NovelToon NovelToon

And The Villain Wiŋs~

The cruelty of fate~¹

Time and effort can get you anything you want in the world~
But nothing in the world can get you more time~ Life is about time~
Some wastes it~ Yet some craves for it~
A normal kind boy~
He worked hard... Struggle through all his life~
When he was born, his parents abandoned him...... When he learned to walk, the orphanage kid bullied him~ When he was in college,his classmates insulted him for being poor~
In University he struggled to pay for his fees.... He has to work part time job day & night just to live a normal life~
Still, he didn't lose hope.... He was determined to fulfil his dream.. . He believed that he could achieve it one day~
Finally, When he got a job~Thought of having a peaceful life~
But the fate had another plan for him~
Vincent is half lying on the bed with a book in his hand~ Reading it with full concentration~
Tsk... Tsk... why are all stories like this?
He felt a tap on his shoulder.... When he turned around, he saw a familiar face~ he smiled at her and kept the book on the side table~
Noona ! When did you come??
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
A while ago, I was calling you, but you didn't reply.
oh, I didn't hear. It seems like my hearing also got weakened.
First, the eye slight now the hearing.
Suzy sat beside him and pat his head~
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
Don't be Vincent.. Everything will be fine. 🙂
Vincent shook his head left & right while looking down~
Nothing will be alright, Noona.. I am gonna die. It's just a matter of some moments.
After 4 months of getting his job... When was finally thinking that his struggle ended... He could live a peaceful life now~ But the fate showed its cruel side to him~He got to know that he had a blood cancer that too last stage~ He only had a few months to live~ Now he is hospitalised~
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
Don't say like that. <😔>
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
BTW, what were you reading today? 😊
I was reading a novel..
As always, the Ml kills the Villain & rescues the Fl . then Fl falls in love with Ml... & they get married & live happily ever after.
Noona ,why are all the stories like this?? Why the villain have to lose every time??
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
The villain is bad... he plays tricks to get FL. He is a selfish person.
💭but he just wanted her love nothing else. What was his fault in this??💭
Do you know I have a wish? . One & only last wish.
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
What is it? <says in low voice>
I wish-
He couldn't complete his word when he felt immense pain in his head & dizziness~ Blood was rolling down from his nose~
Suzy's eyes widen & she immediately presses the emergency button~
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
Vincent..Vincent. Don't close your eyes .... Look at me. Keep your eyes open.. 😰
Vincent falls on the bed, breathing heavily~ He was grasping air as he couldn't breathe properly~
Noo..Noona.. <Breathing heavily>...
Suzy holds Vincent's hand~
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
Yes, I am here, Vincent.. Tell me.
I....don.. don't.....have...any... thi... this ... World.. Even... if...I...I ...die... nobody...gon..gonna .... miss
Vincent 🥺
Vincent uttered with great difficulty while breathing heavily~
Nurse Suzy
Nurse Suzy
<💔💔> I will. I will..definitely remember you... Nothing will happen to you..😢😢
I...I am....glad..
Vincent smiles faintly While breathing heavily~ He felt as if his eyes getting heavy extremely heavy~He slowly closes his eyes~
💭I wish I could be a Villain.. A Villain who will be selfish for himself ~💭
He stopped breathing~ Finally, his life ended~ A life which only gave him insult, pain & hardship~ He finally left the world where he had to struggle to survive every second~
He was a cheerful ... positive & kind boy~ <Chukel sarcastically> Good.. The fate gave him the worst repayment of his kindness~
Finally, the boy is free from the cruelty of fate~
Is he really??
Or the fate planned something more for him??
<slowly opens his eyes>
Where am I?? It doesn't look like heaven.. <Frowns>
Yup... Seems like the fate really has some other plan for this boy~
Let's see in the future~
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Hello! Teaberries ~ \(^o^)/
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Here is my second shi-ahem story..
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Hope you guys like it too~
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Bye bye~


Vincent's POV~
I opened my eyes and bright light made me shut my eyes again....... After getting adjusted with the light again opened...
But the ceiling wasn't familiar it was quite well decorated.....
I sit up on the bad .... somehow, my body was feeling numb.... I struggled for a while before comfortably sitting on the bad....leaning on the headboard~
Frowning lightly, I looked around the room, and this wasn't my hospital room......
Quite decent & luxury style decoration quite of my taste.... But that's not the point here ........
Why I am not feeling pain in my head? Because of cancer, I have to bear the pain 24/7..
But surprisingly, I'm not feeling any pain.....
The last thing I remember I fainted while talking with Nurse Nora...
Perhaps I'm dead....
Whoa .... (☆_☆)!! Finally free from the Unbearable headache~
I was a good boy.... so I will go to heaven ,right??
But this doesn't look like heaven... Though it is heaven for a poor boy like me ....... still, this can't be heaven, right ?Then where am I ??
Vincent's POV end~
Vincent was the lost in his thoughts when the door brust open with a loud bang.... Vincent finched visibly and turned his head towards the door ........
A man walked towards him with fast step.... Looking at his face, anyone can see how much worried he was! The man sat beside him, taking Vincent's hand in his hand..... creasing softly~
Sweetie! Are you awake? Are you feeling hurt? Are you feeling pain? Are you feeling any discomfort? 😟
The man said in one breath holding Vincent's hand tightly.......
Vincent was dumbfounded..... Who is this man? Why is it behaving like this? Vincent was only staring at him not able to say anything.......
What can you expect for him to say??
First! He woke up in a unfamiliar place and then an unknown man is holding his hand & blabbering like a crazy person....
Getting no replay from Vincent the man was getting more worried.....
The man was about to say something when the when another male... a beautiful meal-cough I mean male walked inside.....
Oh God !! Taehyang ,You are finally awake.. < says with teary eyes>
We were so worried about you.... Thank God! You woke up..
Vincent's mind was stuck up only one word ..... "Taehyung!"
Taehyung didn't pay attention to what the man said..... his mind was only repeating one name~
'Kim Taehyung!'
'Kim Gucci Taehyung!'
"No.. no... I must be mistaken.." thinking this in mind, Taehyung looked at the couples in front of him~
Excuse me??
Taehyung said & both of the male looked at him~
Tell me Sweetie.. <says softly>
By Taehyung, you aren't meaning Kim Taehyung, Son of Kims ,right?
You are Kim Taehyung, son of Kims .
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Taehyung's eyes widen in shock as if they would come out~
Tae. Is something wrong?
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Can you please give me some time alone?
Okey, If you need something don't hesitate to call us.
Taehyung nodded lightly in reply~ And both of the male left~
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Kim Taehyung!?
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
The main Villain of the story "Villains are ment to lose~"
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
He suffered worse than a dog.
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
No Gucci way!!
Deep Silence ~
Extra Deep Silence ~
Ultra Deep Silence~
Silence extra pro max~
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Yay!,I am the Villen ~(☆ω☆)~ <Shaking booty in rhythm>
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Did I mention that this story will have slow updates?
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
I did right? 😅
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Bye bye~


Kim Taehyung~
Youngest Øre son of Kim Family~
A very, quite personality .... not very friendly...... neither very rude.... A normal personality~
He wasn't very good at studies & was very kind person~
He wasn't very close with his parents~ Neither very distant.... A normal relationship between them~
Ɓut Everything changes when one day his mother bought an adopted daughter~ He didn't bragged much about~
His big Bother used to stay in Italy with his wife~ He thought getting a sibling won't be bad~
Ɓut Nothing goes according to one's wishes~
His suffering started ...... In outside how sweet his little sister was~ There is no way he could think that his so-called adopted sister was the main & solo reason for it~
He suffered no one cared.... No one believed..... they just only blamed him~ Until he became broken.... To broken & thought to get revenge for him~
Ɓut guess what, then they labeled him as a Villain~ None tried to understand him.... Tried to know why he became like this~
They only stated their own opinions & made sure to spread a slander about him~
Did you hear the phase? "Villans are not born , Villains are created~ " Created by the filthy society who has nothing to do except middling in other's matter~
Vincent, who is currently in Taehyung's body~ Standing in front of the mirror & looking at his face~
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Such a heavenly beauty... yet such a tragic ending~
Vincent says while slowly caressing his face in the mirror~ Then he chukels..... Not a happy one but a sly one~
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Ɓut not anymore... I will make sure the Fl & Ml have the taste of every bit of pain you suffered..😈
After admiring his own beauty for some time..... He goes to the bathroom to fresh up~ Ɓut as soon as he entered the bathroom~
His mouth hangs open~
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Oh my Holy Gucchi! 😶
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Is this a Bathroom?? No way!
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
My whole apartment would fit in this bathroom.😶 Now I think about it. It feels good to be rich... 😎
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Luxury, I am coming, baby...~(☆_☆)~ <eyes sparkle in Excitement>
Taehyung takes a looooooooooooooong bath~ After taking the bath, he went to the closet...... And again his eyes sparkled after seeing the Laxury~
Kim Taehyung「Vincent
Kim Taehyung「Vincent's Soul」
Too much richness.. But I like it~ (っ♡_♡)っ
Taehyung wear a light blue long sleeve Jaket with a white shirt underneath & matching pants~
After getting ready, he went downstairs....... Where everyone was present in the living room...sitting on the couch~
Seeing Taehyung come down everyone looked at him~ He scanned everyone's face & stopped at a particular person's face~
A smrik crave on his lips...
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Give me some likes~😗
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
The Author~ ┐(´~`;)┌
Bye bye~

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