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Hello lovely readers.. here I am with my 4th chat story..... which is an omegaverse.... I hope you all will like it...
It's a VMINKOOK one but it's not a threesome.....
so let's start...
Kim Taehyung 2nd son of Kims True blood dominate Alpha Handsome, rich, a bit cold, intelligent, mature Loves Jimin elder brother - Kim Namjoon younger sister - Kim Jennie Friend - Min yoongi
Park Jimin Submissive Omega beautiful, cute, sassy, lovable, bold, understanding. Love Kim Taehyung only son of Mr and Mrs Park Friend - Min yoongi
Kim Namjoon elder son of Kims Submissive Alpha wife - Kim Seokjin Smart, intelligent, handsome, reasonable, calm, compose. younger brother Kim Taehyung Youngest sister Kim Jennie
Kim Seokjin Dominant Omega Son in law of Kims Husband Kim Namjoon Sassy, clever, sharp mind, short tempered
Min Yoongi Alpha intelligent, sensible, calm minded, talk less, peace loving. Friend Kim Taehyung and Jimin wife -Chaeyoung Rose
Chaeyoung (Min) Rose Beta sweet, innocent, bubbly, friendly, talkative, beautiful, lovely Husband Min yoongi Brother - Bogum
Mr. Kim Elite Alpha powerful, intelligent, observer, smart, humble Father of Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie
Mrs. Kim Dominant Omega Beautiful, elegant, royal, composed, think before speak, mature, lovable. Mother of Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, Kim Jennie Loves her son in law Seokjin
All remaining characters will be introduced as per their entry in the story.
enjoy..... and see you soon
hope you will show your love


A beautiful city Euphoria, green and clean, eco friendly, calm and relaxed environment is always there but today the Kim mansion is not looking like it always looks... there is a complete chaos going on in Kim's mansion.
why not there will be a chaos!!!! Today is the birthday of Kim's second heir, True blood dominant alpha Kim Taehyung's birthday.
while mansion is getting decorated, whole euphoria city is also happy with the celebration as it's not just birthday celebration but also to find mate of alpha Kim Taehyung.
every omega and beta of the city is trying hard too look best in today's evening function to catch eyes of that handsome alpha.
In the mansion
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
I want everything upto the mark... beyond expectations.... it's my beloved son's 18th birthday
Mark (event organizer)
Mark (event organizer)
yes sir, you don't worry.... every single thing has been taken care of, we are all set for today's event... we will not disappoint you... trust us.
Mark (event organizer)
Mark (event organizer)
"professional smile"
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
Yeah.... I trust you on this....
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
For god sake sweety please don't panic... the organizer is doing his duty so well.... he won't give us any chance to complain. .. please calm down.. preparations are all going well..
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
hmm yes.... where is Namjoon?
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
he went to company.... I guess something important...
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
how can he go when there is a turmoil in this house.... lots of preparation still going on as not completed.
Don't worry father in law...
"coming out of kitchen after listening Mr. Kim's voice..
Clients from USA who visited us yesterday said that they are leaving tonight so wanted to discuss something important.
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
oh... okay ( iam so careless that I forgot about today's meeting)
I know you are much excited for Tae's birthday as well as to find who will be our Tae's omega...... but please relax first.... we all are curious to know...
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
hmmm where is he??
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
still sleeping... I went to his room to wake him up but he is sleeping like a starfish on bed....
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
don't worry he will be he here as soon as he will get fresh up.
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
how was this...??
see you in next update...

I want kiss

hello readers.....
let's start....
Time skip
Taehyung was still sleeping whereas all other family members are busy in their individual work... just then his sleep got interrupted by a phone call...
Ring ~~Ring
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
ummmm whose disturbing my sleep
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
(rubbing eyes and sleepy voice)
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
"picked the call without looking at caller id"
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱Hello..... who the hell disturbing me
📱w...what.... I d...disturbed you.... iam sorry.... I w..will call later.
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
" eyes shot open after hearing voice "
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱Nooo (shout)
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱Chim.... iam sorry I didn't see the name who's calling... I was sleeping... please don't cry baby
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
📱You saying truth??? 🥺🥺
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱yes my baby... how can I shout on you.... my love.. iam sorry again..
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
📱😳😳I... it's okay
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱my baby is shy "teasing tone"
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
📱No... iam angry😤😤😤😤😤
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱why? what happen??
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
📱nothing... I will not tell you 😤
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱please my chimmy.... tell me why you called?
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
📱I want to go for shopping..... I want to buy some clothes.. 😤
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱that's it.... don't worry.... iam coming in 30 mins... then we will go together.
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
📱okay.... m waiting..... we will have breakfast outside.... come fast
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
📱okay my love.... m coming " happy"
both disconnected the call..... Tae hoped from the bed and got ready in 15 mins.... Jimin lives nearby only so it takes very less time to reach there..
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
"comming down from room in hurry"
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
bear... slow..... where are you going in this hurry??
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
Iam going for shopping with Jimin.... see you later.... bye....
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
" said while running "
At least have your breakfast Tae... " coming from kitchen hurriedly "
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
I will eat with Jimin outside.... m getting late.... now bye hyung.....
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
" went out of the house like wind"
"shaking his head"
he is head over heals for his chim
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
" smiles"
Mrs. Kim
Mrs. Kim
I just pray to the moon godess to make him my Tae's mate... else Tae will be broken..
have faith in fate mom... nothing will be wrong... 😊😊😊
both sighed and went to their work again...
Now about Tae and Jimin: both are childhood friends, neighbors and lovers too.... Both loves each other dearly. Tae is ready to reject all his mates if Jimin is not his mate... he wants Jimin only.... not anyone.... today he is going to find his mate but he has already decided that he will not accept any other person if his mate is not Jimin.....
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
" standing outside of Jimin's home and waiting for him "
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
" came while running"
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
Tae...... " shouting from door"
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
Jimin..... " wave hia hand"
Both ran to each other and hugged tightly.....
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
Happy birthday my love
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
" kiss on his cheeks"
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
Thank you my chim... but why kiss in cheek??
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
I want it here.... " pointing at his lips with pout "
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
shut up... pervert. 😳😳😳
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
" smack on Tae's arms "
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
" laughing hard"
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
look at your red face.... it looks so cute...
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
" pinches jimin's cheeks"
Jimin (18 years old)
Jimin (18 years old)
hey, will you please start the car now.... we are getting late. 🙄
Taehyung (18years old)
Taehyung (18years old)
sure darling.... let's goooo
VMIN are childhood lovers but they don't do much skinship, only hugs and kisses on cheeks. Although Tae always teases Jimin by asking kiss on the lips but Jimin always refuse. It's not like that Jimin doesn't want to, actually he really want to kiss him like that but he is waiting for them to turned 18. Jimin said Taehyung once that he will give his lip kiss only after he will turn to 18. That's the reason Jimin always stops himself from kissing his Tae.
so how was today's episode....
it may seems boring for first few episodes but after that it will become more and more interesting..
please have patience...
till then byeeee

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