fun in this game so why not make it a little fun able. Soon the place was filled with the guards and police officers. I smirk 😏 widely seeing them aiming there gun on me. I laughed dramatically and said)* You are late officers I already have done my work. Better luck next time. Now I have to go. It's almost 1am in the night. I need to take my beauty sleep. You also go take a good nap after all you're going to need it so much for tomorrow as there is a lecture which is waiting for you desperately. *(I can see everyone was shocked listening to me. Saying that I ran away from there which was a super easy task for me. I escaped from there and came to my place and called someone to tell them where the money would go. I hung up the call. I freshen up and sleep peacefully on my cozy bed. Besides, I'm desperate to see the morning news. I went into my dreamland while thinking about the news.)*
To be continued.


Author point of view
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
SHAME ON YOU. What kind of police officer you are, that you can't even catch a thief that to a female thief. How can you let that thief run away like this? Such a useless person you are. I don't even know how in the world you got this position.
I'm sorry sir. But we did all the arrangements well. There were so many guards and officers on every corner of the building. And in the room, where the most worthy diamond was, there was CCTV on every corner, but that thief stole the money instead of the diamond.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
Did she teld you that she was gonna steal those diamonds?
No sir, but the in charge told us that the diamond was the most worthy thing in the whole Asia.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
You fool, she said that she will steal the precious thing, not a worthy one. And even if she had stolen that diamond then where in the world she is supposed to sell them or use it huh!
I'm sorry sir.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
This is the fifth time you are saying sorry.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
I'm really really sorry sir. Give me just this cha... *(Got cut by the commissioner)*
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
Enough! You already got many chances but still you fail. Now this case will be transferred to the senior officer.
But sir, believe.... *(Again cut by commissioner)*
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
Shut up this is a final decision no more discussion on this.
Ok sir.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
Get lost now. *(The inspector left, and the commissioner called someone and told him to send that officer who was going to handle the case now.)*
(After sometime)
A knock on the commissioner's cabin door can be heard. The commissioner let the person come in. The person entered and stood in front of the commissioner. He bowed to him and said.
You call me sir?
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
(while smiling) yes! I want you to handle the case of Fantom kitten 🐾. I know you will catch that thief.
Of course sir. Now the case is in my hands. Soon that thief will be behind the bars I promise.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
I believe you. You are the most honest police officer I have ever seen.
(Again bow) thank you sir.
Police commissioner
Police commissioner
You can go now.
Ok sir.
The officer came out. He asked his subordinate to bring the case file of Fantom kitten 🐾 and went towards his cabin. Soon his subordinate brought the file and handed it to him.
Fantom kitten 🐾 a female thief, wow.
He went through the file and got every given detail about Fantom kitten 🐾. He was amazed because until now he has only seen male thieves even if there were female thieves, but they didn't have this much courage and guts to steal millions of worth. It was his first time listening to a thief who gave a warning before stealing. After all there is no such thief who told in advance where and what he was going to steal next, right. This is the first time that a thief gives a warning about her stealing. But still after this much security she is able to escape from them. Her skill has shaken the whole country and made her famous though no one has seen her face but still everyone talks about her beauty.
Hmm, interesting that the thief has stolen 5 times, but it's worth more than 500 million in total. Every time she has given the warning note and stealing has been done at night only there must be a reason. (I thought for some time and told my subordinate to get the CCTV footage.)
Here is the footage you asked for sir.
The subordinate opens the laptop and plays the footage of that day.
(I watch the whole footage, but there is no benefit of seeing it because there is no hint that how she enter, or exit from the places. Maybe that thief can be someone from the places or it can be someone from our department too. Furthermore, I need to find it out. I stood up and started to leave the police station to go to the places to investigate. I came out of the station and saw a bunch of media.) Oh, no! Now I have to deal with them first.
Before going further let's do the introduction of Fandom kitten 🐾 first. So, Fantom kitten 🐾 is Y/N, and she is 21 years old. She is not from Korea. She is a foreigner. There was a time when she used to live with her parents peacefully. But one day something unexpected happened, and she lost her parents, and ended up here in Korea becoming a thief. She was 14 when the incident happened, and now it's been 7 years since she was living here as a thief. In these 7 years she changed so much she didn't talk to anyone, and didn't even have any friends. Why? Because of her past. Because of that incident, she got trust issues, and now she doesn't want to trust anyone and moreover she doesn't want to depend on anyone. It's not like that she is rude, and arrogant to others, no she is kind too, and she also knows to whom she should show her kindness and whom not. Now enough of her introduction you will get to know about her more in the story itself. Let's continue the story for now.
Y/N point of view
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I woke up when the sun rays fell on my face. I open my eyes and blink them a few times to adjust with the light. I sat up on the bed and stretched up my arms. I exhaled heavily and got down from the bed.)
After half an hour
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I was done with my morning routine and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for myself while doing so, I opened my television and switched to a news channel. I started to make breakfast while listening to the News. I smile widely when I hear the report telling how easily Fantom kitten 🐾 escaped last night. I continued doing my work and was almost done with it when my attention diverted to the reporter saying.)
We get to know about that now the case of Fantom kitten 🐾 is handed over to the great officer of Seoul.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I smirk listening to this because it doesn't matter to me how great and talented the officer is.)
Look the officer is here let's ask him how he going to catch Fantom kitten 🐾. Excuse me officer.
Saying so the reporter ran to the officer and started to bomber him with questions.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I didn't focus on what the reporter was saying as my attention was stolen by the handsome officer.) He got perfect charms. (His muscular body, his facial features every part of his body is screaming perfection. Unknowingly a smile crept on my lips while looking at the officer. I snapped out of my thoughts when he said.)
Fantom kitten 🐾 I don't know if you are listening to me right now. But one thing is sure now, or then I'm going to catch you. Soon you will be behind the bars. This is a promise of Jeon Jungkook
(Our male lead 😁🤭)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I smiled listening to him and said) ok officer Jeon let's see if you can fulfil your promise. Catch me if you can, officer Jeon.
Will give you the introduction of our male lead in the next episode till then Tata.


Author's point of view
Let's start this episode with the introduction of our handsome officer.
So, our handsome officer is Jeon Jungkook. He is a 27 year old handsome man. He is a senior police officer (SHO). It's been 5 years since, he was in this serve. He is an honest police officer. Everyone is amazed by his achievements that he got at the age of 27. Because why not it takes a whole life to achieve a good position but here, he has it at the age of 27. He does his duty with all his honesty and hard work. He is a married person and even has a cute son too. His son is 4 years old. When Jungkook was 20 he had a girlfriend. They both have a really good relationship with each other. There is good understanding between both. They both dated for almost 2 years and decided to get married and after 1 year of their marriage they got blessed by a baby boy. The baby looks just like Jungkook. That was the happiest moment of their life. But the happy moment didn't last long. After giving birth to the baby boy. His wife started to get sick and it got worse, worse and worse. At last she died. Jungkook was all broken 💔 and he don't want to live anymore but he need to for the sake of his son. For a few weeks Jungkook didn't talk to anyone, didn't eat anything nor even came out of his room. He started to become weak and sick because of skipping meals. He was living like a dead person. His parents got worried for him and somehow they made him understand and he came to his normal state. Now it's been 4 years since his wife died but still he misses her. After all, it's really hard to forget someone whom you loved with your whole heart ❤ .
JK's point of view
(after getting done with the reporters I left to those places where the Fantom kitten 🐾 has stolen before. I asked them about their staff and got to know that they all are innocent as on the day of stealing no one was on those places other than the in charge and that in charge is an old man he can't be the Fandom kitten 🐾, nor he knows anything about Fantom kitten 🐾. I left the place and came back to the police station. I asked about the guards and the officers who were appointed for the security in those places but still didn't get any hint. Because all the appointed guards and officers are only males, but one thing is confirmed now that Fantom kitten 🐾 is nor from our department neither from someone from those places, I was engaged in my thoughts that's when my subordinate came to me and said.)
Sir there is a letter for you.
For me?
Yes sir (he gave JK the letter.)
(I took the letter and look for the sender's name but there was none I unfold it and started to read it.)
Hello there officer Jeon, I hear about your promiss but I am afraid that you can't be able to fulfil it, anyways I wanted to meet you in person but you know they used to say that the more you wait the better it taste so I will wait because I love sweet things your own - Fantom kitten 🐾.
(wow! she did have the guts to give me a challenge like this. Well I also wanna meet you as soon as possible dear Fantom kitten 🐾.)
Y/N point of view
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I was walking through the road while humming my favourite song. I am really enjoying the moment when I notice a small kid running on the road. I was shocked because the signal turned green and the vehicle started to run on the road. A car was about to hit that kid so I ran towards that kid, held him in my arms securely and rolled over to the side of the road. my heart was beating like crazy because if I got a second late the car might have hit both of us. I breathe heavily and quickly look at the kid in my arms. I set up and bombarded him with questions.) Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere? Is it hurting you? Etc. (I was asking questions non-stop and the kid just looked at me with his doe eyes. I noticed it and realized he is not able to process anything. I sighed and took him in my arms and sat on a bench and asked him politely.) Are you okay?
(nodded his head.)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I smiled and asked again.) Did you get hurt anywhere?
No I didn't.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Thank god that you are all fine. But why are you running on the road like that?
Kitty. 🐱
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(he said and pointed at a stray kitten. I sighed and said.) You should not run like this on the road otherwise you may get injured. (He just moves his head as he understands.) anyways why are you all alone, with whom you came here. Huh?
Driver uncle.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Then where is he? (he didn't say anything, just looked behind me and smiled a little. So, I also looked back and saw a man in his fifties who came to us while running. I guess he is the driver. He came and said.)
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
Oh my goodness are you okay young master?
Yesh, Uncle.
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
Thank God.
Then he looked at Y/n and said.
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
I am really sorry it was my mistake. I didn't notice when he left my sight and came here. I am really sorry.
He told Y/n, how the kid ran away and ended up here.
Author's point of view
A small flashback
The kid was going to his home in his car when the car stopped moving. That driver tried to start the engine but it did't start. He got out of the car and checked. It was leaving smoke. So he called a mechanic to repair the car. He cut the call and went to the back seats, opened the door and said to the kid.
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
Young master the car is broken but it will be repair soon. So we need to wait for sometime. Is it okay?
Okay. (The driver smiled and was about to close the door, when he remembered something and asked again.)
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
You must be hungry, come let's get something for you.
He took the kid out of the car and brought him to a store and bought something for him to eat. He was about to come back and made him set in the car again. But his phone started to ring. He took out his phone, saw the caller ID and answered it. it was the mechanic. He asked about the address, where he needs to come and the drivers started to tell him about the address. In this meantime that kid saw a kitten//well he likes kittens and puppies//. So he started to run behind that kitten and ended up on the road.
Flashback ended
The driver got to know about the road incident which happened just now and said.)
Y/n's point of view
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
I'm sorry I will be more carefull from next time.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Its ok just be carefull.
Mr. lee (Driver)
Mr. lee (Driver)
Sure miss.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I looked at the kid and said.) okay kiddo you should go now. your parents must be waiting for you. (He nodded and said.)
Tata miss.
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I smiled, and said) Tata (And with that the kid left and I also left for my home.
At night
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I finished all my work and laid on my bed to sleep. I sighed and thought about that kid. He was cute though, but I forgot to ask his name. Hope I meet him again and like this I went to my Dreamland while thinking about that kid.)
After 2 weeks (in the police station)
JK's point of view
It's been almost 2 weeks and there is no clue of that Fantom kitten 🐾.
Sir there is no other stealing is done in these 2 weeks. I think that thief got afraid of you.
A sergeant came and said.
Sir there is a note for you.
Again. Okay give me. (I unfold the note. Well I know who send it, and I was right. Think of the devil and the devil 😈 is here. It was none other than Fantom kitten 🐾. I started to read it.)
The waiting is over now officer Jeon. I want to meet you so here I am. Tonight I am going to steal some good amount of money from the man whose picture is given below. catch Me if you can officer Jeon. your own - Fantom kitten🐾
(I took the picture and gave it to my subordinate and said.) here take this picture and find every single detail about this man as soon as possible.
Okay sir.
After 2 hours
Sir, we found out about that man. he is a peon of ABC department.
Call him here.
Okay sir.
After a few minutes
Sir that peon is here.
(I went to him and told him about the stealing straightforwardly. Listening to that peon laughed a little and said.)
Who told you this lie Sir, I'm just a peon. I have nothing that fantom kitten 🐾 can steal. I am broke. I haven't paid my rent for the past 5 months, even in my dreams too I don't see more than 500 or 1000 won. And if that thief really wanted to steal then she can. I only have 25 won in my locker. She can take it and stay happy with it.
Sir I checked his bank account. There is only 1500 won.
Out of that also 100 won goes to the EMI of the cycle every month.
(something is fishy for sure.) Okay then, you can go now.
Thank you sir.
With that the peon bow to every single person in the station and left.
Keep an eye on that peon.
Ok sir.
(that peon is lying or hiding something for sure I can see it in his eyes.)
He was right because his sergeant told him that, he saw a famous politician going to that peon's house. So he started to do arrangements like applying some CCTV around the area etc. Because he knows if Fantom kitten 🐾 said that she will steal then she will definitely come to do her work.
After sometime
Now, it was night means, Fantom kitten 🐾 can be here at anytime.
(we all were waiting for Fantom kitten 🐾 . I was looking here and there, when I saw a black cat running towards the area where that peon lives. I shrugged off and focused on my work.)
Y/n point of view
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
Y/N (Fantom kitten 🐾)
(I came to the place where I'm going to do my work. I looked for a good place where no one could see me and when I found one, I went there. I looked here and there to make sure no one was watching me. I close my eyes and poof!)
To be continued until then Tata

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