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Love Can Wait

Blood shed~

In 1950
After the armistice agreeing to the fact of korea will divided into 2 countries
The war started
But in this war
many people lost their lives
But when we recall the time what do we feel??
Many people , many thougths
But we just feel all of this for such a short time of period
That's it
But what about those who sacrifices their lives for us to live happily
Without any worries
What about the soldiers who are still standing at the border of our country to protect us.
Those people who are still waiting for their loved once to come
Those who are living with the memories of their loved once
This story
Is based on real life
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
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Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Top jungkook
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Bottom Taehyung
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
Soldier love story
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman


Place-United kingdom,london
Sunlight peeking through the glass wall of the Bar
A boy in her early twenties enterd the bar
Jim your here
Park jimin
Park jimin
One full bottle of vodka ❄❄
Again this cold ass ( mumble)
As the bartender said in his low voice but still it did not get unnoticed by Jimin, but he kept silence
Bartender gave a well designed bottle of vodka
Jimin gave its money and yeah he already know the prize of it because he is regular customer of this bar
Jimin took the bottle of vodka went outside
The moment he(Jimin) got out of the bar his eyes fall on a old fashion type of car
He got closer to the car and
He smash the bottle of vodka to the glass of the car
His lips spread into a dangerous smirk
He took out his lighter from his jeans pocket
He opened the lighter and threw it in the car, the burning fragrance of the car spread in the whole place
But Jimin's eyes were on the flag of South Korea
Soon the flag also turned into ashes
Jimin's face which was in rage turned into satisfied smile
Park jimin
Park jimin
North Korea is the best
Park jimin
Park jimin
And it will be always
Saying this Jimin left from the place, well nobody dare to say anything to this monster because they know if they say then what will happen to them
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman
happy reading
Mistery of the woman
Mistery of the woman


After jimin damaged the car ,he went from their like nothing happened
Few hours later
Place-Oxford university
(on call) where is Park Jimin? Does he even know who is here for him?
Jimin's POV
Walking down the stairs more like running while hearing the taunts of the president finally we approached the place where the owner of the car which I damaged was present
Well, by seeing how the president was panicking I can say that the owner must be a higher level's person than my grandfather
My grandfather was the brigadier of the army base, but we don't have a good talk recently
The president and I got inside the room then I saw a middle-aged person, so he is the owner of the car
Mr. Lee my apology for keeping you wait (bowing to him)
It's okay.
So he is the one who damaged my car.(looking at Jimin with suspicious look)
Mr.Lee's Pov
This kid has guts to damage my car just because of his granpa is the Brigadier of armybase Where is his braincells??
Oh kid! Come sit
Jimin sat on his seat without even greeting Mr.Lee which absolutely pissed both Mr.Lee and presidents mind but do Jimin care, nahhh
Park Jimin,greet Mr.Lee he is elder than you(glaring at jimin)
Jimin just looked at Mr.Lee without saying anything

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