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Weird Short Story

Who is Jonah?

Today is David's fifth day of nightmares after rescuing a woman dressed as a shaman six days ago.

In his dreams, he kills young girls his age and high school students.

The first day, David just thought the dream was just a coincidence... Nothing strange.

But, over time, David's dreams get weirder when the woman in his dream appears on the news in a dead body, just like in his dream.

David thought that the strange dream he had had something to do with the woman he had saved that day.

But he did not know where to find it.

He also thought he had an idea to go to the hospital, and asked the nurses and doctors treating the woman about the woman's phone number or where she lived....

if there....

But doctors and nurses said they had never seen or met the woman.

And the strangest thing is, they never saw David enter the hospital six days ago.

David felt something strange begin to appear in his mind and a cold feeling of horror began to envelop him.

But he had to find the woman, because he couldn't bear to face that sadistic dream every night.

David took a moment to calm down, sitting for a while on the long chair next to the water machine.

He pondered for a long time.... suddenly a figure that resembled the woman had entered a room at the end of the pedestrian corridor.

Without wasting time, David followed the woman's footsteps and entered the room she entered earlier.

But after he entered the room, he was already in the forest, which is the place where David first saved the woman.

Although his mind was confused, David still tried to find the woman in the forest.

Until.... The woman with an ugly face like a corpse had pounced on David's face until he woke up from his sleep.

His dream this time was different from the previous few days,

David sat on his bed glancing at the wall clock which read 7am.

David did not stop thinking about the meaning of his dream earlier, he felt that the woman had something to do with the sadistic dream he experienced a few days before.

Then David decided to prepare himself to go to the forest in the hope that he would find the woman there.

After arriving at the location... It seems that his intuition paid off when he saw the woman standing in the same place when David first saw her lying in a pool of blood six days ago.

After getting out of the car... David went on to ask the woman if she had something to do with his strange dream or not.

However.... the woman replied,

"It was all Jonah's doing, all the victims in your weird dreams, Jonah killed them..."

"Who is Jonah?".

"Have you forgotten?... You have two personalities.... Jonah killed me here two months ago...".

Then the woman gave David a scary smile.

Her face is getting worse and worse, her body is starting to rot and full of traces of murder.

David's body became stiff as a cold wind came to grip his body....

His fear began to arise very drastically.

The next day.... David is found dead in the same place where the woman died.

The police investigation found that David was murdered.

However.... fingerprints of the killer and evidence to trace the killer are still in search.


In the year 2020, strange things happen in the big city of Antonia (never existed).

Many people in the city say that there is a Mannequin statue that walks around the city every 12 o'clock at night.

There are a group of people who say that the Mannequin statue that wanders around late at night is actually a human being.

But he was sworn in by a black mannequin with red eyes.

There is another group of people who know everything, they say....

If people look at the red eyes of that haunted Mannequin, that person will become a Mannequin and then move like a person.

What exactly is a Mannequin?.. I'm too lazy to explain, you guys just google it yourself.

These moving mannequins are not dangerous, they just scare people.

Because he always stalks young women who walk in lonely places and walk alone.

There are also several individuals who claim that they have seen the Mannequin kidnap a young woman into an abandoned warehouse located at the edge of town.

Then they no longer saw the Mannequin and the woman in that warehouse.

After the incident, the woman is still wanted by the police.

Latest and viral, a tiktoker has recorded a young woman being chased by that crazy Mannequin.

However, the woman and the Mannequin disappeared after entering the same warehouse.

And many other people say the same thing.

But why only young women?... Is the Mannequin a rapist?

And. You must be wondering and asking why the government does not intervene in this issue?.

A few months after the shocking incident, the government ordered many police departments to be on duty from 12 midnight to 3 am to hunt down that crazy mannequin.

The police have entered various buildings and companies involved in the use of mannequins, and even more so in factories that manufacture mannequins.

With the permission of the minister and his superiors, the police were able to enter many buildings easily in the middle of the night.

But the police only tired their joints, because the mannequin did not show up that day.

However... the police and investigating officers did not want to give up, they continued the search for several months.

Eventually, they decide to stop because more and more young female police and investigators have gone missing since they continued their search.

Either those who follow the quest, or those who are in the office.

All of the police and female investigators who have gone missing are very young in age.

Thats so crazy... right?....

The mannequin made the police open vacancies, especially for female police officers.

Because of that bold thing, the government have no brain to think... not knowing what to do.

But... after a few weeks later, the government established a law, citizens in the city of Antonia were not allowed to leave their homes from 11pm to 6am.

And business premises, shopping centers and restaurants had to close as early as 10pm.

It doesn't matter what their reasons are.

Since then, things have calmed down, there have been no cases of missing young women,

Day after day, week after month, the case subsided.

But then.... the minister is shocked about the mysterious disappearance of his youngest daughter who is studying in England, she disappeared 2 days ago.

So.... the minister is in a mess, the journalists are in an uproar, the police are in an uproar, the city is in an uproar.

The search for the missing minister's daughter in England continued for months into this year.

So.... That's pretty much the story about the crazy Mannequin that attacked the city of Antonia (never existed).

Oh.... I'm forgot to tell you.

Actually I'm the crazy Mannequin... Hahahaha....

Is it true that they thought that I was a pervert Mannequin?

That's right!!..... I admit I'm a pervert, because I am a pervert.

Many people ran away when they saw that haunted black Mannequin.

But I do not...

I got closer, and made eye contact with the Mannequin until that scumbag Mannequin hurt his eyes looking at my eyes for a long time.... Hahahaha

(34 more times).

Because I won the match, I finally became a Mannequin that can "zuup~zaap~zuup~zaap~" in one time fast~.

There was a case in 1996 in the city of Cerd (never existed).

A mannequin who killed 68 people, he is said to disappear quickly.

Can go anywhere without having to walk or take a taxi.

And that's what makes me want to be like him.

Because... it's very easy to snatch the girl I like.

But... but... but.... That's not all the reason I kidnapped them.

Another reason is that I made a deal with that haunted Mannequin.

He wants the blood of an unmarried girl.

More accurately....

Him and I have the same desire, we want beautiful girls.... Charming bodies.... Nice to see with lust eyes!....

And why did so many people see me taking young girl into the abandoned warehouse?.

If you have "Supernatural" eyes.... You will see more us in that warehouse.

Because before the warehouse was built, it was originally a cemetery.

Hope they don't demolish the warehouse, I will sleep at bus stop cause I don't have a home yet....

Anyway.... I love everything I have now.

Only one thing i don't like.....

I do not have *******. (sorry, word censored)

Vis în vis

My vision continued to blur.

Vaguely, like just waking up from a faint.

I slowly woke up and I noticed that I was now in a dilapidated room.

The condition of the walls around my current location is like a haunted building.

The light in this room was very dim, making me feel even more creepy.

Rows of people lay unconscious on their beds, their hands chained to the bed rails.

Just like them, my hands are chained like them.

I don't know why I can't focus on people walking in front of my bed.

At a glance, they wear lab coats like laboratory workers, wear masks, wear safety glasses.

The smell of medicine penetrated my nose, as long as I was awake.

Soon a female lab worker walked towards me.

She looked serious as she examined me.

She checked my eyes, then she seriously wrote on a piece of paper attached to some other papers.

I felt like she was checking my health progress, as if I was the subject of their study.

Then a man came to the woman who was checking me earlier.

At a glance... the man looked like their leader, as his clothes were a little more stylish than the others.

They were both talking seriously next to my bed, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about....

Am I deaf or are their voices too low.... I'm not sure about that.

Suddenly the conversation between them stopped for a moment.

The two people's eyes were focused on me, their looks were very scary...

Their aura is very scary even though their faces are covered with face masks.

A loud alarm clock woke Hun up.

He immediately woke up from his sleep, the feeling of wanting to go back to sleep was still there... but Hun had to get up because he wanted to go to his college.... like his daily schedule

Hun's hand groped on the table to turn off the alarm clock.

Lazily Hun got out of bed, went to the bathroom to take a shower, after taking a shower, he prepared to go to college.

After getting ready, Hun joined his parents for a quick breakfast.

He was 25 years old, so he didn't have to be sent with his father like a schoolboy.

He prefers to ride a motorcycle than a car.

After breakfast, he immediately went to college.

Facing the congested highway, Hun finally reached the college after taking half an hour.

As he walked to the main entrance, he ran into two beautiful women about his age, wearing lab coats.

They were walking towards Hun.

They were both very sweet, very friendly, so Hun wasted his time in a brief conversation with the two beautiful women.

Before parting ways, one of the women handed Hun an envelope.

Hun didn't know what was inside, so he opened the envelope.

There is a folded piece of paper inside.

After opening the paper, Hun read the writing:

"Become one of our members to earn $10,000 a month," with a phone number written below.

After that dream.... Hun woke up from his sleep after his classmates woke him up.

Very unexpected.... Hun can fall asleep while studying.

He glanced at his watch, it was 5pm.

He also arranged his books that were near the table.

Hun walked out to see the evening atmosphere outside the college.

The setting sun cast a beautiful light, Hun felt calm as he walked near his motorcycle.

A shiny black luxury car entered the college grounds and parked in the car park.

Two men emerged from the vehicle, one of them was the Minister of Health.

They went to the college clinic located not far from the main college building.

Hun made the move to follow the two old men when his intuition sensed the smell of evil on both of them.

The two men entered near the clinic and entered the office of the doctor on duty at the college clinic.

Peering through the small glass window in the door, he watched the three of them having a serious conversation with the doctor.

Unfortunately the conversation was not heard from outside.

Hun's gaze then focused on his own medical records which were in the hands of the doctor, then handed over by the doctor to the health minister.

"Number 163 still doesn't answer," a voice suddenly knocked clearly in Hun's ears.

He panicked because he heard the voice earlier, he looked around... looking for the source of the voice but there was no one else there but him.

He didn't want to think too long because his brain was busy focusing on the three people in the room.

The three men stared at him with strange sharp eyes and creepy smiles.

The three of them already knew that Hun was stalking them.

Hun ran away like cockroaches when they left the room and chased after Hun like zombies.

Hun ran panting and finally reached the main door of the clinic.

But.... the door can't open....

Hun began to panic, his mind did not come up with any idea to escape from the anxious situation.

His brain panicked when he saw the three figures standing in the distance.

Their hideous smiles made Hun's bones tremble with fear.

It's even scarier when the doctor holds a syringe with a bloody needle.

Hun's eyes quickly turned like a delusion. His brain suddenly stopped like a trance.

His vague look was the last safety measure to guard against the three evil figures.

Not long after... he woke up again from his sleep.

He was still in the lecture class, when the professor was teaching.

Hun really hoped that the science class would end soon.

It is very boring to see oldman teaching.

Fortunately... the evening passed quickly.

Hun cleaned his desk and prepared to go home.

On the way to the motocycle parking, Hun saw a group of college students riding in a white van with dark windows.

The van drove off.

And soon after, the college director's car followed the van.

Don't know why... Hun just feel that there is something wrong with what his see.

After he saw the college director's car, his vision slowly faded.

Everything is white.

He tried to move his body but it felt like a white cloth covered his body.

Hun was alarmed and immediately got up, throwing the white cloth on the floor.

He was shocked by the scenery around him.

He is in a hospital bed.

In a small, ugly room like a room that had been abandoned for a long time.

Befriended by the dim light.

The smell of medicine played in his nose.

Hun stepped out into an eerie and silent atmosphere, lit by dim lights.

As he walked through the corridor-like space, Hun noticed that there was a door to the room next to his room.

With a feeling of fear and caution, he opened the door of that room....

In that room, several people were lying in white cloth like dead people.

Feeling horrified by the situation in the room, Hun quickly closed the door and continued walking to the end of the hallway, where there was a left turn waiting there.

After reaching the intersection, he saw a large room.... So to speak "Hall".

There were rows of beds filling the hall, each occupied by individual who was lying covered in a white sheet.

The feeling of curiosity was so strong that Hun's feet carried him into the hall.

The hall was foggy, not very bright, quiet followed by dim lights.

The scary feeling was as if the dead body would come and pounce on him at any moment.

Out of the blue...

The sound of the bed shifting startled Hun.

He turned his head back with a scared heart.

His body has started to freeze with cold body and fear.

The way out was blocked by many rows of beds.

Then the individuals who were lying on the bed began to wake up one by one, their bodies still covered under their white cloths.

Hun turned to the left, an individual exposed as the white cloth fell from his head.

The figure with the stitched body looks like Hun.

The sound of a neck bone breaking was heard as the figure slowly moved its head.

The figure looked at Hun with a creepy face.

The dim lights on the ceiling suddenly swayed as if blown by the wind.

His vision became blurred, gradually darkening.

Finally Hun woke up in an unstable state lying on the bed, his hands tied with a chain attached to the bed rail.

The sound of Ventilator machine is unstable..... Hun's body is lying in disarray.... The atmosphere is very critical.

After a few minutes of things going out of control, the Ventilator machine starts to long beep.

Hun's body began to calm down with his eyes open.

"Attempt material number 163. Failed".

A lab staff had covered Hun's body with a white cloth that extended up to his head.

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