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My Highschool

First day

Mum: Chloe!! Chloe!! C'mon you'll be late.

Chloe: coming mum (runs down the stairs)

Mum: (sobs) I can't believe my daughter is starting high school.

Chloe: it's okay mum no need to cry.

Mum: I'm sorry I just can't help it. Have you got your luggage?

Chloe: yes mum

Mum: have a good first day sweetie (kisses on the forehead).

Chloe's driver drops her at school.

Driver: have a great first day miss.

Chloe:(looks back) thanks Robert I sure will.

Chloe: thinks - this school is humongous how am i going to navigate through.

A random pinked haired girl walks up to Chloe

Kate: hi, your new here right? My name is Kate.

Chloe: hi Kate, I'm Chloe, it's very nice to meet you.

Kate: same here.

Kate: hey do you want to do something...

Chloe: (curiously) what.


Kate: aww guess it has to wait

Kate: oh, time for the first lesson, what do you have first I can help you find your way.

Chloe: thanks that will be really helpful. Umm... I have… Wilderness survival ?? Wait a sec..

Chloe looks around

Chloe: thinks - forest themed classes, moonlit training areas, (sniffs) that…that smell… WEREWOLVES.

Kate: well yea, this is lunar Haven academy.

Kate runs ahead

Kate: now hurry up, or we will be late for class.

Chloe: wait up. Thinks - Mum what have you gotten me into.

Chloe: umm… Kate why is there a door at the end of the hallway.

Kate opens the door, they both walk in and appear in a forest

Chloe: wow..

Kate: professor Rhea, sorry we are late.

Professor Rhea Silver claw: I will not tolerate tardiness miss Moonhart..

Spots Chloe

Professor Rhea: Ahh you must be the new student miss Chloe Nightshade.

Chloe: yes ma'am, we are sorry that we are late for class, it won't happen again.

Professor Rhea: very well miss Nightshade, please join the other students.

they join the other students

Professor Rhea: okay students welcome to wilderness survival class. I know you have all been living in the city separated from your packs, But one day werewolves will return to their rightful home. So till that time, it is the school's job to educate our young were pups on the things they need to learn. Today's lesson is about shifting.

Professor Rhea: tell me how many of you know how to shift.


Professor Rhea: okay, but you can all communicate with your wolf right??

 In unison: yes ma'am.

Professor Rhea: the problem is, your wolves are scared. Because you live among humans and none of you have ever tried before. But in this school you will all live on campus and learn to develop your skills.

Juan: mumbling - this is such a waste of my time I don't know why dad put me in the school I am the next alpha for the Ironclaw pack.

Kai Moonhart: saying something Juan??

Juan: mind your own business idiot .

Kai suddenly notices Chloe, He walks over to Kate and Chloe while Professor Rhea is answering others questions.

Kai: Hi I'm Kai I don't think we've met before.

Chloe: no, I'm Chloe.

Kate: what do you want Kai.

Kai: aww can't I approach my sister and her new friend.

Kate: rolls her eyes.

Kai: it's very nice to meet you Chloe I hope I will see you around.

Chloe: thinks-not so sure about that immediately I inform Mum about this, she will have me out of the school.

Chloe: maybe.

Kai: (smirks) looking forward to it.

Professor Rhea: Kai, Kate,Chloe, is there something that you wish to share with the rest of the class.

All three: no professor Rhea.

Professor Rhea: then return to the world were we are all learning in class.


Professor Rhea: as I was saying..

A boy

After class

Chloe: hey Kate, I'd hate to ask this of you but can you export me to the principal's office I need to get information on my assigned dorm.

Kate: Chloe, relax, were friends now of course I'll go with you.

Chloe smiles

Chloe: thanks

At the principal's office


Principal Freya Silvermane: come in.

Both: good afternoon Principal Freya.

Principal Freya: good afternoon Kate..ahh and you must be Chloe.

Chloe: yes madam. I would like to get information on my dorm.

Principal Freya: oh yes, I have the file right here in my cabinet.

She searches her drawer, pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Chloe

Chloe: thank you ma'am

Chloe suddenly spots a mysterious statue.

Principal Freya catches her staring.

Chloe:. Principal.. Freya what's with the statue.

Principal Freya: do u find it strange to miss

Chloe: (shocked) no I didn't mean it like that principal... I...just.. I have never seen anything like it before

Principal Freya: the school is full of a lot of mysteries that you are yet to cover, miss Nightshade,, so please try and enjoy your stay here.

Chloe: of course Principal Freya.


Bell rings.. (school is over)

Kate: Chloe, come with me please.

They approach a group (two boys and a girl)

Kate: Chloe I would like you to meet my friends.. Maya, Jake and that dimwit over there is my twin brother, you've met him already..

Kai: hey Chloe...

Maya pushes him aside.

Maya: (excitedly) Hi it's very nice to meet you, as you already know I'm Maya and I have a feeling we are going to be good friends

Kai: (Annoyed) not cool Maya.

Maya: well you shouldn't have stood in my way.

Kate: yeah Kai, why did you block her.

The three of them start arguing

Chloe: hi, Jake right??

Jake: yeah

Jake: I'm really sorry about them

Chloe: (giggles) it's fine, I actually like how outgoing everyone is.

Jake: (smiles)


Chloe blushes

Maya: what's it gotta do with you dummy.

Kai: HEY!!

Jake: that's enough guys.

Jake: (looks at Chloe) and Kai who wouldn't flirt with a beauty like Chloe.

Kate: okay guys let's head to the canteen before they run out of meat.

All: gasp


Kai runs ahead.

Chloe: (smiles) thinks- I might actually get used to this.

Jake: Come on, let's go.

Chloe: okay.


Maya,Kate and Chloe are coming out of their last class

Maya: (sighs) I'm exhausted.

Kate and Chloe: (exhausted) same here.

Kate: I thought a werewolf academy would have less learning.

All three: sigh

Chloe: I think there is a café nearby, how about we head there.

Kate: sure.

Maya: great idea, I could go for some cupcakes.

Kate: then what are we waiting for.,.


Maya: (munches) wow this place has some good cupcakes.

Chloe: I'll get more.

Barista: how can I help you miss.

Chloe: I would like a dozen more cupcakes please.

Barista: coming right up.

Chloe turns back and bumps into someone

Chloe: (rubbing her head) I am terribly sorry.

Jake: (worried) are you hurt?

Chloe: no, it's the way what are you doing here.

Jake: well I came to grab sandwiches because I want to go to a secret place. Would you like to come??

Chloe: well.. As long as I'm not intruding.

Jake: of course not. I would love to have you come with me. Let's go my bike is over there.

Chloe: okay.

Maya: I wonder where Chloe is. I mean it has been more than five minutes.

Barista : here is the dozen cupcakes for table twelve.

Kate: thank you. Have you by any chance seen our friend?

Barista: yes she left with a boy not so long ago

Maya and Kate look at each other

Both: (confused) a boy?

A boy

the second chapter of my story "my high School"has been posted the name of the chapter is a boy please check out my story the story is about a high school for werewolves the genre is Romance and werewolf non-human love please support my story and support me thank you very much

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